Spelling suggestions: "subject:"periodiseringar""
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Protináboženská propaganda na stránkách časopisu Bezbožnik / Anti-religous propaganda in the pages of the Bezbozhnik magazineKishkina, Aleksandra January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis is devoted to the analysis of anti-religious propaganda conducted by the Bolshevik government in the 1920s and 1930s on the example of materials published in the Bezbozhnik magazine. The work outlines the historical context of the Soviet anti-religious policy of the interwar period, and describes the activities of the main anti-religious organization, the League of Militant Atheists and its leader Yemelyan Yaroslavsky. Furthermore, the publishing activities of the League of Militant Atheists and the network of periodicals published by it are described. In its core the work focuses on the analysis of the main anti-religious periodical, which was the newspaper and later the magazine Bezbožnik. The basic methods of propaganda used by this periodical are described in connection with the propagandistic character of contemporary Soviet art. Special attention is paid to the illustrative material in the magazine, especially the anti-religious cartoon and its sources. The work is a contribution to understanding the functioning of communist totalitarian ideology and its influence in the media space.
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Proměny vztahu českého katolického exilu v Římě po roce 1948 k marxismu a komunismu / The Czech Catholic Exile in Rome in its Attitude Toward Marxism and CommunismKindl, Martin January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is dealing with the ways in which were reflected marxism and communism in the czech exile catholic magazine "Studie", that had been published in Rome in the period 1958-1990. In addition outlines the issues of the czechoslovak exile in the second half of the twenties century. This thesis also discusses the exile waves that occurred in 1948 and 1968. Particular attention is paid to the issue of catholic exile. As part of the activities of exile are discussed mainly its literary activities. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Lietuvos kultūrinė periodika: situacija ir specifika / Cultural periodicals in lithuania: current situation and their specificityKuodytė, Vaiva 25 January 2012 (has links)
Magistro darbo objektas – Lietuvos kultūrinė periodika. Darbo tikslas – ištirti kultūrinės periodikos situaciją ir specifiką Lietuvoje. Pagrindiniai darbo uždaviniai: apibrėžti ir suklasifikuoti kultūrinę periodiką Lietuvoje, išanalizuoti kultūrinės periodikos raidą; ištirti šiandieninės kultūrinės periodikos ypatumus Lietuvoje, atsižvelgiant į kultūros politiką, kultūrinių leidinių finansavimą ir kitus kriterijus; išanalizuoti kultūrinės periodikos skaitytojų nuomonę apie kultūrinių periodinių leidinių rinką. Sisteminant mokslinę literatūrą, analizuojant dokumentus, apibrėžtas kultūrinio periodinio leidinio terminas – tai vienodai apipavidalintas, numeruotas ar datuotas, paprastai vienodo formato ar apimties, reguliariai išeinantis leidinys, kuriame nagrinėjami kultūros, literatūros, meno, kino, muzikos, teatro klausimai, pateikiama kultūros renginių informacija ir analizė. Kultūrinių leidinių klasifikacija galima pagal įvairius kriterijus (tipus, periodiškumą, paskirtį, paramos gavimo būdą ir kt.). Kultūrinės periodikos raidoje iki 1990 m. išskiriami du etapai: kultūrinio periodinio leidinio formavimasis (iki 1911 m.) ir specializuotų kultūrinių periodinių leidinių raida (1911–1990 m.). Šiandieninė kultūrinė periodika – tai Lietuvos nepriklausomybės laikotarpio periodika (1990– 2008 m.), kuri apima tris etapus: nepriklausomos periodinės spaudos sistemos formavimąsi (1990–1996 m.), periodinės spaudos sistemos formavimąsi konkurencijos sąlygomis (1997–2002 m.) bei kultūrinę... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of the thesis is cultural periodicals in Lithuania. The aim of the survey completed as part of this thesis was to investigate the current situation of cultural periodicals in Lithuania and their specificity. In order to achieve aforesaid aim, the following goals are set: 1) define and categorize cultural periodicals in Lithuania, analyze the formation and development of cultural periodicals in Lithuania; 2) analyze the specifics of contemporary cultural periodicals in Lithuania; 3) investigate the readers' opinion about cultural periodicals, summarize the results. The thesis defines the term of cultural periodical as a regularly released publication that is uniformly formatted, numerated or dated, appearing in homogenous style and size, discussing the themes of literature, art, cinema, music or theatre, providing information on various cultural events and analyzing them. The categorization of cultural periodicals can be done on many different criteria: type of publication, periodicity, etc. Scholars distinguish two main stages in the development of publishing of cultural periodicals in Lithuania: the formation stage (up to 1911) and the development of specialized cultural periodicals (1911–1990). The periodization of contemporary cultural periodicals is divided into development of independent periodicals (1990–1996) and the formation of periodicals' publishing in the competitive market (1997–2002). From the year 2003 the last stage of periodization began concerning... [to full text]
