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Experimental And Finite Element Study Of Elastic-Plastic Indentation Of Rough SurfacesBhowmik, Krishnendu 07 1900 (has links)
Most of the surfaces have roughness down to atomic scales. When two surfaces come into contact, the nature of the roughness determines the properties like friction and wear. Analysis of the rough surface contacts is always complicated by the interaction between the material size effects and the micro-geometry. Contact mechanics could be simplified by decoupling these two effects by magnifying the scale of roughness profile. Also, tailoring the roughness at different scale could show a way to control the friction and wear through surface micro-structure modifications.
In this work, the mechanics of contact between a rigid, hard sphere and a surface with a well defined roughness profile is studied through experiments and finite element simulation. The well defined roughness profile is made up of a regular array of pyramidal asperities. This choice of this geometry was mainly dictated by the fabrication processes. The specimens were made out of an aluminium alloy (6351-T6) such that there could be a direct application of the results in controlling the tribological properties during aluminium forming.
Experiments on the pyramidal aluminium surface is carried out in a 250 kN Universal Testing Machine (INSTRON 8502 system) using a depth sensing indentation setup. A strain gauge based load cell is used to measure the force of the indentation and a LVDT (Linear Variable Differential Transformer) is used to measure the penetration depth. The load and the displacement were continuously recorded using a data acquisition system.
A 3-D finite element framework for studying the elastic-plastic contact of the
rough surfaces has been developed with the commercial package (ABAQUS). Systematic studies of indentation were carried out in order to validate the simulations with the experimental observations. The simulation of indentation of flat surface is carried out using the implicit/standard (Backward Euler) procedure, whereas, the explicit finite element method (Forward Euler) is used for simulating rough surface indentation.
It is found that the load versus displacement curves obtained from experiments match well with the finite element results (except for the error involved in determining the initial contact point). At indentation depths higher than a value that is determined mainly by the asperity height, the load-displacement characteristics are similar to that pertaining to indentation of a flat, smooth surface. From the finite element results, it is found that at this point, the elastic-plastic boundary is more or less hemispherical as in the case of smooth surface indentation. For certain geometries, it is found that there could exist an elastic island in the sub-surface surrounded by plastically deformed material. This could have interesting applications.
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Computational tools for nonlinear analysis of steel and composite steelconcrete structures considering connection bahaviour : Application to buildings and bridges / Outils de simulation pour l'analyse non-linéaire des structures aciers et mixtes et de leur assemblage : applications aux bâtiments et aux pontsAlhasawi, Anas 17 January 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objectifs de développer une modélisation aussi fine que possible des structures aciers et mixtes acier-béton sous sollicitations cycliques avec prise en compte d'une part du comportement des assemblages et d'autre part des non-linéarités géométriques et du contact à l'interface acier-béton. Notre attention porte en particulier sur l'assemblage de type poutre acier/mixte sur poteau métallique par platine d'extrémité boulonnée. L'objectif étant de proposer un modèle «élément fini» d'assemblage qui reproduit aussi fidèlement que possible le comportement cyclique de ce dernier pour ensuite l'assembler à un élément fini de poutre non-linéaire acier ou mixte avec prise en compte, pour ce dernier, du soulèvement à l'interface. Le travail se compose de 3 parties distinctes. Un premier modèle qui se base sur la méthode des composantes a été développé ayant pour objectif de suivre la déformation de chaque composante au cours des cycles et de prendre en compte les non-linéarités induites par la séparation entre la platine d'extrémité et la semelle du poteau auquel elle est boulonnée. Ce modèle type composantes, a été développé pour une rangée de boulons. Dans le cas le plus fréquent, de deux rangées de boulons, une résistance de groupe (en plus des résistances individuelles de chacune des rangées) est susceptible de se développer. Pour rendre compte de ce phénomène, nous avons implanté le modèle proposé par Cerfontaine qui repose sur la définition d'une surface de charge et une règle d'écoulement associée pour déterminer les