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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Origine de la diversité géochimique des magmas équatoriens : de l'arc au minéral / Origin of the geochemical diversity of Ecuadorian magmas : from the arc to the mineral

Ancellin, Marie-Anne 17 November 2017 (has links)
Les laves d'arc ont une géochimie complexe du fait de l'hétérogénéité des magmas primitifs et de leur transformation dans la croûte. L'identification des magmas primitifs dans les arcs continentaux est difficile du fait de l'épaisseur de la croûte continentale, qui constitue un filtre mécanique et chimique à l'ascension des magmas. En Équateur, cette problématique est particulièrement critique du fait de la grande épaisseur de la croûte (≈ 50-60 km) et de la rareté des magmas primitifs arrivant en surface. Cette thèse a pour but de déterminer la composition des liquides primitifs dans l'arc équatorien, à l'échelle de l'arc entier, et à celle de deux édifices volcaniques : le Pichincha et le Tungurahua. Elle vise également à mieux comprendre comment ces liquides primitifs évoluent à travers la croûte continentale. En Équateur, le pendage, le relief et l'âge de la plaque plongeante varient du nord au sud de l'arc. Ainsi, la première partie de la thèse aborde la question de l'influence de ces paramètres sur la géochimie des magmas, via une étude sur roches totales couvrant la totalité de l'arc. Elle confirme les variations géochimiques décrites à travers l'arc par les études précédentes : augmentation de la teneur en éléments incompatibles et diminution de l'enrichissement en éléments "mobiles" d'est en ouest. L'étude identifie des variations géochimiques le long du front volcanique (e.g., rapport Ba/Th), liées au changement de nature des fluides métasomatiques, qui sont aqueux au centre de l'arc (environ 0,5°S) et silicatés au Nord et possiblement au Sud. Ce changement est attribué à la jeunesse du plancher océanique dans le nord de l'arc, qui pourrait promouvoir la fusion de la plaque plongeante. Enfin, il semble que la contamination par la croûte inférieure augmente vers le sud du front volcanique. Dans un deuxième temps, les produits émis par le Tungurahua lors de ses derniers 3000 ans d'activité sont étudiés. À cette échelle de temps, les paramètres tectoniques de la première étude sont constants. Ce travail détaille le rôle de la croûte dans la production des magmas différenciés, qui sont systématiquement associés à des éruptions plus explosives. Elle conclut que les andésites ont des compositions isotopiques hétérogènes (206Pb/204Pb = 18,834 - 19,038), acquises en profondeur (manteau ou croûte inférieure), qui se restreignent lors de la différenciation des andésites en dacites (206Pb/204Pb = 18,965 - 19,030), par cristallisation fractionnée et assimilation de la croûte supérieure locale (7-9 %). Enfin, la troisième partie de la thèse se focalise sur l'hétérogénéité des magmas primitifs. Des études sur minéraux individuels ont été effectuées au Pichincha et au Tungurahua, et montrent que la majorité des minéraux sont en déséquilibre avec la roche hôte (jusqu'à 8600 ppm en 206Pb/204Pb). Au Pichincha, la diversité des minéraux échantillonnés permet d'identifier la diversité des liquides mantelliques (206Pb/204Pb = 18,816 - 19,007), qui s'alignent dans les espaces Pb-Pb. Comme dans le cas des roches totales du Tungurahua, l'assimilation crustale écrase cette diversité isotopique lors de la différenciation des liquides primitifs, dont la signature n'est pas préservée dans les roches. Au Tungurahua, les minéraux individuels montrent que l'hétérogénéité des signatures est acquise en profondeur. L'analyse de deux lots d'olivines met en évidence une signature radiogénique dans les liquides primitifs du Tungurahua, interprétée comme la présence de croûte délaminée dans la source mantellique du Tungurahua. Enfin, l'étude de lots d'olivines provenant de sept volcans équatoriens montre qu'il n'existe pas de signature primitive