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Crescimento e convergência de renda entre os estados brasileirosEllery Júnior, Roberto de Góes 21 December 1994 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 1994-12-21 / O objetivo principal da tese medir a velocidade de convergência entre renda per-capita dos estados brasileiros. Para atingir este intento tese foi dividida em dois capítulos, um para situar discussão realizada na literatura relacionada ao crescimento econômico, outro para realizar tarefa que se propunha trabalho. No primeiro capitulo é feita uma revisão de todos os principais modelos de crescimento desenvolvidos partir da tradição neoclássica de funções de produção com rendimentos decrescentes para os fatores de produção. Nesta revisão são destacados duas importantes conclusões destes modelos, a existência de convergência entre renda per-capita de todos os países ao esgotamento do crescimento. Logo em seguida são apresentadas tentativas de construção de modelos que não levem estes resultados. Por fim, são feitas considerações respeito de convergência entre renda per-capita de países com características semelhantes, culminando no tema de convergência entre estados de um mesmo pais. No segundo capitulo principal objetivo verificar existência de um processo de convergência entre renda per-capita para caso dos estados brasileiros e, uma vez verificada existência deste processo, calcular velocidade de convergência. Para alcançar este objetivo utiliza-se da metodologia usada por Barro Sala-i-Martin Convergence, Journal of Political Economy, 1992) para os estados americanos. No desenvolver do trabalho também foi feita uma tentativa para estimar os PIB's dos estados brasileiros para ano de 1990. conclusão obtida de que os estados brasileiros estão convergindo em termos de renda per-capita, porem uma velocidade menor que a dos estados americanos.
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Per-oral pancreatoscopy-guided lithotripsy for the endoscopic management of pancreatolithiasis: A systematic review and meta-analysisGuzmán-Calderón, Edson, Martinez-Moreno, Belen, Casellas, Juan A., Aparicio, José Ramón 01 October 2021 (has links)
El texto completo de este trabajo no está disponible en el Repositorio Académico UPC por restricciones de la casa editorial donde ha sido publicado. / Objective: Pancreatic stones result from chronic pancreatitis and can occur in the main pancreatic duct, pancreatic branches or parenchyma. Although extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) is considered the first-line treatment, per-oral pancreatoscopy (POP) has emerged as a useful method for treating pancreatic stones. The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to determine the efficacy and safety of POP-guided lithotripsy, electrohydraulic lithotripsy (EHL) and laser lithotripsy (LL), in patients with pancreatolithiasis. Methods: Literature review was conducted in PubMed, OVID, MEDLINE and Cochrane Library databases for studies published up to August 2020. Results: Altogether 15 studies were analyzed, of which 11 were retrospective and four were prospective. The studies comprised 370 patients, of whom 66.4% were male. The patients underwent 218 EHL and 155 LL. The pooled technical and clinical success rate of the overall POP was 88.1% and 87.1%. For EHL-POP, the pooled technical success rate was 90.9% (95% CI 87.2%-95.2%) and the pooled clinical success rate was 89.8% (95% CI 87.2%-95.2%). While for LL-POP, the pooled technical and clinical success rate was 88.4% (95% CI 85.9%-95.1%) and 85.8% (95% CI 80.6%-91.6%). In total 43 adverse events occurred (12.1%; 95% CI 8.7%-15.5%). Conclusion: POP-guided lithotripsy has a high rate of technical and clinical success for managing pancreatolithiasis with a low complication rate. Both EHL-POP and LL-POP achieve similar efficacy in the endoscopic therapy of pancreatolithiasis. Further large randomized controlled trials are needed to compare EHL-POP and LL-POP with ESWL and evaluate whether POP may replace ESWL as the first-line management of pancreatolithiasis. / Revisión por pares
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La personalizzazione della società per azioni: studio sui limiti dell’autonomia statutariaGalleano, Andrea 07 July 2023 (has links)
The thesis aims to frame the content and scope of the “depersonalization” phenomenon traditionally attributed to limited companies and to examine its validity and legal relevance with reference to the limits imposed on the shareholders in the conformation of the company in a more personalistic sense. In Chapter I are examined the aspects that mainly reflect the indifference of the law towards the identity and qualities of the shareholders. In Chapter II is then outlined the notion of “personalization” assumed for the purposes of the investigation and are also analysed the regulatory aspects that contradict the impersonal connotation of the limited company. In Chapter III is studied the relationship between the “type” of the limited company and the “depersonalized” dimension that is traditionally ascribed to it, pondering the polysemy of this term in the context of company law. Considering the “type” as the real or ideal socio-economic model of the company, the traditional link between the limited company and the medium-large enterprise owned by a plurality of interchangeable subjects raises problematic profiles which negatively affect the opportunity to draw precise consequences from it. Furthermore, the concept of depersonalization cannot be considered as an autonomous element of the “type” as the legal form of the company. In modeling the company’s articles of association in a more personalistic sense, the shareholders find no other limits than those explicitly established by the law and those represented by the specific elements of the legal form of the limited company. The legal instrument of the shares does not imply the complete indifference of the limited company to the personal conditions of the shareholders, but the principle according to which every right of the shareholders must be attributed through the mediation of the share and therefore be transmissible together with the latter. The impersonal representation of the limited company, therefore, does not assume a precise legal relevance and cannot be legitimately invoked in support of the invalidity or ineffectiveness of the provisions of the articles of association that introduce a specific consideration of characteristics or events directly referable to the person of the shareholder.
