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Flow of particulate suspensions through constrictions : multi-particle effectsMondal, Somnath 20 September 2013 (has links)
Particle-laden flows occur in a variety of natural and industrial situations. As particulate suspensions flow through a medium, particles are often retained at constrictions such as pore throats, outlets or orifices. This occurs not only with oversized particles, but also with particles smaller than the constriction. For instance, jams are caused by the formation of particle bridges/arches when several particles attempt to flow through a constriction simultaneously. In many instances the success of an operation depends on our ability to either ensure or stop the flow of particles in the flow stream. Managing the flow of sand into wellbores during hydrocarbon production from poorly consolidated sandstone reservoirs, also referred to as sand control, is one such application in the oil and gas industry. This dissertation presents a multi-pronged effort at modeling the flow of granular suspensions of different concentrations, and through pore openings of different shapes, with two main objectives: (1) predicting the mass and size-distribution of the particles that are produced before jamming, and (2) investigating the underlying factors that influence the onset and stability of particle arches. Since, the dominant interactions and retention mechanisms are concentration dependent, we divided particulate suspensions into three groups based on the volumetric particle concentration ([phi]). High-concentration suspension flows ([phi]>~50%) are dominated by particle-particle interactions. We modeled polydisperse sand packs flowing through screens with rectangular and woven-square openings using 3D discrete element method (DEM). Simulations were validated against experimental data for a wide range of screen opening and sand size distributions. From the experiments and DEM simulations, a new scaling relation is identified, in which the number of different sized particles produced before retention follows a power-law correlation with the particle-to-outlet size ratio. This correlation is explained with a simple probabilistic model of bridging in polydisperse systems and a particle-size dependent jamming probability calculated from experimental data. A new method is presented to estimate the mass and size distribution of the produced solids through screens. The method uses the entire particle size distribution (PSD) of the formation sand, is validated with experimental data and numerical simulations, and provides more quantitative and accurate predictions of screen performance compared to past methods. It is also found that the stability of particle arches is compromised when adjacent outlets are less than three particle diameters away from each other. Low-concentration suspension flows ([phi]<~1%) are dominated by particle-fluid interactions. They were modeled using analytical and stochastic methods to predict sand production through screens with slot and woven-square openings. Analytical expressions were derived for screens with a constant outlet size or with a known outlet size distribution. Monte Carlo simulations showed excellent agreement with the analytical solutions. Based on experiments, we have demonstrated that the models presented here are predictive, provided that an accurate representation of the formation sand PSD and the screen pore size distribution are available. In the intermediate-concentration regime (~1%<[phi]<~50%), the particle trajectories and the flow field are both influenced by each other. The onset of particle bridging due to hydrodynamic forces was studied for monodisperse systems, in a rectangular channel with a single constriction, using coupled computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and DEM simulations. It is shown that the probability of jamming increases with [phi], and there is a critical particle concentration ([phi, superscript asterisk]) for spontaneous bridging. The outlet-to-particle size ratio is the most critical parameter affecting [phi, superscript asterisk]. The effect of inlet-to-particle size ratio, fluid velocity, particle stiffness, particle-to-fluid density ratio, and the effect of convergence in flow geometry were also studied quantitatively. Finally, the application of micro-tomography images in constructing accurate 3D representations and calculating the pore size distribution of complex filter media is demonstrated. A simulation tool is presented that allows one to evaluate the performance of different screens without running expensive and sometimes inconclusive experiments, and enhances our understanding of screen performance. This helps to improve sand screen selection to meet performance criteria under a wide variety of conditions. / text
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Proposta de norma técnica de ensaio para tubogotejadores de irrigação: resistência ao entupimento por particulados sólidos em suspensão / Proposed Technical Standard Testing dripline (Irrigation): Resistance to clogging by particulates in SuspensionFaria, Lucas do Amaral 12 December 2012 (has links)
