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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Immunological and epidemiological investigations into avian malaria in the African penguin during rehabilitation and in breeding colonies

Thiart, Hanlie 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The African penguin, which occurs along the south-eastern and south-western shores of South-Africa and Namibia, has experienced a severe reduction in population numbers due to guano and egg collection in the first half of the 19th century, and oil pollution in the second half of the 19th century as a result of oil tankers rounding the Cape of Good Hope. The population would have been reduced by a further 19% had it not been for the rehabilitation of penguins at the South African National Council for the Conservation of Coastal Birds (SANCCOB) facility. Although this has been very successful, mortalities as a result of avian malaria infection have considerably reduced the efficiency of rehabilitation. In an effort to assess the role of immunity against malaria in combating the disease, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the detection of antibody levels to avian malaria was developed. The ELISA was used to detect antibody levels to avian malaria of penguins on entry and during rehabilitation from October 2001 to January 2003. The aim of this study was to continue the determination of antibody levels to avian malaria of penguins entering the SANCCOB facility, in order to allow an evaluation of the antibody levels to avian malaria for two full calendar years. This investigation was combined with a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based method, capable of detecting any Plasmodium species in penguin serum. These two methods were also used to investigate avian malaria in several breeding colonies in order to assess the role avian malaria may play in the survival of the African penguin in the wild. Results indicated that the ability of penguins to produce anti-Plasmodium antibodies was not influenced by oiling and that infection with malaria was not due to recrudescence but rather due to infection via mosquitoes. This indicated a possible role of the SANCCOB facility in exposing the penguins to avian malaria. However a large number of penguins arrived at the facility previously infected with malaria, indicating that malaria was present in the breeding colonies. Investigations in the breeding colonies revealed extremely high avian malaria prevalence even though no sick birds or mortalities were observed. This raised the question whether different types of malaria are responsible for infection in the SANCCOB facility and breeding colonies. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Afrika Pikkewyn kom langs die suid-oostelike en suid-westelike kus van Suid Afrika en Namibië voor. In die afgelope eeu het hierdie spesie ‘n geweldige afname in populasie getalle ondervind. Dit was hoofsaaklik die gevolg van die versameling van guano en pikkewyneiers in die eerste helfte van die 19de eeu en oliebesoedeling in die tweede helfde van die 19de eeu. Die “South African Foundation for Conservation of Coastal Birds” (SANCCOB) is ‘n seevoëlreddings- en rehabilitasiesentrum vir siek, beseerde en ge-oliede pikkewyne. Dit word geskat dat die Afrika Pikkewyn populasie met ‘n verdere 19% sou afgeneem het as dit nie vir die rehabilitasie by die SANCCOB sentrum was nie. Hierdie sentrum het egter aansienlike vrektes in die somer as gevolg van voëlmalaria, wat sodoende die effektiwiteit van die rehabilitasie verlaag. In ‘n poging om die rol van immuniteit teen malaria te bepaal is ‘n “enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay” (ELISA) ontwikkel vir die bepaling van antiliggaam vlakke teen malaria. Hierdie ELISA is gebruik vir die bepaling van die anti-Plasmodium antiliggaam vlakke van die pikkewyne by aankoms en ten tye van rehabilitasie by SANCCOB vanaf Oktober 2001 to Januarie 2003. Die doel van hierdie studie was eerstens om hierdie ELISA bepalings voort te sit om sodoende antiliggaam vlakke teen malaria oor twee kalender jare te kan evalueer. Hierdie ondersoek was gekombineer met ‘n polimerase ketting reaksie (PCR) metode, wat enige Plasmodium spesie in pikkewynserum sou kon opspoor. Hierdie twee metodes is ook gebruik vir ondersoeke in sommige broeikolonies, met die doel om te bepaal watter rol voëlmalaria in die oorlewing van die Afrika pikkewyn in die natuur speel. Resultate het getoon dat olie nie die vermoë van die pikkewyn beïnvloed om anti- Plasmodium antiliggame te vervaardig nie en dat malaria infeksie hoofsaaklik deur muskiete veroosaak word en nie deur heruitbraak van ‘n bestaande infeksie nie. Dit dui egter daarop dat pikkewyne blootgestel word aan voëlmalaria by die SANCCOB sentrum. Daar is ook gevind dat ‘n groot aantal pikkewyne met malaria infeksies by die sentrum opgedaag het wat dui op die voorkoms van malaria in die broeikolonies. Ondersoeke in die broeikolonies het ‘n besonder hoë voorkoms van malaria onthul. Geen vrektes of siek pikkewyne is in die broeikolonies waargeneem nie, wat moontlik kan beteken dat pikkewyne by SANCCOB met ‘n ander tipe malaria geïnfekteer word as in die broeikolonies.

