Spelling suggestions: "subject:"por"" "subject:"pore""
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The United States container security initiative and European Union container seaport competitionZhang, Xufan January 2018 (has links)
The increasing volume of container trade poses formidable security challenges. As a result of terrorist attacks, a variety of compulsory and voluntary security measures have been introduced to enhance and secure maritime container trade. The United States (US) Container Security Initiative (CSI) was claimed to impose serious problems in European Union (EU) ports, and in particular it was claimed to affect EU container port competitiveness due to compliance cost and operational inefficiency. This research aimed to analyse the impact of the CSI on EU container seaport competition. Following an abductive approach, a conceptual model was developed based on the literature review. This directed the design of a Delphi study, which was used to test the opinions of academic, industrial and administrative experts. The Delphi results showed the necessity of implementing maritime security measures integrated into the entire supply chain. The negativity effects of additional costs and operational obstructions are insignificant compared to the overall benefits from a secure supply chain. The CSI is a successful and appropriate maritime security measure. With regard to its effects on the EU container seaport competition, the CSI has not distorted port competition and small ports have not lost market share. It helps the member ports to create new revenue streams and attract more container traffic, hence enhancing their competitiveness. Moreover, it facilitates global trade by reducing total transit time. A model which contains four factors was built to interpret the results of the Delphi research. This model helps to analyse how a maritime security policy will affect the EU port industry. This research also reveals two major issues under the current supply chain security framework, which are the substantial liability problem and unbalanced bilateral relations. A proposal for developing a comprehensive multilateral regime that is fully integrated into the entire supply chain is recommended as a sustainable solution. Read more
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Planejamento e governança portuária no Brasil. / Port planning and governance in Brazil.Sérgio Sampaio Cutrim 22 June 2017 (has links)
Esta tese aborda o sistema portuário brasileiro com foco em seu modelo de planejamento e governança. São características deste sistema e configuram a problemática da pesquisa: excesso de planos portuários; planos não integrados; baixo nível de execução; excesso de instituições que administram o setor. O primeiro objetivo específico da investigação é fazer um diagnóstico e uma análise crítica da estrutura atual de governança com foco nas funções institucionais. O segundo objetivo é investigar o processo de planejamento portuário. O terceiro objetivo é propor uma nova estrutura de planejamento e governança portuária nacional. O método utilizado é o Estudo de Caso e o Delphi. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam para uma sobreposição e duplicidade das funções de regulação, planejamento e fiscalização, entre as instituições e órgãos: EPL; DNIT; Secretaria Nacional de Portos; Autoridade Portuária; CAP; ANTAQ e Ministério dos Transportes, Portos e Aviação Civil. A consequência é a gestão fragmentada e ineficiente do sistema de transporte e logística portuária. O estudo de caso do Porto de Santos permitiu concluir sobre o processo de planejamento portuário: os planos portuários não possuem regularidade em sua atualização; existe uma descontinuidade dos planos portuários da CODESP; existe pouca efetividade na implantação; não existe integração real e efetiva entre os planos do Porto de Santos e os planos diretores dos municípios portuários; a autoridade portuária não possui recursos próprios, em especial recursos humanos, para o desenvolvimento dos planos; a centralização do planejamento portuário é prejudicial aos portos organizados e o planejamento está dissociado do processo de desenvolvimento regional. Sobre a governança, o estudo de caso permitiu concluir: a interferência política é a principal fragilidade; descontinuidade na gestão dificulta a implantação de projetos, programas e planos; não existe uma articulação efetiva entre CODESP, Governo Estadual e a Prefeitura de Santos e o CAP apenas consultivo é uma barreira à estruturação de uma governança efetiva. Os dois planos estratégicos nacionais mais importantes são o PNLT e o PNLP. Ambos apresentam características distintas. O PNLT representou a retomada do processo de planejamento estratégico nacional de longo prazo, possui método e resultados bem estruturados e justificados. Já o PNLP apresenta fragilidades metodológicas e de premissas. E apresenta duplicidade de objetivo já que parte do escopo de trabalho do plano também está presente no Plano Nacional de Logística Integrada. O terceiro objetivo foi a proposição da nova estrutura de planejamento e governança. Esta nova estrutura contempla os seguintes itens: aplicação do modelo de corporatização portuária; reformulação do CONSAD (Conselheiros profissionais, independentes e efetivos); retorno do caráter deliberativo do CAP; descentralização do planejamento portuário; todos os modais de transporte sendo administrados por um único ministério; extinção da EPL; reformulação do CONIT passando a ser o órgão desenvolvedor dos planos de transporte; manutenção das funções e características da ANTAQ; unificação do PDZ com o Plano Mestre e do PGO com o PNLP; e manutenção do modelo LandLord das autoridades