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Vliv stabilizačních cvičení pletence ramenního na svalovou aktivitu při přímém impaktu u hráčů ragby se subakromiálním impingement syndromem / The effect of shoulder girdle stabilization exercises on muscle activity during direct impact in rugby players with subacromial impingement syndromeChytilová, Martina January 2016 (has links)
Title: The effect of shoulder girdle stabilization exercises on muscle activity during direct impact in rugby players with sub-acromial impingement syndrome Objectives: Comparison of muscle activity during direct impact while performing the rugby tackle to tackle bag and to player using electromyographic amplitude analysis before and after intervention programme for players with subacromial impingement syndrome (SIS). Application of intervention programme consisting stabilization excercises for shoulder complex and activation of deep stabilization muscles of the spine. Methods: Theoretical part contains topics about shoulder girdle, rugby and rugby injuries, mainly subacromial impingement syndrome. Mentioned issues are included into the thesis due to the research of current literature from international sources and studies. Practical part regards the aplication of three-months long intervention programme for eight players at junior national level with diagnosis of SIS, when pre-testing a post-testing is realized by clinical tests and EMG measurement. Assessment of enter and control examination is realized with analysis of variance ANOVA. Results: Intervention programme was sufficient for changes in EMG amplitude for two muscle groups in rugby players with SIS. Hypothesis comparing the EMG measure...
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Nejčastější problémy v oblasti pletence ramenního u basketbalistek a možnosti fyzioterapeutického ovlivnění / The most often problems in shoulder girdle of women basketball players and options of physiotherapeutic affectKomárková, Zuzana January 2015 (has links)
Title The most often problems in shoulder girdle of women basketball players and options of physiotherapeutic affect. Objectives The main goal of the thesis is in theoretical part to summarize potentional problems in shoulder girdle of basketball players, options and solutions of these problems. There is complex examination of shoulder girdle of dominant upper limb of women basketball players in an experimental part and figure out where is the main problem in this part. Methods There are two parts of the thesis, the first one is the theoretical background for second experimental part where complex functional physiotherapeutic examination of shoulder girdle with using of aspection, palpation and special tests for shoulder girdle were made. The most often problems in shoulder girdle of women basketball player has been determined by using the results of testing process. Results Testing of shoulder girdle of women basketball players showed how often blockage of ribs is. Blockage of fifth rib was present in 90% of the probands, frequent was also decentred position of shoulder and shoulder blade, hypertone of upper fixators of shoulder blade and pectoral muscles. Most of probands had restriction of passive motion to segment in thoracic spine and hypermobility of shoulder. Often was present weakness of...
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Sledování vlivu Vojtovy reflexní lokomoce na aktivitu svalů pletence ramenního u pacientů se subacromiálním impingement syndromem pomocí povrchové elektromyografie / Monitoring the impact of Vojta reflex locomotion on the activity of the muscles of the shoulder girdle in patients with subacromials impingement syndrome by surface electromyographyMyslivcová, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the observation of influence of Vojta's reflex locomotion on the activity of shoulder girdle's muscles at patients with the subacromial impingement syndrome. We examined ten patients with the subacromial impingement syndrome as well as twenty asymptomatic individuals. We evaluated the impact of just one Vojta's reflex locomotion therapy on the activity of muscles using the Method of the Surface Electromyography. At the same time we evaluated if the reaction on the therapy had some impact on measured values. The therapy always took at least time necessary to obtain any reaction of each of the individuals, although the maximum limit of the therapy was 32 minutes. The impact of Vojta's reflex locomotion therapy had not statistical importance with regard on changes of muscle activity after and before the therapy, with regard on the symmetry of muscle activity, as well as the difference of beginning of activation of every muscle before and after the therapy. The statistical importance was influenced just by the corporeal disposition of every measured individual, which was observed on the timing. The influence of the corporeal disposition on the average measured values with regard of the left - right side symmetry has no statistical importance. The statistical...
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Korigovaný vis jako kompenzační prvek ve fyzioterapii / Corrected hanging up as compensation mode in physiotherapyWaldmann, Tadeáš January 2017 (has links)
Title: Corrected arm hang as a compensatory element in physioterapy Objective: The main objective of this master thesis is to measure and compare the level of engagement of muscles stabilizing the scapula during arm hang and supported exercise. Methods: Our study included nine probands whose measurement results were evaluated quantitatively. The age of probands at the time of measurement was from 18 to 25 years. A condition for inclusion in the investigated group was absence of subjective symptoms, functional impairment, traumatic injury, orthopedic defects or diseases of the upper limb. All probands were active athletes. Biomonitor ME 6000 manufacturer Mega Electronics Ltd. was used for recording the electrical activity of the muscles. The obtained data were processed by the Megawin software. All measurements for the purposes of the study took place in the laboratory of biomechanics FTVS UK. The resulting data were compared intraindividual and interindividual. Results: The results demonstrated that middle and lower portions of m. Trapezius is more active in the corrected arm hang. In contrast, the supported exercise leads to greater activity of m. Serratus anterior and lower activity of upper portion of m. Trapezius. Keywords: arm hang, supported exercise, surface electromyography, stabilization...