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Anglicky psaná periodika v Česku v letech 1990-1995 v rámci transformace tisku po pádu komunismu / English language newspapers in the Czech republic between 1990 and 1995 as a part of process of transformation of the press in post-communist countryŘehořová, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with English language periodicals which were founded and published by Americans in Prague in 1990 - 1995. The first part describes the background of the American community in Prague in the middle 1990s and apprises of the American and Czechoslovak journalism in the frame of media system changes after the fall of Communism. The second part includes newspapers and magazines which existed in Prague the defined period. Except of print media articles, literature concerned with media transformation after the fall of totalitarian regimes and features of American and Czechoslovak journalism the thesis is based on correspondence and interviews with people who are allied to the included periodicals. At the end of the thesis there is a review of the impact that American journalists and writers could have on Czechoslovak and Czech journalism and literature. The influence of American journalists on the Czechoslovak and Czech colleagues remains in form of individual cases. The influence of American literature written in Prague in the defined period has not overreached the English language sphere and so it cannot be considered in the general context of Czechoslovak and Czech literature.
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Časopisy věnované golfové problematice / Magazines dedicated to golf questionsKunzlová, Zuzana January 2012 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Magazines dedicated to golf issues" is devoted to questions of publishing golf magazines in former Czechoslovakia and in the Czech Republic. The key aim of this work is based on detailed mapping of all journals devoted to this issue in the period since the establishment of Czechoslovakia until year 2011. This work records the detailed historical development of golf in the Czech Republic, points out all problems that hit the golf during 20th century. Single chapters are devoted to all golf journals which had been published in former Czechoslovakia and ones which have been published in the Czech Republic. Significant space is devoted to magazines Slovanský golf and Sportovní Revue which were published during the First republic era. Further chapters mention post-war periodicals, and the last part of this work includes all golf magazines, which have been published after the Velvet revolution.
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Средњовјековне историјске теме у периодици Црне Горе од 1835. до 1941. године / Srednjovjekovne istorijske teme u periodici Crne Gore od 1835. do 1941. godine / The medieval historical topics in the periodicalsof Montenegro from 1835 to 1941Jovović Vasilj 23 June 2016 (has links)
<p>Ова дисертација се бави проучавањем средњовјековних историјских тема у<br />периодици која је излазила на подручју данашње Црне Горе у периоду од 1835. године до<br />1941. године. Циљ нашег истраживања био је сакупљање и анализа разнородне грађе о<br />темама из средњовјековља јужнословенског простора, које су третиране и објављене у<br />периодици на простору Црне Горе у посматраном периоду, њихово груписање у тематске<br />цјелине, хронолошко излагање, као и састављање једног потпуног и вјеродостојног<br />историјског прегледа развоја медијевистике у периодици на простору Црне Горе у<br />поменутом периоду. У раду је обрађено 458 текстова у којима је заступљена<br />средњовјековна тематика, од којих је највећи број објављен у часописима: Гласу<br />Црногорца, Зетском гласнику, Записима, Просвјети, Гласу Боке, Гласнику Народног<br />универзитета Боке Которске и Зети. Такође, кроз систематизовани преглед, углавном<br />дескриптивног карактера, жељели смо да дамо потпунију слику и што свестраније<br />изложимо све радове из средњовјековне историје јужнословенског простора објављене у<br />периодици на простору Црне Горе у посматраном периоду. Намјера је била да изложимо<br />сваку помена вреднију активност на овом пољу, што би могло представљати допринос<br />изучавању и заокруживању слике заступљености медијавистике у историографији Црне<br />Горе.