allongements des ressorts équivalents. Seul le cas de plasticité parfaite est considéré. Il est mis en évidence que l'influence de l'effet de groupe s'avère non négligeable sur le comportement post-élastique de l'assemblage et donc de la structure. Dans une seconde phase, nous proposons un modèle de poutre métallique classique en grands déplacements (approche co-rotationnelle) avec rotules généralisées aux extrémités. Nous faisons l'hypothèse que les déformations plastiques sont concentrées aux rotules dont le comportement plastique est contrôlé par une surface de charge asymétrique (anisotrope) qui peut prendre différentes formes selon la valeur donnée à un facteur q dit « facteur de forme». Chacune de ces rotules plastiques comprend un ressort longitudinal pour l'effort normal Net un ressort spiral pour le moment fléchissant M. L'interaction (M-N) entre ces deux efforts dans le domaine plastique est régie par le critère de plasticité. Le modèle de rotule plastique généralisé proposé permet de rendre compte de l'adoucissement cyclique, de la ductilité et du « pinching effect ».Nous montrons aux travers de plusieurs exemples la pertinence mais également les limites d'une telle approche. Dans une troisième partie, nous proposons un nouvel élément fini de poutre mixte (à 6 ddl par nœud) en petits déplacements avec prise en compte de la non-linéarité matérielle de la poutre ainsi que du contact entre l'acier et le béton. Une stratégie efficace de type nœud mobile (Flying Node) est proposée pour déterminer l'étendue de la surface de contact au sein d'un élément fini et d'adapter le maillage de l'élément poutre/poteau. Pour la résolution du problème de contact, la technique du Lagrangien Augmenté a été retenue. On montre que dans certaines situations, le soulèvement modifie la redistribution des efforts. / The goal of this thesis is to develop computational tools for the nonlinear analysis of steel and composite steel-concrete structures under cyclic loading taking into account the actual behaviour of joint, material and geometry non-linearities and contact conditions at the steel-to-concrete interface. In particular, our efforts focuses on typical bolted end-plate connection between steel or composite beam and steel column. The objective is to develop a new «joint finite element" able to reproduce accurately the cyclic behavior of the beam-to-column connection. Next this model is combined with a non-linear steel/composite beam element considering slip and possible uplift at the interface. The thesis consists of three major parts. The first part deals with the behavior of a steel beam-to-column bolted end-plate connection under arbitrarily cyclic loading. The proposed model is based on an improved component method that closely follows the deformation of each component taking into account non-linearities induced by possible gap between the column flange and the end-plate. This model has been developed for a single row connection. In the case of multiple row bolted connection group effects may develop. Possible group effect between two bolt-rows has been implemented considering the model proposed by Cerfontaine based on the definition of the multi-surface yield criterion and the associated flow rule that govern deformation of equivalent springs. Only the case of perfect plasticity is considered. It is shown that the influence of the group effect is not negligible on the nonlinear response of the joint. In the second part, we have developed a flexible co-rotational two-noded beam with generalized elasto-plastic hinges at the beam ends. It is assumed that plastic deformations concentrate at these hinges. These hinges have the ability to elongate/shorten along the beam axis and to rotate. A family of asymmetric and convex yield surfaces of super-elliptic shape is considered for the plastic behavior of the hinges. By varying the roundness factor, an infinite nun1ber of yield surface are obtained. It is shown that the nonlinear response of bolted connections subjected to both bending and tension are conveniently modeled with such a yield surface. It was observed that cyclic loading produces pinching effect, cyclic softening and ductile behavior. Advantages and limitations of the approach are discussed. Finally, the third part is dedicated to the problem of contact at the interface of steel-concrete composite beams. A "new" finite element for composite steelconcrete beam is proposed. The beam element has 6 degrees of freedom per node. The concrete beam is allowed to separate from the steel beam. An efficient contact algorithm is proposed. The Flying node concept is introduced and used to determine the extent of the contact area within a single element and modify the mesh of the beam structure. The contact problem is solve using the Augmented Lagrangian Method. The influence of contact on the loading capacity of the beam and its influence on some design variables are highlighted.
