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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The provenance and trace element signatures of MORB anorthitic plagioclase

Burleigh, Andrew W. 12 December 2012 (has links)
In an attempt to understand the phase equilibria and petrogenesis of MORB anorthitic plagioclase, Cr-spinel commonly hosted within anorthitic plagioclase has been investigated petrographically and compositionally. Based on spinel-anorthite relationships from three samples of plagioclase ultra-phyric basalt (PUB; Southeast Indian Ridge, Axial Seamount and West Valley Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge) our work finds that Cr-spinel hosted within anorthitic megacrysts consistently exhibit rounded, partially dissolved morphologies. In addition, spinel included in anorthitic plagioclase are often accompanied by melt in a composite 2 phase inclusion. Cr-spinel compositionally exhibits collinear negative correlations in Mg# (Mg/Mg+Fe; 0.6-0.73) and Cr# (Cr/Cr+Al; 0.2-0.6), and positive correlations of Cr# and Fe�����# (Fe�����/ Fe�����+Cr+Al; <0.1) with TiO��� wt% (0.3-0.8). Additionally, all spinel appear to exhibit mantle affinity (Fe�����#<0.1; Barnes and Roedder, 2001). Based on historical interpretations of Cr-spinel (Dick and Bullen, 1984), we conclude that Cr-spinel hosted within MORB anorthitic plagioclase preserve melt-mantle reaction signatures. Such reactions, potentially forming dunite, result when ascending low-a[subscript silica] primitive melts interact and consume upper mantle silicates (i.e. clinopyroxene), and include Cr,Al-rich spinel. Thus, both Al and Ca are released into the derivative melt stabilizing anorthitic plagioclase. Given that olivine has never been found in contact with plagioclase >An������, we propose that anorthitic plagioclase precipitates from the derivative liquid prior to olivine. Recently, studies have used the trace element signatures of MORB anorthitic plagioclase as probes of early differentiation processes beneath MOR (Adams et al., 2011; Weinsteiger et al., in review). However, these studies have outlined the need to decipher the geochemical signals of individual anorthitic plagioclase so that population trends may be interpreted. In response, this thesis also reports detailed trace element profiles of individual anorthitic plagioclase crystals and population trends from two samples of PUB (Southeast Indian Ridge [SEIR] sample, Axial Seamount sample). Profiles can be categorized as dominantly stochastic since correlations between trace elements and trace and major elements are largely not found; potentially precluding a role for diffusive re-equilibration. We propose that trace element heterogeneities found within individual crystals reflect the degree of trace element variability present within upper mantle and lower crust conduits. However, by observing population data specific processes may be seen. Similarities in Axial Seamount plagioclase trace elements suggest a relatively uniform source that was evolving largely as a result of plagioclase only fractionation. In contrast, the array of trace element concentrations of SEIR plagioclase positively correlates with major element variations. This suggests a complex process of melt aggregation of increasing percent melts concurrently with anorthitic plagioclase precipitation. Further process related signatures can be derived by viewing plots combining trace and major elements from both samples. In this format, each samples data suggest that similar large scale processes occur in conduits within the upper mantle where these anorthite populations' form. Although plagioclase only fractionation appears to frame the trend, the correlation is diffuse and potentially reflects additional magmatic processes (i.e. AFC, % melt, and melt aggregation). Calculated equilibrium liquids based on Axial Seamount and SEIR plagioclase are considerably depleted relative to their host glass and natural glasses documented to occur near the sampled site. The differentiation processes linking these melt compositions is currently unknown. / Graduation date: 2013

Origine et évolution des magmas de l'île de la Réunion : apports de la pétro-géochimie et des inclusions magmatiques / Origin and evolution of magmas from La Réunion Island : Insights from petrology-geochemistry and melt inclusions