Immunological and epidemiological investigations in South African ostriches and penguins

Botes, Annelise 04 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Newcastle disease (NO) and mycoplasma infections in ostriches have considerable economic implications for the South African ostrich industry in that NO is a limiting factor in the export of ostrich products to the European Union and mycoplasma infections cause stock losses, reduced production, reduced hatchability and downgrading of carcasses. In the first section of this dissertation, the role of passively acquired and mucosal immunity in protection of ostrich chicks against Newcastle disease virus (NOV) was investigated. Ostrich hen serum IgG and yolk IgY were isolated and characterized, and the transfer of maternal anti-NOV antibodies to the egg yolk was determined using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results indicated that anti-NOV antibodies were successfully transferred from the ostrich hen to the egg yolk. In addition, ostrich IgA was isolated, characterized and rabbit anti-ostrich IgA antibodies produced and used for measuring mucosal anti- NOV IgA antibodies produced in response to mucosal vaccination. Results indicated that the live La Sota vaccine stimulates IgA production and thus mucosal immunity in ostrich chicks. In the second section of this dissertation, ostrich mycoplasmas were isolated and identified using 16S rRNA gene sequencing. These sequences indicated that ostriches carry three unique mycoplasmas, which are phylogenetically quite divergent. The 16S rRNA gene sequences of the ostrich mycoplasmas were subsequently used for the development of specific primers for the detection and diagnosis of mycoplasma infections in ostriches by PCR. The last section of this dissertation focuses on avian malaria in African penguins and the management of this disease during rehabilitation. The Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds (SANCCOB) is a seabird rescue and rehabilitation centre, which is largely dedicated to the rehabilitation of diseased, injured and oiled penguins. Significant mortalities due to avian malaria occur at this facility. The aim of this study was the development of an ELISA for the purpose of assessing the natural levels of anti-Plasmodium antibodies in African penguins on entry into the SANCCOB facility and during rehabilitation. Results indicated significant increases in anti- Plasmodium antibody levels after entry, which was not influenced by oiling. Infection with malaria and not parasite recrudescence was viewed to be the cause of this increase, indicating a possible role of the SANCCOB facility in exposing penguins to avian malaria. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Newcastlesiekte (NS) en mikoplasmainfeksies in voltruise het geweldige ekonomiese implikasies vir die Suid-Afrikaanse volstruisbedryf. Die rede hiervoor is dat NS 'n beperkende faktor in die uitvoer van volstruisprodukte na die Europese Unie is, en mikoplasmainfeksies tot kudde verliese, verlaagde produksie en uitbroei asook lae gradering van karkasse lei. In die eerste gedeelte van hierdie proefskrif is die rol van passiewe- en mukosale-immuniteit in die beskerming van volstruiskuikens teen NS virus (NSV) ondersoek. Volstruishenserum IgG en eier IgY is geïsoleer en gekarakteriseer en die oordrag van maternale anti-NSV antiliggame na die eier ondersoek met behulp van 'n 'enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay' (ELISA). Resultate het getoon dat anti-NSV antiliggame suksesvol van die hen na die eier oorgedra is. Volstruis IgA is ook geïsoleer, gekarateriseer en konyn anti-volstruis IgA antiliggame geproduseer wat gebruik is vir die bepaling van mukosale anti-NSV IgA antiliggame in reaksie op mukosale immunisering. Resultate het getoon dat lewendige La Sota entstof IgA produksie stimuleer en dus tot mukosale-immuniteit in volstruiskuikens lei. In die tweede gedeelte van hierdie proefskrif is volstruismikoplasmas geïsoleer en geïdentifiseer met behulp van 16S rRNA geenopeenvolgingsbepalings. Hierdie volgordes het getoon dat drie unieke mikoplasmas in volstruise voorkom wat filogeneties verskillend blyk te wees. Die 16S rRNA geenopeenvolgings van die volstruismikoplasmas is gebruik vir die ontwikkeling van spesifieke inleiers vir die PKR identifisering en diagnose van mikoplasmainfeksies in volstruise. Die laaste gedeelte van hierdie proefskrif fokus op voëlmalaria in die Afrika pikkewyn en die bestuur van hierdie siekte gedurende rehabilitasie. Die 'South African Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds' (SANCCOB) is 'n seevoëlreddingsen rehabilitasie-sentrum vir siek, beseerde en ge-oliede pikkewyne. Hierdie sentrum het egter aansienlike vrektes as gevolg van voëlmalaria. In hierdie studie is 'n ELISA ontwikkel vir die bepaling van natuurlike anti-Plasmodium antiliggaamvlakke van pikkewyne by aankoms en tydens rehabilitasie by SANCCOB. Resultate het 'n toename in anti-Plasmodium antiliggaamvlakke getoon na toelating wat nie beïnvloed is deur olie nie. Hierdie toename kan toegeskryf word aan nuwe malariainfeksies en nie 'n heruitbraak van bestaande infeksies nie wat daarop dui dat pikkewyne aan voëlmalaria blootgestel word by die SANCCOB-sentrum.

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