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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Genetic assessment of five breeding populations of abalone (Haliotis midae) through a comparative Performance Testing Scheme

Vlok, Arnoldus Christiaan 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Cultured abalone in South Africa is undomesticated. For the local industry to remain competitive on the international markets it is essential to improve production. This study is part of a selective breeding component of a larger genetic programme that aims to enhance productivity of the local industry by genetic improvement of growth rates. Selective breeding programmes are based on genetic variation and correlations. Molecular studies proved genetic differentiation exist between the broodstock- and offspring populations and among the offspring populations used in this study. Five commercial abalone farms from the Walker bay region each entered 3000 randomly selected animals obtained from synchronised mass spawning of conditioned broodstock into a Performance Recording Scheme (PRS). Microsatellite marker analysis proved these broodstock populations to be representative of the wild populations. The five cohorts were assessed over the five locations represented by three replicates per location with 200 randomly assigned animals per replicate. The average growth rate was used as growth performance parameter by measuring shell length and body weight at three month intervals over a period of 24 months. Interaction was observed between cohort and location effects when analysing the full data set. This was unexpected as the cohorts were constructed from parent stick that was randomly sampled from the same geographical area, the larger Walker bay. The factors suspected of causing this observed interaction were considered in a stepwise analysis. Initial and progressive tag loss, differences in initial size of animals entered into the study and on-farm management errors were considered as possible causes of the observed interaction in a stepwise analysis. Statistically significant differences were observed between the five cohorts and between the five locations in terms of length and weight growth rates. Based on these findings it is advised that a central facility is used to effectively compare the growth rates of different cohorts or populations. Any future research in selective breeding to follow this study should involve the integration of molecular techniques and biotechnologies. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In Suid-Afrika is gekweekte perlemoen wild. Vir die plaaslike bedryf om op die internasionale markte kompeterend te bly, is dit noodsaaklik om produksie te verbeter. Hierdie studie vorm deel van ’n selektiewe telingskomponent van ‘n groter genetiese program met die doel om die produktiwiteit van die plaaslike bedryf deur die genetiese verbetering van groeitempo’s te verbeter. Selektiewe teelprogramme word gebaseer op genetiese variasie en korrelasies. Molekulêre studies het bewys dat daar genetiese differensiasie bestaan tussen die teel- en nageslagpopulasies en onder die nageslagpopulasies wat in hierdie studie gebruik is. Vyf kommersiële perlemoenplase in die Walkerbaaistreek het elk 3000 ewekansig geselekteerde diere vanaf gesinkroniseerde massa broei van gekondisioneerde teelpopulasies aan ‘n Performance Recording Scheme (PRS) bygedra. Mikrosatelliet merker-analise het bewys dat hierdie teelpopulasies verteenwoordigend is van die wilde populasies. Die vyf kohorte is oor die vyf liggings geassesseer, elkeen waarvan verteenwoordig is deur drie replikate bestaande uit 200 ewekansig toegedeelde diere per replikaat. Die gemiddelde groeitempo is gebruik as die groeiprestasieparameter deur skulplengte en liggaamsgewig elke drie maande oor ‘n tydperk van 24 maande te meet. Daar is interaksie waargeneem tussen kohort- en liggingseffekte toe die volledige datastel geanaliseer is. Hierdie was onverwags, aangesien die kohorte gekonstrueer is uit teelouers waarvan monsters ewekansig vanuit dieselfde geografiese gebied, naamlik die groter Walkerbaai, geneem is. Die faktore wat vermoedelik hierdie waargenome interaksie veroorsaak het, is in ‘n stapsgewyse analise beskou. Aanvanklike en progressiewe merkerverlies, verskille in die aanvanklike grootte van die diere wat in die studie ingesluit is en bestuursfoute op die plaas is as moontlike oorsake van die waargenome interaksie voorgestel. Statisties betekenisvolle verskille is tussen die vyf genotipes en tussen die vyf liggings in terme van lengte en gewigsgroeitempo’s waargeneem. Op grond van hierdie bevindings word daar voorgestel dat ‘n sentrale fasiliteit gebruik word om die groeitempo’s van die verskillende genotipes of populasies doeltreffend te vergelyk. Enige toekomstige navorsing oor selektiewe teelt wat op hierdie studie sou volg, moet die integrasie van molekulêre tegnieke en biotegnologieë behels.

