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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zhodnocení reprodukčních vlastností prasnic ve vybraném užitkovém chovu

Behančínová, Martina January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the evaluation of reproductive performance of sows in pig selected utility. The literary section describes the basic characteristics of reproduction, which are fertility and milk production. It clarifies the external and internal influences on reproduction, describes the parent breeds of pigs and time of birth. It also deals with a birth weight of piglets, removal of sows from reproduction and fertility problems. The research section focuses on finding out the number of piglets born total, the number of piglets born alive, the number of sow-reared piglets, losses of all born piglets to weaning and losses of live-born piglets to weaning. The thesis also analyzes the indicators of fertility such as the length of the gestation period, the number of litters per year, the order of the litter, the length meantime, the service period, the interval from weaning to flush, the litter size and the birth weight of piglets. On the basis of these data we investigated the influence of the order of litter on the reproductive performance of sows and on a birth weight of piglets and also the effect of a boar on reproductive performance of sows and on the birth weight of piglets. The statistical method used for the evaluation was Tukey HSD test.

Zdravotní rizika odkladu rodičovství do vyššího věku / Health risks of childbearing postponement

Vlachová, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the issue of women delaying pregnancy and parenthood to later in life. The aim of this thesis is to map out the health risks related to pregnancies in mothers who are over 35 years old, to find out the reasons for the later in life pregnancy and whether women realize the health risks associated. The thesis describes the health risks resulting from pregnancies in older women at the time of the birth and using the method of linear regression to analyze the dependence of the mother age of 35 or higher on the low birth weight of the live birth. Further, the issue of postponing pregnancy and motherhood is examined from women's point of view in more detail through the method of semistructured interviews, especially the reasons for delaying pregnancy and information about health risks. The results show that with women, who become pregnant at an older age, there is a certain increase in health risks; however, generally women are not very well informed about these complications. Keywords: fertility, fertility timing, health risks

Faktory plodnosti v okrese Most v období 2000-2010 / Fertility factors - district of Most in 2000 - 2010 period

Pečený, Michal January 2012 (has links)
1990 - 2008 Fertility factors in the disctrict of Most in 2000-2010 period Abstract The objective of this study was to find causes of regional fertility differences and context with social and economic indicators. Then to find situation of district of Most in regional comparison and social and economic causes of fertility developement in this district in 2000-2010 period. In first descriptive part there was made the comparative analysis of age structure and fertility indicators in Czech republic, Ústí region and district of Most. The result is different values of the fertility indicators (intensity and timing) and also younger age structure. In the second part were found social and economic factors of regional fertility differences and factors in district of Most with multivariate statistical methods. The cluster analysis confirmed the differences of district of Most and border of North Bohemia too. For use factor analysis and canonical correlation analysis the conclusion was the important factor of regional differences is especially education, but also availability and quality of housing, economic level. Less importace of religion. In the district of Most are important factors of education and indicators of economic level. Key words: fertility factors, regional fertility differences, district of Most,...

Bezdětnost a její aspekty ve vybraných zemích Evropy / Childlessness and its aspects in selected European countries

Žemberová, Karolína January 2014 (has links)
This thesis addresses childlessness and its aspects in selected European countries: Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Estonia, the Netherlands, Sweden and Norway. The aim of this work is to discover whether there are differences between capitalist and post-socialist countries when it comes to the development of childlessness and fertility. The tools are: the analysis of fertility, the average age of mothers at childbirth and analysis of childlessness using both transversal and longitudinal indicators. The indicators used in the analysis were of the first and second category. Another aim of this thesis is to find out whether there are differences between the attitudes, opinions and values when it comes to approach to the family, the division of gender roles and children between childless respondents and respondents with children. The differentiation between sex and age groups through the use of three matrices with questions from three surveys (European Values Study, Eurobarometer and ISSP) are also investigated. The factor analysis and the method of principal components are used to reduce the number of variables. The results of the factor analysis are indexed and the indexes are then used to reveal how the differences manifest themselves in the monitored groups of respondents. The main result of...

