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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Personální řízení ve vybrané firmě dopravních služeb / Personnel management in a chosen transport company

RYBNÍČEK, Pavel January 2009 (has links)
This thesis focuses on Human Resource management of CSAD Jihotrans a.s. during the economic downturn. The purpose of the theses is to propose specific measurements for reducing the impact of the economic crisis on HR. The first part of the thesis analyzises the historical evaluation of CSAD Jihotrans and its relation to both regional and global economic trends. The second part contains controlled interviews and SWOT analysis. This method of controlled interviews enables the collection of primary information about top management and their views on economic crisis and its influence on the company. Potential development solutions have been established by using SWOT analysis and measurement proposals have been developed to reduce impact of the current economic crisis on human resources management by using the collected information.

Analýza systému personální práce ve vybraném podniku / Analysis of personal management system in a chosen company

VALENTOVÁ, Barbora January 2009 (has links)
This thesis is focused on personnel system management in Západočeské konzumní družstvo v Sušici (West Bohemian consumer cooperation in Sušice). The main aim of the thesis is analysis of personal system in chosen company and suggestion to improve quality in personnel management. I see the analysed personnel system very sophisticated and focused on details. Regardless during the analyses only one significant defect was found. Employees have no chance to buy companies goods with discounts and that could be why they are not so stabile and satisfy on their positions and on the other hand, they don{\crq}t have motivation for buying these goods too. Another recommendation for this firm is establishment of cafeteria system, this system of employees' amenities is widely used by many Czech or international companies. There were analysed chosen personnel management activities too. Among these activities we can count evaluation and recruitment of employees. In this two activities we can not see significant problems, for that reason there were proposed only some recommendations. In case of employees recruitment was cooperation with personnel agency suggested, this way of new employees admitting is not so expensive and more effective. Next step in process of personnel management improving is establishment of employees self evaluation system, which is a way how to discover current motivation of employees and can give recommendation for future development.

Vývoj personálního managementu ve firmě NSP / Personal management development in company NSP

Vyshnevska, Olha January 2008 (has links)
This work is about personal management in ukrainian branch of the american company Nature’s Sunshine Products (NSP). It provides analysis of its current situation and contains suggestions to develop personal management in the company, which should help to increase its effectiveness.

Návrh na zkvalitnění personální práce / Proposal for Improvement of Personal Management

Hájková, Zuzana January 2011 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with the improvement of personal management in the company XY, s.r.o. It focuses on the areas of motivation, assessment and training, work organization, working conditions, internal communication and information. Outcome of this diploma thesis are proposals of measures that will lead to improvement of employee performance and to their satisfaction.

Specifika personálního vedení high-tech firmy / Personal Specifics of Leading of High-tech Companies

Svoboda, Michal January 2011 (has links)
The Master´s thesis deals with specifics of personal leadership or management in companies with advanced technologies, called high-tech. Using questionnaire investigation in addition to structured interview is analyzed situation in personal area in the high-tech company . Theoretical part defines high-tech sector, describes activities and purpose of personal unit and modern conception of development of human resources. Below is entertained about influence of corporate culture on the strategy of human ressource development. Furthermore there are mentioned elements of leadership including theory of generation and diversity management. Practical part involves analytical and recommendation part, including variants

Návrh vytvoření úspěšného obchodního týmu ve finančních službách / Proposal of Setting a Successful Business Team in Financial Services

Trávník, Vladimír January 2014 (has links)
The main goal of this thesis is to design concept of creating business team and increase motivation of each member of business team. The analysis of procedure of creating the business team will be used for accomplishment the research project. The motivation of the businessmen will be evaluated by the chosen criteria. Further will be designed the way of leading the business teams to better results. On the basis of the analasis will be processed strengths and weaknesses of the concept of creating each teams and will be designed the way, how will be better culture in the team, how can the team reach better results and how to more involve each businessman to the team goals.

Spolupráce veřejného a soukromého sektoru v oblasti stavebnictví / Cooperation of the public and private sector in construction engineering

Šuster, Richard January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the analysis cooperation between the public and private sector in construction engineering. The introductory part contain the main theoretical concepts from the domain public and private sectors, managements and teamwork, construction engineering and personal management. Furthermore, it defines theoretical knowledge of the labour market and the education system SR and their benefit for the construction engineering. In the empirical part, is thesis focused on the analysis cooperation each sectors construction industry based on interviews and using a questionnaire survey. The final part thesis summarize particular detection and dedicated to proposal for a recommendation to improve cooperation between the public and private sectors in construction engineering.

Potřeby nelékařských zdravotnických pracovníků v akutní psychiatrické péči / The needs of non-medical staff members in acute psychiatric care

Smolíková, Romana January 2017 (has links)
The thesis is based on the needs of non-medical staff members in acute psychiatric care. The main aim of the thesis is to identify the needs of staff members and the relationship to their work. The theme is focussed on theoretical part and formed by information about the needs, motives and motivation in general within a working context. It further focuses on the branch of mental health care, describing the history of psychiatric nursing and current trends in psychiatric care. It then provides an analysis of specifics of psychiatric nursing and goes on to present the possibilities of professional support of the nursing staff. The practical part describes a qualitative study that aims on identification of needs of non-medical staff members working on acute psychiatric unit. The result of the study is formed by 23 identified domains of the needs implanted into the theoretical framework of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. In making recommendations for practise the author uses two attitudes for practical implementation of the results: 1. the results are rearranged into Herzberg's two factor model of motivation, 2. the mind map is used to capture the most dominant groups of needs and their mutual interferences. The thesis concludes by proposing an implementation of supervision into the organization where the...

Analýza aplikace konceptu age managementu v neziskových organizacích zabývajících se ochranou lidských práv / Analysis of Application of the Age-Management Concept in Non-Profit Organizations Engaging in the Protection of Human Rights

Hykeš, Matěj January 2019 (has links)
The goal of the thesis is to analyse the possibilities to apply the concept of age management within human-rights focused non-profit organizations in the context of risk factors of the age groups youth, middle age, old age, especially connected to their actual situation on the labour market. Author analyses the possibilities to react on such risks with age management on public, organizational and individual level and explains the connection with key problematics, such as active ageing. Own qualitative research is focusing on how managers of selected organizations approach the areas, which are key in terms of the possibilities to adapt the principles of age management. Key words: age management, ageing of society, ageism, personal management, personal activities, non-profit sector, protection of human rights

Současné trendy v obsazování pracovních pozic a budování značky zaměstnavatele v organizacích / Contemporary Trends in Recruitment and Employer Branding in Organizations

Tintěrová, Tereza January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the topic of contemporary trends in the recruitment and selection of workers and employer branding in organizations. Related to low unemployment rate, changes in individual's values and the dynamic development of technology, these personal activities are keys to ensure organization's prosperity. Firstly, the work focuses on the development of personal management and department up to the current situation. It follows a description of the specific factors of the external and internal environment of the organization. Attention is also paid to the methods and tools used in the recruitment and selection of new workers as well as to the employer branding. The target of the diploma thesis is to identify the most frequently used methods and tools in these fields. The quantitative research is focuses on medium sized and large sized organizations operating in Prague. An electronically distributed questionnaire was used for collecting the data.

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