unique dans l'arc. La totalité de l'hétérogénéité isotopique des magmas est héritée du manteau (206Pb/204Pb = 18,583 - 19,000). Les compositions des liquides primitifs sont ensuite déviées par la contamination crustale, dans la majorité des cas, vers des signatures plus radiogéniques. / Arc lavas display a complex geochemistry resulting from the heterogeneity of primitive magmas and their transformation within the crust. Identifying primitive magma compositions in continental arcs is challenging because continental crust is thick and acts as a mechanical and chemical filter for ascending magmas. This issue is particularly criticial in Ecuador owing to the great thickness of the continental crust (≈ 50-60 km) and the scarcity of erupted primitive magmas. This thesis aims to determine the composition of primitive silicate melts in the Ecuadorian arc, on the scale of the whole arc, as well as on the scale of two volcanic edifices: the Pichincha and the Tungurahua. This study also intends to better understand how those primitive melts evolve during their journey through the continental crust. In Ecuador, slab dip, relief and age change from north to south. Hence, the first part of the PhD focuses on the influence of those parameters on magma geochemistry, through a whole rock study covering the entire arc. It confirms the across-arc geochemical variations described by previous studies: an increase of incompatible element contents and a decrease of fluid-mobile over fluid-immobile element ratios from west to east. We identify along-arc geochemical variations in the volcanic front (e.g. Ba/Th), related to the changing nature of metasomatic fluids, which are aqueous fluids at the centre of the arc (around 0.5°S) and silicate melts to the north and probably to the south. This change may be due to the subduction of a younger and warmer oceanic crust to the north, which might promote slab melting. Lastly, it seems that deep crustal contamination increases towards the south of the volcanic front. Secondly, volcanic products emitted for the last 3,000 years at Tungurahua are studied. On this timescale, the tectonic parameters of the first study are constant. This work details the role of continental crust in the production of differentiated magmas, which are systematically associated with more explosive eruptions. We conclude that andesites have heterogeneous isotopic compositions (206Pb/204Pb = 18.834 - 19.038), acquired at depth (mantle or deep crust), that homogeneize through andesite differentiation to dacite (206Pb/204Pb = 18.965 - 19.030) by fractional crystallization and assimilation of the local upper crust (7-9 %). Lastly, the third part of the PhD focuses on the heterogeneity of primitive magmas. We study individual minerals from Pichincha and Tungurahua volcanoes and show that most minerals are in disequilibrium with their host rock (up to 8,600 ppm for 206Pb/204Pb). The diversity of Pichincha minerals allows the identification of mantle melt diversity (206Pb/204Pb = 18.816 - 19.007), with compositions forming a tight trend in Pb-Pb isotope spaces. As for Tungurahua whole rocks, crustal assimilation erases the diversity of primitive melt isotope signatures through differentiation, so that primitive melt signatures are not preserved in whole rock samples. At Tungurahua, individual minerals show that the heterogeneity of isotope compositions is acquired at depth. The analysis of two olivine fractions reveals the existence of a radiogenic signature in the mantle source of Tungurahua volcano, interpreted as the presence of delaminated crust within the mantle beneath its edifice. Finally, olivine fractions from seven Ecuadorian volcanoes highlight the fact that no unique primitive signature exists in the arc. Isotopic heterogeneity is entirely inherited from the mantle (206Pb/204Pb = 18.583 - 19.000). Primitive melt compositions are then shifted by continental crust contamination which, in most cases, results in more radiogenic signatures.

