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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Biogéochimie des éléments traces dans les podzols : une étude comparative selon l’âge des forêts

Caron, Simone 01 1900 (has links)
Cette étude repose sur une analyse comparative des distributions d’éléments traces (ET) dans les podzols de deux forêts adjacentes qui se distinguent principalement par leur régime de perturbation. La forêt du site de l’Île a été protégée des perturbations majeures pendant plusieurs siècles, tandis que le site du Versant a subi un feu majeur il y a 100 ans. Bien qu’ils aient évolué à partir du même matériel parental et sous les mêmes conditions climatiques et topographiques, les sols de ces deux sites présentent des différences marquées au niveau de leur morphologie et de leurs propriétés chimiques. Notamment, le sol de l’Île, qui est dominée par des conifères, a un pH significativement plus faible dans l’entièreté du profil, un horizon B podzolique qui contient significativement plus d’oxydes de fer cristallin et des horizons organiques quatre fois plus épais en comparaison au sol du Versant, un peuplement de feuillus. L’objectif de ce projet de recherche était alors de démontrer comment les différentes conditions biogéochimiques affectent la rétention et la mobilisation des ET et plus spécifiquement, comment l’âge des forêts affecte le cycle des ET à travers son influence sur la pédogénèse. Dans chacun des deux sites, quatre pédons ont été creusés puis tous leurs horizons de sol ont été échantillonnés (total de 79 échantillons) afin de mesurer leurs concentrations extraites à l’acides et solubles dans l’eau en As, Cd, Cu, Pb, V et Zn. Les différences majeures entre les deux sites se trouvaient surtout dans les horizons organiques, où les concentrations totales de tous les ET étaient significativement plus élevées sur le Versant. Un cyclage biologique accru sur le Versant, par la présence de feuillus, dont Betula alleghaniensis, explique en partie les concentrations élevées dans la couche d’humus, particulièrement pour le Cd, le Cu et le Zn, dont les concentrations étaient jusqu’à 5 fois plus élevées dans l’horizon F du Versant. Cependant, le pourcentage d’ET en solution était significativement plus élevé sur l’Île pour tous les ET, à l’exception de l’As. Le très faible pH de l’Île a contribué à la mobilisation de ces ET. La rétention de Cd et de Zn était plus sensible à la variation de pH que les autres ET. Une quantité significative de Zn a été lessivée en dehors du profil de la forêt non-perturbée, car le stock total du profil de sol en Zn (mg/m2 par cm d’épaisseur) y est 4.5 fois plus faible que sur le Versant. Cette étude soulève l’impact direct et indirect de la dynamique de la végétation sur la pédogénèse et sur le cycle des ET dans les podzols. / This study is based on a comparative analysis of the distribution of trace elements (ET) in the podzolic soils of two adjacent forested sites that distinguish themselves based on their disturbance regime. The Island site was sheltered from major disturbances for several centuries, whereas a stand-replacing wildfire burned the area 100 years ago on the Hillslope site. Even though the soils of both sites developed from the same parent material and under the same climatic and topographic conditions, they display major morphological and chemical differences. The Island is a coniferous stand that has a significantly lower soil pH through the entire profile, a podzolic B horizon that contains significantly more crystalline iron oxide and organic horizons that are four times thicker than at the Hillslope, a deciduous stand. The objective of this research is to demonstrate how different biogeochemical conditions affect the retention and mobilisation of TE and more specifically how stand age influences the cycling of TE in soils through its impact on pedogenesis. In each site, four soil profiles were dug and all their horizons were sampled (total of 79 samples) in order to measure their acid-extracted and water-soluble concentrations of As, Cd, Cu, Pb, V and Zn. Major differences between the two sites are mainly found in organic horizons, where acid-extracted TE concentrations were significantly greater on the Hillslope. The enhanced biocycling caused by deciduous trees including Betula alleghaniensis contributed to the high concentrations in the humus layer of the Hillslope, especially of Cd, Cu and Zn, which were 5 times higher in the F horizon compared to the Island. Also, a higher percentage of TE was soluble on the Island for all TE, except for As. The solubilisation of TE was associated to the low soil pH of the older stand. Cd and Zn retention were more sensible to pH variation than other TE. A significant quantity of Zn was leached outside of the soil profile on the Island since the summed Zn content of the entire profile (mg Zn /m2 surface /cm thickness) was 4.5 times lower than on the Hillslope. This study highlights the direct and indirect impacts of vegetation on soil genesis and TE cycling in podzols.

