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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Geographic variation in torpor patterns : the northernmost prairie dogs and kangaroo rats

Gummer, David Lee 14 April 2005
<p>Many endotherms use torpor on a seasonal or daily basis to conserve metabolic resources during difficult conditions, but the capacity to do so has never been recognized as varying intraspecifically. I hypothesized that populations that are exposed to prolonged cold, snow, or scarcity of food resources relative to other conspecifics may express torpor despite the fact that other conspecifics may not use, or even be capable of, torpor. I studied thermoregulation of black-tailed prairie dogs (<I>Cynomys ludovicianus</I>) and Ords kangaroo rats (<I>Dipodomys ordii</I>) at the extreme northernmost periphery of each species range to determine whether there is evidence for geographic variation in torpor patterns.</p><p>Contrary to previous studies of black-tailed prairie dogs near the centre of the species range, I found that northern prairie dogs hibernate during winter, spending up to 95 days per year in torpor. Synchrony of body temperature patterns of some individuals suggests that northern prairie dogs hibernate communally. Similarly, in contrast to previous studies of kangaroo rats in more southern localities, I found that northern Ords kangaroo rats use daily torpor during winter, entering torpor on up to 70 days per year. Kangaroo rats that use deep torpor exhibit comparable survival and pre-winter body mass, but poorer spring body condition, than kangaroo rats that do not use deep torpor. I reported the details of my procedures for studying thermoregulation of small mammals in the wild, to encourage comparable studies that would provide additional insights on intraspecific variation in torpor patterns. My findings are the first to demonstrate that the capacity for torpor varies predictably on a geographic basis.</p>

Geographic variation in torpor patterns : the northernmost prairie dogs and kangaroo rats

Gummer, David Lee 14 April 2005 (has links)
<p>Many endotherms use torpor on a seasonal or daily basis to conserve metabolic resources during difficult conditions, but the capacity to do so has never been recognized as varying intraspecifically. I hypothesized that populations that are exposed to prolonged cold, snow, or scarcity of food resources relative to other conspecifics may express torpor despite the fact that other conspecifics may not use, or even be capable of, torpor. I studied thermoregulation of black-tailed prairie dogs (<I>Cynomys ludovicianus</I>) and Ords kangaroo rats (<I>Dipodomys ordii</I>) at the extreme northernmost periphery of each species range to determine whether there is evidence for geographic variation in torpor patterns.</p><p>Contrary to previous studies of black-tailed prairie dogs near the centre of the species range, I found that northern prairie dogs hibernate during winter, spending up to 95 days per year in torpor. Synchrony of body temperature patterns of some individuals suggests that northern prairie dogs hibernate communally. Similarly, in contrast to previous studies of kangaroo rats in more southern localities, I found that northern Ords kangaroo rats use daily torpor during winter, entering torpor on up to 70 days per year. Kangaroo rats that use deep torpor exhibit comparable survival and pre-winter body mass, but poorer spring body condition, than kangaroo rats that do not use deep torpor. I reported the details of my procedures for studying thermoregulation of small mammals in the wild, to encourage comparable studies that would provide additional insights on intraspecific variation in torpor patterns. My findings are the first to demonstrate that the capacity for torpor varies predictably on a geographic basis.</p>

Essays on the economics of immigration and birthplace diversity / Essais sur l'économie de l'immigration et diversité des lieux de naissance

