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Ecologia de Anopheles darlingi Root (1926) no reservatório de Porto Primavera, Estados de São Paulo e Mato Grosso do Sul / Ecology of Anopheles darlingi, Root (1926) in Porto Primavera's reservoir, São Paulo and Mato Grosso do Sul States.Mucci, Luis Filipe 29 July 2008 (has links)
Problemas de saúde pública advindos da proliferação de vetores de agentes patogênicos são frequentemente relatados após a construção de grandes barragens nas regiões tropicais. Porto Primavera é um dos últimos grandes projetos hidrelétricos implementados no Brasil, abrangendo uma faixa de cerca 200 km do Rio Paraná, entre os Estados de São Paulo e Mato Grosso do Sul. Resultados preliminares de projetos de pesquisa desenvolvidos na região desde 1997 apontam para um aumento na densidade de Anopheles darlingi, coincidindo com uma intensificação dos fluxos e atividades humanas na área, como turismo, pesca e transporte. Diante disso, a preocupação com a ocorrência de surtos de malária nas localidades à margem do lago motivou a busca de um maior conhecimento sobre as populações destes vetores. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi investigar a associação entre a abundância das formas imaturas e adultas de An. darlingi com variáveis do microhabitat e da ecologia da paisagem (respectivamente), após a formação do reservatório. Em relação ao microhabitat, foram selecionados o pH, condutividade, o sombreamento, a presença de cianofíceas filamentosas, detritos flutuantes, matéria orgânica galhos ou raízes e a composição das assembléias de macrófitas aquáticas. Quanto à ecologia da paisagem, foram analisados o comprimento da borda abrigo-criadouro e o tamanho das áreas dos habitats através das técnicas de sensoriamento remoto e SIG. Para a verificação de associações entre variáveis do microhabitat e imaturos de An. darlingi foi empregada a análise de correspondência canônica e para as métricas da paisagem e formas adultas, a regressão linear simples. As formas imaturas de An. darlingi apresentaram associação positiva com todas as variáveis do microhabitat, exceto com a abundância de cianofíceas filamentosas. As associações mais fortes se deram na seguinte ordem: abundância de Wolffia sp. e profundidade no primeiro eixo canônico e presença de material flutuante tipo II, pH e grupo de macrófitas e componentes da superfície no segundo eixo. Foi encontrada associação positiva entre abundância de espécimes adultos de An. darlingi e o comprimento da borda fragmento florestal-coleção hídrica, mas não em relação às áreas dos fragmentos florestais. De acordo com estes resultados, novos referenciais teóricos podem ser aplicados no mapeamento do risco da transmissão da malária em escala regional e na vigilância e controle entomológicos em nível local. / Public Health problems raised up from vector-borne diseases proliferation are frequently related after the construction of big dams in tropical regions. Porto Primavera is one of these greats hydroeletric projects stabilished recently in Brazil, occuping aproximately 200 km of Paraná river between São Paulo and Mato Grosso do Sul States. Preliminary results on developping investigations up to 1997 showed an Anopheles darlingi increase simultaneously the intensification of human moviment and activities in region, such as turism, fishing and transport. In face to the worry about the possibility of occurrence of malaria outbreaks in localities around the Lake raised the motivation to investigate a better knowledge about the populations of this vectors. In general, the objective was to investigate the association between the abundances of immatures and adult forms of Anopheles darlingi with microhabitat variables and landscape ecology respectively, after filling the reservoir. In relation to microhabitat variables was selected: pH, condutivity, shadow, deep, presence of filamentous cianoficeas, floating debris, and composition of aquatic macrophytes. In relation to landscape ecology it was analysed the perimeter of the florested shelters and breeding sites-edge and the area of florestal fragments, based on remote sensing and GIS technologies. Cannonical Correspondance analysis was the method to verify the association between microhabitat variables and immatures abundance. A large distribution of An. darlingi was noted because was find in all surveyed locations. Immature forms it was be positively associated with all microhabitat variables except filamentous cianoficea. The strongly association were in order: Wolffia sp. and deep to the first cannonical axis and floating debris of Type II, pH and macrophytes groups and surface components for the second. The Simple Linear Regression was the method to verify associations between landscape ecology variables and adult forms was find positive association between the abundance of An. darlingi and the perimeter of the florested shelters and breeding sites-edge, but not to the area of florestal fragments. According to this results, new theoretical knowledges are able to apply in the risk maps elaboration for malaria transmission in regional scale and to enthomological vigilance and control in local scale.
