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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The evolution of Pampangan society a case study of social and economic change in the rural Philippines /

Larkin, John A. January 1966 (has links)
Thesis--New York University, 1966. / Microfilm-xerography of typescript. Ann Arbor, Mich. : University Microfilms, 1969. 23 cm. eContent provider-neutral record in process. Description based on print version record. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 179-189).

The evolution of Pampangan society a case study of social and economic change in the rural Philippines /

Larkin, John A. January 1966 (has links)
Thesis--New York University, 1966. / Microfilm-xerography of typescript. Ann Arbor, Mich. : University Microfilms, 1969. 23 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 179-189). Also issued in print.

Kapampangan syntax

Mirikitani, Leatrice T. January 1972 (has links)
Publ. à l'origine comme thèse de l'auteur--University of Hawaii. / In JSTOR. Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 16 janvier 2009). Bibliogr.: p. 254-263. Publié aussi en version papier.

Kapampangan syntactic processes

Mirikitani, Leatrice T January 1971 (has links)
Typescript. / Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Hawaii, 1971. / Bibliography: leaves 254-263. / xi, 263 l illus

Operations policy for the Upper Pampanga River Project reservoir system in the Philippines

Franco, Danielito Tan, January 1977 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Ph. D. - Hydrology and Water Resources)--University of Arizona. / Includes bibliographical references.

A taxonomic phonological analysis of Tagalog and Pampango

Natividad, Pablo Evangelista January 1967 (has links)
This study is a discussion of the phonology of Tagalog and Pampango, two of the major Philippine languages. The contrastive analytical description deals both with the segmental and the suprasegmental phonemes. They are analyzed as to their form, structure, and distribution. Tagalog and Pampango phonemes are described using conventional taxonomic phonemes and allophones. The extent of the differences between the two languages with regard to phonology is discussed to point out the problems and the places where they will occur for Pampango learners of Tagalog. The chief difficulty for the Pampango learning Tagalog segmental phonemes is that he may confuse /'/ and /h/. There are cases where he seems to substitute /’/ for /h/, although actually he does not produce the glottal sound but a "breathy glottal stop." He finds final /o/ and /u/ difficult because he makes no distinction between these two sounds. He uses them interchanges ably favoring the higher vowel /u/. All Tagalog diphthongs are missing from Pampango and they constitute a really tremendous problem for the Pampango learner. The problem is so great that he should be taught as a top priority the diphthongs /iw/, /ey/,/ay/, /aw/ and /uy/ which are to be classed as new categories for a Pampango learner of Tagalog. Extensive drill should be given on these items. The rising-falling pitch pattern /231 / of Tagalog will probably be a serious problem for Pampangos because of the tendency to replace it by /213 / or at best /212 /. Much drill should be given to Pampango students in this area because they are likely to carry over their intonation patterns in speaking Tagalog. In general, the pronunciation difficulty of Pampangos learning Tagalog will arise from the systematic differences in phonological structure between the two languages, such as differences between the phonemic inventories, differences in the phonetic realization of phonemes which are being learned by the students, and differences in the distribution of the phonemes which occur in both languages. / Arts, Faculty of / Classical, Near Eastern and Religious Studies, Department of / Graduate

Computerized water distribution management for the Upper Pampanga River Project, Philippines

Aldovino, Lino Pineda, January 1977 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Ph. D. - Hydrology and Water Resources)--University of Arizona. / Includes bibliographical references.

Methane Production through Anaerobic Digestion at Backyard Pig Farms in Pampanga, Philippines / Metanproduktion genom anaerob rötning vid småskaliga grisfarmar i Pampangaprovinsen i Filippinerna

