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Расправно начело у српском парничном поступку / Raspravno načelo u srpskom parničnom postupku / Principle of Party Control of Facts and Means of Proof in Serbian Civil LitigationKnežević Marko 03 February 2015 (has links)
<p>Učenje o načelima postupka je jedno od karakteristika germanske procesualistike, pod čijim uticajem postaje i neodvojivi deo domaće doktrine. U teoriji se veoma rano se za oblast prikupljanja procesnog materijala formiraju dva antipodna načela – raspravno i istražno. Prvo podrazumeva da su samo stranke ovlašćene da unose procesni materijal, odnosno da su samo one odgovorne za to. Drugo stavlja u dužnost sudu pribavljanje procesnog materijala i prebacuje odgovornost sa stranaka na njega.</p><p>Od promena u srpskom parničnom postupku koje su usledile 2004. g. tvrdi se da je raspravno načelo afirmisano, a donošenjem Zakona o parničnom postupku iz 2011. g. i da je promenjen koncept parničenja u smislu uloge suda. On je sada pasivan, i gotovo neodgovoran na planu prikupljanja procesnog materijala. Predmet istraživanja u disertaciji je postojanje raspravnog načela u sadašnjem srpskom parničnom postupku.</p><p>Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da se ne može govoriti o raspravnom načelu kao važećem u srpskom parničnom postupku. Takav zaključak je, pre svega, uslovljen teoretskim određenjem pojma raspravnog načela i njegovog odnosa prema sudijskoj dužnosti pitanja. Raspravno načelo zaista podrazumeva da samo stranke unose procesni materijal u postupak i da u tom pogledu imaju slobodu, odnosno odgovornost. U tom smislu njegova nužna posledica su tri instituta: teret tvrdnje, priznanje tvrdnji koje vezuje sud i subjektivni teret dokazivanja. Međutim, ukoliko uz ova tri instituta postoji i sudijska dužnost pitanja, onda se odgovornost delom prebacuje i na sud, što dovodi do postojanja sasvim drugog načela – ublaženog raspravnog načela.</p><p>Na osnovu rečenog, promene koje su se desile napuštanjem načela materijalne istine, i to pre svega ukidanjem ovlašćenja suda da izvodi dokaze po službenoj dužnosti, nisu dovele do uspostave raspravnog načela. Sud i dalje ima dužnost da postavljanjem pitanja ukazuje strankama na deficite procesnog materijala; presuda na osnovu tereta tvrdnje, kao i presuđenje uprkos nepredlaganju dokaza može da usledi samo ako sud prethodno ispuni svoju dužnost. Sud je i u srpskom postupku saodgovorni subjekat postupka, i to ne proizilazi samo iz redakcije ZPP, već je takav smisao u skladu sa vrednovanjima slobode i odgovornosti stranaka, sa ciljem postupka, i na kraju sa osnovnim ljudskim procesnim pravima zagarantovanim Ustavom.</p><p>Određenje da raspravno načelo nije važeće, već da je to ublaženo raspravno, utiče na shvatanje niza instituta koji se tiču procesa formiranja činjeničnog stanja,<br />a spram toga se i svi drugi instituti koji se tiču procesa formiranja činjeničnog stanja moraju prosuđivati.</p><p>Veoma važan deo istraživanja, koji je i prethodio zauzimanju stavova, je uporednopravno istraživanje fokusirano na germanski pravni krug – Nemačku i Austriju. S obzirom da su srpsko procesno pravo i dogmatika gotovo pod isključivim germanskim uticajem, bilo je potrebno da se temeljno istraži pitanje raspravnog načela u ovim sistemima. Rezultati ovog dela su pokazali da je ideja o raspravnom načelu koje podrazumeva pasivan i neodgovoran sud davno prevladana; upravo obratno, moderan germanski model postupka podrazumeva saodgovornost suda i stranaka.</p> / <p>The doctrine of civil litigation principles is one of the key characteristics of the Germanic procedural theory. Under its influence the doctrine of the principles grew into the essential part of the Serbian theory as well. The theory has rather early developed two conflicting principles with regard to responsibility for collecting the facts and and evidence – the principle of party control of facts and means of proof (Verhandlungsmaxime) and principle of investigation by the court (Untersuchungsmaxime). First one entails that the parties only can provide facts and means of proof in litigation; court can not render its judgment upon facts or proof which are not introduced by the parties. Second one implies a duty of the court to ascertain and clarify the facts; by the same token, court has responsibility to do so.<br />It is the common opinion that principle of party control over facts and means of proof is effectuated in Serbian civil litigation since legislative changes in 2004. Moreover, after the introduction of the new Civil Procedure Act in 2011it is widely accepted that the paradigm of litigation is radically changed so the court is now rather passive and almost without any responsibility for gathering facts and means of proof. The subject matter of this doctoral thesis is the existence of principle of party control of facts and means of proof in current Serbian civil litigation.