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Percepções sociais sobre o futuro da humanidade no planeta: um estudo na cidade de Piracicaba, SP / Social perceptions about the future of humanity on the planet: a study in Piracicaba, SPVanessa Corrêa da Silva Bueno 10 June 2016 (has links)
A pesquisa sobre as percepções de residentes da região de Piracicaba em relação às questões ambientais e ao futuro da humanidade no planeta foi desenvolvida com base em um questionário semi-estruturado. As questões buscaram levantar dados autoavaliativos sobre perfil, comportamentos, estado de humor, qualidade de vida, condição econômica e hábitos de consumo, práticas para destinação de resíduos, iniciativas de exercício de cidadania em prol da sustentabilidade socioambiental, para enfim, indagar sobre percepções de futuro e avaliações sobre o contexto socioambiental dos participantes da pesquisa. A aplicação dos questionários foi feita de forma aleatória estratificada nos bairros das cinco regiões da cidade de Piracicaba: Norte, Sul, Leste, Oeste e Centro. Por meio dessas aplicações, foram obtidos 655 questionários, que foram sistematizados, tabulados e analisados estatisticamente, utilizando-se gráficos de frequência, o Teste de Kruskal Wallis, os Testes de Correlação de Spearman e Kendall, o Teste de Qui-Quadrado e o Teste Exato de Fisher. Foram também criadas nuvens de palavras, desenvolvidas no software online \"Wordle\" (FEINBERG, 2014). Os resultados obtidos com essa pesquisa e as análises desenvolvidas indicam que 227 pessoas, isto é, aproximadamente 35% dos respondentes, possui uma percepção pessimista sobre o futuro da humanidade no planeta. Porém, 493 pessoas, o equivalente a aproximadamente 75% do total de respondentes, considerou que, dentre as alternativas apresentadas no questionário (Desenvolvimento de tecnologias; Controle de natalidade; Educação e mudanças culturais; Cobrança de impostos com base nos impactos ambientais; Intervenção do Estado), a educação e mudanças culturais são fundamentais no processo de transformação social e de superação das problemáticas ambientais. Observou-se também que a crise hídrica vivenciada na época em que os questionários foram aplicados também influenciou na percepção social dos respondentes, uma vez que a palavra \"água\" foi citada 380 vezes. Por meio do trabalho, foi também possível analisar o comportamento ambiental dos pesquisados, notando-se que ainda há a necessidade de promoção de atividades educacionais e comunicacionais que possam estimular a adoção de hábitos e comportamentos mais comprometidos com ideias de sustentabilidade e que levem a mudanças mais efetivas nos padrões de relacionamento entre sociedade e meio ambiente. / The research about the perceptions of residents in Piracicaba on environmental issues and the future of humanity on the planet has been developed based on a semi-structured questionnaire. Its questions sought to raise self-evaluative data on the profile, mood, quality of life, economic condition and consumer habits, waste handling practices, citizenship exercise initiatives for environmental sustainability, to finally inquire about future perceptions and assessments about the socio-environmental context of the research participants. The questionnaires were applied in a stratified random way in neighborhoods in the five regions of Piracicaba: North, South, East, West and Central. Through these applications, we obtained 655 questionnaires, which were then systematized and statistically analyzed, using frequency graphs, the Kruskal Wallis test, the Spearman correlation test and Kendall test, the Chi-Square test and the Fisher\'s exact test. Word clouds were also created, developed on the online software \"Wordle\" (FEINBERG, 2014). The results obtained from this research and developed analyzes indicate that 227 people, that is, approximately 35% of respondents have a pessimistic perception of the future of humanity on the planet. However, 493 people, equivalent to approximately 75% of all respondents considered that, among the presented alternatives of the questionnaire (Technology development; Birth control; Education and cultural changes; Tax collection based on the environmental impacts; State intervention), education and cultural changes are fundamental in the process of social transformation and overcoming environmental problems. It was also observed that the water crisis experienced at the time the questionnaires were applied also influenced the social perception of respondents, since the word \"water\" was cited 380 times. Through the research, it was also possible to analyze the environmental performance of those surveyed, noting that there is still the need to promote communicational and educational activities that can stimulate the adoption of habits and behavior that are more compromised to sustainability ideas and that can lead to more effective changes in the relationship patterns between society and environment.