portuárias. / This thesis approaches the port Brazilian system focusing on its plan and governance model. Features of this system are: excessive port plans; non-integrated plans; low execution level; excessive number of institutions which manage the sector. The investigation specific objective is to diagnosis and critically analyse the current governance focusing on the institutional functions. The second objective is to investigate the port planning process. The third objective is to propose a new national port plan and governance structure. The method is the Case Study and Delphi. The results show an overlapping and duplicity of regulation functions, plan and inspection among the organs: EPL; DNIT; Port National Secretary; Port Authority, CAP, ANTAQ and Transportation, Port and Civil Aviation Ministries. The consequence is the inefficient and fragmented management of the transportation system and port logistics. The case study of Port of Santos allowed the conclusion about the port plan process: The port plans are not regularly updated; there is no continuity for CODESP port plans; the implementation of these plans are not effective; There is no real integration between the Port of Santos plans and the master plans for the port cities; the port authority does not have own resources, specially human resources, for developing the plans; the centralisation of port plan is prejudicial to organized ports and the plan is dissociated from the regional development process. About the governance, the case study led to the conclusion: the political interference is the main fragility; the discontinuity on management makes it harder to implement the projects, programs and plans; it does not exist an effective articulation between CODESP, the Federal Government, State and the mayoralty of Santos and the only advisory CAP is a barrier for the structuration of an effective governance. The two most important strategic national plans are the PNLT and the PNLP. Both represent different features. The PNLT represented the resumption of strategic national plan; it has a good method and is well-structured and justified results. Regarding PNLP, it shows fragilities of premises and methodology. It also presents objective duplicity since part of the plan work scope is also present in the Integrated Logistic National Plan. The third objective was the proposition of the new governance and plan structure. This new structure contemplates the following items: port corporatization model application; CONSAD (professional, independent and effective workers Council) reformulation; reactivation of the deliberative feature of CAP; decentralization of the port plan; all the transportation models being managed by only one ministry; extinction of EPL; CONIT reformulation becoming a developing organ of the transportation plans; maintenance of functions and features of ANTAQ; PDZ and Master Plan unification as well as PGO and PNLP; maintenance of the Landlord model of the port authorities. Read more
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Les métiers portuaires dans la Méditerranée occidentale antique : une approche socio-économique (fin du Ier s. av. J.-C.- milieu du IIIe s. ap. J.-C.) : étude comparée de six ports : Aquilée, Arles, Hispalis, Lyon, Narbonne, Ostie-Portus / Port occupations in the Ancient occidental Mediterranean : a socio-economic approach (end of 1st BC - mid. 3rd AD.)Rougier, Hélène 01 April 2017 (has links)
La thèse compare la documentation épigraphique relative aux métiers portuaires de six cités de la Méditerranée antique (Aquilée, Ostia-Portus, Arles, Lyon, Narbonne, Hispalis). La première partie étudie les termes latins relatifs aux métiers portuaires pour déterminer le rôle des professionnels. Cette première partie doit être envisagée en complément du corpus documentaire. La seconde partie étudie la hiérarchie sociale à l'intérieur des métiers portuaires et vise à identifier les éléments d'identité et de cohésion au sein du port. Enfin, la dernière partie évalue la place des professionnels portuaires dans l'économie locale et au sein des élites. Le lien avec d'autres cités est également envisagé. / The thesis compares the epigraphical documentation of port occupations of six Mediterranean cities (Aquileia, Ostia-Portus, Arles, Lyon, Narbonne, Hispalis). The first part studies the latin words concerning port occupations to determine the role of the professionals. This first part must be viewed in addition to the documentary corpus. The second part studies the social hierarchy inside port occupations and aims to identify elements of identity and social cohesion inside the port. Finally, the last part estimates the place of port professionals in local economy and inside the elites. The link with other cities is also considered. Read more
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A statistical model for valuation of residential property in the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan areaVan der Byl, Calven January 2012 (has links)
This study applies a process of correlation analysis and hedonic based modelling to investigate the influence of housing attributes and date of sale on transaction prices for residential real estate in the Nelson Mandela Metropole area. Availability of reliable data is a challenge in real estate studies in South Africa. This study integrates several publicly available resources for the purposes of constructing a statistical model. A model is constructed based on a forward variable selection routine using selection criteria. The resulting model shows six highly significant variables that can be used for modelling purposes. The resulting model is used to make comparisons in the value of the geographical location.