No mercado nacional de irrigação localizada, a indústria de gotejamento disponibiliza uma ampla gama de emissores, cujas tecnologias são provenientes de diferentes países: Israel, Espanha, EUA, Grécia, Índia, etc. Aos projetistas, técnicos e agricultores irrigantes que atuam no Brasil, cabem à árdua tarefa de selecionar os tipos de emissores mais adequados na implantação dos projetos. Este trabalho teve por objetivo apresentar uma proposta de Norma Técnica para ensaios de tubogotejadores, em função da presença de partículas sólidas em suspensão na água de irrigação. Avaliar o desempenho dos tubos emissores é algo bastante desejado, pois torna a escolha dos emissores mais técnica e segura. Propostas de normas técnicas devem focar a princípio em ensaios de grande porte com a análise de vários emissores simultaneamente, durante a fase inicial de criação do banco de dados. Estudou-se neste trabalho o posicionamento dos emissores tipo pastilha, com os orifícios direcionados para cima e para baixo durante os ensaios, assim como a distribuição do fluxo de água por meio do mainfold de alimentação dos tubogotejadores na bancada e sua influência no caminhamento seletivo de partículas sólidas nos ensaios de grande porte. O experimento foi conduzido em três fases distintas, utilizando-se duas faixas granulométricas de dióxido de silício (SiO2) na água bombeada (areia muito fina e areia média), com as seguintes características: a) partículas com diâmetros de 0,053 a 0,103 mm nas primeiras 80 horas; b) Partículas com diâmetros de 0,103 a 0,250 mm entre 80 a 160 horas e c) Partículas com diâmetros de 0,250 a 0,500 mm entre 160 a 240 horas de ensaio. As fases foram baseadas em duas concentrações de partículas em suspensão, com 125 ppm e 500 ppm para um tempo total de ensaio de 480 horas. Para testar a hipótese de que um mesmo tubogotejador poderia apresentar comportamento diferenciado de resistência ao entupimento em função da posição de entrada do tubogotejador no mainfold, utilizou-se um delineamento em blocos não casualisados e para a comparação das médias de vazões relativas o teste Scott Knott com significância de 5% na análise de variância. Constataram-se diferenças significativas de vazões relativas nos tratamentos de posição dos emissores pastilhas, de tipos de emissores, e posições no mainfold confirmando as hipóteses iniciais do trabalho. Em função dos resultados obtidos sugere-se uma proposta de norma técnica para este tipo de ensaio de resistência ao entupimento de tubogotejadores. / In the market for drip irrigation, drip provides a wide range of issuers, whose technologies are coming from different countries: Israel, Spain, USA, Greece, India, etc.. To designers, technicians and farmers irrigators operating in Brazil, fit the arduous task of selecting the appropriate type of transmitter in deployment projects. The study aimed to propose a Technical Standard for testing large, due to the presence of suspended solids in the irrigation water conducted from August 2010 to June 2012. Evaluate performance of the tubes emitters is quite desired, as it makes the choice of emitters safer and should focus on the large test - analyzing large amounts of both issuers / initial phase of creating the database. We studied also the positioning of the emitters type wafer with holes directed upwards and downwards. The main detail analysis was performed for the distribution of water flow through \"mainfold\" Feed the dripline on the bench and their influence on selective traversal of solid particles in the test large. The experiment was conducted in three distinct stages, using two particle sizes of silicon dioxide (SiO2) in water pumped from very fine sand and medium sand, described below: a) particles with diameters of 0.053 to 0.103 mm in the first 80 hours, b) particles with diameters from .103 to .250 mm 80 to 160 hours and c) Particle diameter 0.250 to 0.500 mm between 160 to 240 hours of testing. The phases are performed in two concentrations of particles in suspension with 125 ppm, and then with 500 ppm of the total time test at 480 hours. To test the hypothesis that the same behavior tubogotejador could present different resistance to clogging as a function of input position with the tubogotejador \"mainfold\", used a non-randomized block design, and the Scott test, with significance of Knott 5% in the analysis of variance to compare the means. Differences were found in the treatments of the emitters position lozenges, flow variations between types of emitters, between blocks (positions of the mainfold) and particle sizes and concentrations of silicon dioxide, confirming the hypothesis initial work. Depending on the results obtained, some models have produced significant effects, and also the different installation positions pad (up, down) and suggest a proposed technical standard for this type of test for resistance to clogging of emitters.