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Inversion des spectres infrarouges enregistrés par l'instrument SOIR à bord de la sonde Venus Express / Inversion of the infrared spectra recorded by the SOIR instrument on board Venus ExpressMahieux, Arnaud 03 March 2011 (has links)
Vénus, deuxième planète du système solaire, souvent appelée sœur de la Terre, car présentant des caractéristiques de taille et de masse similaires, est fort différente de notre planète. En effet, son atmosphère est beaucoup plus dense et dynamiquement active que celle de la Terre. Dans ce travail, nous nous concentrerons sur la région s'étendant de 70 km à 180~km d'altitude :la mésosphère et la basse thermosphère.<p><p>SOIR, acronyme de Solar Occultation in the InfraRed, est un instrument russo-franco-belge embarqué à bord de la mission Venus Express de l'Agence Spatiale Européenne. Il utilise un réseau à échelle comme élément diffractant. La plage de nombre d'onde mesurable par SOIR s'étend de 2200 cm-1 à 4400 cm-1, ou 4.3 µm à 2.2 µm en longueur d'onde. Les ordres de diffraction utiles varient de 101 à 194. Un filtre acousto-optique - AOTF - est utilisé comme passe-bande pour sélectionner les ordres de diffraction. La résolution de l'instrument varie de 0.13 à 0.24 cm-1.<p><p>Du fait d'un temps de développement raccourci, presque toutes les calibrations de l'instrument ont dû être réalisées en vol. Elles comprennent les calibrations relatives au réseau à échelle (angle exact de Blaze et fonction de Blaze), au détecteur (non-uniformité pixel à pixel, courbe de sensibilité spectrale, relation entre les pixels et les nombres d'onde, résolution de l'instrument, intervalle d'échantillonnage spectral, rapport signal sur bruit, background thermique) et à l'AOTF (relation entre la radio-fréquence d'excitation de l'AOTF et les nombres d'onde, fonction de transfert de l'AOTF). L'approche et la réalisation de ces différentes calibrations sont présentées dans le présent travail. Les caractéristiques de l'instrument y sont également décrites.<p><p>Un algorithme d'inversion spectrale a été développé pour le cas spécifique de SOIR. Tenant compte du mode de mesure, l'occultation solaire, la méthode de la pelure d'oignons a été implémentée dans un algorithme dit de l'Estimation Optimale. Cette méthode permet d'inverser l'ensemble des mesures spectrales en une fois, et également d'en tirer d'autres informations, comme l'amélioration de certaines caractéristiques instrumentales. Les paramètres qui sont ajustés au sein de l'algorithme sont la densité de la ou des espèces absorbant dans la région spectrale concernée, la température, les paramètres de la ligne de base, qui permettent de déterminer les caractéristiques des aérosols, le déplacement Doppler des raies qui trouve principalement son origine dans la vitesse de déplacement du satellite, et l'amélioration de certaines calibrations. Une étude de sensibilité des différents paramètres de l'algorithme est également présentée, ainsi qu'une évaluation des erreurs instrumentales systématiques.<p><p>Dans l'ensemble des spectres enregistrés durant les 4 premières années de la mission, des profils verticaux de CO2, CO, H2O, HDO, SO2, H2SO4, HCl et HF ont été obtenus. Des valeurs limites de densité de OCS, H2CO, O3 et CH4 ont également été calculées. <p><p>Les résultats concernant le dioxyde de carbone sont développés dans le texte. Des profils verticaux de CO2 s'étendant de 70 km à 180 km d'altitude sont analysés en profondeur. Ils sont comparés aux profils dits hydrostatiques, et des hypothèses quant à la dynamique agissant au niveau des deux terminateurs de Vénus sont formulées.<p>/<p>Venus, second planet of the solar system, is often seen as the sister planet of the Earth. In terms of size and mass, they are indeed very similar, but the Venus atmosphere is much thicker and active. The altitude region extending from 70 km to 180~km is studied in this thesis, namely the mesosphere and the lower thermosphere.<p><p>SOIR, which stands for Solar Occultation in the InfraRed, is a Russian / French / Belgian instrument flying on board of the Venus Express (VEX) spacecraft of the European Space Agency. The diffracting device of SOIR is an echelle grating. The wavenumber region studied ranges from 2200 cm-1 to 4400 cm-1, or 4.3 µm to 2.2 µm in wavelength. The diffraction orders used with SOIR vary from 101 to 194. To select the required echelle grating diffraction order, an Acousto-Optical Tunable Filter - AOTF - is located after the entrance slit of the instrument. The instrument resolution varies from 0.13 to 0.24 cm-1.<p><p>SOIR was developed in a very short time. Thus, virtually all the calibrations had to be made in-flight. These concern the echelle grating (exact Blaze angle computation, Blaze function), the detector (pixel-to-pixel non-uniformity, spectral sensitivity curve, pixel-to-wavenumber relationship, instrument resolution, spectral sampling interval, signal-to-noise ratio, thermal background) and the AOTF (wavenumber to AOTF frequency relation, AOTF transfer function). The procedure for and the computation of these calibrations are described in this work, as well as the instrument characteristics.