Origine et évolution des magmas de l'île de la Réunion : apports de la pétro-géochimie et des inclusions magmatiques / Origin and evolution of magmas from La Réunion Island : Insights from petrology-geochemistry and melt inclusions

Valer, Marina 14 December 2016 (has links)
Malgré l’homogénéité isotopique des laves de La Réunion, une certaine diversité des produits est observée sur les deux principaux volcans de l’île, le Piton des Neiges et le Piton de la Fournaise, d’un point de vue pétrographique et chimique. En effet, si la majorité des laves émises sont des basaltes transitionnels dont l’évolution est principalement contrôlée par la précipitation et/ou l’accumulation d’olivine, certaines laves plus ou moins anciennes montrent des caractéristiques pétrologiques et géochimiques particulières, qui témoignent de conditions magmatiques variées et de systèmes de stockage et transfert relativement complexes. C’est le cas des « Basaltes Porphyriques à Plagioclase », des basaltes des cônes excentriques dits « adventifs » et de ceux du cratère Hudson (éruption de 1998), sur lesquels portent les travaux de cette thèse. L’étude pétro-géochimique des laves est couplée à celle des inclusions magmatiques des minéraux, naturellement vitreuses ou homogénéisées par chauffage expérimental, afin de caractériser l’origine des magmas et les processus responsables de leur évolution, en contexte de point chaud océanique. Les rapports d’éléments en traces incompatibles des inclusions magmatiques piégées dans les olivines précoces (Fo > 85) des cônes adventifs sont utilisés pour identifier la nature de la source du panache mantellique de La Réunion. Les résultats suggèrent que les magmas des cônes adventifs ont une origine chimiquement comparable à celle de l’ensemble des laves réunionnaises, intermédiaire entre un domaine mantellique relativement primitif et un domaine légèrement appauvri, presque non-affecté par les processus de recyclage. De faibles degrés de fusion partielle de cette source génèrent les concentrations enrichies en éléments en traces des inclusions magmatiques. Les Basaltes Porphyriques à Plagioclases, pouvant contenir jusqu’à 35 % de plagioclases millimétriques, ont été émis sur les deux volcans. Les compositions des inclusions magmatiques des macrocristaux de plagioclase (An 84.2-71.7 ) et les observations texturales des cristaux mettent en évidence leur caractère hérité. Les magmas parentaux des cristaux évoluent essentiellement par cristallisation de clinopyroxène et de plagioclase. Les contrastes de densité entre les phases permettent la ségrégation des plagioclases par flottaison, et leur accumulation au toit de la chambre. Les Basaltes Porphyriques à Plagioclase sont formés par la remobilisation de ces zones d’accumulation riches en plagioclase lors de l’arrivée d’un nouveau magma. Les périodes très spécifiques d’éruption de ces basaltes correspondraient à une diminution du flux magmatique dans la croissance des volcans, favorisant la cristallisation de plagioclase. Les textures des laves des cônes adventifs et du cratère Hudson, ainsi que les inclusions magmatiques des olivines de ces laves témoignent d’une histoire complexe des cristaux, et de l’importance des processus de recyclage dans le système d’alimentation magmatique du Piton de la Fournaise. Les olivines sont nettement plus magnésiennes (Fo > 85) que celles des laves historiques. Les compositions chimiques des laves montrent que la majeure partie correspond à des basaltes légèrement alcalins, appelés « Mid-Alkaline Basalts », qui sont appauvris en CaO mais enrichis en éléments compatibles et incompatibles. Les compositions isotopiques et en éléments en traces leurs suggèrent une origine commune avec celle des laves historiques, bien que le taux de fusion partielle à l’origine des « Mid-Alkaline Basalts » soit plus faible. Un fractionnement profond de clinopyroxène et de plagioclase expliquerait leur formation. L’ensemble de ces résultats suggère que du magma d’origine profonde peut remonter directement, sans passer par le système central du volcan. / Despite the isotopic homogeneity of the La Réunion lavas, a petrographic and chemical diversity is observed in the products of the two main volcanoes of the island, le Piton des Neiges and le Piton de la Fournaise. Although the majority of the lavas are transitional basalts which are mainly controlled by olivine fractionation and/or accumulation, some relatively old lavas show petrological and geochemical characteristics that reflect various and relatively complex magmatic conditions, as well as storage and plumbing systems. This is for instance the case of the Plagioclase Ultraphyric-Basalts, basalts from the eccentric ‘adventive’ cones and from the Hudson crater (1998 eruption), on which this works deals with. The petro-geochemical study of the lavas is coupled with the investigation of naturally vitreous or experimentally quenched mineral-hosted melt inclusions, in order to characterize the origin of the magmas and their evolution processes in an oceanic hotspot context. The incompatible trace element ratios of the melt inclusions trapped within early-formed olivine crystals (Fo > 85) from the adventive cones are used to identify the nature of the La Réunion mantle plume source. The results suggest that magmas of the adventive cones originate from chemical source comparable to that of all the La Réunion lavas. This source is intermediate between a primitive-like mantle domain and a depleted one, almost unaffected by recycling processes. Small degrees of melting of this source can explain the enriched trace element concentrations of the melt inclusions. Plagioclase-bearing ultraphyric basalts, which can have up to 35 % millimetre-sized plagioclase crystals, were erupted during some stages of building of the two volcanoes. The compositions of the melt inclusions hosted in the plagioclase macrocrystals (An 84.2-71.7 ) and textural observations of the crystals highlight their inherited character. The parental melts of the crystals mainly evolve by clinopyroxene and plagioclase crystallization. Density contrasts between the phases allow plagioclase segregation by flotation and their accumulation at the top of the chamber. The Plagioclase Ultraphyric-Basalts are derived from the remobilization of this plagioclase-rich accumulation zones, upon input of a new batch of magma. The specific eruption periods of these basalts would correspond to decreases in the magma supply, which promoted plagioclase crystallization. Lava textures of the adventive cones and Hudson crater and their olivine-hosted melt inclusions reflect a complex history of the crystals, and the role of recycling processes in the magma feeding system of the Piton de la Fournaise volcano. The olivine crystals are clearly more magnesian (Fo > 85) than those found in the historical lava ones. The chemical compositions of the lavas show that they correspond for the most part to slightly alkaline basalts, called “Mid-Alkaline Basalts”, which are depleted in CaO and enriched in compatible and incompatible elements. Isotopic and trace element compositions suggest that they have a common origin with the historical lavas, but partial melting degrees are lower for the “Mid-Alkaline Basalts”. Clinopyroxene and plagioclase deep fractionation would explain their formation. All the results suggest that the ascent of deep-seated magma clearly could bypass the central volcanic system.