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Ecologia de Anopheles darlingi Root (1926) no reservatório de Porto Primavera, Estados de São Paulo e Mato Grosso do Sul / Ecology of Anopheles darlingi, Root (1926) in Porto Primavera's reservoir, São Paulo and Mato Grosso do Sul States.Luis Filipe Mucci 29 July 2008 (has links)
Problemas de saúde pública advindos da proliferação de vetores de agentes patogênicos são frequentemente relatados após a construção de grandes barragens nas regiões tropicais. Porto Primavera é um dos últimos grandes projetos hidrelétricos implementados no Brasil, abrangendo uma faixa de cerca 200 km do Rio Paraná, entre os Estados de São Paulo e Mato Grosso do Sul. Resultados preliminares de projetos de pesquisa desenvolvidos na região desde 1997 apontam para um aumento na densidade de Anopheles darlingi, coincidindo com uma intensificação dos fluxos e atividades humanas na área, como turismo, pesca e transporte. Diante disso, a preocupação com a ocorrência de surtos de malária nas localidades à margem do lago motivou a busca de um maior conhecimento sobre as populações destes vetores. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi investigar a associação entre a abundância das formas imaturas e adultas de An. darlingi com variáveis do microhabitat e da ecologia da paisagem (respectivamente), após a formação do reservatório. Em relação ao microhabitat, foram selecionados o pH, condutividade, o sombreamento, a presença de cianofíceas filamentosas, detritos flutuantes, matéria orgânica galhos ou raízes e a composição das assembléias de macrófitas aquáticas. Quanto à ecologia da paisagem, foram analisados o comprimento da borda abrigo-criadouro e o tamanho das áreas dos habitats através das técnicas de sensoriamento remoto e SIG. Para a verificação de associações entre variáveis do microhabitat e imaturos de An. darlingi foi empregada a análise de correspondência canônica e para as métricas da paisagem e formas adultas, a regressão linear simples. As formas imaturas de An. darlingi apresentaram associação positiva com todas as variáveis do microhabitat, exceto com a abundância de cianofíceas filamentosas. As associações mais fortes se deram na seguinte ordem: abundância de Wolffia sp. e profundidade no primeiro eixo canônico e presença de material flutuante tipo II, pH e grupo de macrófitas e componentes da superfície no segundo eixo. Foi encontrada associação positiva entre abundância de espécimes adultos de An. darlingi e o comprimento da borda fragmento florestal-coleção hídrica, mas não em relação às áreas dos fragmentos florestais. De acordo com estes resultados, novos referenciais teóricos podem ser aplicados no mapeamento do risco da transmissão da malária em escala regional e na vigilância e controle entomológicos em nível local. / Public Health problems raised up from vector-borne diseases proliferation are frequently related after the construction of big dams in tropical regions. Porto Primavera is one of these greats hydroeletric projects stabilished recently in Brazil, occuping aproximately 200 km of Paraná river between São Paulo and Mato Grosso do Sul States. Preliminary results on developping investigations up to 1997 showed an Anopheles darlingi increase simultaneously the intensification of human moviment and activities in region, such as turism, fishing and transport. In face to the worry about the possibility of occurrence of malaria outbreaks in localities around the Lake raised the motivation to investigate a better knowledge about the populations of this vectors. In general, the objective was to investigate the association between the abundances of immatures and adult forms of Anopheles darlingi with microhabitat variables and landscape ecology respectively, after filling the reservoir. In relation to microhabitat variables was selected: pH, condutivity, shadow, deep, presence of filamentous cianoficeas, floating debris, and composition of aquatic macrophytes. In relation to landscape ecology it was analysed the perimeter of the florested shelters and breeding sites-edge and the area of florestal fragments, based on remote sensing and GIS technologies. Cannonical Correspondance analysis was the method to verify the association between microhabitat variables and immatures abundance. A large distribution of An. darlingi was noted because was find in all surveyed locations. Immature forms it was be positively associated with all microhabitat variables except filamentous cianoficea. The strongly association were in order: Wolffia sp. and deep to the first cannonical axis and floating debris of Type II, pH and macrophytes groups and surface components for the second. The Simple Linear Regression was the method to verify associations between landscape ecology variables and adult forms was find positive association between the abundance of An. darlingi and the perimeter of the florested shelters and breeding sites-edge, but not to the area of florestal fragments. According to this results, new theoretical knowledges are able to apply in the risk maps elaboration for malaria transmission in regional scale and to enthomological vigilance and control in local scale.
