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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Примена органских ђубрива у производњи јагоде / Primena organskih đubriva u proizvodnji jagode / Application of organic fertilizers TI in strawberry production

Čabilovski Ranko 27 February 2015 (has links)
<p>Органска ђубрива садрже готово све неопходне хранљиве елементе за гајене биљке, али имају значајно мању ефикасност од синтетичких ђубрива јер је садржај хранива неупоредиво нижи у односу на синтетичка, а облици у којима се налазе нису директно приступачни гајеним биљкама. Циљ истраживања био је да се испита утицај примене различитих органских ђубрива биљног и животињског порекла, као и течних ђубрива на хемијска својства земљишта, принос и квалитет јагоде у оквиру два система производње (малчирања земљишта). Пољски оглед је постављен као двофакторијални по методи/плану подељених парцела (Split/plot), са случајним распоредом третмана. Оглед се састојао од две главне парцеле на којима је испитан утицај два различита начина покривања земљишта (малч од сламе и црна полиетиленска фолија), док је на основним парцелама испитан утицај 13 различитих третмана ђубрења (контрола &ndash; без примене ђубрива, &Oslash;; говеђи стајњак, С; говеђи стајњак + гуано (фолијарно), С+Г; говеђи стајњак + екстакт глистењака (фолијарно), С+ЕГ; глистењак, ГЛ; глистењак + гуано (фолијарно), ГЛ+Г; глистењак + екстракт глистењака (фолијарно), ГЛ+ЕГ; компост из производње печурака, К; компост из производње печурака + гуано (фолијарно), К+Г; компост из производње печурака + екстракт глистењака, К+ЕГ; гуано (фертигација + фолијарно), Г; екстракт глистењака (фертигација + фолијарно), ЕГ; стандардни програм ђубрења са минералним NPK ђубривима, NPK). У узорцима земљишта одређен је садржај минералних облика N, приступачних облика P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn и pH вредност земљишта. Поред параметара приноса јагоде (број цветова, прој плодова, просечна маса плода) у све три године плодоношења одређени су садржај макро и микроелемената у листу и плоду јагоде, и параметри квалитета плода јагоде (укупан садржај растворљиве суве материје, укупан садржај киселина, садржај укупних антоцијана, антиоксидативна активност, обојеност и чврстина плода). Резултати истраживања су показали да се продужено дејство примене чврстих и течних органских ђубрива на садржај хранљивих елемената у земљишту значајно разликује у зависности од елемента који се посматра. Примена чврстих органских ђубрива имала је највећи утицај на садржај приступачних облика фосфора, затим калијума, док је најмањи утицај имала на садржај минералних облика азота у земљишту. Изузев стајњака, примена органских ђубрива, у количини еквивалентној 170 kg N ha-1, није имала утицај на концентрацију приступачних облика секундарних макроелемената и микроелемената у земљишту. Земљиште покривено црном ПЕ фолијом одликовало се вишим садржајем минералних облика азота и приступачних облика Fe, Mn, Zn и Cu у односу на земљиште покривено сламом, у свим терминима мерења. Примена чврстих органских ђубрива приликом садње јагоде довела је до значајног повећања приноса, у односу на контролу, само у првој години плодоношења, док је у другој и трећој години плодоношења највиши принос јагоде остварен на третманима где су примењена NPK ђубрива и течни гуано. Третмани ђубрења имали су значајан утицај на минерални састав, садржај растворљиве суве материје, садржај киселина, садржај антоцијана, антиоксидативну активност и обојеност плода. Примена црне полиетиленске фолије, поред позитивног утицаја на садржај хранљивих елемената у земљишту, довела је до вишег приноса и квалитета плода јагоде у односу на примену сламе као малча. Rезултати показују да се применом црне фолије може значајно повећати ефикасност ђубрива чиме се смањује ризик од загађења животне средине и остварује већа економска добит у производњи јагоде.</p> / <p>Organska đubriva sadrže gotovo sve neophodne hranljive elemente za gajene biljke, ali imaju značajno manju efikasnost od sintetičkih đubriva jer je sadržaj hraniva neuporedivo niži u odnosu na sintetička, a oblici u kojima se nalaze nisu direktno pristupačni gajenim biljkama. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se ispita uticaj primene različitih organskih đubriva biljnog i životinjskog porekla, kao i tečnih đubriva na hemijska svojstva zemljišta, prinos i kvalitet jagode u okviru dva sistema proizvodnje (malčiranja zemljišta). Poljski ogled je postavljen kao dvofaktorijalni po metodi/planu podeljenih parcela (Split/plot), sa slučajnim rasporedom tretmana. Ogled se sastojao od dve glavne parcele na kojima je ispitan uticaj dva različita načina pokrivanja zemljišta (malč od slame i crna polietilenska folija), dok je na osnovnim parcelama ispitan uticaj 13 različitih tretmana đubrenja (kontrola &ndash; bez primene đubriva, &Oslash;; goveđi stajnjak, S; goveđi stajnjak + guano (folijarno), S+G; goveđi stajnjak + ekstakt glistenjaka (folijarno), S+EG; glistenjak, GL; glistenjak + guano (folijarno), GL+G; glistenjak + ekstrakt glistenjaka (folijarno), GL+EG; kompost iz proizvodnje pečuraka, K; kompost iz proizvodnje pečuraka + guano (folijarno), K+G; kompost iz proizvodnje pečuraka + ekstrakt glistenjaka, K+EG; guano (fertigacija + folijarno), G; ekstrakt glistenjaka (fertigacija + folijarno), EG; standardni program đubrenja sa mineralnim NPK đubrivima, NPK). U uzorcima zemljišta određen je sadržaj mineralnih oblika N, pristupačnih oblika P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn i pH vrednost zemljišta. Pored parametara prinosa jagode (broj cvetova, proj plodova, prosečna masa ploda) u sve tri godine plodonošenja određeni su sadržaj makro i mikroelemenata u listu i plodu jagode, i parametri kvaliteta ploda jagode (ukupan sadržaj rastvorljive suve materije, ukupan sadržaj kiselina, sadržaj ukupnih antocijana, antioksidativna aktivnost, obojenost i čvrstina ploda). Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da se produženo dejstvo primene čvrstih i tečnih organskih đubriva na sadržaj hranljivih elemenata u zemljištu značajno razlikuje u zavisnosti od elementa koji se posmatra. Primena čvrstih organskih đubriva imala je najveći uticaj na sadržaj pristupačnih oblika fosfora, zatim kalijuma, dok je najmanji uticaj imala na sadržaj mineralnih oblika azota u zemljištu. Izuzev stajnjaka, primena organskih đubriva, u količini ekvivalentnoj 170 kg N ha-1, nije imala uticaj na koncentraciju pristupačnih oblika sekundarnih makroelemenata i mikroelemenata u zemljištu. Zemljište pokriveno crnom PE folijom odlikovalo se višim sadržajem mineralnih oblika azota i pristupačnih oblika Fe, Mn, Zn i Cu u odnosu na zemljište pokriveno slamom, u svim terminima merenja. Primena čvrstih organskih đubriva prilikom sadnje jagode dovela je do značajnog povećanja prinosa, u odnosu na kontrolu, samo u prvoj godini plodonošenja, dok je u drugoj i trećoj godini plodonošenja najviši prinos jagode ostvaren na tretmanima gde su primenjena NPK đubriva i tečni guano. Tretmani đubrenja imali su značajan uticaj na mineralni sastav, sadržaj rastvorljive suve materije, sadržaj kiselina, sadržaj antocijana, antioksidativnu aktivnost i obojenost ploda. Primena crne polietilenske folije, pored pozitivnog uticaja na sadržaj hranljivih elemenata u zemljištu, dovela je do višeg prinosa i kvaliteta ploda jagode u odnosu na primenu slame kao malča. Rezultati pokazuju da se primenom crne folije može značajno povećati efikasnost đubriva čime se smanjuje rizik od zagađenja životne sredine i ostvaruje veća ekonomska dobit u proizvodnji jagode.</p> / <p>Organic fertilizers contain almost all the necessary nutritional elements for cultivated plants, but they have a significantly lower efficiency compared to synthetic fertilizers due to lower nutrient content and the forms of nutrients in which they are not directly accessible to the cultivated plants. The aim of this study was to quantify the effect of the application of different plant and animal origin organic fertilizer, as well as liquid fertilizers, on soil chemical properties, yield and quality of strawberries in two production systems (soil mulching). The field experiment was conducted using a 2-factorial split-plot completely randomized design, with ground cover management (mulch) as main-plot factor and fertilization treatments in sub-plot. On the main plots we examined the influence of two different mulches (straw and black polyethylene sheet), while on sub-plots the effect of 13 different treatments of fertilization was examined (control - no fertilization, &Oslash;; dairy manure, С; dairy manure + guano (foliar application), С+Г; dairy manure + vermicompost leachate (foliar application), С+ЕГ; vermicompost, ГЛ; vermicompost leachate + guano (foliar application), ГЛ+Г; vermicompost + vermicompost leachate (foliar application), ГЛ+ЕГ; spent mushroom compost, К; spent mushroom compost + guano (foliar application), К+Г; spent mushroom compost + vermicompost leachate, К+ЕГ; guano (fertigation + foliar application), Г; vermicompost leachate (fertigation + foliar application), ЕГ; standard fertilization with mineral NPK fertilizers, NPK). The soil samples were analysed to determine the content of mineral forms of N, available forms of P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn and soil pH value. Beside parameters of strawberry yield (number of flowers, number of fruits, average fruit weight) in all three fruiting years we determined the content of macro- and microelements in the leaves and fruits, as well as fruit quality parameters (total soluble solids, total acidity, total anthocyanins, antioxidant activity, coloring and fruit firmness). The results showed that application of solid and liquid organic fertilizers had a different residual effect on concentration of macro- and micro elements in the soil. Application of solid organic fertilizer had the greatest influence on the content of available forms of phosphorus, than potassium, while the least impact had on the content of mineral forms of nitrogen in the soil. Except for dairy manure, the application of organic fertilizers, in amount equivalent to 170 kg N ha-1, had no effect on concentration of available forms of secondary macroelements and microelements in the soil. Soil covered with black polyethylene mulch had higher content of mineral forms of nitrogen and available forms of Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu, compared to soil covered with straw mulch, in all terms of measuring. The application of solid organic fertilizers led to a significant increase in yield compared to the control in the first fruiting year, while in the second and third fruiting years the highest yields were achieved on the treatments where NPK fertilizer and liquid guano were applied. Fertilization treatments had a significant effect on the mineral composition, content of soluble solids, titrible acidity, content of anthocyanins, antioxidant activity and color of the strawberry fruits. Black polyethylene mulch had positive impact on concentration of macro- and microelements in soil and led to higher yield and quality of strawberry fruits compared to straw mulch. The results shows that the black polyethylene mulch can significantly increase fertilizer efficiency, which reduce the risk of environmental pollution and may result in greater economic gain in strawberry production.</p>