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Vliv rozsahů rotací ramenního kloubu u volejbalistek na rozvoj funkčních změn / Effect of the range of the shoulder joint rotation in volleyball players on the development of functional changesKamešová, Terezie January 2018 (has links)
Title: Effect of the range of the shoulder joint rotation in volleyball players on the development of functional changes. Objectives: The aim of this thesis is to confirm the presence of the glenohumeral internal rotation deficit in beach volleyball players and to determine whether it affects the development of functional changes of the shoulder joint located in the dominant upper limb. Methods: The thesis was a quantitative study with the character of an experiment. There were 60 active volleyball players aged 18-30 years who were deliberately selected for the purposes of the study. The essence was to ascertain whether GIRD affects the pain in the shoulder joint of volleyball players and whether it was deemed positive for all participants of the study. In order to examine the range of motion, the goniometer in the external and internal rotation according to Janda and Pavla, Janda and Sachse was used, as well as hypermobility tests and a shoulder joint pain questionnaire. The statistical data processing was performed by Microsoft Excel 2010. The sum and average functions were used. Subsequently, graphs and tables were created from the results Results: The established hypotheses were confirmed in two cases. GIRD is determined positive for beach volleyball players. From the results of hypermobility...
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Analýza poranění a léčby ramenního kloubu u overhead sportovců v České republice / Analysis of the shoulder girdle injury and therapy of overhead athletes in Czech republicVocásek, Jan January 2018 (has links)
Author: Bc. Jan Vocásek Thesis title: Analysis of the shoulder girdle injury and therapy of overhead athletes in Czech republic Cíl: The aim of the thesis was to create a literal research for the shoulder girdle injuries of overhead athletes, theoretically to write the anatomical and kinesiological characteristics of the shoulder girdle, to analyze the biomechanics, injury mechanisms in individual overhead sports, rehabilitation treatment and to find out how frequent the injuries of athletes in the Czech Republic follow-up treatment varies from abroad. Methods: For the purpose of this research was established a non-standardized questionnaire, based on literature studied and research questions, and then was distributed to 6 selected physicians dealing with this issue in the Czech Republic, who anonymously filled out questions regarding the shoulder joint injury based on their own clinical experiences. Results: Four of the six hypotheses were confirmed from the data obtained. The number of patients with shoulder girdle injuries in overhead sports in the Czech Republic has risen year- on-year and the most common injury is SLAP lesion. It has also been confirmed that the most common injury is caused by ball overhead sports and on the dominant upper limb. Key words: shoulder girdle, overhead sports,...
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Efekt cíleného tréninku dolních fixátorů lopatek na funkci pletence ramenního u hráčů ragby. / Effect of targeted training of the lower scapular fixators on the shoulder girdle function of rugby players.Přibyl, Michal January 2019 (has links)
Thesis title: Effect of targeted training of the lower scapular fixators on the shoulder girdle function of rugby players The concept of the problem: Rugby is one of the toughest ball sports and there is no shortage of injuries. In addition, injuries in the shoulder area are among the most common and any possibility of reducing these injuries is beneficial. There is not much time left for compensation and targeted intervention; moreover, it is not usually led by physiotherapists but by fitness coaches and only in larger clubs. The consequence is a muscle imbalance in the shoulder girdle, which can result in the so-called scapular dyskinesis. This is turn affects the function and stability of the shoulder joint not only by the overhead athletes. It is possible to influence scapular dyskinesis in various ways. One of them is the inclusion of targeted training of lower scapular fixators into fitness training and thus their stability is improved. Objectives: The main aim of this thesis is to verify whether rugby players with painful shoulder have sufficiently scapular fixation based on kinesiological and biomechanical knowledge. Another aim of this thesis is to create such an exercise unit that would ensure the correct activity of the lower scapular fixators and verify this by measurement. The final...
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Aktivní přístupy v sekundární prevenci pánevního dna po porodu / Influence of body position on pelvic floor muscle contraction strengthZahořová, Markéta January 2021 (has links)
Title: Methods of secondary prevention of the pelvic floor after childbirth Objectives: This is a theoretical work with a descriptive-analytical part. It includes an analysis of the literature from available sources, an analysis of active approaches in the secondary prevention of the pelvic floor and the creation exercise unit for further research. Methods: Literature analysis including processing of information from available sources. Results: Handbook of pelvic floor training with methodical descriptions. Keywords: Pelvic girdle, pregnancy, gynecological weaknesses after childbirth, incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, sexual dysfunction, pelvic floor examination, Arnold Kegel method, Ludmila Mojžíšová method, Alexander method, Feldenkrais method, Cantienica, exercise unit
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