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Návrh Kalinova cyklu a určení hlavních rozměrů jeho tepelné turbiny pro geotermální elektrárnu. / Design Kalina cycle for geothermal power plant and its turbine.Luermann, Július January 2012 (has links)
This master’s thesis analyses Kalina cycle, a power cycle where ammonia – water solution is used as a working fluid. The first part of this study introduces us to the Kalina cycle, presents its advantages and disadvantages, characteristics of the working fluid and its applications. Second section concerns with the method of cycle design and describes the calculation model made in this thesis. The calculation model is attached in a separate .XLSM file. The third part shows calculation of the cycle for given parameters, determination of cycle efficiency and main proportions of the thermal turbine. In the conclusion are the interpretations of the calculations results.
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Zubové čerpadlo v turbinovém provozu / The tooth pump in the turbine regimeTyburec, Adam January 2020 (has links)
The objective of this diploma study is to develop and secure production of gear turbine with very low specific speed in comparison with conventional turbines. The first part of the work deals with already performed research of similar hydrostatic turbines. It is followed by construction design, including complete drawing documentation. The production of the prototype is secured by an external company. Finally, an experimental measurement of the characteristics of the designed turbine is performed in the laboratories of Fluid Engineering.
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Správa a vývoj dálkového vytápění v Plzni-teplofikace Plzně / Administration and developmnet of district heating in Pilsen, heating process in PilsenLišková, Sonja January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis is dedicated to the development and maintenance of the central heating supply system in Plzeň. The first part of the thesis is devoted to a brief overview of the city's history and to the development of the energy sector and the beginnings of the construction of energy sources producing thermal energy in Plzeň. The next part contains the analysis of the administrative development of heat sources and the history of their construction in the city. In the middle of the 19th century, important industrial enterprises started to establish their first own energy sources. The energy source of the Škoda Plzeň plant, which was one of the first in the city, also used to heat the city's flats after the World War II and later incorporated into the central heating system. In order to supply heat, the city began to build heating plants in several parts of the city in the late 60s of the 20th century and followed this process with the construction of a central heating source in the early 70s. The last part of the thesis deals with the period after privatisation, when the legal form of business was changed and the Plzeňská teplárenská a. s. joint-stock company was established. The final summary compares the reasons for the construction of heat sources in Plzeň, which can be divided into three...