Reproductive behavior and its patterns in the South Kazakhstan Region

Baigarayeva, Aida January 2012 (has links)
Reproductive behavior and its pattern in the South Kazakhstan region Abstract This study is focused on reproductive behavior issues in the South Kazakhstan region over the period from 1999 to 2010. The main objective is to contribute to the scientific cognition of reproductive attitudes, intentions and its realization among South Kazakhstani couples. The analysis is based on data collected for couples in the survey "Reproductive behavior of a family of Kazakhstan" held in the year 2007. In addition to that, trends in population development and impact of recent socio-economic changes on reproductive behavior in the selected region are studied. Differences in age, sex, ethnicity, place of residence as well as religious affiliation, educational attainment and respondents' incomes are considered in data analysis. The results of fertility decomposition method showed, that recent increase in fertility was predominantly caused by the factor of age-specific fertility rate. Factors of urban-rural difference and birth order were not significant. With regard to reproductive attitudes, intentions and its realization it was found that reproductive preferences among South Kazakhstani couples were devoted to a large family, while their reproductive intentions were focused on two-three children at most. Keywords:...

Plodnost třetího pořadí - důvody pro a proti / Third order-specific fertility - pros and cons

Svozil Karpecká, Olga January 2013 (has links)
This work aims to outline the factors that may affect probability of transition from motherhood of two children to motherhood of three children, in positive or negative way. This work would also like to specify, if this factors can be affected and so the better conditions for three-children-families can be achieved. These goals are reached by analysing demographical data of years 1990-2011 and also by own research of qualitative data in group of mothers-of-two-children in age up to 45 including. This work also contains theoretical background of the problem of decreasing fertility, the development of indicators of fertility of third child in the Czech Republic and selected states of Europe. It is also important to characterize the progression of length of interval between delivery of second and the third child, analysis of probability of transition from motherhood of two children to motherhood of three and estimations of cohort probability of giving birth to third child.

Analýza vývoje plodnosti ve vybraných zemích Evropy mezi lety 1970 a 2014 s využitím alternativních metod / Analysing fertility developments in selected European countries between 1970 and 2014 using alternative methods

Vachuška, Jakub January 2021 (has links)
Analysing fertility developments in selected European countries between 1970 and 2014 using alternative methods Abstract Transversal fertility indices as the total fertility rate are distorted by tempo effect when timing of childbearing is changing. New indices as the tempo-adjusted total fertility rate remove this distortion and give another perspective on fertility trends in countries with present tempo effect. These countries are former Eastern Bloc countries and other European countries. This thesis uses the tempo-adjusted total fertility rate and data from Human Fertility Database to describe tempo distortion in fertility level in Sweden, Norway, Czechia, Slovakia, Estonia and Lithuania in period 1970-2014. A more detailed analysis by parity in Sweden and Czechia is conducted in the same period. Negative tempo effect has been present from 1970s in Sweden and Norway and then from 90s in the countries left with fertility postponement being very widespread. The tempo effect level in Sweden and Czechia was substantial at parity one and diminishing with higher parities. Keywords: fertility, timing, level, postponement, adjusted total fertility rate, tempo effect Number of characters without blank spaces: 138 653

Vývoj plodnosti ve státech a regionech Evropské unie po roce 1991 / Development of fertility in countries and regions of the European union after 1991

Kurkin, Roman January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with the development of fertility in countries and regions of the European Union in the context of convergence and divergence trends. The goal is to analyze and evaluate the basic trends in international and regional differentiation of fertility by studying the literature and by my own analysis trying to explain the observed spatial differences and to identify problems in methodology and data collection. The European Union is for the purpose of analysis divided into western and eastern part in order to respond better to the hypothesis defined in the introductory chapter. First, the analysis of the regional differentiation of fertility rate is made. Variability in fertility at the regional level is consequently successfully explained by international differences which allow you to move the analysis at the state level. International differentiations of fertility rate are then explained by the different position of states in the process of second demographic transition. Despite the expectations, a clear trend towards convergence in fertility levels was not observed in the western part of the European Union and its spatial patterns remained stable. The eastern part experienced a significant decrease in the intensity of fertility which caused its convergence and overshadowed the ongoing changes...