Valer, Marina 14 December 2016 (has links)
Malgré l’homogénéité isotopique des laves de La Réunion, une certaine diversité des produits est observée sur les deux principaux volcans de l’île, le Piton des Neiges et le Piton de la Fournaise, d’un point de vue pétrographique et chimique. En effet, si la majorité des laves émises sont des basaltes transitionnels dont l’évolution est principalement contrôlée par la précipitation et/ou l’accumulation d’olivine, certaines laves plus ou moins anciennes montrent des caractéristiques pétrologiques et géochimiques particulières, qui témoignent de conditions magmatiques variées et de systèmes de stockage et transfert relativement complexes. C’est le cas des « Basaltes Porphyriques à Plagioclase », des basaltes des cônes excentriques dits « adventifs » et de ceux du cratère Hudson (éruption de 1998), sur lesquels portent les travaux de cette thèse. L’étude pétro-géochimique des laves est couplée à celle des inclusions magmatiques des minéraux, naturellement vitreuses ou homogénéisées par chauffage expérimental, afin de caractériser l’origine des magmas et les processus responsables de leur évolution, en contexte de point chaud océanique. Les rapports d’éléments en traces incompatibles des inclusions magmatiques piégées dans les olivines précoces (Fo > 85) des cônes adventifs sont utilisés pour identifier la nature de la source du panache mantellique de La Réunion. Les résultats suggèrent que les magmas des cônes adventifs ont une origine chimiquement comparable à celle de l’ensemble des laves réunionnaises, intermédiaire entre un domaine mantellique relativement primitif et un domaine légèrement appauvri, presque non-affecté par les processus de recyclage. De faibles degrés de fusion partielle de cette source génèrent les concentrations enrichies en éléments en traces des inclusions magmatiques. Les Basaltes Porphyriques à Plagioclases, pouvant contenir jusqu’à 35 % de plagioclases millimétriques, ont été émis sur les deux volcans. Les compositions des inclusions magmatiques des macrocristaux de plagioclase (An 84.2-71.7 ) et les observations texturales des cristaux mettent en évidence leur caractère hérité. Les magmas parentaux des cristaux évoluent essentiellement par cristallisation de clinopyroxène et de plagioclase. Les contrastes de densité entre les phases permettent la ségrégation des plagioclases par flottaison, et leur accumulation au toit de la chambre. Les Basaltes Porphyriques à Plagioclase sont formés par la remobilisation de ces zones d’accumulation riches en plagioclase lors de l’arrivée d’un nouveau magma. Les périodes très spécifiques d’éruption de ces basaltes correspondraient à une diminution du flux magmatique dans la croissance des volcans, favorisant la cristallisation de plagioclase. Les textures des laves des cônes adventifs et du cratère Hudson, ainsi que les inclusions magmatiques des olivines de ces laves témoignent d’une histoire complexe des cristaux, et de l’importance des processus de recyclage dans le système d’alimentation magmatique du Piton de la Fournaise. Les olivines sont nettement plus magnésiennes (Fo > 85) que celles des laves historiques. Les compositions chimiques des laves montrent que la majeure partie correspond à des basaltes légèrement alcalins, appelés « Mid-Alkaline Basalts », qui sont appauvris en CaO mais enrichis en éléments compatibles et incompatibles. Les compositions isotopiques et en éléments en traces leurs suggèrent une origine commune avec celle des laves historiques, bien que le taux de fusion partielle à l’origine des « Mid-Alkaline Basalts » soit plus faible. Un fractionnement profond de clinopyroxène et de plagioclase expliquerait leur formation. L’ensemble de ces résultats suggère que du magma d’origine profonde peut remonter directement, sans passer par le système central du volcan. / Despite the isotopic homogeneity of the La Réunion lavas, a petrographic and chemical diversity is observed in the products of the two main volcanoes of the island, le Piton des Neiges and le Piton de la Fournaise. Although the majority of the lavas are transitional basalts which are mainly controlled by olivine fractionation and/or accumulation, some relatively old lavas show petrological and geochemical characteristics that reflect various and relatively complex magmatic conditions, as well as storage and plumbing systems. This is for instance the case of the Plagioclase Ultraphyric-Basalts, basalts from the eccentric ‘adventive’ cones and from the Hudson crater (1998 eruption), on which this works deals with. The petro-geochemical study of the lavas is coupled with the investigation of naturally vitreous or experimentally quenched mineral-hosted melt inclusions, in order to characterize the origin of the magmas and their evolution processes in an oceanic hotspot context. The incompatible trace element ratios of the melt inclusions trapped within early-formed olivine crystals (Fo > 85) from the adventive cones are used to identify the nature of the La Réunion mantle plume source. The results suggest that magmas of the adventive cones originate from chemical source comparable to that of all the La Réunion lavas. This source is intermediate between a primitive-like mantle domain and a depleted one, almost unaffected by recycling processes. Small degrees of melting of this source can explain the enriched trace element concentrations of the melt inclusions. Plagioclase-bearing ultraphyric basalts, which can have up to 35 % millimetre-sized plagioclase crystals, were erupted during some stages of building of the two volcanoes. The compositions of the melt inclusions hosted in the plagioclase macrocrystals (An 84.2-71.7 ) and textural observations of the crystals highlight their inherited character. The parental melts of the crystals mainly evolve by clinopyroxene and plagioclase crystallization. Density contrasts between the phases allow plagioclase segregation by flotation and their accumulation at the top of the chamber. The Plagioclase Ultraphyric-Basalts are derived from the remobilization of this plagioclase-rich accumulation zones, upon input of a new batch of magma. The specific eruption periods of these basalts would correspond to decreases in the magma supply, which promoted plagioclase crystallization. Lava textures of the adventive cones and Hudson crater and their olivine-hosted melt inclusions reflect a complex history of the crystals, and the role of recycling processes in the magma feeding system of the Piton de la Fournaise volcano. The olivine crystals are clearly more magnesian (Fo > 85) than those found in the historical lava ones. The chemical compositions of the lavas show that they correspond for the most part to slightly alkaline basalts, called “Mid-Alkaline Basalts”, which are depleted in CaO and enriched in compatible and incompatible elements. Isotopic and trace element compositions suggest that they have a common origin with the historical lavas, but partial melting degrees are lower for the “Mid-Alkaline Basalts”. Clinopyroxene and plagioclase deep fractionation would explain their formation. All the results suggest that the ascent of deep-seated magma clearly could bypass the central volcanic system.

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