A trace element study of plagioclase and clinopyroxene phenocrysts in historical lavas from Mt. Etna, Sicily, by laser ablation ICP-MS

Russo, Christopher J. 20 July 2001 (has links)
Graduation date: 2002

Deformation behaviour and chemical signatures of anorthosites: : Examples from southern West Greenland and south-central Sweden

Svahnberg, Henrik January 2010 (has links)
Plagioclase is the most abundant mineral in the lower crust and it is thus important to constrain the behaviour of plagioclase during deformation. Anorthosites, which are plagioclase-rich rocks, are common in Archaean cratons but their origin and rheological importance is still debated. The aims of this thesis are to 1) describe a newly discovered Archaean anorthosite complex (Naajat Kuuat, SW Greenland), investigate its origin and a possible genetic relationship between the anorthosite and associated mafic-ultramafic rocks and 2) to study the rheology and deformation mechanisms in plagioclase-rich rocks. The main focus of this thesis is on the deformation studies. (1) Geochemical whole-rock analyses from the Naajat Kuuat complex are indicative for an origin near a subduction zone setting. A genetic link by crystal fractionation between the anorthosite and associated mafic-ultramafic units is inferred. (2) Deformation behaviour of plagioclase is assessed from analyses of three anorthosite units deformed during different conditions. Samples were analysed using the electron backscatter diffraction technique (EBSD) in combination with optical and chemical analyses. All three case studies show significant strain localisation related to grain size reduction. A wet anorthosite deformed at dry conditions (T ~675-700°C) was dynamically recrystallised. Continuous bands of recrystallised grains developed a texture yet display microstructures and grain relationships indicative for grain size sensitive creep, suggesting that the rheology followed a Newtonian flow law. In the other two studies, samples with initially dry and wet composition, respectively, have experienced deformation during fluid present conditions at T ~550-620°C. These two samples show that fluids effectively caused reactions, replacements and aided strain localisation during deformation at mid crustal conditions. / At the time of the doctoral defence the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 1: Manuscript; Paper 2 Manuscript; Paper 3 Manuscript.

The emplacement and crystallization of the cornelia pluton, Ajo, Arizona: an analysis based on the compositional zoning of plagioclase and field relations

Harris, Jonathan O. January 1984 (has links)
The Cornelia Pluton was previously found to have been faulted in two (Gilluly, 1946). The downthrown apex is host to a copper ore-body, and the upthrown block represents a vertical cross-section of the igneous system. Field work confirmed the character of the relationship between three texturally-distinct quartz monzonites described by Wadsworth (1968). Plagioclase crystals were chosen from all the phases, including previously undescribed hydrothermal rocks, and analyzed with a microprobe. Graphs of anorthite content versus radial distance revealed systematic patterns of compositional variation, analysis of which yielded a consistent, time-dependent model for the emplacement and crystallization of the system. The granodiorite resulted from an earlier intrusive event. The quartz monzonites crystallized initially downward from the system's roof, and, subsequently, upward from the floor. Saturation of the remaining pocket(s) of magma led to the development of an inner fine-grained phase, and possibly, the evolution of hydrothermal fluids. The genetic connection between these fluids and eventual mineralization of the cupola is suggested.

An assessment of equilibrium in the Merensky Reef : a textural, geochemical and Nd isotope study of coexisting plagioclase and orthopyroxene from Winnaarshoek in the eastern Bushveld Complex, RSA