Podzols of Ilha Comprida (SE, Brazil): organic matter chemistry and decay features / Espodossolos da Ilha Comprida (SP): química da matéria orgânica e feições de degradação

Lopes, Josiane Millani 28 January 2016 (has links)
The most frequent soils in the São Paulo State Coastal Plain are Podzols, characterized by strong to moderate hydromorphic to well-drained podzolization with very well developed podzol-B horizons (Bh or Bhm). Podzolization processes include the effects of hydrology and rooting on profile morphology and the subsequent effects of improved drainage. A Podzol chrono-hydrosequence was described in detail on a cliff at the south coast of Ilha Comprida, a Holocene barrier island, and allowed a subdivision into four distinct groups: poorly-drained profiles, profiles with well-drained B horizons, strongly rooted profiles and superposed profiles. The morphological description and some observations about the exposure cliff were essential for grouping and differentiating the podzol profiles. Some well-drained podzols have OM-depleted mottles that are related to selective decomposition of organic matter (OM) by microorganisms. Such mottles are frequently associated to root channels. Seventeen profiles were studied, thirteen had depletion mottles scattered along the profile. Most of these mottles are whitish and are located preferentially in the horizons of transition between the E and B horizons, particularly in conditions of good drainage. Such mottles have certain morphological differences and may be grouped according to similarities in their morphology and their position in the profile. Distinct groups are: (a) concentric OM-depleted mottles; (b) circular/tubular OM-depleted mottles (burrows); (c) dotted OM-depleted mottles; (d) ghost OM-depleted mottles; (e) irregular OM-depleted mottles and (f) Fe-depleted mottles. The chemical composition of soil organic matter was studied in detail using pyrolysis in combination with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS). Samples of all horizons of the distinct profiles studied were taken, as well as from the center of the mottle (M) and from the direct surroundings (S). The processes involved in the genesis of Podzols in the sandy coastal plain are directly related to drainage, the contribution of dissolved organic matter (DOM), the contribution of organic matter derived from roots, the chemical composition of organic matter and its decomposition by microorganisms, causing a large variation in adjacent Podzols. The well-drained Podzols differ in characteristics from the poorly drained ones in composition and deposition of OM, as well as its decomposition, which is directly related to the activity of groups of microorganisms. They also differ in the relative contribution of OM-derived from roots and DOM. There is a wide variation in the characteristics of decomposition by microorganisms between the profiles of Podzols permanently exposed to air and marine spray (the cliffs) on Ilha Comprida and those inland (pits). There are therefore two main processes that change the morphology of Podzols (OM and composition): (a) change in drainage and rooting, and (b) exposure to air. / Os solos mais frequentes na Planície Costeira do Estado de São Paulo são os podzóis, caracterizados por podzolização com hidromorfismo forte a moderado a bem drenado com horizontes B-podzol muito bem desenvolvidos (Bh ou Bhm). O processo de podzolização inclui os efeitos da hidrologia e do enraizamento no perfil e os efeitos subsequentes da drenagem melhorada. Uma crono-hidrosequencia de podzóis foi descrita em detalhes em um barranco na costa sul da Ilha Comprida, uma ilha barreira do Holoceno, e permitiu uma subdivisão em quatro grupos distintos: perfis mal drenados, perfis com horizonte B bem drenados, perfis fortemente enraizados e perfis superpostos. A descrição morfológica e algumas observações sobre o barranco exposto foram essenciais para o agrupamento e diferenciar os perfis de podzóis. Alguns desses podzóis bem drenados possuem manchas esbranquiçadas que estão relacionadas com a seletiva decomposição da matéria orgânica (MO) por microorganismos. Tais manchas são freqüentemente associadas aos canais radiculares. Foram estudados dezessete perfis, dos quais treze apresentaram manchas de esgotamento espalhadas ao longo do perfil. A maioria destas manchas são esbranquiçadas e estão localizadas preferencialmente nos horizontes de transição entre os horizontes E e B, particularmente em condições de boa drenagem. Tais manchas possuem algumas diferenças morfológicas e puderam ser agrupadas de acordo com semelhanças na sua morfologia e da sua posição no perfil. Os grupos são: (a) manchas concêntricas de depleção da MO; (b) manchas circulares/tubularess de depleção da MO (tocas); (c) manchas pontilhadas de depleção da MO; (d) manchas fantasmas de depleção da MO; (e) manchas irregulares de depleção da MO; e (f) manchas de depleção de Fe. A composição química da matéria orgânica do solo foi estudada em detalhe por pirólise em combinação com cromatografia em fase gasosa/espectrometria de massa (Py-CG/EM). Amostras de todos os horizontes dos perfis estudados foram coletadas, bem como amostras do centro das manchas (M) e do solo adjacente (S). Os processos envolvidos na gênese de podzóis da planície costeira arenosa estão diretamente relacionados com a drenagem, a contribuição de matéria orgânica dissolvida (MOD), a contribuição de matéria orgânica derivada de raízes, a composição química da matéria orgânica e sua decomposição por microorganismos, causando uma grande variação no podzóis. Os podzóis bem drenados diferem em características dos mal drenados em composição e deposição de MO, bem como a sua decomposição, que está directamente relacionada com a actividade dos grupos de microrganismos. Eles também diferem na contribuição relativa da MO derivada de raízes e MOD. Existe uma grande variação nas características da decomposição por microorganismos entre os perfis de podzóis permanentemente expostas ao ar e spray marinho (falésias) na Ilha Comprida e os do interior (trincheiras). Há, portanto, dois processos principais que alteram a morfologia de podzóis (composição da MO): (a) mudança na drenagem e enraizamento, e (b) a exposição ao ar.