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The lived experiences of intermediate phase teachers of curriculum renewal processes from 1998 to 2012 in Port ElizabethKayser, Avril Freda Francina January 2013 (has links)
This research study has emerged as a result of my concern regarding many of my colleagues’ apparent low morale in the teaching profession. Since the new dispensation in 1994 the South African education system has undergone numerous and intensive curriculum changes as varying policies aimed at transforming education in South Africa have been implemented (Asmal, 2009). I, therefore, decided to investigate the lived experiences of Intermediate Phase teachers regarding curriculum renewal processes in South Africa over a fifteen year period from 1998 to 2012. This period encompasses the four curriculum renewal processes which have been implemented since 1994. The research undertaken was an empirical study and qualitative methods were used for data gathering purposes. Data collection tools included unstructured, individual, in-depth interviews and reflective journal entries. The qualitative data generated suggest that many teachers in the Port Elizabeth Metropole appear to be demotivated by the uncertainty around curriculum renewal and the impact this has on curriculum implementation in their respective classrooms. According to Ornstein and Hunkins (2004), the implementation process of a new curriculum requires extensive actions by the designers and implementers of the new programme and Smith (2008) asserts that managing change in education, and improvement in classroom instruction, are very complex tasks which teachers and learners face worldwide. The study revealed that the main obstacles to successful curriculum change initiatives are insufficient training of teachers, lack of support for teachers and time constraints under which teachers work. An investigation into the lived experiences of teachers regarding the post- apartheid curriculum renewal processes should make a valuable contribution to the debate in terms of providing insights for curriculum implementers of possible alternative curriculum implementation strategies for more effective curriculum renewal processes in the future. Read more
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Addressing the innovation lag of port congestion in Durban, South AfricaMisra, Trishna January 2021 (has links)
One of the key indicators of port performance lies in port’s efficiency in minimising port congestion. However, the port of Durban like many other ports in Africa and the world is faced with a congestion challenge. This study aimed to identify the causes of congestion and proffer a solution to alleviate congestion. By understanding the causes of congestion, adopting incremental solutions can achieve the desired outcome. A qualitative, exploratory research study was conducted with 14 participants from the maritime sector that have experienced port congestion. Data analysis was done through thematic analysis where all data collected was transcribed and the researcher observed and articulated emerging themes to attach meaning to the respondents’ interpretations and perceptions of their own lived reality on what causes port congestion in Durban and possible solutions thereof. The key findings confirmed that Wind, Labour issues and Equipment are the main causes of congestion in the Port of Durban. Further research to determine the impact of climate change on congestion is needed. The incremental and radical solutions proffered by the participants was compared to the causes of congestion. This study contributes to the field of maritime studies, by understanding the causes of congestion in the Port and the field of innovation studies by contributing to innovative theory. / Mini Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2021. / Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) / MBA / Unrestricted Read more
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Entreprises privées et autorités portuaires : quelle gouvernance pour les places portuaires de la rangée nord-ouest européenne ? / Private companies and port authorities : which governance for port places in the Northern Range?Quiec, Anne-Solène 19 October 2018 (has links)
La recherche développée s’inscrit dans un contexte marqué par une actualité, française, riche de débats en matière de gouvernance portuaire. Ces débats sont relatifs à la comparaison entre un supposé « modèle » français et un supposé « modèle hanséatique ». La réflexion s’est articulée autour de l’identification de territoires portuaires au sein de la rangée nord-ouest européenne et des interactions entre les acteurs coexistant au sein de ces places portuaires : les entreprises privées et les autorités portuaires. Les généralités dégagées des analyses de terrain ont permis de mettre en évidence deux résultats majeurs concernant les formes de gouvernance portuaire : la nature des interactions entre les parties prenantes et les modalités de gouvernance. L’étude comparée entre les ports a conduit à dire que les rapports sociaux qui s’instaurent au fil du temps sont spécifiques à chaque place portuaire et concourent à la construction d’une identité propre à chaque territoire. Une gouvernance équilibrée et viable est le fruit de compromis permanents. Cela donne lieu à la création d’espaces décisionnels collectifs formels ou informels. La thèse s’intéresse aux mécanismes institutionnels et relationnels. Ainsi, la gouvernance est un ensemble de mécanismes qui aboutissent au résultat de la bonne entente entre les parties prenantes permettant