Коледарске и божићне песме у контексту зимских календарских обреда / Koledarske i božićne pesme u kontekstu zimskih kalendarskih obreda / Koleda and Christmas songs in the context ofwinter calendar rituals

Tornjanski Brašnjović Svetlana 29 June 2015 (has links)
<p>Предмет испитивања у овом раду су коледарски и божићни обреди. Притом је највише простора посвећено њиховој вербалној компоненти, односно коледарским и божићним песмама.<br />Пошто је истраживање урађено на основу писаних текстова који су објављени у различитим етнографским изворима и збиркама, Увод обухвата и преглед претходних записа (збирке песама, етнографске изворе и грађу) и историјат претходних истраживања коледарских и божићних обреда. Такође, овај део рада садржи кратак опис свих релевантних извора, почевши од првог описа коледарских и божићних обреда и песама у издању Вука Стефановића Караџића у Српским народним песмама (1841), а завршава са последњим записима и поменима 2014. године<br />Географске координате коледарских и божићних обреда постављене су на основу прикупљеног материјала. Истовремено, дијахрона димензија ових обреда назначена је временом њиховог извођења (или периодом до ког постоји сећање на њихово извођење).<br />С обзиром на то да је у етнографским описима и етнолошкој литератури приказан садржај различитих локалних варијанти божићних и коледарских обреда, у централном делу рада сачињена је конструкција идеалтипске дескрипције која је објединила српску обредно-обичајну праксу од Св. Варваре (4/17. X&Iota;&Iota;) до Богојављења (6. &Iota;/19. &Iota;), а у склопу описа обредно-обичајне праксе у вези са поменутим празницима, и припрема мушких поворки коледара (и аналогних група<br />сировара/бабара, чаројица, вертепаша, звездара, клоцалица, вучара, џамалара), дечјих (коринђаша) и женских поворки (водичарки) за ритуални опход села, па до коначног распуштања обредне групе.<br />Будући да су песме део комплекса различитих ритуала, извођених у време краткодневице, у раду се изучавају у склопу обреда у оквиру ког су се певале.<br />У овом делу рада посебно се анализују: 1) предбожићне песме које се изводе на празнике Свете Варваре, Светог Игњата Богоносца, Туциндан и Бадњи дан, 2) божићне песме које се певају током прва три дана Божића и 3) послебожићне песме, извођене четвртог дана Божића, на празник Светог Василија Великог и Богојављење.<br />Последње поглавље (Завршна разматрања) даје преглед закључака до којих се истраживањем дошло.<br />Прилози садрже списак коришћене литературе (збирке и изворе), као и мапе ареала распростирања коледарских и божићних обреда.</p> / <p>Predmet ispitivanja u ovom radu su koledarski i božićni obredi. Pritom je najviše prostora posvećeno njihovoj verbalnoj komponenti, odnosno koledarskim i božićnim pesmama.<br />Pošto je istraživanje urađeno na osnovu pisanih tekstova koji su objavljeni u različitim etnografskim izvorima i zbirkama, Uvod obuhvata i pregled prethodnih zapisa (zbirke pesama, etnografske izvore i građu) i istorijat prethodnih istraživanja koledarskih i božićnih obreda. Takođe, ovaj deo rada sadrži kratak opis svih relevantnih izvora, počevši od prvog opisa koledarskih i božićnih obreda i pesama u izdanju Vuka Stefanovića Karadžića u Srpskim narodnim pesmama (1841), a završava sa poslednjim zapisima i pomenima 2014. godine<br />Geografske koordinate koledarskih i božićnih obreda postavljene su na osnovu prikupljenog materijala. Istovremeno, dijahrona dimenzija ovih obreda naznačena je vremenom njihovog izvođenja (ili periodom do kog postoji sećanje na njihovo izvođenje).<br />S obzirom na to da je u etnografskim opisima i etnološkoj literaturi prikazan sadržaj različitih lokalnih varijanti božićnih i koledarskih obreda, u centralnom delu rada sačinjena je konstrukcija idealtipske deskripcije koja je objedinila srpsku obredno-običajnu praksu od Sv. Varvare (4/17. X&Iota;&Iota;) do Bogojavljenja (6. &Iota;/19. &Iota;), a u sklopu opisa obredno-običajne prakse u vezi sa pomenutim praznicima, i priprema muških povorki koledara (i analognih grupa<br />sirovara/babara, čarojica, vertepaša, zvezdara, klocalica, vučara, džamalara), dečjih (korinđaša) i ženskih povorki (vodičarki) za ritualni ophod sela, pa do konačnog raspuštanja obredne grupe.<br />Budući da su pesme deo kompleksa različitih rituala, izvođenih u vreme kratkodnevice, u radu se izučavaju u sklopu obreda u okviru kog su se pevale.<br />U ovom delu rada posebno se analizuju: 1) predbožićne pesme koje se izvode na praznike Svete Varvare, Svetog Ignjata Bogonosca, Tucindan i Badnji dan, 2) božićne pesme koje se pevaju tokom prva tri dana Božića i 3) poslebožićne pesme, izvođene četvrtog dana Božića, na praznik Svetog Vasilija Velikog i Bogojavljenje.<br />Poslednje poglavlje (Završna razmatranja) daje pregled zaključaka do kojih se istraživanjem došlo.