Masná užitkovost plemene český luštič / The Meat Utilization of Rabbit Breed Czech Solver

PRAVDOVÁ, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
This master's thesis focuses on the utilization of the Czech Solver, a Czech national rabbit breed, which is registered in The National Programme on Conservation of genetic resources of plants, animals and micro-organisms for Food and Agriculture. The Czech Solver was originally invented to be able to confirm or disprove the purebred origin of the tested animal. This feature is useful for breeders so that compensates for low meat performance breed. Fertility monitored breeding is less than the average fertility medium breeds, among that is the Czech Solver sorted, and significantly lower than the fertility of broiler rabbits. Surveyed individuals have achieved monthly weight gain sampler breeds of rabbits, but fattening period to 2.70 kg live weight ranged from an average of 105 days for semi-intensive rearing system in cages to 135 days at a traditional pens housing system farming, which is at least 27 days longer than the period of fattening broiler rabbits. Average growth rates were observed in the amount of 19.7 g in traditional breeding and 20.6 g in semi-intensive farming. Because the rabbits were slaughtered when reaching 2.70 kg live weight, were at abattoir analysis revealed no statistically significant differences between males and females or between traditional and semi-intensive farming. Slaughter analysis confirmed the breed Czech Solver average percentages of the intermediate part, fore and hind parts of the carcass and a higher proportion of kidney fat compared to other breeds of rabbits included in the genetic resources and compared with broiler breeds.