Raines, Mark Douglas January 2014 (has links)
Evidence of mineral disequilibrium is presented for the Merensky Reef at Winnaarshoek in the eastern Bushveld Complex. Petrographic disequilibrium textures, disequilibrium in orthopyroxene, plagioclase and clinopyroxene mineral compositions as well as disequilibrium in Sm-Nd isotopic compositions of whole rock samples and coexisting plagioclase and orthopyroxene are presented. Disequilibrium textures presented include clinopyroxene exsolution lamellae in orthopyroxene; resorbed plagioclase in orthopyroxene or relict plagioclase; various inclusions such as orthopyroxene, plagioclase or clinopyroxene in larger oikocrysts of clinopyroxene or orthopyroxene; discontinuous rims of clinopyroxene surrounding orthopyroxene; resorbed orthopyroxene in clinopyroxene; and corona textures associated with olivine. These textures were used to derive a possible mineral crystallization sequence. At least two sequences of crystallization took place, both of which crystallized plagioclase first. One sequence then crystallized olivine which was then consumed to produce orthopyroxene which crystallized prior to late clinopyroxene. The other sequence indicates orthopyroxene crystallization after plagioclase crystallization, followed by crystallization of clinopyroxene. These sequences indicate at least two magmas were responsible for the genesis of the Merensky Reef and its hanging wall and footwall units. Compositionally, disequilibrium is evident in the range of compositions found in coexisting orthopyroxene, plagioclase and clinopyroxene with stratigraphic height, with particular reference to the change in mineral composition in each of the hanging wall, Reef and footwall units. Orthopyroxene compositions range in Mg numbers between 74.6 and 82.9 (77.4) in the hanging wall, 78.5 and 87.0 (avg. 81.1) in the Reef, and 77.9 and 84.1 (avg. 81.3) in the footwall. Plagioclase compositions range in An content between An64.9 and An82.3 (avg. An75.1) in the hanging wall, An56.8 to An70.8 (avg. An62.7) in the Reef, and An54.2 to An86.3 (avg. An73.2) in the footwall. In terms of Sm-Nd isotopic compositions, disequilibrium is evident between both whole rock samples and coexisting plagioclase and orthopyroxenes. Bulk rock Sm-Nd isotopic compositions show a range in ԐNd values between ԐNd (2.06 Ga) = -4.8 to -6.4 in the hangingwall, ԐNd (2.06 Ga) = -6.3 to -8.5 in the Reef, and ԐNd (2.06 Ga) = -4.5 to -6.3 in the footwall. Similar ԐNd values are present in the hanging wall and footwall units, with a clear “spike” in the Merensky Reef. ԐNd values in plagioclase are between ԐNd (2.06 Ga) = -5.8 and -7.8, while orthopyroxene isotopic Sm-Nd values are between ԐNd (2.06 Ga = -7.1 and -9.1. The mineral disequilibrium features presented within this study help elucidate the crystallization sequence of the magma as well as to constrain the contamination of the magma upon ascension and emplacement of the Merensky Reef. The results of this study favour a model where a mantle plume resulted in the ascent of a new magma which was contaminated by the assimilation of old, lower crust. Contamination took place prior to the possible lateral emplacement of the Merensky reef as a density current. 5-10% contamination of depleted mantle or a B2-“like” source by Archaean TTGs is modeled to achieve the contamination “spike” of ԐNd = -8.5 in the Merensky Reef.

Distribuição do tamanho de cristais (DTC) e trama de plagioclásio em diques máficos Mesozóicos das Praias das Conchas e de Lagoinha (Municípios de Cabo Frio e Arraial de Búzios, RJ) / Crystal size distribution (CSD) and plagioclase fabrics in Mesozoic mafic dykes of the Beaches of Conchas and Lagoinha, (Municipalities of Cabo Frio and Armação dos Búzios, RJ)