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Mažos galios hidroelektrinės energetiniai tyrimai / Energetic Research of Low Power Hydroelectroplant / Енергетические исследования мини гидроэлектростанцияOzgirdas, Romualdas 09 June 2009 (has links)
Darbe ištirti veikiančios mažos galios hidroelektrinės generatorių parametrai, įvertinant teorinius skaičiavimus ir eksperimentinių tyrimų rezultatus ir jų priklausomybė nuo vandens debito.Turbina paleidžiama įvairiais režimais, tam kad būtų galima sudaryti P; Q, S grafikų priklausomybę nuo vandens tekėjimo debito. Parodymai nuimami, šešis kartus, turbinai dirbant įvairiuose režimuose, kompiuterio pagalba. Parodymai pridėti prieduose. Ištirta turbinos naudingumo koeficiento priklausomybė nuo vandens debito ir jo įtaka P, Q, S parametrams. Pasinaudojus gautais grafikais nustatytas ekonomiškiausias turbinos darbo režimas. Atlikus grafikų analizę galima teigti, kad esant mažam vandens debitui turbinos dirba neekonomiškai. Turbina gali pradėti dirbti tik nuo 5 . Tai parodo, kad turbinos yra parinktos neekonomiškam darbo režimui. Remiantis tyrimo rezultatais siūloma statyti mažesnės galios turbiną. Pateikti ekonominiai skaičiavimai dirbant turbinai, esant mažai vertei yra nuostolinga. Pagrindinis dėmesys atkreiptas į sanitarinį vandens debitą, kuris yra 0,74 . Esant tokiam vandens debitui siūloma statyti atskirą turbiną kuri dirbtų ekonomiškai ištisus metus. / Darbe ištirti veikiančios mažos galios hidroelektrinės generatorių parametrai, įvertinant teorinius skaičiavimus ir eksperimentinių tyrimų rezultatus ir jų priklausomybė nuo vandens debito.Turbina paleidžiama įviriais režimais, tam kad būtų galima sudaryti P; Q, S grafikų priklausomybę nuo vandens tekėjimo debito. Parodymai nuimami, šešis kartus, turbinai dirbant įvairiuose režimuose, kompiuterio pagalba. Parodymai pridėti prieduose. Ištirta turbinos naudingumo koeficiento priklausomybė nuo vandens debito ir jo įtaka P, Q, S parametrams. Pasinaudojus gautais grafikais nustatytas ekonomiškiausias turbinos darbo režimas. Atlikus grafikų analizę galima teigti, kad esant mažam vandens debitui turbinos dirba neekonomiškai. Turbina gali pradėti dirbti tik nuo 5 . Tai parodo, kad turbinos yra parinktos neekonomiškam darbo režimui. Remiantis tyrimo rezultatais siūloma statyti mažesnės galios turbiną. Pateikti ekonominiai skaičiavimai dirbant turbinai, esant mažai vertei yra nuostolinga. Pagrindinis dėmesys atkreiptas į sanitarinį vandeans debitą, kuris yra 0,74 . Esant tokiam vandens debitui siūloma statyti atskirą turbiną kuri dirbtų ekonomiškai ištisus metus. / Магистранскай работе исследованны параметры турбины малой мочносты, имейя виду теоретические расщёты и экспериментальные результаты о также зависимость их от дебета боды. Турбину запускаем разными режимамы, для того чтобы можно было составить график работ P; Q; S; зависимость от дебета боды. Показания снимаем шесть раз при помощи компютера. Показания приложены к дополниением. Исследован коэфициент полезной деятельности , его зависимость от дебета воды, влияния на P; Q; S; параметры. Установлений самый экономический режим. Турбина может работать только от Это показывает, что не правильно падобраны турбины. Предлагаю ставить меньшей мочносты. Представлены расчеты показывает что работа турбин при малой оценки убыточные. Главное внимание обращено на санитарный дебет, который есть Предлагаю поставить турбину на этот режим. Она работала круглый год.
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Vliv decentrálních zdrojů na provozování distribuční soustavy 110 kV E.ON / The impact of distributed generation on 110 kV distribution system E.ONHajdú, Lukáš January 2011 (has links)
This Master´s thesis deals with problematics related to the connection of new decentralized power sources into electrical power grid. Due to advantageous legislative support of these new, especially photovoltaic power sources, a massive amount of these sources have been connected into the power grid between years 2009 and 2010. For theoretical understanding of processes during a steady-state, the initial parts of this paper are focused on a procedure which solves steady-state on every power line mentioned. When we speak of decentralized power sources connection, it is necessary to mention the connected legislative. National distribution grid operators in collaboration with national regulatory commission have decided on a legislative document Rules of distribution grid operation, which puts a set of demands and requirements on applicants wishing to connect a new power source to the grid. The text of this thesis is focused mainly on demands required after the latest change in 1/2010. Practical part of this work deals with verification of new power source influence on a related power grid and meeting the legislatively required demands. The most important demands are voltage change due to new power source operation and its transfer to other voltage levels, higher harmonics injection, power output fluctuation and last, not least, changes in load flow directions. For reasons previously mentioned an analysis is made and possibilities of reducing or removing of these influences are introduced. To achieve these goals, two computer programs, Siemens Sinaut Spectrum and NetCalc are used.
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