Harnoss, Johann-Daniel 21 January 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse s'intéresse à la mesure et à l'analyse des effets de la diversité liée aux lieux (pays) de naissance d'une population. Nous montrons que la «diversité des lieux de naissance» est une dimension nouvelle de la diversité d'une population, qu'elle est conceptuellement et statistiquement distincte de la diversité ethnolinguistique ou génétique et que, contrairement à celles-ci, elle est corrélée positivement avec la productivité à long terme. Cet effet est plus important pour les immigrants qualifiés dans les pays riches. Nous montrons également que l'effet productif de la diversité est plus grand pour les immigrants qui sont proches culturellement des natifs du pays d'accueil - mais pas trop proches - et qui sont originaires de pays plus riches. Encore, étudions le lien entre la diversité des lieux de naissance et les attitudes vis-à-vis de l'immigration. Nous utilisons le World Values Survey pour 72 pays et montrons que les natifs qualifiés augmentent leur soutien à l'immigration lorsque la diversité des immigrants qualifiés est élevée. Les résultats sont robustes à l'utilisation du European Social Survey. Enfin, nous analysons le lien entre la diversité des lieux de naissance et les attitudes vis-à-¬vis de la redistribution en Europe. En utilisant des données de 29 pays Européens, nous constatons que les autochtones ont tendance à réduire leur soutien aux politiques de redistribution lorsque l'immigration est élevée. En outre, cet effet varie le long de la répartition des compétences des natifs et converge vers zéro pour les personnes éduquées; il est de plus robuste à l'utilisation de mesures plus précises des niveaux de compétences sur le marché du travail. / This thesis deals with the economic analysis of population diversity, specifically diversity in terms of people's countries of origin. We propose an index of birth-place diversity for the work force of 195 countries in the years 1990 and 2000. We show that birthplace diversity is a new dimension of population diversity that is conceptually and empirically distinct from ethno-linguistic and genetic measures of diversity and, unlike these, is positively correlated with long-run economic output. This effect is larger for skilled immigrants in richer countries and robust in a SLS setting. We also find the productive effect of diversity to be larger for immigrants who are culturally close (but not too close) to natives and those who come from richer origin countries. We also investigate the link between birthplace diversity and attitudes to immigration. Using the World Values Survey with data for 72 countries, we find that skilled natives increase their support for immigration when diversity of skilled immigrants is high. results are robust to using the European Social Survey and also persist in a SLS model. We also find evidence for negative preference effects of immigrant diversity for more ethnocentric individuals. Lastly, we analyze the link between birthplace diversity and attitudes to redistribution in Europe. Using data for 29 European countries, we find that native workers tend to lower their support for redistribution of income when immigration is high. In addition, this effect varies along the skill distribution of natives, converges towards zero for highly educated individuals and is robust to using more detailed measures of labor market skill.

Lived Diversities: Space, Place and Identities in the Multi-Ethnic City

Husband, Charles H., Alam, Yunis, Huetterman, J., Fomina, J. 24 September 2014 (has links)

Cassava Bacterial Blight : development of a performant molecular detection tool and diversity analysis of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis populations in Venezuela / La bactériose vasculaire du manioc : mise au point d'un outil de détection moléculaire performant et analyse de la diversité des populations de Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis populations au Venezuela