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Étude par spectrométrie de vibration des équilibres conformationnels des n-perfluorobutane, n-perfluorohexane et n-perfluorooctane.Campos-Vallette, Marcelo, January 1900 (has links)
Th.--Sci.--Bordeaux 1, 1981. N°: 707.
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Das Sinnvolle im Unsinn eine intertextuelle Analyse ludistisch-parodistischer Textkonstitutionen in Calvinols resa genom världen und Holgerssons von PC JersildAlbrecht, Susanna January 2008 (has links)
Zugl.: Hamburg, Univ., Diss., 2008
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Invierno, primavera y otoño del Carlismo (1939 - 1976)Rodon Guinjoan, Ramón María 10 October 2015 (has links)
Aquesta tesi la portava reflexionant el seu autor des de feia força temps; és una visió del Carlisme com a col·lectiu polític, des de la Guerra Civil fins a 1976, a través de tot el Règim franquista i els inicis d’una Transició amb prou feines insinuada. Els seus trets essencials es divideixen en tres aportacions: naturalesa sociopolítica del Carlisme, conservació dels idearis de la Tradició hispana (evolutiva i oberta però permanent en l’essencial) i reacció davant l’intent, sorgit als anys 70, de desvirtuar-ne el contingut doctrinal com a drecera per tal d’assolir el Poder en moments en què aquest objectiu resultava, a més, utòpic i impossible.
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Des de la legalitat: Entitats civils i oposició al franquismeZanon i Pérez, Marc 13 January 2016 (has links)
La societat civil catalana va viure un procés de gran mobilització antifranquista a partir de la dècada dels anys seixanta. Una part important de la població va vehicular els seus anhels de llibertat a través d’entitats que, tot i operar des del terreny legal, van exercir un paper de denúncia de la dictadura i pressió per a l’establiment d’un Estat de dret que respectés els drets humans. Aquest és el cas d’Òmnium Cultural, Justícia i Pau, Amics de les Nacions Unides i el Col·legi d’Advocats de Barcelona. La seva especial posició els va conferir un marge d’actuació major al de la clandestinitat i va contribuir a que nous grups socials s’impliquessin en accions contra la dictadura, aprofundint d’aquesta manera, en el procés d’erosió del franquisme que en va fer impossible la seva supervivència després de la mort de Franco. / Catalan civil society lived a long process of antifrancoist mobilization from the sixties. A very large part of the population channeled their desire for freedom through organizations that, though working legally, played a role in denouncing the dictatorship and put pressure for the establishment of a rule of law that would respect the civil rights. This was the case of Òmnium Cultural, Justícia i Pau, Amics de les Nacions Unides and the Col·legi d’Advocats de Barcelona. Their special status gave them more room to manoeuvre than the groups in clandestinity and encouraged other social groups to involve themselves in actions against the dictatorship, and thus deepening in the process of erosion of francoism that made the survival of the dictatorship impossible after Franco´s death.