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A New Variable Moduli 14-Node Element For Elasto-Plastic AnalysisReddy, Annem Narayana 06 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Weak storey behaviour of concentrically braced steel frames subjected to seismic actions / Comportement à étage faible des ossatures en acier à contreventement centre soumis à des actions sismiquesMerczel, Daniel Balazs 23 January 2015 (has links)
Les contreventements en acier sont des moyens couramment utilisés pour assurer une rigidité latérale et une résistance aux bâtiments en acier, mais aussi aux bâtiments mixtes acierbéton et aux bâtiments en béton armé. La performance sismique des ossatures contreventées a été étudiée par de nombreux auteurs, la plupart concluent que la réponse réelle de ces ossatures peut différer beaucoup de celle des modèles simplifiés préconisés dans les codes dont l’Eurocode 8. En conséquence, pour obtenir un comportement sismique satisfaisant, ces codes peuvent d’être amendés ou même fondamentalement modifiés. Notre travail de thèse se concentre sur l’éventualité d’un comportement dissipatif localisé sur un étage de l’ossature. Les objectifs de la recherche sont les suivants: - Donner une description plus réaliste de la réponse sismique des ossatures contreventées; - Identifier les facteurs contribuant au développement d’un comportement dissipatif localisé sur un étage; - Examiner la performance des ossatures contreventées dimensionnées conformément à l’Eurocode 8; - Identifier les points faibles des règles de l’Eurocode 8 à l’origine de ce comportement insuffisant; - Proposer une méthode de redimensionnement complémentaire à la procédure actuelle de l’Eurocode 8 faisant appel à d’autres critères et vérifier la validité de cette méthode de redimensionnement sur plusieurs exemples d’ossatures démontrant la disparition complète de mécanismes dissipatifs localisés à un ou quelques étages; Afin de pouvoir apprécier l’insuffisance de l’Eurocode 8 à ce sujet, plusieurs bâtiments ont été dimensionnés selon cet Eurocode et ont été testés par des simulations numériques de type analyse dynamique incrémentale. L’évolution du déplacement relatif maximal entre étages (IDR) en fonction de l’augmentation du facteur d’échelle de l’accélération maximale du sol a été calculée à partir des résultats du calcul numérique. Il est constaté que l’apparition d’étages faibles dans les ossatures contreventées a une nature, progressive et autoamplifiante. La description précise du comportement fournit la possibilité d’une analyse critique des parties correspondantes de l’Eurocode 8 et de proposer une méthode de redimensionnement que nous avons appelé Robust Seismic Brace Design (RSBD). L’idée centrale de la méthode repose sur la nécessité d’utiliser un modèle inélastique d’analyse de la structure à la place du modèle élastique initial. Deux critères essentiels sont introduits dont l’objectif premier est de mieux répartir la dissipation en empêchant la réalisation d’un mécanisme local. Les performances des bâtiments renforcés sont sans exception meilleures que celles des bâtiments originaux; donc la méthode Robust Seismic Brace Design est une bon complément à la procédure de l’Eurocode 8 pour la conception parasismique des ossatures contreventées. / The concentric steel bracing is a commonly used way of providing lateral stiffness and resistance in both steel, composite and even concrete multi-storey framed buildings. Also it is an alternative for seismic retrofitting. The seismic performance of concentrically braced frames has been investigated by numerous authors during the past decades as several issues have been identified either related to the actual response, or the seismic design procedure implemented by standards such as the Eurocode 8. The topics are various, e.g. the cyclic dissipative behaviour of axially loaded braces, innovative bracing arrangements and members, controversial requirements imposed on the same members, localization of inelastic deformations related to the so called weak storey behaviour. The conclusion of most of the prior research conducted on the seismic performance of braced steel frames is that the actual response of a braced building differs from that of a simplified model applied by corresponding codes. Consequently, to safeguard satisfactory seismic behaviour, the Eurocode 8 standard in particular needs to be modified or amended. In order to confine the addressed topic to a size that may be discussed sufficiently in the frame of a PhD research, in the present thesis primarily the weak storey behaviour is looked into. The objectives of the research are: - Provide a better description of the seismic response of concentrically braced frames; - Identify the factors contributing to the development of weak storeys; - Investigate the performance of braced buildings designed according to Eurocode 8; - Identify the reasons why the Eurocode 8 designs are found usually inadequate; - Propose a new design method or additional criteria to the existing Eurocode 8 procedure and verify their viability by providing designs that successfully counteract seismic actions without the development of weak storeys; In the dissertation it is demonstrated by the incremental dynamic analysis of several braced frames that the Eurocode 8 provisions do not provide satisfactory designs. The examination of the responses of the designs is used to characterize the behaviour. It is found that the occurrence of weak storeys in braced frames has a specific, gradual, self-amplifying nature. By further analysis of the seismic responses, proof is given to the existence of this specific behaviour. The better description of the behaviour provides the possibility of a critical analysis of the corresponding parts of Eurocode 8 and the basis of the Robust Seismic Brace Design method criteria. These criteria are related to the anticipated inelastic seismic response of braced frames, and with their application in design weak storeys can be easily recognized and reinforced. The performances of the reinforced buildings are without exception better than that of the original Eurocode 8 designs; therefore the Robust Seismic Brace Design method is found to be a good alternative of the Eurocode 8 procedure for the seismic design of concentrically braced frames.