<p><p>A spectral inversion algorithm was developed specifically for the SOIR measurement technique: the solar occultation. The onion peeling method is implemented using the Optimal Estimation Method. It allows the inversion of the spectral data in one go, and also the enhancement of some instrumental characteristics. The algorithm variables are the densities of the species absorbing in the diffraction order, the temperature of the atmosphere under study, the spectral background parameters, that allow the determination of the Venus aerosols characteristics, the Doppler shift (mainly linked to the shift induced by the satellite displacement), and the improvement of some instrumental calibrations. A sensitivity study on the algorithm parameters is also presented, and the instrumental systematic errors are investigated.<p><p>Vertical profiles of CO2, CO, H2O, HDO, SO2, H2SO4, HCl and HF are derived from the spectra measured during the first 4 mission years. Upper limits on OCS, H2CO, O3 and CH4 have also been calculated. <p><p>We focus on the carbon dioxide results in the present study. A selection of vertical profiles extending from 70 km to 180 km are analyzed in details. They are compared to the hydrostatic profiles, and propositions concerning the terminators' dynamics are formulated.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Multiple Disk Gaps and Rings Generated by a Single Super-EarthDong, Ruobing, Li, Shengtai, Chiang, Eugene, Li, Hui 13 July 2017 (has links)
We investigate the observational signatures of super-Earths (i.e., planets with. Earth-to-Neptune. mass), which are the most common type of exoplanet discovered to date, in their natal disks of gas and dust. Combining two-fluid global hydrodynamics simulations with a radiative transfer code, we calculate the distributions of gas and of submillimeter-sized dust in a disk perturbed by a super-Earth, synthesizing images in near-infrared scattered light and the millimeter-wave thermal continuum for direct comparison with observations. In low-viscosity gas (alpha (sic) 10(-4)), a super-Earth opens two annular gaps to either side of its orbit by the action of Lindblad torques. This double gap and its associated gas pressure gradients cause dust particles to be dragged by gas into three rings: one ring sandwiched between the two gaps, and two rings located at the gap edges farthest from the planet. Depending on the. system parameters, additional rings may manifest for a single planet. A double gap located at tens of au. from a host star in Taurus can be detected in the dust continuum by the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) at an angular resolution of similar to 0".03 after two hours of integration. Ring and gap features persist in a variety of background disk profiles, last for thousands of orbits, and change their relative positions and dimensions depending on the speed and direction of planet migration. Candidate double gaps have been observed by ALMA in systems such as. HL Tau (D5 and D6) and TW Hya (at 37 and 43 au); we submit that each double gap is carved by one super-Earth in nearly inviscid gas.
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Computational Modeling of Tungsten Metal-Silicate Partitioning in the Primordial Magma Oceans of 4-Vesta and EarthHull, Scott D. January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Exploring procedural generation of planets : Developing a tool to create spherical worldsTripkovic, Filip January 2023 (has links)
If you want procedurally generated content in your games, you often have to rely on your own ability to develop the desired tools. This can be limiting for newer game developers, leading to certain types of gameplay not being considered when designing games. One instance of this problem regards procedurally generated planets, a rather uncommon type of game world, with a lack of tools online to create your own. To improve upon the issue, this paper sets out to explore how a tool can be developed to supply game developers with worlds in the form of planets. This resulted in Planet Designer, a Unity tool for quickly generating diverse planets with the potential to be used in a variety of game concepts. The tool utilizes layers of manipulated noise to generate wide ranges of terrain, which can be populated with trees, bushes, stones, etc. using a brush. By playing around with the terrain and ocean shaders, the user can give each planet a unique aesthetic through different colors, textures, and thresholds. The paper features an extensive description of how the tool’s features were implemented, and how the tool was evaluated, as well as a discussion about why the tool is considered a valid solution to the problem.