Podzols of Ilha Comprida (SE, Brazil): organic matter chemistry and decay features / Espodossolos da Ilha Comprida (SP): química da matéria orgânica e feições de degradação

Josiane Millani Lopes 28 January 2016 (has links)
The most frequent soils in the São Paulo State Coastal Plain are Podzols, characterized by strong to moderate hydromorphic to well-drained podzolization with very well developed podzol-B horizons (Bh or Bhm). Podzolization processes include the effects of hydrology and rooting on profile morphology and the subsequent effects of improved drainage. A Podzol chrono-hydrosequence was described in detail on a cliff at the south coast of Ilha Comprida, a Holocene barrier island, and allowed a subdivision into four distinct groups: poorly-drained profiles, profiles with well-drained B horizons, strongly rooted profiles and superposed profiles. The morphological description and some observations about the exposure cliff were essential for grouping and differentiating the podzol profiles. Some well-drained podzols have OM-depleted mottles that are related to selective decomposition of organic matter (OM) by microorganisms. Such mottles are frequently associated to root channels. Seventeen profiles were studied, thirteen had depletion mottles scattered along the profile. Most of these mottles are whitish and are located preferentially in the horizons of transition between the E and B horizons, particularly in conditions of good drainage. Such mottles have certain morphological differences and may be grouped according to similarities in their morphology and their position in the profile. Distinct groups are: (a) concentric OM-depleted mottles; (b) circular/tubular OM-depleted mottles (burrows); (c) dotted OM-depleted mottles; (d) ghost OM-depleted mottles; (e) irregular OM-depleted mottles and (f) Fe-depleted mottles. The chemical composition of soil organic matter was studied in detail using pyrolysis in combination with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS). Samples of all horizons of the distinct profiles studied were taken, as well as from the center of the mottle (M) and from the direct surroundings (S). The processes involved in the genesis of Podzols in the sandy coastal plain are directly related to drainage, the contribution of dissolved organic matter (DOM), the contribution of organic matter derived from roots, the chemical composition of organic matter and its decomposition by microorganisms, causing a large variation in adjacent Podzols. The well-drained Podzols differ in characteristics from the poorly drained ones in composition and deposition of OM, as well as its decomposition, which is directly related to the activity of groups of microorganisms. They also differ in the relative contribution of OM-derived from roots and DOM. There is a wide variation in the characteristics of decomposition by microorganisms between the profiles of Podzols permanently exposed to air and marine spray (the cliffs) on Ilha Comprida and those inland (pits). There are therefore two main processes that change the morphology of Podzols (OM and composition): (a) change in drainage and rooting, and (b) exposure to air. / Os solos mais frequentes na Planície Costeira do Estado de São Paulo são os podzóis, caracterizados por podzolização