<br />Значај дисертације огледа се у томе што овој проблематици, до сада, није<br />поклоњена пуна пажња у радовима који су се бавили периодиком на простору данашње<br />Црне Горе у посматраном периоду. Такође, чланцима који се односе на средњовјековни<br />период јачала се национална свијест, утврђивао идентитет, његовала културна баштина и<br />фолклор. </p> / <p>Ova disertacija se bavi proučavanjem srednjovjekovnih istorijskih tema u<br />periodici koja je izlazila na području današnje Crne Gore u periodu od 1835. godine do<br />1941. godine. Cilj našeg istraživanja bio je sakupljanje i analiza raznorodne građe o<br />temama iz srednjovjekovlja južnoslovenskog prostora, koje su tretirane i objavljene u<br />periodici na prostoru Crne Gore u posmatranom periodu, njihovo grupisanje u tematske<br />cjeline, hronološko izlaganje, kao i sastavljanje jednog potpunog i vjerodostojnog<br />istorijskog pregleda razvoja medijevistike u periodici na prostoru Crne Gore u<br />pomenutom periodu. U radu je obrađeno 458 tekstova u kojima je zastupljena<br />srednjovjekovna tematika, od kojih je najveći broj objavljen u časopisima: Glasu<br />Crnogorca, Zetskom glasniku, Zapisima, Prosvjeti, Glasu Boke, Glasniku Narodnog<br />univerziteta Boke Kotorske i Zeti. Takođe, kroz sistematizovani pregled, uglavnom<br />deskriptivnog karaktera, željeli smo da damo potpuniju sliku i što svestranije<br />izložimo sve radove iz srednjovjekovne istorije južnoslovenskog prostora objavljene u<br />periodici na prostoru Crne Gore u posmatranom periodu. Namjera je bila da izložimo<br />svaku pomena vredniju aktivnost na ovom polju, što bi moglo predstavljati doprinos<br />izučavanju i zaokruživanju slike zastupljenosti medijavistike u istoriografiji Crne<br />Gore.<br />Značaj disertacije ogleda se u tome što ovoj problematici, do sada, nije<br />poklonjena puna pažnja u radovima koji su se bavili periodikom na prostoru današnje<br />Crne Gore u posmatranom periodu. Takođe, člancima koji se odnose na srednjovjekovni<br />period jačala se nacionalna svijest, utvrđivao identitet, njegovala kulturna baština i<br />folklor. </p> / <p>This dissertation deals in with the study of medieval historical themes in Montenegrin<br />periodicals which coming out on the territory of Montenegro in the period from 1835 to 1941.<br />The aim of our study was the collection and analysis of diverse materials on topics from<br />medieval on area of the South Slavic, which treated and published in Montenegrin periodicals<br />on area of Montenegro in the observed period, their grouping into thematic units, chronological<br />presentation, as well as the drafting of a comprehensive and credible historical overview<br />development medieval history in Montenegrin periodicals on area of Montenegro during this<br />period. The study included 458 articles in which he represented a medieval theme, of which the<br />largest number was published in magazines: Glas Crnogorca, Zetski glasnik, Zapisi, Prosvjeta,<br />Glas Boke, Glasnik Narodnog univerziteta Boke Kotorske and Zeta. Also, through the systematic<br />review, mainly descriptive character, we wanted to give a more complete picture and most<br />comprehensive expose all the works of the medieval history about area of the South Slavic<br />published in Montenegrin periodicals on the area of Montenegro in observed period. The<br />intention was to expose every noteworthy activity in this field, which could represent a<br />contribution to the study and completing the image representation medieval history in the<br />historiography of Montenegro. The importance of the dissertation is reflected in the fact that this<br />issue does not give full attention until now in papres which dealt with periodical on the area of<br />present-day Montenegro in the observed period. Also, the articles which refers to the medieval<br />period by strengthening the national consciousness, determined the identity, cherished cultural<br />heritage and folklore.</p>
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Česká hudební publicistika zaměřená na rockovou hudbu v období normalizace / Czech music journalism focused on rock music during the period of normalizationHusák, Martin January 2012 (has links)
The thesis "Czech music journalism focused on rock music during the period of normalization" reflects the position and importance of Czech rock music journalism within the structure and development of normalization of the media system. It is brought back through the oral historical research based on authentic evidence of their protagonists. It defines the initial prerequisites (ideological, political and socio-cultural) which are important to understand the circumstances under which rock music could be created and developed into an institution. It all depended on the confrontational attitude of communist power towards rock music generally. The next methodic element how to fulfill the defined goals is descriptive and comparative perspective. On this basis there is confronted official and samizdat's area of magazine production on the example of chosen periodicals. There also belong other qualitative aspects of music journalism (personalization, professionalization and every day editorial job). At the end the accepted conclusions are supported by the analysis and interpretation of chosen cultural and music events. They are divided by the method of their media coverage from official and samizdat periodicals.