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Low-Impact and Damped State Feedback Control of a Solar Sail on an Optimal Non-Keplerian Planet-Centered OrbitGero, Ryan Micah 26 August 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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An Experimental Investigation of the System-Level Behavior of Planetary Gear SetsBoguski, Brian C. 16 December 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Shedding Light on the Formation of Stars and Planets: Numerical Simulations with Radiative TransferRogers, Patrick D. 10 1900 (has links)
<p>We use numerical simulations to examine the fragmentation of protostellar discs via gravitational instability (GI), a proposed formation mechanism for gas-giant planets and brown dwarfs. To accurately model heating and cooling, we have implemented radiative transfer (RT) in the TreeSPH code Gasoline, using the flux-limited diffusion approximation coupled to photosphere boundary cooling. We present 3D radiation hydrodynamics simulations of discs that are gravitationally unstable in the inner 40 AU; these discs do not fragment because the cooling times are too long. In prior work, one of these discs was found to fragment; however, we demonstrate that this resulted from an over-estimate of the photosphere cooling rate. Fragmentation via GI does not appear to be a viable formation mechanism in the inner 40 AU.</p> <p>We also present simulations of GI in the outer regions of discs, near 100 AU, where we find GI to be a viable formation mechanism. We give a detailed framework that explains the link between cooling and fragmentation: spiral arms grow on a scale determined by the linear gravitational instability, have a characteristic width determined by the balance of heating and cooling, and fragment if this width is less than twice their Hill radius. This framework is consistent with the fragmentation and initial fragment masses observed in our simulations. We apply the framework to discs modelled with the commonly-used beta-prescription cooling and calculate the critical cooling rate for the first time, with results that are consistent with previous estimates measured from numerical experiments.</p> <p>RT is fundamentally important in the star formation process. Non-ionizing radiation heats the gas and prevents small-scale fragmentation. Ionizing radiation from massive stars is an important feedback mechanism and may disrupt giant molecular clouds. We present methods and tests for our implementation of ionizing radiation, using the Optically-Thin Variable Eddington Tensor method.</p> / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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Planet Traps in Protoplanetary Disks and the Formation and Evolution of Planetary SystemsHasegawa, Yasuhiro 10 1900 (has links)
<p>One of the most fundamental problems in theories of planet formation in protoplanetary disks is planetary migration that arises from resonant, tidal interactions of forming planets with the natal disks. This rapid inward migration, also known as type I migration, leads to the well-known problem that its timescale is about two orders of magnitude shorter than the typical disk lifetime, so that (proto)planets plunge into the host stars within the disk lifetime. This provides a huge hurdle for understanding the statistical properties of observed extra solar planets that now amount to more than 700.</p> <p>In this thesis, we focus on one of the most general properties of protoplanetary disks - inhomogeneities. A large amount of theoretical and observational work currently suggests that protoplanetary disks are most likely to possess several kinds of inhomogeneities. Planetary migration is highly sensitive to the disk properties such as the surface density and temperature of disks, and the sensitivity leads to the formation of trapping sites for rapid type I migration at disk inhomogeneities. These local sites capturing planets undergoing migration are referred to as planet traps. We perform both analytical and numerical studies for exploring formation mechanisms of planet traps at disk inhomogeneities and their consequences for the formation and evolution of planetary systems. We focus on three kinds of the disk inhomogeneities: dead zones, ice lines, and transitions of heat sources in protoplanetary disks we refer to as heat transitions. Dead zones are an inevitable consequence of disk turbulence originating from magnetorotational instabilities (MRIs) that take place in (partially) ionized disks threaded by weak magnetic fields. One of the fundamental properties of the dead zone is a low level of turbulence there, which is the outcome of the high density, preventing the region from being ionized due to X-rays from the central stars and cosmic rays. Ice lines are formed due to low disk temperatures which lead to condensation of specific molecules there. Heat transitions arise as a consequence of the switching of the dominant heating process from viscous heating to stellar irradiation as the distance to the host stars increases.</p> <p>We summarize our major findings. 1) rapid dust settling arising in dead zones leaves a dusty wall at the outer edge of the dead zones beyond which the disks are quite turbulent, so that dust is fully mixed with the gas. Efficient heating of the wall by stellar irradiation and the subsequent backward heating of the dead zones by the wall result in a positive temperature gradient in the dead zones. This inversion in the temperature profiles leads to outward migration there. 2) Any protoplanetary disk is likely to possess up to three types of planet traps that are specified by characteristic disk radii (dead zone, ice line and heat transition traps). Disk evolution, driven by disk viscosity, lowers both the accretion rate and surface density of gas and moves traps inward at different rates. This suggests that the interactions of (proto)planets captured at different traps play the dominant role in constructing planetary system architectures. Furthermore, the distribution of planet traps depends largely on stellar masses and accretion rates, so that they are one of the principle parameters for regulating the (initial) scale of planetary systems. 3) Both multiplicity and mobility of planet traps are crucial for understanding the statistical properties of observed extra solar planets. For instance, the mass-period relation - observational manifestation that planetary mass is an increasing function of orbital periods - can be understood by constructing and following evolutionary tracks of accreting planets in planet traps. These three contribution are new results in the field.</p> / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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"FLAT!"Thornburg, Barry B 05 1900 (has links)
FLAT! immerses us into the life and mindset of a Flat-earther who eagerly evangelizes the discoveries he and other Flat-earthers claim to have made. With his car clad in flat-earth messages, he travels around the country provoking discussions with curious bystanders and debating scientists. While he thrives in this pursuit, it is not without its costs.
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