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Fire-Robust Structural Engineering: A Framework Approach to Structural Design for Fire ConditionsJohann, Matthew A. 19 December 2002 (has links)
"Thanks to significant worldwide research directed at understanding and predicting structural behavior at elevated temperatures, analytical methods are available to support a rational, performance-based approach to the structural design of buildings for fire conditions. To utilize these analytical methods effectively, structural engineers need guidance on reliable and appropriate approaches to dealing with a variety of factors, including the effects of fire protection measures, temperature-dependent thermal and structural properties, elastic and inelastic behavior of structural components and assemblies, and thermal and structural response of framing connections. To meet the objective of guiding the structural engineer in appropriate analytical methods and parameter values for performance-based structural fire protection, this thesis proposes a comprehensive way of thinking about the design and analysis of structures for fire conditions. This integration of structural engineering and fire protection engineering into a functional framework is defined herein as Fire-Robust Structural Engineering (FRSE). The FRSE process, which is presented as a series of flowcharts, is designed to guide the structural engineer in executing the functions involved in the design of fire-safe structures and to help identify informational needs critical to these tasks. Currently, mechanisms for identifying possible resources to fulfill fire-related informational needs are generally organized for the convenience of the fire research community. Identification of resources that provide appropriate information for fire-robust structural engineering, such as laboratory fire test results, parametric studies of analytical methods, and other sources of guidance, is often difficult because these resources are rarely organized and presented for the benefit of structural engineers. To begin to resolve this problem, this thesis has developed a prototype information management system (IMS) based on the framework of the FRSE process. The IMS addresses the critical challenge of organizing and presenting the available knowledge and data in a format that is consistent with the perspective and informational needs of the structural engineer. The prototype version of the IMS has been implemented using a Microsoft Excel® platform. In addition to guidance in utilizing specific analytical methods and choosing appropriate parameter values, the structural engineer also requires an understanding of the input requirements and accuracy of various analytical methods in order to make informed decisions regarding which methods are appropriate for use with different structural configurations. Therefore, this thesis includes a model study as an example of a resource that could aid the structural engineer in making such decisions. The model study compares various analytical methods (simplified spreadsheet applications and advanced finite element techniques) to published laboratory test data and discusses concerns that the structural engineer must keep in mind when using each method. Conclusions are drawn regarding the appropriateness of each analytical method to the analysis of a fully restrained, spray-protected steel beam. Given this type of information, the structural engineer can make decisions regarding the types of analytical methods and the level of analytical sophistication required to solve a given design problem."