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Proposta de norma técnica de ensaio para tubogotejadores de irrigação: resistência ao entupimento por particulados sólidos em suspensão / Proposed Technical Standard Testing dripline (Irrigation): Resistance to clogging by particulates in SuspensionLucas do Amaral Faria 12 December 2012 (has links)
No mercado nacional de irrigação localizada, a indústria de gotejamento disponibiliza uma ampla gama de emissores, cujas tecnologias são provenientes de diferentes países: Israel, Espanha, EUA, Grécia, Índia, etc. Aos projetistas, técnicos e agricultores irrigantes que atuam no Brasil, cabem à árdua tarefa de selecionar os tipos de emissores mais adequados na implantação dos projetos. Este trabalho teve por objetivo apresentar uma proposta de Norma Técnica para ensaios de tubogotejadores, em função da presença de partículas sólidas em suspensão na água de irrigação. Avaliar o desempenho dos tubos emissores é algo bastante desejado, pois torna a escolha dos emissores mais técnica e segura. Propostas de normas técnicas devem focar a princípio em ensaios de grande porte com a análise de vários emissores simultaneamente, durante a fase inicial de criação do banco de dados. Estudou-se neste trabalho o posicionamento dos emissores tipo pastilha, com os orifícios direcionados para cima e para baixo durante os ensaios, assim como a distribuição do fluxo de água por meio do mainfold de alimentação dos tubogotejadores na bancada e sua influência no caminhamento seletivo de partículas sólidas nos ensaios de grande porte. O experimento foi conduzido em três fases distintas, utilizando-se duas faixas granulométricas de dióxido de silício (SiO2) na água bombeada (areia muito fina e areia média), com as seguintes características: a) partículas com diâmetros de 0,053 a 0,103 mm nas primeiras 80 horas; b) Partículas com diâmetros de 0,103 a 0,250 mm entre 80 a 160 horas e c) Partículas com diâmetros de 0,250 a 0,500 mm entre 160 a 240 horas de ensaio. As fases foram baseadas em duas concentrações de partículas em suspensão, com 125 ppm e 500 ppm para um tempo total de ensaio de 480 horas. Para testar a hipótese de que um mesmo tubogotejador poderia apresentar comportamento diferenciado de resistência ao entupimento em função da posição de entrada do tubogotejador no mainfold, utilizou-se um delineamento em blocos não casualisados e para a comparação das médias de vazões relativas o teste Scott Knott com significância de 5% na análise de variância. Constataram-se diferenças significativas de vazões relativas nos tratamentos de posição dos emissores pastilhas, de tipos de emissores, e posições no mainfold confirmando as hipóteses iniciais do trabalho. Em função dos resultados obtidos sugere-se uma proposta de norma técnica para este tipo de ensaio de resistência ao entupimento de tubogotejadores. / In the market for drip irrigation, drip provides a wide range of issuers, whose technologies are coming from different countries: Israel, Spain, USA, Greece, India, etc.. To designers, technicians and farmers irrigators operating in Brazil, fit the arduous task of selecting the appropriate type of transmitter in deployment projects. The study aimed to propose a Technical Standard for testing large, due to the presence of suspended solids in the irrigation water conducted from August 2010 to June 2012. Evaluate performance of the tubes emitters is quite desired, as it makes the choice of emitters safer and should focus on the large test - analyzing large amounts of both issuers / initial phase of creating the database. We studied also the positioning of the emitters type wafer with holes directed upwards and downwards. The main detail analysis was performed for the distribution of water flow through \"mainfold\" Feed the dripline on the bench and their influence on selective traversal of solid particles in the test large. The experiment was conducted in three distinct stages, using two particle sizes of silicon dioxide (SiO2) in water pumped from very fine sand and medium sand, described below: a) particles with diameters of 0.053 to 0.103 mm in the first 80 hours, b) particles with diameters from .103 to .250 mm 80 to 160 hours and c) Particle diameter 0.250 to 0.500 mm between 160 to 240 hours of testing. The phases are performed in two concentrations of particles in suspension with 125 ppm, and then with 500 ppm of the total time test at 480 hours. To test the hypothesis that the same behavior tubogotejador could present different resistance to clogging as a function of input position with the tubogotejador \"mainfold\", used a non-randomized block design, and the Scott test, with significance of Knott 5% in the analysis of variance to compare the means. Differences were found in the treatments of the emitters position lozenges, flow variations between types of emitters, between blocks (positions of the mainfold) and particle sizes and concentrations of silicon dioxide, confirming the hypothesis initial work. Depending on the results obtained, some models have produced significant effects, and also the different installation positions pad (up, down) and suggest a proposed technical standard for this type of test for resistance to clogging of emitters.
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