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Una interpretación de la esclavitud africana en Honduras siglos XVI-XVIIIVelásquez Lambur, Rosa Mélida 04 February 2016 (has links)
En las páginas siguientes se presentan los resultados del estudio de la población de ascendencia africana sometida a esclavitud en la provincia de Honduras en la época colonial. Este esfuerzo está encaminado a analizar sus experiencias y a revalorizar la importancia que tuvieron en la construcción de la nueva sociedad que se fue estructurando a partir de la llegada de los colonizadores. Aquí tratamos de desvirtuar la visión de marginalidad con que generalmente se valora la participación de esta población, y lo hacemos dando cuenta de la diversidad de actividades en las que se involucraron junto a sus amos, y de la trascendencia de las mismas en el proceso de dominación de las poblaciones nativas y de defensa del territorio cuando acechaba el enemigo. Un tema que por el escaso abordaje historiográfico, ha limitado nuestra participación en la discusión que actualmente recobra cada vez mayor importancia en el área. / The following pages presents the results of the study of the population of African ancestry submitted to the slavery in the province of Honduras in the epoch colony. This effort is to analyze his experiences and to revaluing the importance that they had in the construction of the new company that was structured from the arrival of the settlers. Here we try to spoil the vision of marginality with which generally there is valued the participation of this population, and do it realizing of the diversity of activities in which they interfered together with his owners, and of the transcendence of the same ones in the process of domination of the native populations and of defense of the territory when the enemy was stalking. A topic that has limited our participation in the discussions which currently recovers more and more importance in the area by the scare historiographical approach.
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La Primera embajada china en Europa y América : Chen Lanbin y Li Schuchang en España (1874-1879)Cantalapiedra, Javier 15 May 2015 (has links)
La primera embajada china en España debe ser considerada como la primera y más
importante que envió China a Europa y América. Si Chen Lanbin, no fue el primer
embajador chino en entregar las credenciales diplomáticas en el extranjero, fue, no
porque no hubiera sido en primer lugar organizada la embajada del Celeste Imperio al
país ibérico, sino porque se estaba esperando a la firma de un tratado sobre los culíes
que finalmente llegó a buen puerto en 1877. Por tanto, aunque la entrega de credenciales
fue en España, en el año 1879, no se puede obviar que los antecedentes de dicha
embajada se remontan quince años atrás en el tiempo, y que la decisión de enviar
emisarios a España ya estaba tomada en el año 1874, casi dos años antes de la salida del
primer embajador chino a Inglaterra. / The first Chinese Embassy in Spain should be considered as the first and the most
important one that China sent to Europe and America. If Chen Lanbin, was not the first
Chinese ambassador to deliver the diplomatic credentials abroad, it was because the
Chinese government was waiting for the signing of a treaty on coolies, that finally was
signed in 1877. Therefore, although the delivery of credentials was in Spain in 1879, we
can not ignore the background of the embassy, fifteen years ago back in time, and that
the decision of send emissaries to Spain was already made in 1874, almost two years
before the start of the first Chinese Embassy to England.
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Golpe de Estado y proceso de reconciliación en Honduras (2009-2012): las Comisiones de la VerdadMur Domínguez, Elena 16 December 2015 (has links)
Esta tesis analiza el papel desempeñado por las dos Comisiones de la Verdad en el
proceso de reconciliación iniciado en Honduras tras el golpe de Estado contra el
presidente constitucional, José Manuel Zelaya Rosales, el 28 de junio de 2009. Para
ello, se lleva a cabo una revisión de los hechos más relevantes acaecidos antes y durante
el golpe de Estado, así como del proceso de reconciliación posterior, comparando las
versiones que sobre todo ello ofrecen los informes emanados de las dos Comisiones y
complementando aquellos aspectos no abordados en ellos con otras fuentes. Estas
versiones son, a su vez, contrastadas y complementadas con la información obtenida en
las entrevistas realizadas por la autora de la tesis a actores clave y a otros testimonios
relacionados con el golpe de Estado y con el proceso de reconciliación. Asimismo, en
esta tesis se analiza la adecuación de estas dos Comisiones de la Verdad y de sus
informes a los estándares internacionales. / This dissertation analyzes the role played by the two Truth Commissions in the process
of reconciliation initiated in Honduras after the coup d’État against the constitutional
president, Jose Manuel Zelaya Rosales, on June 28th 2009. For this purpose, a review of
the most significant events that occurred before and during the coup and the subsequent
reconciliation process is carried out, comparing the versions offered on the reports
emanating from the two Commissions and complementing those aspects not addressed
on them with other sources. These versions are, at the same time, contrasted and
complemented with information obtained in the interviews conducted by the author of
the thesis to key stakeholders and other testimonies related to the coup and the
reconciliation process. Also, the suitability of these Truth Commissions and their
reports to international standards is analyzed in this dissertation.
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