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Fenomén labužnictví a časopisy věnující se gastronomii na území České republiky v letech 2004-2012 / Culinary trend and Czech magazines dedicated to gastronomy in the years 2004-2012Králiková, Barbora January 2013 (has links)
Diploma thesis Fenomén labužnictví a časopisy věnující se gastronomii na území České republiky v letech 2004-2012 is devoted to the questions of publishing gastronomical magazines in Czech republic in the years 2004-2012 and describes the culinary trend which is frequent issue of the Czech media discourse in the year 2012. The first parts of the thesis deal with the sociological perspectives on food, its role within society is explained as well as its ability to produce the meanings and symbols and to express social differentition. The attitude of Czech population towards food and lifestyle is characterized. The following chapter focuses on the culinary trend in various kinds of masmedia content, it reveals the context of the trend, its impact and the way it is represented in Czech republic. The last two chapters of the thesis deal with the gastronomical magazines, which are divided into two main categories according to their content. The current situation on the Czech market with magazines is explained. The final chapter focuses on selected gastronomical magazines F.O.O.D. Apetit and Gurmet which are analyzed from the point of their sections arrangment, graphic design, advertisement and language. Short semiotic analysis of selected articles is presented.
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Fenomén tělesné kultury na stránkách českých zájmových periodik / The body culture phenomenon in czech special interests magazinesStrouhalová, Iva January 2017 (has links)
Body culture represents a typical example of sociological phenomenon which has been a subject of mass commercialization for nearly several decades. At certain stage of this process, new magazines of special interest were been created with focus on a specific concept of the physical culture. Their content coverage ranged from fitness, strength training, bodybuilding, health lifestyle, to physical exercise in general. The diploma thesis "The body culture phenomenon in Czech special interests magazines" aims to survey an origin and evolution of such magazines in the Czech Republic and tries to shed light on how physical culture represented by increasing popularity of fitness activities among general public had been reflected in this segment of media production. While analyzing three Czech magazines, Svět kulturistiky, FITNESS and MUSCLE&FITNESS, the thesis examines how the mass popularization and commercialization of physical culture have affected a content structure of the magazines. The research focuses on selection of topics, target audience, use of language and graphic design. Qualitative content analysis will be used to study how the physical culture phenomenon is represented in selected magazines. The thesis also gives a brief insight into the history of bodybuilding and fitness movement in the...
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Podstata a strategie šíření turnerského "völkisch" světonázoru / The "völkische Weltanschauung" of the German Gymnastic Unions and the Strategies of its PropagationKlement, Martin January 2019 (has links)
In the Austrian-Hungarian, ethnically German gymnastic unions of "Deutscher Turnerbund" and "Turnkreis Deutsch-Österreich", between the late 1880s and 1918 there was an officially propagandized set of racial, nationalistic and religiously-ethical opinions known in the German literature as the "völkische Weltanschauung". This propaganda was also seen after the World War I in the Austrian union of "Deutscher Turnerbund 1919", in the union of "Deutscher Turnverband" which used to exist in the Czechoslovakia and in some segments of the German union of "Deutsche Turnerschaft". Using the newest search results, archival sources and until now predominantly ignored literature (e.g. unions periodicals, educational booklets and novels), this dissertation applies the analytic-synthetic and comparatively orientated method to answer the questions, which ideas the "völkische Weltanschauung" was consisted of, who formulated them and how they have been developed over time. Special attention is payed to the principles and effectiveness of the educational institutions (the so- called institution of the "Dietwarte"), fiction literature, periodicals and festivities in the process of the indoctrination of the young and old gymnasts. For the breadth of themes and the distinction between the official unions...
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