com hidromorfismo forte a moderado a bem drenado com horizontes B-podzol muito bem desenvolvidos (Bh ou Bhm). O processo de podzolização inclui os efeitos da hidrologia e do enraizamento no perfil e os efeitos subsequentes da drenagem melhorada. Uma crono-hidrosequencia de podzóis foi descrita em detalhes em um barranco na costa sul da Ilha Comprida, uma ilha barreira do Holoceno, e permitiu uma subdivisão em quatro grupos distintos: perfis mal drenados, perfis com horizonte B bem drenados, perfis fortemente enraizados e perfis superpostos. A descrição morfológica e algumas observações sobre o barranco exposto foram essenciais para o agrupamento e diferenciar os perfis de podzóis. Alguns desses podzóis bem drenados possuem manchas esbranquiçadas que estão relacionadas com a seletiva decomposição da matéria orgânica (MO) por microorganismos. Tais manchas são freqüentemente associadas aos canais radiculares. Foram estudados dezessete perfis, dos quais treze apresentaram manchas de esgotamento espalhadas ao longo do perfil. A maioria destas manchas são esbranquiçadas e estão localizadas preferencialmente nos horizontes de transição entre os horizontes E e B, particularmente em condições de boa drenagem. Tais manchas possuem algumas diferenças morfológicas e puderam ser agrupadas de acordo com semelhanças na sua morfologia e da sua posição no perfil. Os grupos são: (a) manchas concêntricas de depleção da MO; (b) manchas circulares/tubularess de depleção da MO (tocas); (c) manchas pontilhadas de depleção da MO; (d) manchas fantasmas de depleção da MO; (e) manchas irregulares de depleção da MO; e (f) manchas de depleção de Fe. A composição química da matéria orgânica do solo foi estudada em detalhe por pirólise em combinação com cromatografia em fase gasosa/espectrometria de massa (Py-CG/EM). Amostras de todos os horizontes dos perfis estudados foram coletadas, bem como amostras do centro das manchas (M) e do solo adjacente (S). Os processos envolvidos na gênese de podzóis da planície costeira arenosa estão diretamente relacionados com a drenagem, a contribuição de matéria orgânica dissolvida (MOD), a contribuição de matéria orgânica derivada de raízes, a composição química da matéria orgânica e sua decomposição por microorganismos, causando uma grande variação no podzóis. Os podzóis bem drenados diferem em características dos mal drenados em composição e deposição de MO, bem como a sua decomposição, que está directamente relacionada com a actividade dos grupos de microrganismos. Eles também diferem na contribuição relativa da MO derivada de raízes e MOD. Existe uma grande variação nas características da decomposição por microorganismos entre os perfis de podzóis permanentemente expostas ao ar e spray marinho (falésias) na Ilha Comprida e os do interior (trincheiras). Há, portanto, dois processos principais que alteram a morfologia de podzóis (composição da MO): (a) mudança na drenagem e enraizamento, e (b) a exposição ao ar.

L’altération des minéraux dans les sols forestiers du Bouclier Canadien : quels facteurs environnementaux affectent la variabilité spatiale et temporelle de la mise en solution des cations basiques?

Augustin, Fougère 07 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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