Ngonge, Emmanuel Donald 28 April 2011 (has links)
A técnica da Distribuição do Tamanho de Cristais - DTC (Crystal Size Distribution - CSD), que relaciona a densidade de cristais com a distribuição do tamanho, foi aplicada à população de plagioclásio de diques máficos do Enxame de Cabo Frio - Búzios (RJ). Os diques possuem larguras variáveis, de alguns centímetros a 20 metros, e orientação em torno de N45E. A textura dos diques é geralmente fina, localmente microporfirítica e intergranular no centro dos diques mais largos. Bordas resfriadas de alguns centímetros de largura são frequentes nos contatos com as rochas metamórficas encaixantes. Foram estudados dois diques na Praia das Conchas com espessura de 0,8m e 8,2m e, um outro na Praia da Lagoinha, com 2m de largura. As amostras foram coletadas junto às margens (~10 cm do contato) e no centro dos diques. O tamanho médio dos cristais de plagioclásio varia de 0,07 a 0,13 mm na borda dos diques mais finos (<= 2 m de largura) e de 0,09 a 0,20 mm na borda do dique mais largo. No centro do dique de Lagoinha e no dique largo de Praia das Conchas o tamanho de plagioclásio é da ordem de 0,19 ± 0,02 mm e 0,60 ± 0,07 mm, respectivamente. As DTCs nas bordas dos diques, independentemente de sua largura, mostraram um padrão tipicamente encurvado, e que tem sido atribuído na literatura como evidência para misturas de magmas com populações de cristais de tamanhos distintos. No entanto, no centro do dique largo (8,2m) de Praia das Conchas, a DTC é log-linear consistente com uma cristalização magmática simples. A química mineral mostrou que os cristais maiores (precoces) de plagioclásio apresentam um teor mais elevado em An (bytownita-labradorita) que os cristais menores (tardios) da matriz (labradorita-andesina). Além disso, a olivina é mais rica em Fo na borda que no centro do dique e, respectivamente, o piroxênio mais enriquecido em Ca. Esses resultados indicam que as margens resfriadas são mais máficas que o centro sugerindo uma evolução química normal com o resfriamento do magma. Portanto, as DTCs encurvadas provavelmente refletem taxas de cristalização heterogêneas possivelmente induzidas pela despressurização durante a ascensão do magma basáltico seguida de rápido resfriamento. O padrão da DTC log-linear no centro do dique de 8,2m de largura é atribuído ao maior tempo de residência do magma que favoreceria os processos de difusão química e re-equilíbrio textural. Os cálculos da taxa de resfriamento utilizando a inclinação da DTC permitiram estimar que o centro do dique largo da Praia das Conchas estaria completamente cristalizado (~ 900 °C) em torno de 73 dias. O estudo da Orientação Preferencial de Forma (OPF) de plagioclásio mostrou que a petrotrama tende a isotrópica nas margens dos diques com largura menor que 2 metros, o que poderia refletir uma rápida cristalização de plagioclásio por despressurização. Quando a trama é localmente definida, como no dique largo da Praia das Conchas, a lineação de plagioclásio é subhorizontal sugerindo que o fluxo magmático moveu-se predominantemente na lateral do dique. / The method of Crystal Size Distribution (CSD), which relates crystal density with size distribution, has been applied on the plagioclase population of the Mafic Dyke Swarm of Cabo Frio-Búzios (RJ). The dykes are NE-trending with widths from a few centimetres to 20m. The texture is generally fine grained and locally microporphyritic and intergranular at the center of the larger dykes. Chilled margins of a few centimetres in width are common at contacts with the metamorphic basement. Two dykes of 0.8m and 8.2m in width of the Conchas Beach and another of 2m in width at the Lagoinha Beach have been studied. Samples were collected at the margins (~10cm from the contact) and at the center of the dykes. The average characteristic size of the plagioclase crystals varies from 0.07 to 0.13mm at the margins of the narrow dykes (<=2m of width) and from 0.09 to 0.20mm at the margins of the large dyke. At the center of the Lagoinha and Conchas dykes the plagioclase size varies from 0.19 ±0.02mm and 0.60±0.07mm respectively. The CSDs at the dyke margins, irrespective of the dyke width, are typically concave-up, and in literature such patterns have been attributed as evidence of magma mixing with distinct crystal populations. However, at the center of the largest dyke (8.2m) of Conchas Beach, the CSD is log-linear, consistent with simple steady-state crystallization pattern. The mineral chemistry shows that the plagioclase phenocrysts have a high An content (bytownite-labradorite) than the groundmass grains (labradorite-andesine). At the margins olivine is richer in Fo than at the center, and respectively, pyroxene is richer in Ca. These results indicate that the chilled margin is more mafic than the center suggesting a normal chemical evolution in a cooling magma. Nevertheless, the concave-up CSDs probably depict heterogeneous crystallization rates possibly induced by depressurization during the ascent of the basaltic magma followed by rapid cooling. The log-linear CSD pattern at the center of the Conchas dyke (8.2m width) is attributed to a higher residence time of the magma which favors the processes of chemical diffusion and textural re-equilibration. The calculated cooling rates using the CSD slope enables us to estimate that the larger dyke of Conchas would be completely crystallized (at ~900oC) in 73 days. The study of the Shape Preferred Orientation (SPO) in plagioclase shows an isotropic petrofabric at the margins of the dykes <=2m, which could reflect a rapid crystallization of plagioclase by depressurization. When the fabric is defined, as in the larger Conchas Beach dyke, the plagioclase lineation is subhorizontal, suggesting that the magma flow was predominantly lateral to the dyke plane.

Approches pétrogéochimique et géomathématique de la cyclicité magmatique en contexte d'accrétion océanique : de la fusion partielle aux séquences de réalimentation/vidange des réservoirs crustaux.