Flores, Carolina 29 November 2017 (has links)
Le manioc (Manihot esculenta L. Crantz) est cultivé dans toute la zone intertropicale. Compte tenu de ses utilisations potentielles, le développement de la culture du manioc a considérablement augmenté au niveau mondial, mais il est encore considéré comme une culture de subsistance en particulier dans les régions pauvres où il est cultivé par les petits producteurs. La production du manioc est fortement contrainte par des facteurs biotiques et abiotiques, dont la bactériose vasculaire du manioc (CBB) et la nécrose bactérienne du manioc (CBN) qui sont deux maladies causées par les bactéries Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. les manihotis (Xam) et X. cassavae (Xc), respectivement. CBB est considérée comme la principale maladie bactérienne, notamment au Venezuela où la CBB a été signalée pour la première fois dans les années 70. Dans les années 90, des études ont été menées pour élucider la variabilité génétique de Xam dans différentes régions du pays, au moyen d’outils moléculaires, mettant en évidence un degré élevé de polymorphisme parmi les souches analysés.Le sujet de cette thèse porte sur la situation de CBB au Venezuela 20 ans après. Quelle est la diversité génétique actuelle de Xam au Venezuela? Quelle est la structure génétique des populations de Xam dans ce pays, et comment diffèrent-elles des souches de Xam recueillies dans les années 90? En outre, étant donné que Xam et Xc provoquent des symptômes semblables sur feuilles de manioc et présentent des caractéristiques physiologiques et morphologiques similaires, nous avons également visé à développer un nouvel outil de diagnostic moléculaire permettant une détection rapide et fiable de Xam et de Xc tout étant capable de les discriminer l’une vis à vis de l’autre.Pour atteindre nos objectifs, nous avons d'abord établi une PCR-duplex comme outil de détection moléculaire des xanthomonades infectant le manioc. Sur la base de l'analyse in silico des séquences du génome de 66 souches de Xam et une de Xc, nous avons pu sélectionner 6 paires d'amorces candidates spécifiques de Xam et six autres pour Xc. Nous avons pu développer un test de PCR-duplex qui a été validé en testant 53 souches de Xam et 25 souches de Xc issues de différents pays, 18 souches non cibles contrôles et cinq souches épiphytes associées au manioc. Cette technique représente un outil utile pour détecter et différencier Xam et Xc provenant de cultures in vitro mais aussi fonctionnelle à partir de tissues de plantes infectés.Deuxièmement, nous avons donc évalué la diversité des populations de Xam à l’aide de l’étude de microsatellites (ou MLVA pour « Multiple loci VNTR analysis »). Une enquête de terrain menée dans six États du Venezuela a permis d'évaluer la présence de la maladie, son statut et nous a permis d'établir une collection de souches de Xam dont l’analyse détaillée de la diversité a pu être réalisée. Au total nous avons isolé 202 souches de Xam issues de six localités situées dans quatre états. À l'aide d'un schéma 14-MVLA, nous avons analysé 12 populations et mis en évidence un indice élevé de la diversité génétique au sein de ces populations et entre elles, et principalement dans l'est du pays.Le développement de ce type de recherche est essentiel pour une gestion raisonnée des cultures dans le monde. Conjugué aux politiques agricoles existantes, il nous permettra de mieux comprendre les agents pathogènes d'importance agricole et les mécanismes impliqués dans leur établissement dans le temps et à travers l’espace. L'objectif à long terme est d'appliquer des mesures de contrôle efficaces et durables, ce qui conduira à des mesures de quarantaine plus efficaces pour prévenir la propagation de la maladie. / Cassava (Manihot esculenta L. Crantz) belongs to the group of roots and tubers and is cultivated in the tropics worldwide. This species is a nutritional alternative in many populations where no optimal crop production, general conditions nor technological support exist. Considering its potential uses, the global development of cassava crop has increased significantly but it is still considered a subsistence crop in poor regions lead by smallholder producers. Cassava is affected by biotic and abiotic factors during its life cycle, which heavily limiting its optimal performance. A variety of pests and diseases are known to affect cassava production. Among them are those caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis (Xam) and Xanthomonas cassavae (Xc), causal agents of Cassava Bacterial Blight (CBB) and Cassava Bacterial Necrosis (CBN) diseases, respectively. CBB is considered the major bacterial disease that affects cassava crop worldwide which is also the case in Venezuela where it was first reported in the 70s. Since the 90s, studies were conducted to elucidate Xam genetic variability in different regions in the country, by means of different molecular tools available at that time. A high degree of polymorphism among the isolates was reported, whether collected from the same or different fields. The Xam population was distributed into eight clusters and no correlation was observed between genetic diversity and geographic origin.Our questions deal with the situation of CBB in Venezuela 20 years later : what is the current genetic diversity of Xam populations in Venezuela? what is the genetic structure of Xam populations and how do they differ with respect to Xam strains collected in 90s. Moreover, because Xam and Xc cause similar symptoms on cassava leaves and display similar physiological and morphological characteristics, we also aimed at developing a new molecular diagnostic tool allowing for fast and reliable detection of Xam and able to discriminate with Xc.To achieve our goals, we first established a duplex-PCR as a molecular detection tool of cassava-infecting xanthomonads. Based on in silico analysis of the genome sequences of 66 Xam and 1 Xc strains, we were able to select 6 Xam and 6 Xc primers pairs candidates, of which one set of primers for each was selected for further studies. We were able to develop a duplex-PCR assay that was validated upon testing 53 Xam strains and 25 Xc strains from different countries, 18 non-target strains, and 5 epiphytic strains associated to cassava, proving this technique a useful tool to detect and differentiate Xam and Xc from in vitro cultures and in planta.Secondly we assessed the diversity of Xam populations through a variable number of tandem repeat analysis (MLVA). A field survey conducted in six states in Venezuela enabled to evaluate the occurence of the disease, its status and allowed us to establish a strain collection for detailed diversity analysis. We isolated 202 Xam strains from six localities, localized in four states. Using a MVLA14-scheme, we analyzed 12 populations highlighting a high index of genetic diversity among and within populations, mainly in the east of the country.The development of this type of research is essential in the management of crops in the world and coupled with the existing agricultural policies, it will allow us to have a deeper understanding of pathogens of agricultural importance and the mechanisms involved in their establishment over time and across regions. The long-term objective of this is to apply control measures that are effective in time, thus establishing more stringent quarantine measures to prevent the spread of the disease.

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