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Strain gradient based analysis of transformation induced plasticity in multiphase steelsMazzoni, Louise 26 February 2010 (has links)
<p align='justify'>This thesis is devoted to the micromechanical study of the size-dependent strengthening in Transformation Induced Plasticity (TRIP) steels. Such grades of advanced high-strength steels are compelling for the automotive industry, due to their improved mechanical properties. Among others, they combine a good strength versus ductility balance. In this context, many research works have been carried out to study these grades of steels. In particular, from a numerical point of view, earlier studies within the framework of classical plasticity do not properly reproduce the strengthening levels characterizing TRIP steels and obtained experimentally.</p> <p><p align='justify'>In this study, the strain gradient plasticity theory presented by Fleck and Hutchinson (2001) is chosen to account for the strengthening effect resulting from the phase transformation. A two-dimensional embedded cell model of a simplified microstructure composed of small cylindrical metastable austenitic inclusions, partially undergoing the phase transformation, within a ferritic matrix is used.</p><p><p align='justify'>First, the single-parameter version of the strain gradient plasticity theory under small strain assumption is used for the simulations. The impact of the higher order boundary conditions is assessed. It is shown that, when the plastic flow is unconstrained at the elasto-plastic boundaries, the transformation strain has no significant impact on the overall strengthening. The strengthening is essentially coming from the composite effect with a marked inclusion size effect resulting from the appearance during deformation of new boundaries (at the interface between parent and product phases) constraining the plastic flow.</p><p><p align='justify'>Second, the multi-parameter version of the strain gradient plasticity theory, incorporating separately the rotational and extensional gradients in the formulation, is employed under small strain assumption. The effect of the plastic strain gradients resulting from the transformation strain is better captured. In particular, the results show a significant influence of the shear component of the transformation strain. An implicit confinement effect is revealed at the elasto-plastic boundaries which is partly responsible for the transformation strain effect. Size effects on the overall strengthening are also revealed, due to a combined size dependent effect of the transformation strain and of the evolving composite structure.</p><p align='justify'>Third, the extension of the strain gradient plasticity theory to a finite strain description is applied. A significant effect of the transformation strain is obtained with the multi-parameter version of the theory as well as an optimal austenite grain size improving the damage resistance of the martensite, in agreement with the typical grain size of the current TRIP-assisted steels (Jacques et al. 2007).</p> / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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The Plastic Behaviour of Cold-Formed Rectangular Hollow SectionsWilkinson, Timothy James January 2000 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to assess the suitability of cold-formed rectangular hollow sections (RHS) for plastic design. The project involved an extensive range of tests on cold-formed Grade C350 and Grade C450 (DuraGal) RHS beams, joints and frames. A large number of finite element analyses was also carried out on models of RHS beams. The conclusion is that cold- formed RHS can be used in plastic design, but stricter element slenderness (b/t) limits and consideration of the connections, are required. Further research, particularly into the effect of axial compression on element slenderness limits, is required before changes to current design rules can be finalised. Bending tests were performed on cold-formed RHS to examine the web and flange slenderness required to maintain the plastic moment for a large enough rotation suitable for plastic design. The major conclusions of the beam tests were: (i) Some sections which are classified as Compact or Class 1 by current steel design specifications do not maintain plastic rotations considered sufficient for plastic design. (ii) The current design philosophy, in which flange and web slenderness limits are independent, is inappropriate. An interaction formula is required, and simple formulations are proposed for RHS. Connection tests were performed on various types of knee joints in RHS, suitable for the column - rafter connection in a portal frame. The connection types investigated were welded stiffened and unstiffened rigid knee connections, bolted plate knee joints, and welded and bolted internal sleeve knee joints, for use in RHS portal frames. The ability of the connections to act as plastic hinges in a portal frame was investigated. The most important finding of the joint tests was the unexpected fracture of the cold-formed welded connections under opening moment before significant plastic rotations occurred. The use of an internal sleeve moved the plastic hinge in the connection away from the connection centre- line thus eliminating the need for the weld between the RHS, or the RHS and the stiffening plate, to carry the majority of the load. The internal sleeve connections were capable of sustaining the plastic moment for large rotations considered suitable for plastic design. Tests on pinned-base portal frames were also performed. There were three separate tests, with two different ratios of vertical to horizontal point loads, simulating gravity and horizontal wind loads. Two grades of steel were used for comparison. The aims of the tests were to examine if a plastic collapse mechanism could form in a cold-formed RHS frame, and to investigate if plastic design was suitable for such frames. In each frame, two regions of highly concentrated curvature were observed before the onset of local buckling, which indicated the formation of plastic hinges and a plastic collapse mechanism. An advanced plastic zone structural analysis which accounted for second order effects, material non-linearity and member imperfections slightly overestimated the strength of the frames. The analysis slightly underestimated the deflections, and hence the magnitude of the second order effects. A second order plastic zone analysis, which did not account for the effects of structural imperfections, provided the best estimates of the strengths of the frames, but also underestimated the deflections. While cold-formed RHS did not satisfy the material ductility requirements specified for plastic design in some current steel design standards, plastic hinges and plastic collapse mechanisms formed. This suggests that the restriction on plastic design for cold-formed RHS based on insufficient material ductility is unnecessary, provided that the connections are suitable for plastic hinge formation, if required. A large number of finite element analyses were performed to simulate the bending tests summarised above, and to examine various parameters not studied in the experimental investigation. To simulate the experimental rotation capacity of the RHS beams, a sinusoidally varying longitudinal local imperfection was prescribed. The finite element analysis determined similar trends as observed experimentally, namely that the rotation capacity depended on both the web slenderness and flange slenderness, and that for a given section aspect ratio, the relationship between web slenderness and rotation capacity was non-linear. The main finding of the finite element study was that the size of the imperfections had an unexpectedly large influence on the rotation capacity. Larger imperfections were required in the more slender sections to simulate the experimental results. There should be further investigation into the effect of varying material properties on rotation capacity.