Vybrané vlivy na reprodukci u stáda holštýnského skotu

KOZÁKOVÁ, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the work was to elaborate a literary review of the characteristics, reproductive properties of Holstein cattle and influences affecting the reproduction of cattle. Another objective of the work was to evaluate the selected influences on their reproduction in a group of selected dairy cows from the monitored cattle herd. The data were processed and sorted by genotype, level of milk performance, parity, length of dry period, length of insemination interval, difficulty of calving, age of the first calving and synchronization of estrous (Ovsynch). In evaluating the effect of the genotype on reproductive parameters, there were no statistically significant differences between purebred Holstein cows (H100) and crosses (H50-88C). In addition, the effect of milk yield on lactation on reproductive performance was evaluated. The results showed that with increasing performance, the values of reproduction indicators (insemination index, insemination interval and period service) have increased. The statistically lowest insemination index (1.70) and insemination interval (96 days) were detected in cows with a yield up to 8,000 kg. The service period (122 days) was conclusively the lowest in a cow group with a yield of 8,001 to 10,000 kg lactating milk. In contrast, the highest conclusive values of the insemination index, interval and period service were detected in a group of dairy cows with a yield above 12,001 kg of milk. It is further evident from the results that the values of the pregnancy rate after the first insemination increased with the increasing level of milk performance. The lowest value (27.14%) was detected in the group with the highest milk yield (over 12,001 kg of milk). There were no significant differences between the different groups of dairy cows in the evaluation of the influence of parity on the reproduction indicators. Furthermore, the influence of length of dry period was evaluated. The average dry period in the monitored herd was 69 days. The pregnancy rate after the first insemination was better for the group with a dry period over 61 days (40.38%). On the other hand, periods of service and days open values were lower in dairy cows with a dry period less than 60 days (119 and 394 days respectively). The length of uterine involution was also monitored by the length of insemination interval. Most cows in the monitored group of dairy cows (25.29%) were first inseminated 66th - 87th day after calving. No statistically significant differences were detected in the assessment of the age of the 1st calving and the severity of births on reproductive parameters. The use of controlled reproduction methods (Ovsynch) was also monitored and applied only in the case of reproductive disorders of dairy cows. In the monitored period, Ovsynch was used in only 10 dairy cows and the average service period was 140 days.

Analýza užitkových vlastností základního stáda prasnic / Analyze utility of the basic herd of sows

LESKOVSKÁ, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
The thesis is devoted to analysis of production and reproductive performance of sows of basic herd in agricurtural cooperativ Agra Březnice for the years 2010 and 2011. Sows from breeding core of the nucleic stud, sows from nucleic stud as a whole and sows from reproductive stud were integrated in the observation.The Large White breed paternal line focused attention on the reproductive characteristics, the results of their own performance and results of unified testing. The planting of breeding sows focused attention on reproductive characters in the production of stainless crossbreed sow Czech White paternal line x Czech landrase.

Vyhodnocení vybraných vlivů na mléčnou užitkovost a plodnost dojnic holštýnského skotu / Evaluation of selected effects on milk production and fertility of dairy cows of Holstein cattle

FREJLACH, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the evaluation of selected influences on the milk production and fertility of dairy cows in a herd of Holstein cattle. The cattle husbandry sector, in recent years, has been facing a worsening of the indicators of reproduction and longevity in dairy cows. It is primarily the requirement of constantly increasing the milk yield of dairy cows that has had an adverse impact on these indicators. The worsening of these indicators can result in a reduction of the cost-effectiveness of the production of milk and meat. The evaluation of influences on milk production and fertility in a herd of Holstein cattle was carried out at the AGRODAM Hořepník s.r.o. company. The selected influences included milk yield quantity, parity, age at first calving, calving interval, insemination index, and conception rate after first insemination. Two hundred and two Holstein dairy cows were included in the monitoring. Data on milk yield and reproduction were obtained from milk yield records and zootechnical records. The results showed that milk production of the monitored group of dairy cows was at a high level (10,025 kg of milk). The highest milk yield in kilograms of milk during first lactation was achieved by dairy cows that calved at the age of 27 to 29 months (9,335 kg of milk). According to the milk yield during the first lactation, the highest milk yield during three lactations was by dairy cows that had a milk yield exceeding 10,000 kg of milk during the first lactation (35,515 kg). When utilizing the DOUBLE OVSYNCH synchronization protocol, the average calving interval was 412 days, and a higher conception rate after first insemination (43%) was found as compared to the nationwide average in the Czech Republic (34.2%). The average number of culled dairy cows was 32%; from this the highest proportion of culled dairy cows was for other medical reasons (31%). Due to low milk yields, 25% of the dairy cows were culled.

