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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Faktory rozhodování o místě trvalého bydlení ve vybraných periferiích Česka: příklad mladých rodin / The decision-making factors on the permanent place of residence in the selected Czechia's peripheries: the case study of the young families

Vrána, Petr January 2014 (has links)
This thesis tries to find out the causes of the permanent residence location choice and decision-making within the potentially different peripheral area of the Czech Republic, respectively Moravia, with the continuous demographic development. In this case, it is focused on the young families which could explain the current issue of the permanent residence location choice with regard to the significant likelihood recently finalised or proceeding residential mobility. For the purposes of the master thesis, it has been carried out the questionnaire survey within the designated peripheries of the Midwestern Moravia and the Eastern Moravian Slovakia in 2012 and it has been carried out the analytical operations using the statistic programme on the basis of the data obtained. At first, this thesis analyses the variability of the decision-making factors preferences, examines common and differentiating latent features of the decision-making process on the basis of the factors explored and observes the modality level of decision-making process according to the the residential mobility theoretical concept developed by Ero (2002). The second part is focused on the potential causalities of the decision-making factors and socio-cultural features of the areas observed, respectively is about the causalities of the...

Ambazonie a Biafra - vnější periferie nebo transhraniční region / Ambazonia and Biafra - external periphery or transborder region?

Kučera, Josef January 2017 (has links)
The author makes a conceptualization of the term "cross border region" through eight structural

Význam změn správních hranic v procesu formování vnitřních periferií na území Česka od poloviny 19. století / The importance of changes of administrative borders in the formation of inner peripheries on the territory of Czechia since the mid-19 th century

Burda, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
The dissertation thesis covers the theme of the relationships between the changes of administrative borders and the peripheriality of space on the territory of Czechia since the mid-19th century. The author first defines the fundamental objectives and discusses the bases of the research of changes of administrative borders in Czechia in the process of polarization of space, as well as the general background and approaches to the issue of borders and regions, while emphasizing the concept of inner peripheries and internal borderland. The thesis attempts to contribute to the debate regarding: the importance of administrative borders of regions of different scales in the polarization of space; identification, analysis and evaluation of areas that changed their administrative affiliation at the level of mesoregions (regions) and microregions (districts) on the territory of Bohemia and the Vysočina Region in particular; evaluation of the degree of stability of administrative regions and stability of centers of these regions; and to assessment of the importance of the borders of regions in the context of problems associated with the development of peripheries. Discussion of changes in administrative borders and related development of territorial administration and local government places focuses on the...

Analýza lidského a sociálního kapitálu v periferii Manětínska / Aanalysis of Human and Social Capital in the Periphery of the Manětín Region

Vaňková, Eva January 2010 (has links)
This thesis discusses the process of space polarization, in the concrete the issues of human and social capital in inner peripheries in Czechia. The first part of the thesis deals with selected theoretical and methodological concepts of research of space polarization and human and social capital. Following empirical part concerns with the analysis of human and social capital in the larger territory of inner periphery located in borderland of the Central and Western Czechia. This analysis was based on quantitative evaluation. On the basis of the results of this analysis the analysis of human and social capital was accomplished in the territory of Manětín region. This analysis was on the contrary based on qualitative evaluation. In conclusion there is an effort to consider the quality and potential of human and social capital for the development of Manětín region. Key words: inner periphery - spatial polarization - human capital - social capital - potential of development - Manětín region

Vývoj periferií v postindustriálním období v Česku a Rakousku na příkladu Slavonic a Waidhofenu an der Thaya / Peripheral development in the post-industrial period in the Czechia and Austria with the examples of Slavonice and Waidhofen an der Thaya

Horáček, Michal January 2014 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the analysis of peripherals for the presence of post-industrial phenomena. We are mainly focusing on the outer periphery. The object is to reveal the main factors and barriers that affect peripheral development and help periphery overcome their positional disadvantage. Analysis of a survey conducted in the municipalities of Slavonice and Waidhofen an der Thaya indicated fundamental differences in relation to the post-modern values between these two geographically close locations. Structured interviews with community representatives bring out certain details on cooperation and the barriers to individual development. We can conclude from the results that the different social behaviour of peripherals caused by distinct historical and political development has not grown closer to the Austrian model even after 25 years of democracy in the Czechia. Key words: periphery, post-industrial period, development, cooperation