l’équilibre dans la prise de décision concernant les affaires publiques. Pour élargir le propos, l’exercice du pouvoir au sein des places portuaires est une question sous-jacente de l’étude de la gouvernance. La thèse a posé clairement la question suivante : qui gouverne effectivement les places portuaires de la rangée nord-ouest européenne ? / The research takes place in the French context which is full of discussions as port governance is concerned. Those debates concern the comparison between a supposed French “shape” and a supposed Hanseatic “shape”. The questioning deals with the identification of port territories in the Northern Range and the interactions between stakeholders coexisting into port places: private companies and port authorities. Main items that stand out from interviews with stakeholders, shown two main results to understand port governance: the nature of interactions between stakeholders and the terms of governance. Compared study between ports permit to say that social interactions established day by day are specifics to each port place and contribute to the construction of an own identity to each territory. A balanced governance is the result of constant compromises that leads to the creation of collective spaces formal and unformal to take decisions. The thesis is focused on institutional and relational mechanisms. Thus, governance is a set of mechanisms which lead to the result of goodwill between stakeholders and permit the balance into the decision taking concerning public affairs. In order to develop our purpose, the study of governance permits to question the exercise of power in port places. The thesis clearly ask the following question: who truly govern port places of the Northern Range? Read more
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Simulation framework of port operation and recovery planningMeng, Si 30 April 2011 (has links)
This study proposes a framework of simulation tool suites for ports to evaluate their response to disaster crisis and port security policies. The focus is containerized cargos that are imported through ports in the U.S. with final destinations also in the U.S. A crisis, such as a man-made or natural disaster, may cause a delay at the seaport. The down time of ports may result in severe economic losses. Thus, when a seaport cannot normally operate, it is important to minimize the impact caused by the disrupted freight flow. Port security policies also have a significant impact on the port operation efficiency. This model developed in this study evaluates the performance of re-routing strategies under different crisis scenarios and can help the user to find an effective re-routing decision and analyze security policies of a port. This model also analyzes security policies of the simulation port.
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Occupational health and safety activities of Port Elizabeth's integrated Department of Labour Inspectorate in 2005Huna, Bulelwa Daniswa Denise 28 January 2010 (has links)
Thesis (M.P.H.(Occupational Hygiene)), Faculty of Health Sciences,University of the Witwatersrand, 2009 / This study was aimed at describing the nature of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)
inspections and blitzes conducted in the Port Elizabeth Integrated Department of Labour
(DoL) in 2005, the nature and number of prohibitions, contraventions, as well as
improvement notices issued. The objectives were to determine the number of OHS
inspections conducted in the Port Elizabeth Labour Centre (PELC) in 2005; to describe
the nature of the inspections and the type of industries inspected in the PELC in 2005;
and to determine the frequency and nature of prohibitions, contraventions and
improvement notices issued. The data was obtained from the PELC.
The results of the study revealed that the inspectorate conducted a total of 1258 and this
exceeded the target of 800 OHS inspections for the PELC. However, it is questionable
how this target was developed. The target is not representative and does not give an
overall picture of conditions in the workplace. The results indicated that inspectors were
not competent in conducting boiler inspections as well on Major Hazardous Installation
(MHI) since none of these inspections were conducted. On the inception of the OHS task
team, there was a sudden increase in inspections conducted in the construction industry in
October 2005 as well as the rate of finalisation of incidents in November 2005 and this
was attributed to the fact that they were not conducting inspections on other labour laws
and were only focusing on OHS.
An assessment of the inspectors’ inspection checklists revealed that the inspections were
being reduced to just a yes or no tick exercise, with no recommendation on appropriate
action to be taken by the employer. It became evident that the inception of a special team
in September 2005 contributed to an increased number of OHS inspections, since they
were only focusing on OHS issues. This team ensured that in November 2005 there were
43 incidents finalised as compared to the 101 finalised over 11 months. They also ensured
that a total of 258 OHS inspections were conducted from September 2005 to December
2005. Although these inspectors were not fully competent in addressing health and s afety
issues their momentary focus on OHS activities ensured that they made a difference in
the rate of finalisation of incidents. However, when some of the cases were taken to
court no successful prosecution could be obtained because there are no OHS focused
prosecutors, which have a clear understanding of Act.