Porovnání růstových schopností dvojčat u masného plemene Aberdeen angus / The comparison of growth performance of beef breed Aberdeen Angus twins

KOCÁBEK, Jan January 2014 (has links)
Aberdeen Angus (originated in Scotland) is the second most common beef breed in the Czech Republic due to its resistance to adverse climatic events, modesty, earliness, ease of calving, low birth weight of calves and good maternal instincts of cows. The main economic indicator of suckler cows rearing is the number of born and weaned calves. Production of twins is possible way to improve these indicators. The aim of this thesis was to compare the growth potential of twins of Aberdeen Angus beef breed with individuals who were born as singletons. The work is focused on comparing the weight at birth, in 120 and 210 days of age. Most twins in the population of Aberdeen Angus breed reared in the Czech Republic in 2009-2013 was born in 2012 - 9.44 % (270 pcs.), the least in 2013 - 6.67 % (184 pcs.). The incidence of twins by birth order increased from 1 to 3 birth order (78, resp. 130, resp. 131 pcs.) as further increasing order resulted into decline of twin's incidence. The difference in weight between twins and singletons at birth was 5.81 kg, in 120 days 28.32 kg and 37.32 kg 210 days (P 0.001). Differences within twins by sex were for bulls and heifers statistically significant (P 0.001). The relationship between weight at birth and calving ease was also investigated - in the case of twins relationship was not statistically significant (P> 0.05). The lowest mortality rate of twins was in 2013 - 8.70 % (16 pcs.), the highest mortality rate was in 2012 36.67 % (99 pcs.). Most twins were born in 2011 (179 pcs.), whereas least twins were born in 2010 (160 pcs.).

Current practices and future possibilities of performance recording extensively-grazed commercial beef herds in New Zealand

Thomas, Craig W. January 2008 (has links)
There is little evidence that the productivity of New Zealand beef herds has improved over time. Data from the NZ Meat and Wool Board’s Economic Service (2006) suggest that the average national calving percentage has declined over the last two decades. During the same period cattle carcass weights have increased but so too has the average cow live-weight which has resulted in increased maintenance costs of the cow herds. It is unclear whether production efficiency in the industry has improved or declined over time. The aim of this research was to develop means of improving productivity in commercial beef herds through practical methods of performance recording. The objectives were firstly to establish current management practices in commercial herds and secondly to develop an objective system for cow selection and culling which would have practical application in commercial herds. Beef management survey Ninety two commercial beef producers with more than 100 breeding cows from the greater Canterbury region of New Zealand were surveyed. Pasture control was the main reason given for owning a beef herd. Size and conformation were the main selection criteria for choosing replacement heifers and bulls. Over 80% of herds retained their own heifers as replacements and >60% mated yearling heifers to first calve at two years of age. Fertility was poor in the surveyed herds. In-calf rates at pregnancy testing averaged 88% for maiden heifers, 92% for rising second calvers and 93% for mixed age (m.a.) cows. There was no significant difference between in-calf rates of maiden heifers mated to first calve at two or three years of age; nor was there any significant difference between the re-breeding success of the two groups. Heifers mated at least one week earlier than m.a. cows, achieved a re-breeding success 4.7% greater (P<.01) than those mated at the same time. Reasons for cows not weaning a calf included wet dry (9.3% of pregnant cows wintered), pregnancy tested not-in-calf (7.4%) and dam death (2.6%). Only 87.9% of pregnant females wintered weaned a calf (89.4% of m.a. cows and 84.9% of heifers). Reasons why cows exited the herds included diagnosed empty (37.2% of all exits), involuntary culls (25.4%), sold wet dry (16.2%), deaths (13.1%) and poor calf production (5.1%). Vaccination was infrequent with clostridial vaccines the most common in m.a. cows (15.2%) and in calves (40.7%); vaccination against Leptospirosis was much less common. Very few of the surveyed farms used any system of performance recording; as a result there was very little performance-based selection or culling practiced. Evaluation of alternative measures of cow productivity Data from four performance recording beef herds were used to compare alternative measures of cow productivity with the industry standard which is calf weaning weight adjusted for sex (SOC) and age of calf and age of dam (AOD), i.e. the “200 day weight.” None of the alternative measures evaluated required knowledge of calving date and all were relatively easily obtainable in extensively managed beef herds. The assessment of cows was based not on their estimated breeding values but instead on their most probable producing ability which, as the sum of all of the permanent, repeatable aspects of the calf-rearing ability of the cow, explains considerably more of the variance of weaning weight than does breeding value alone. SOC and AOD-adjusted marking weight, weaning weight and average daily gain (ADG) between marking and weaning were the traits mostly highly correlated with the 200d wt of calves (r = 0.68, 0.90 and 0.74. respectively). An Extensively- Grazed-Cow-Weaning-Index of these three indicator traits was found to be more highly correlated than any of the individual traits on their own (r = 0.94). Index weights for the three indicator traits were calculated within each herd and then those within-herd index weights were regressed on readily obtainable herd descriptive variables to obtain a regression equation that could predict index weights for any herd. When the model was applied to data from two additional herd years not included in the original model, the EGCW Index was highly correlated with the 200d weights (r>0.90). Performance-based culling of previously unselected commercial beef herds based on the EGCW Index will result in improved productivity due to the moderately high repeatability of calf weaning weight. Objective data from extensively grazed commercial herds will also make possible the use of commercial herd data in genetic evaluations of herd sires.

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