Vietnamský maloobchod jako součást problematiky nemetropolitních oblastí Česka / Vietnamese Retail as Part of the Non-metropolitan Area in Czechia

Horáček, Jiří January 2018 (has links)
Vietnamese food stores are located all over the Czechia and are often the only option for food purchases in non-metropolitan areas. This dissertation is focused on the study of Vietnamese retail in the context of the problems of serviceability of small towns and rural settlements in the Czechia. One of the main goals of this dissertation is to verify whether Vietnamese businesses are one of the ways to save the ever-falling rural service functions. Considering that the issue of rural service provision is an extensive topic, the work only yields partial results that will need to be verified in further studies. The introductory sections analyze the processes of Vietnamese migration into our country and subsequently characterize the development of retail. The next part focuses on the operation of Vietnamese retail where structured interviews conducted within the research serve as a main source of information. The quantitative part of the research focuses on the issue of the distribution of shops, and, in the empirical part, using questionnaire the functioning of the Zásmuky retail trade with a focus on Vietnamese food stores is assessed. The analysis shows that Vietnamese food stores are one of the solutions to maintaining business in rural communities. Due to the efficiency of their operation, which...

Lokalizační změny vybraných odvětví světové ekonomiky: jádrové oblasti a periferie / Changes in localization of selected sectors of world economy: core areas and peripheries

Jelínková, Anna January 2011 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the contemporary changes an trends in the localization of enconomic power in the world. The first part theoretically summarizes the development of the modern world system and describes the formation of the core and the periphery of the world economy. This part mentions also the main factors that influence localization of the world's wealth such as technological progress or world population. The following part characterizes in details recent changes in the localization of selected sectors of the world economy and indicates the future trends. Among the selected sectors are energy industry, automobile industry, textile and clothing industry, tourism and transport. All these sectors confirm the increase in the importance of developing countries and the deterioration of advanced economies.

Srovnání vlivu suburbanizace na regiony Tišnovska a Kuřimska a její vliv na plánování rozvoje území

Báčová, Aneta January 2015 (has links)
BÁČOVÁ, A. Comparison of the impact of suburbanization on regions of Tišnov and Kuřim and its impact on spatial development planning. Master thesis. Brno: Mendel university. Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies, 2015. Thesis supervisor Mgr. Lukáš Nevěděl, Ph.D. The subject of this Master thesis is a comprehensive analysis of the administrative districts of municipalities with extended competence Tišnov and Kuřim affected by suburbanization processes and inner periphery. Using quantitative and cluster analysis this work evaluates demographic trends in the surveyed municipalities, their socioeconomic structure, the availability and capacity of public services. It also includes a prediction of the future population development.

Percepce regionální identity obyvatel Králicka

Grusová, Cecílie January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the perception of regional identity of inhabitants in administrative district Králíky. The thesis is divided in two parts. In the first theoretical part, literature sources on regional identity and its importance for regional development are discussed. In the second empirical part, studied region is defined, and research methods and techniques are described. In conclusion, the results of the research are presented and explained.

Ad hoc stupňování "nestupňovatelných" adjektiv v češtině / Ad hoc gradation of "non-gradable" adjectives in Czech

Doischer, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
There are some adjectives in language which sound strange to a native speaker in their graded form. Consider this sentence: "These pearls are more real than the real ones!" ("Tyhle perly jsou pravější než pravé!") How can they be more real? What does it even mean? I attempt to answer these and other questions in this paper. While the phenomenon of rarely graded adjectives may quite peripheral, it is nonetheless interesting and understanding it is important for the general understanding of adjective gradation. Adjectives such as real are traditionally considered non-gradable. However, as we can see from the example, that doesn't mean they can't be graded. The distinction between gradable and non-gradable adjectives apparently cannot be clear-cut. The goal of this paper is to describe this phenomenon, determine which properties rarely graded adjectives have and how they can be graded. I use data from a large corpus of written Czech (SYN v4) to find these adjectives and the way they are used. I employ both quantitative and qualitative methods to reach a comprehensive overview of rarely graded adjectives. I use statistical methods to find parameters specific for this type of adjective and semantic analysis to divide it into well-motivated categories. I also explain why they are graded only rarely, how...

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