Discussions with the inspectors revealed that there was a lack of morale and loss of
interest in their work, thus causing them not to put in much effort. These discussions
revealed that this lack of morale was caused by the frustrations they often experienced in
the execution of their duties due to lack of training as well as lack of cooperation from the
employers. Furthermore, the inspectors revealed that the great number of resignations
from inspectors who were leaving for greener pastures left them with a lot of work with
no financial incentive. It also became apparent that there was no objective strategy
underlying the number of inspections required relative to the purpose of the inspections,
taking into account the nature and complexity of the industry that is to be inspected. The
failure of the Service Delivery Unit to give a direction on how qualitative inspections
should be measured demoralised them because the focus was only on the quantity (240
inspections per annum) of inspections that are to be conducted by each inspector.
It is recommended that training, which should include a proper career path be conducted
for inspectors to improve the inspectors’ capability and to motivate them. Strong relations
with the South African Police Services and the Department of Justice should be promoted
to ensure effectiveness of service delivery. These relations will ensure that inspectors are
readily assisted by the police when they deal with uncooperative employers. Training of
prosecutors will ensure that they understand the OHSA and its implementation and
therefore effectively defend cases that are taken to court. The targets set for inspections
should be scientifically supported and take into account the nature and complexity of the
production processes. Lastly, revision of salary packages should be looked into to ensure
retention of competent staff.
The above recommendations will only be effective if the Business Unit Manager and the
Regional Manager address them through the National Department of Labour since their
implementation will affect all inspectors. Read more
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Investigation of microwave imaging and local dielectric characterization of materials by using a homemade interferometer-based near-field microwave microscope / Imagerie micro-onde et caractérisation diélectrique locale de matériaux à l’aide d’un microscope hyperfréquence à champ proche basé sur un procédé d’interférométrieLin, Tianjun 26 April 2018 (has links)
La microscopie champ proche micro-onde, qui fait partie de la famille des microscopies à sonde locale, est envisagée aujourd’hui dans de nombreux domaines d’applications de la physique, de la biologie et des micro et nanotechnologies. Dans ce manuscrit, le microscope micro-onde à champ proche qui est exploité est un instrument développé au laboratoire IEMN bénéficiant d’une grande sensibilité dans une large bande de fréquences de travail [2-18 GHz]. Le potentiel d’applications du microscope est démontré au travers de la caractérisation de liquides avec différentes modalités de caractérisation (sonde en contact, sans contact et en immersion). En particulier, cet outil est mis en œuvre pour la spectroscopie diélectrique de solutions aqueuses de glucose.Cet instrument qui offre une capacité d'imagerie sub-longueur d'onde est également testé pour différentes situations (imagerie de surface et de sub-surface). La résolution d'imagerie ainsi que la précision de mesure sont évaluées puis des méthodes de traitement d'images simples sont proposées pour améliorer la qualité de l'imagerie. Enfin, une piste pour une intégration plus grande de l’instrument, qui consisterait à remplacer l’analyseur de réseau par un dispositif plus compact (type réflectomètre six-ports) est explorée. / Near-field microwave microscopes, which belong to the local scanning probe microscopes family, are considered today as advanced characterization tools in many applications areas including physics, biology and micro and nanotechnologies. The near-field microwave microscope that is used in the work and described in this manuscript is an instrument developed at IEMN owning a great sensitivity in a wide operating frequency band [2-18 GHz]. The potential of the microscope in terms of applications is demonstrated through the characterization of liquids with different modalities of characterization (probe in contact, non-contact and immersed in a liquid). In particular, this instrument is investigated for dielectric spectroscopy of aqueous glucose solutions.This characterization tool that offers sub-wavelength imaging capability is also tested in different situations (surface and subsurface imaging). Imaging resolution and measurement accuracy are evaluated and easily implementable processing methods are proposed to improve the quality of imaging. Finally, a solution towards a larger compactness of the instrument is investigated through the replacement of the network analyzer by a more compact device (six-port reflectometer type). Read more
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