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The Plastic Behaviour of Cold-Formed Rectangular Hollow SectionsWilkinson, Timothy James January 2000 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to assess the suitability of cold-formed rectangular hollow sections (RHS) for plastic design. The project involved an extensive range of tests on cold-formed Grade C350 and Grade C450 (DuraGal) RHS beams, joints and frames. A large number of finite element analyses was also carried out on models of RHS beams. The conclusion is that cold- formed RHS can be used in plastic design, but stricter element slenderness (b/t) limits and consideration of the connections, are required. Further research, particularly into the effect of axial compression on element slenderness limits, is required before changes to current design rules can be finalised. Bending tests were performed on cold-formed RHS to examine the web and flange slenderness required to maintain the plastic moment for a large enough rotation suitable for plastic design. The major conclusions of the beam tests were: (i) Some sections which are classified as Compact or Class 1 by current steel design specifications do not maintain plastic rotations considered sufficient for plastic design. (ii) The current design philosophy, in which flange and web slenderness limits are independent, is inappropriate. An interaction formula is required, and simple formulations are proposed for RHS. Connection tests were performed on various types of knee joints in RHS, suitable for the column - rafter connection in a portal frame. The connection types investigated were welded stiffened and unstiffened rigid knee connections, bolted plate knee joints, and welded and bolted internal sleeve knee joints, for use in RHS portal frames. The ability of the connections to act as plastic hinges in a portal frame was investigated. The most important finding of the joint tests was the unexpected fracture of the cold-formed welded connections under opening moment before significant plastic rotations occurred. The use of an internal sleeve moved the plastic hinge in the connection away from the connection centre- line thus eliminating the need for the weld between the RHS, or the RHS and the stiffening plate, to carry the majority of the load. The internal sleeve connections were capable of sustaining the plastic moment for large rotations considered suitable for plastic design. Tests on pinned-base portal frames were also performed. There were three separate tests, with two different ratios of vertical to horizontal point loads, simulating gravity and horizontal wind loads. Two grades of steel were used for comparison. The aims of the tests were to examine if a plastic collapse mechanism could form in a cold-formed RHS frame, and to investigate if plastic design was suitable for such frames. In each frame, two regions of highly concentrated curvature were observed before the onset of local buckling, which indicated the formation of plastic hinges and a plastic collapse mechanism. An advanced plastic zone structural analysis which accounted for second order effects, material non-linearity and member imperfections slightly overestimated the strength of the frames. The analysis slightly underestimated the deflections, and hence the magnitude of the second order effects. A second order plastic zone analysis, which did not account for the effects of structural imperfections, provided the best estimates of the strengths of the frames, but also underestimated the deflections. While cold-formed RHS did not satisfy the material ductility requirements specified for plastic design in some current steel design standards, plastic hinges and plastic collapse mechanisms formed. This suggests that the restriction on plastic design for cold-formed RHS based on insufficient material ductility is unnecessary, provided that the connections are suitable for plastic hinge formation, if required. A large number of finite element analyses were performed to simulate the bending tests summarised above, and to examine various parameters not studied in the experimental investigation. To simulate the experimental rotation capacity of the RHS beams, a sinusoidally varying longitudinal local imperfection was prescribed. The finite element analysis determined similar trends as observed experimentally, namely that the rotation capacity depended on both the web slenderness and flange slenderness, and that for a given section aspect ratio, the relationship between web slenderness and rotation capacity was non-linear. The main finding of the finite element study was that the size of the imperfections had an unexpectedly large influence on the rotation capacity. Larger imperfections were required in the more slender sections to simulate the experimental results. There should be further investigation into the effect of varying material properties on rotation capacity.
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