Strömvall, Erika January 2015 (has links)
The Pampanga province is one of the largest pork-producing provinces in the Philippines. Half of the province's pigs are reared in so-called back-yard farms. At these farms, there are no regulations regarding manure management and because of this, large amounts of manure are dumped close to the stables. These actions lead to spontaneous emission of greenhouse gases, eutrophication of rivers and groundwater pollution. In addition, the spread of manure contributes to inadequate sanitation and increased risks of disease among the inhabitants of the province. LPG and wood are the most popular fuels for cooking in the Philippines. LPG is most common in the cities, while more than 60 percent of the rural population still relies on firewood for cooking. LPG is a fossil fuel that, when burned, contributes to an enhanced greenhouse effect. The use of wood increases the pressure on the local biomass and increases the risk of lung diseases for the user. Anaerobic digestion of pig manure under contributes to a more sustainable manure management. At the same time, energy in form of biogas is produced. Biogas is a renewable energy source, which is considered carbon neutral. If pig manure is co-digested with kitchen waste, a more efficient and stable digestion process may be achieved. This study aims to contribute to sustainable development at backyard pig farms in the Pampanga province by demonstrating how pig manure and kitchen waste can be utilized for biogas production. In order to develop an appropriate composition of pig manure and kitchen waste for anaerobic digestion, batch digestion of pig manure and kitchen waste was performed at laboratory scale. During a field study, the substrate composition was digested in test plants under local conditions in Pampanga. During the field study, several field trips to backyard pig farms were performed. Based on prevailing conditions and available materials in the province, a full-scale biogas digester was designed. The digester was sized to produce enough biogas to fulfil one family’s daily requirement of cooking fuel. If the daily biogas production reaches 2.5 m3 it is possible to replace 178 kg LPG or 9855 kg of firewood every year. The reduction of LPG prevents 2700 kg carbon dioxide equivalents from being emitted to the atmosphere every year. The reduction of LPG use also results in an annual saving of 9062 PHP (1672 SEK) for a family. This number corresponds to 11 procent of the total investment cost of the digester. / Pampangaprovinsen är en av de största producenterna av fläskkött i hela Filippinerna. Hälften av provinsens grisar föds upp på så kallade backayard farms. På dessa gårdar finns inga restriktioner gällande gödselhantering. Därför dumpas stora mängder gödsel i gårdarnas närområde vilket leder till spontana utsläpp av växthusgaser, övergödning i vattendrag och förorenat grundvatten. Dessutom leder spridning av gödslet till försämrad hygien och ökad sjukdomsspridning bland provinsens invånare. Gasol och ved är de mest populära bränslena för matlagning i Filippinerna. Gasol är mest utbrett i städerna medan drygt 60 procent av landsbygdens befolkning fortfarande förlitar sig på ved vid matlagning. Gasol är ett fossilt bränsle som vid förbränning bidrar till en förstärkt växthuseffekt. Användning av ved ökar trycket på den lokala biomassan och vid förbränning är risken för sjukdomar i luftvägarna hos användaren stor. Anaerob rötning av grisgödsel möjliggör en mer hållbar gödselhantering samtidigt som energi i form av biogas produceras. Biogas är en förnyelsebar energikälla som dessutom anses vara koldioxidneutral. Grisgödsel kan med fördel samrötas med matavfall för att uppnå en effektivare och mer stabil rötprocess. Den här studien syftar till att bidra till hållbar utveckling inom Pampangaprovinsens backyard pig farms genom att demonstrera hur grisgödsel tillsammans med matavfall kan användas för biogasproduktion. Under studiens inledande del utfördes satsvis rötning av grisgödsel och matavfall i laborativ skala, i syfte att ta fram en lämplig sammansättning av de båda substraten. Substratsammansättningen rötades därefter i testanläggningar vid lokala förhållanden under en fältstudie i Pampangaprovinsen. Under fältstudien genomfördes även studiebesök till olika backyard pig farms. Baserat på rådande förhållanden och tillgängliga material i provinsen designades slutligen en rötkammare. Rötkammaren dimensionerades så att den kunde förse en familj med bränsle för matlagning. Om den dagliga biogasproduktionen når 2.5 m3 är det möjligt att ersätta 178 kg gasol eller 9855 kg ved per år. Minskningen av gasol resulterar i en årlig reducering av växthusgasutsläpp med minst 2700 kg koldioxidekvivalenter. Minskningen av gasol resulterar också i en årlig besparing på 9062 PHP (1672 SEK). Denna siffra motsvarar 11 procent av den totala investeringskostnaden för rötkammaren.

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