<br />Prilozi sadrže spisak korišćene literature (zbirke i izvore), kao i mape areala rasprostiranja koledarskih i božićnih obreda.</p> / <p>Slavic rituals of koleda and Christmas are<br />the core of the research in the paper. The<br />structural-semantic analysis of the rites<br />mentioned above, especially deals with their<br />verbal component, i.e. koleda and Christmas<br />songs. Since the research relies on the basis of<br />more than a thousand written texts (published in<br />different ethnographic sources), as well as on<br />printed collections, the third part of the<br />introductory notes comprises a review of those<br />records (collections of songs, ethnographic<br />sources and materials) and the history of old<br />koleda and Christmas rites. It also includes a<br />short description of all the relevant sources,<br />starting from the first description of koleda and<br />Christmas rites and carols depicted in Vuk<br />Stefanovic Karadzic Folk Serbian collection of<br />songs, published in 1841, and ending with the<br />last known records in the first decade of the 21st<br />century.<br />Geographical coordinates of koleda and<br />Christmas rites are set on the basis of the<br />collected material. At the same time, a<br />diachronic dimension of the rites is also being<br />taken into account, that is, it is indicated when<br />these were performed.<br />The central part of the paper tries to offer<br />the ideal-typical description of koleda and<br />Christmas rites, on the basis of all the available data that speak of their actual performance. This</p><p>part of the paper most specifically deals with: 1.<br />Pre-Christmas songs performed on: Saint<br />Barbara&rsquo;s Day, Saint Ignatius Day, the day<br />before Christmas Eve (Tucindan) and on<br />Christmas Eve, 2. Christmas songs sung during<br />the first three days of Christmas, and 3. PostChristmas<br />songs, performed on the fourth day of<br />Christmas and on the days of Saint Basil the<br />Great and Epiphany.<br />Koleda (and analogue rites) are mostly<br />referred to in the context of ritual practices<br />performed on the day before Christmas, since<br />koledars mostly proceeded on that particular<br />day. In the scope of such a description, all<br />phases of koleda rites are being reconstructed:<br />preparation for the celebration procession<br />through the village(s), return to the communal<br />house, setting of the dining table, and finally &ndash;<br />dismissal of koleda (and analogue) groups. The<br />lyrics of koleda songs are directly related to the<br />context of performance. Special attention is paid<br />to the elements of male and female initiation<br />and the fertility cult, which can be perceived<br />only in the course of performance presented in<br />this way.<br />The last chapter (Final discussions) gives<br />a summary of the conclusions the research has<br />come to.<br />The Appendix is a list of literature used in<br />the paper (Literature, Collections and Sources),<br />while it also offers maps of those geographical<br />areas where koleda and Christmas rites are<br />performed.</p>

Děti a zajištění na stáří / Children and old age security

Novák, Zdeněk January 2010 (has links)
There have been a great deal of ways for old age security, who is expected and individual situation. Old age signify loss of income from economics activity. We can compare ways of securing for old age by their liquidity, rate of profit and diversification, but it is impossible to administratively determine composition of the optimal old age security portfolio, whereas administrative favoured one's way, entails limitation of the others. One of the oldest way of securing for old age is child care and enlinghtenment. The research pointed to existence disputation between theories of fertility development. These theories are attaching different importance to the particular biological, socioeconomic and cultural factors. Empirical research of fertility development and its factors in czech lands, represents pure administrative character of the pension insurance development. Spending on pension insurance and some other factors are influencing development of fertility. This influence is analyzed in years 1930- 2009. Analysis provides evidence of pension insurance influencing level of fertility significantly. Theories of fertility development often impeaching this influence. The work apply findings to the primary objectives for pension reform in Czech republic. This pension reform provides sustainable pension system position and possibility for individuals to set up their optimal old age security portfolio.

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