Cordier, Carole 01 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Les études présentées dans ce mémoire ont permis de cerner, à partir des caractéristiques géochimiques et pétrographiques des laves émises en contexte d'accrétion océanique, l'évolution temporelle du fonctionnement des réservoirs magmatiques et de la fusion partielle du manteau supérieur à l'axe des dorsales océaniques. En l'absence de datations absolues fiables sur les laves étudiées, la chronologie relative entre les échantillons a été approchée par des méthodes complémentaires, basées sur les relations géographiques et stratigraphiques des échantillons.<br /><br /> Dans un premier temps, un modèle géomathématique a été élaboré afin de retracer l'évolution d'une chambre magmatique soumise à une réalimentation fluctuant de manière sinusoïdale au cours du temps. L'application de ce modèle à un site naturel nécessite de contraindre l'amplitude des variations chimiques des laves par un échantillonnage de qualité ainsi que d'autres paramètres géologiques, impliquant quant à eux de nombreuses hypothèses sur la géométrie et l'état physico-thermique du réservoir magmatique. L'approche géochimique de ce modèle a été appliquée à trois sites naturels, la dorsale Est Pacifique (EPR), le propagateur du Bassin Nord Fidjien et la dorsale Juan de Fuca (JdF). Par deux fois, les compositions en éléments en trace incompatibles des liquides de réalimentation déduites du modèle géomathématique ont reproduit celles calculées sur des bases expérimentales. Pour deux des sites (EPR et JdF), les périodes des cycles de fonctionnement du réservoir magmatique ont également pu être déterminées (750 et 1000 ans pour l'EPR et la dorsale JdF, respectivement). Ce modèle géomathématique permet ainsi de caractériser les flux instantanés de magma au sein des réservoirs et complète les études géomorphologiques et géophysiques estimant quant à elles la périodicité de l'apport magmatique moyen, du manteau vers la croûte.<br /><br /> La seconde partie du mémoire porte sur les dykes et les coulées volcaniques affleurant à l'extrémité sud de la dorsale JdF, le long des flancs de la Dépression Ouest Blanco. Les compositions isotopiques Sr-Nd des échantillons ont permis de caractériser un manteau hétérogène sous la zone de fracture Blanco, constitué de péridotites très appauvries, proches d'un pôle mantellique pur, veinées de matériel plus enrichi. Le régime cinématique de cette zone, évoluant de la propagation à l'accrétion, semble avoir permis la refusion à l'axe de la dorsale JdF d'un manteau résiduel, ayant préalablement fondu sous un segment en propagation. Parallèlement, l'analyse des zonations des phénocristaux et xénocristaux de plagioclase a mis en évidence des phénomènes de mélange entre des magmas dacitiques riches en eau et des magmas basaltiques. Les fluctuations de l'indice de différenciation Mg# en fonction de la position stratigraphique de laves cogénétiques ont permis d'expliquer ces mélanges en terme de réalimentation épisodique du réservoir magmatique. L'application du modèle géomathématique suggère que le magma réalimentant le réservoir correspondrait à un MORB-N basaltique (Mg#~68,5).<br /><br /> Dans le troisième volet, les laves étudiées ont été prélevées transversalement à l'axe de la dorsale Centrale Indienne vers 19°S, une zone cinématiquement complexe de part la possible contamination du manteau supérieur indien par le point chaud de la Réunion à ces latitudes. Les compositions isotopiques Sr-Nd des laves ont mis en évidence une fluctuation significative de la nature de la source mantellique au cours du temps. Certaines compositions convergent vers celles des basaltes de la ride volcanique hors-axe Gasitao et reflèteraient ainsi une interaction entre le point chaud de la Réunion et la dorsale. Néanmoins, une telle interaction ne pourra être confirmée qu'après l'acquisition des compositions isotopiques en plomb de ces échantillons. La majorité des rapports isotopiques Sr-Nd des laves du profil nécessite cependant de considérer un composant mantellique enrichi additionnel, dont la nature reste à contraindre mais qui s'exprimerait également au niveau de l'île volcanique Rodrigues. Par ailleurs, afin de reproduire l'enrichissement en éléments incompatibles de certains de ces échantillons il est nécessaire d'envisager une covariation du degré de fusion et de la nature de la source. La distribution des laves enrichies le long du profil suggère alors une fluctuation du degré de fusion au cours du temps, à première vue périodique (période de 200-250 Ka).

Distribuição do tamanho de cristais (DTC) e trama de plagioclásio em diques máficos Mesozóicos das Praias das Conchas e de Lagoinha (Municípios de Cabo Frio e Arraial de Búzios, RJ) / Crystal size distribution (CSD) and plagioclase fabrics in Mesozoic mafic dykes of the Beaches of Conchas and Lagoinha, (Municipalities of Cabo Frio and Armação dos Búzios, RJ)