Umělý a poloumělý výtěr candáta obecného (Stizostedion lucioperca) / Artificiale and semiartificiale propagation of zander (Stizostedion lucioperca)

KŘIŠŤAN, Jiří January 2009 (has links)
The study summarizes methods of artificiale and semiartificiale reproduction of pikeperch. The aim of the present study is to study ovulation rate by injection of different hormones: carp pituitary, analogs of GnRH Supergestran, Ovopel (containing dopamine inhibitor), Dagin (containing too dopamine inhibitor) in zander (Sander lucioperca) and determination of stripped eggs to broodstock weight, relative and absolute fertility and period of latency. On the basis of results, zander can be considered to be usefull species for semiartificiale and artificiale propagation.

Typologie plodnosti států Evropské unie / Fertility patterns in European Union

Řezníčková, Albína January 2017 (has links)
Fertility patterns in European Union Abstract The main objective of the thesis is to create a typology of fertility in the countries of European Union. The variables entering the analysis are demographic indicators of fertility (total fertility rate, mean age of women at first birth) and opinion poll Eurobarometer 75.4 (ideal number of children, sociodemographic variables). Fertility is analyzed from 1960 until 2014. The main part of the thesis focuses on 2011, when census and opinion poll were conducted. Deeper analysis is performed by using cluster analysis and Poisson regression. The result of the thesis is the typology of fertility based on theories explaining fertility changes and empirical analysis. Keywords: fertility, typology, European Union, ideal number of children, cluster analysis, Poisson regression

Štatistická analýza sobášnosti, rozvodovosti a mimomanželskej plodnosti / Analysis of marriage rate, divorce rate and live births outside marriage

Birčáková, Barbora January 2014 (has links)
The main goal of the thesis is to analyze the basic indicators of marriage rate, divorce rate and the proportion of live births outside marriage. The first part is focused on the evaluation of the past and present development of the selected indicators. The thesis also includes a prediction of the future development of these indicators by using the Box-Jenkins methodology. The last part is dedicated to an international comparison of marriage, divorce and non-marital fertility indicators in the selected countries of the European Union. Moreover, the last part also includes a cluster analysis, where countries are divided into homogeneous groups according to the selected indicators.

POROVNANIE ÚROVNE PLODNOSTI VO VYBRANÝCH KRAJINÁCH EÚ / Comparison of the level of fertility rate in selected EU countries.

Lešníková, Barbora January 2015 (has links)
The objective of this diploma thesis is on one side to analyze the fertility rate in Slovakia, Czech republic and Sweeden and to compare their development after the fall of the communist establishment from 1990 till 2014 and on the other side to categorize these countries to clusters of EU countries based on chosen variables using multidimensional statistical analysis. I consider the second chapter of the thesis, which focuses on analysis of intensity of fertility rate using direct standardization as well as on verification, whether connection between clusters of EU countries and their geographical location exists, to be my personal addition to the addressed issue. Based on my analyses, the conclusion of the thesis is a finding, that countries, which support reduced working hours have a higher total fertility rate. For that reason, if the natality is about to grow, it is a must to concentrate not only on states family politics but mainly to support the ability of young mothers to become part of a regular working process while on their maternity leave.

Demografická revoluce v rozvojových zemích se zvláštním zaměření na Afriku a Zimbabwe / Demographic revolution in developing countries with a special regards to Africa and Zimbabwe

Muza, Collet January 2019 (has links)
The demographic revolution in developing countries and Africa with special regards to Zimbabwe Abstract This dissertation aimed to examine the demographic revolution in developing countries, Africa and Zimbabwe. The decline of mortality and fertility everywhere in the world demonstrates the importance of the demographic revolution as a global process. While this universality was central to classic revolution theory, for many decades, it was questioned by demographers because fertility and mortality in Africa did not seem to follow the expected pathway. In sub-Saharan Africa the demographic revolution has been characterised by lagging, discontinuation and is occurring at a faster pace against low levels of socioeconomic development than observed in Europe, which has consequences for population dynamics. Questions have emerged if Africa is indeed different and a homogenous continent regarding demographic processes? However, empirical studies that have explored the unique demographic revolution starting from developing countries, Africa and Zimbabwe are lacking. The first part of the thesis on developing countries showed variations in the reaction of fertility to mortality decrease with historically small gaps and extended gaps in more recent revolutions, plus the much faster decrease in vital rates in many...

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