Emmanuel Donald Ngonge 28 April 2011 (has links)
A técnica da Distribuição do Tamanho de Cristais - DTC (Crystal Size Distribution - CSD), que relaciona a densidade de cristais com a distribuição do tamanho, foi aplicada à população de plagioclásio de diques máficos do Enxame de Cabo Frio - Búzios (RJ). Os diques possuem larguras variáveis, de alguns centímetros a 20 metros, e orientação em torno de N45E. A textura dos diques é geralmente fina, localmente microporfirítica e intergranular no centro dos diques mais largos. Bordas resfriadas de alguns centímetros de largura são frequentes nos contatos com as rochas metamórficas encaixantes. Foram estudados dois diques na Praia das Conchas com espessura de 0,8m e 8,2m e, um outro na Praia da Lagoinha, com 2m de largura. As amostras foram coletadas junto às margens (~10 cm do contato) e no centro dos diques. O tamanho médio dos cristais de plagioclásio varia de 0,07 a 0,13 mm na borda dos diques mais finos (<= 2 m de largura) e de 0,09 a 0,20 mm na borda do dique mais largo. No centro do dique de Lagoinha e no dique largo de Praia das Conchas o tamanho de plagioclásio é da ordem de 0,19 ± 0,02 mm e 0,60 ± 0,07 mm, respectivamente. As DTCs nas bordas dos diques, independentemente de sua largura, mostraram um padrão tipicamente encurvado, e que tem sido atribuído na literatura como evidência para misturas de magmas com populações de cristais de tamanhos distintos. No entanto, no centro do dique largo (8,2m) de Praia das Conchas, a DTC é log-linear consistente com uma cristalização magmática simples. A química mineral mostrou que os cristais maiores (precoces) de plagioclásio apresentam um teor mais elevado em An (bytownita-labradorita) que os cristais menores (tardios) da matriz (labradorita-andesina). Além disso, a olivina é mais rica em Fo na borda que no centro do dique e, respectivamente, o piroxênio mais enriquecido em Ca. Esses resultados indicam que as margens resfriadas são mais máficas que o centro sugerindo uma evolução química normal com o resfriamento do magma. Portanto, as DTCs encurvadas provavelmente refletem taxas de cristalização heterogêneas possivelmente induzidas pela despressurização durante a ascensão do magma basáltico seguida de rápido resfriamento. O padrão da DTC log-linear no centro do dique de 8,2m de largura é atribuído ao maior tempo de residência do magma que favoreceria os processos de difusão química e re-equilíbrio textural. Os cálculos da taxa de resfriamento utilizando a inclinação da DTC permitiram estimar que o centro do dique largo da Praia das Conchas estaria completamente cristalizado (~ 900 °C) em torno de 73 dias. O estudo da Orientação Preferencial de Forma (OPF) de plagioclásio mostrou que a petrotrama tende a isotrópica nas margens dos diques com largura menor que 2 metros, o que poderia refletir uma rápida cristalização de plagioclásio por despressurização. Quando a trama é localmente definida, como no dique largo da Praia das Conchas, a lineação de plagioclásio é subhorizontal sugerindo que o fluxo magmático moveu-se predominantemente na lateral do dique. / The method of Crystal Size Distribution (CSD), which relates crystal density with size distribution, has been applied on the plagioclase population of the Mafic Dyke Swarm of Cabo Frio-Búzios (RJ). The dykes are NE-trending with widths from a few centimetres to 20m. The texture is generally fine grained and locally microporphyritic and intergranular at the center of the larger dykes. Chilled margins of a few centimetres in width are common at contacts with the metamorphic basement. Two dykes of 0.8m and 8.2m in width of the Conchas Beach and another of 2m in width at the Lagoinha Beach have been studied. Samples were collected at the margins (~10cm from the contact) and at the center of the dykes. The average characteristic size of the plagioclase crystals varies from 0.07 to 0.13mm at the margins of the narrow dykes (<=2m of width) and from 0.09 to 0.20mm at the margins of the large dyke. At the center of the Lagoinha and Conchas dykes the plagioclase size varies from 0.19 ±0.02mm and 0.60±0.07mm respectively. The CSDs at the dyke margins, irrespective of the dyke width, are typically concave-up, and in literature such patterns have been attributed as evidence of magma mixing with distinct crystal populations. However, at the center of the largest dyke (8.2m) of Conchas Beach, the CSD is log-linear, consistent with simple steady-state crystallization pattern. The mineral chemistry shows that the plagioclase phenocrysts have a high An content (bytownite-labradorite) than the groundmass grains (labradorite-andesine). At the margins olivine is richer in Fo than at the center, and respectively, pyroxene is richer in Ca. These results indicate that the chilled margin is more mafic than the center suggesting a normal chemical evolution in a cooling magma. Nevertheless, the concave-up CSDs probably depict heterogeneous crystallization rates possibly induced by depressurization during the ascent of the basaltic magma followed by rapid cooling. The log-linear CSD pattern at the center of the Conchas dyke (8.2m width) is attributed to a higher residence time of the magma which favors the processes of chemical diffusion and textural re-equilibration. The calculated cooling rates using the CSD slope enables us to estimate that the larger dyke of Conchas would be completely crystallized (at ~900oC) in 73 days. The study of the Shape Preferred Orientation (SPO) in plagioclase shows an isotropic petrofabric at the margins of the dykes <=2m, which could reflect a rapid crystallization of plagioclase by depressurization. When the fabric is defined, as in the larger Conchas Beach dyke, the plagioclase lineation is subhorizontal, suggesting that the magma flow was predominantly lateral to the dyke plane.

Insight into the Evolving Composition of Augustine Volcano's Source Magma from a Low-K Dacite

Thomas, Christian 04 October 2018 (has links)
No description available.

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