<br />The results of analysis show that the principle of party control of facts and means of proof does not exists in Serbian civil litigation. This conclusion is first of all determined by dogmatic examination of the principle’s notion. Indeed it signifies that only parties produce facts and means of proof, and in that sense that they have disposition and, accordingly, responsibility for that. By the same token, its necessary consequence are three institutes: burden of facts, binding effect of non disputed facts and burden of production of proof. However, if these three institutes exist with the court’s parallel duty to provide hints and feedback, then the responsibility is shifted partly to the court, which results in existence of a new principle – principle of soften party control of facts and means of proof.<br />Regarding to what is said earlier, the changes which resulted in abandoning the principle of seeking of material truth, basically abrogating the court’s obligation to take the proofs ex offo, did not lead to the creation of principle of party control of facts and means of proof. The court still has a duty to give hints and feebacks, i. e. to suggest to the parties that they clarify or supplement their pleadings; dismissing the claim or striking defense as insufficient due to the lack of factual pleadings or production of means of proof can take place only if the court previously fulfills its duty. The court is also in Serbian civil litigation jointly responsible procedural subject. That conclusion is not warranted only by interpretation of wording of the Civil Procedure Code’s provision, but rather and predominantly by evaluation of party autonomy and responsibility in Serbian civil procedure, purpose of a civil procedure, and last but not least, by basic procedural constitutional rights.<br />The conclusion that the principle of party control of facts and means of proof does not exist and that its place is taken by the principle of softened party control has fundamental consequences on set of institutes which refer to the process of determination of facts. In that sense all these institutes are analyzed by the virtue of existing principle of Serbian civil procedure.<br />Particularly important part of the thesis, which indeed precedes the main part, is a comparative study of the Germanic legal systems – Germany and Austria. Regarding the fact that Serbian procedural law and doctrine was and still is under almost entirely Germanic influence, it was necessary to conduct a thorough analysis of these systems. Results show that the idea of principle of party control of facts and means of proof, i. e. idea of passive and unliable court is abendoned. Directly opposite, modern Germanic procedural model is distinguished by joint responsibility of court and parties.</p>
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Prilog proučavanju mogućnosti racionalizacije tehnološkog postupka mlevenja pšenice primenom osmovaljne stolice / Study on the possibilities of the rationalization of wheat flour milling processusing the eight-roller millFišteš Aleksandar 07 September 2009 (has links)
<p>U radu je proučavana mogućnost racionalizacije tehnološkog postupka<br />mlevenja pšenice primenom osmovaljne stolice u fazi mlevenja griza i<br />osevaka. Na svim ispitivanim prolazištima mlevenja griza i osevaka, pri istom<br />razmaku između valjaka i istoj veličini otvora sejnog tkiva za odsejavanje<br />brašna, ukupan prinos brašna u postupku sa osmovaljnom stolicom manji je<br />nego u klasičnom postupku. Pomenuta razlika varira u zavisnosti od uzorka i<br />prolazišta mlevenja, ali je uvek statistički značajna. Nižim vođenjem valjaka u<br />postupku sa osmovaljnom stolicom, u poređenju sa razmacima između valjaka<br />u klasičnom postupku, u zavisnosti od uzorka i prolazišta mlevenja se<br />smanjuje razlika, dostiže ili prevazilazi prinos brašna u odnosu na klasični<br />postupak. Povećanjem veličine otvora sejnog tkiva za odsejavanje brašna<br />značajno se povećava prinos brašna u postupku sa osmovaljnom stolicom, pri<br />čemu se pri odabiru sejnog tkiva u obzir mora uzeti i veličina svetlog otvora.<br />Odabirom odgovarajuće veličine otvora sejnog tkiva može se i prevazići<br />prinos brašna u klasičnom postupku. Niže vođenje valjaka i/ili povećanje<br />veličine otvora sejnog tkiva za odsejavanje brašna, pri primeni osmovaljne<br />stolice, nema za posledicu pogoršanje kvaliteta brašna (po pitanju sadržaja<br />pepela) u odnosu na klasični postupak. Specifični utrošak energije za<br />usitnjavanje po jedinici mase brašna, pri istom vođenju valjaka i istoj veličini<br />otvora sejnog tkiva za odsejavanje brašna, veći je u postupku sa osmovaljnom<br />stolicom nego u klasičnom postupku. Povećanjem izvoda brašna u postupku sa<br />osmovaljnom stolicom, značajno se smanjuje specifični utrošak energije za<br />usitnjavanje. Mogućnost ostvarenja bliskih efekata usitnjavanja u fazi<br />mlevenja griza i osevaka, u klasičnom i postupku sa osmovaljnom stolicom,<br />ukazuje da je za dalju racionalizaciju savremenog tehnološkog postupka<br />mlevenja pšenice neophodno uključivanje osmovaljne stolice.</p> / <p>Rationalization of the wheat flour milling process using the eight-roller mill in<br />the reduction system has been investigated. At the same roll gaps and same<br />sieving conditions, a lower flour yield has been obtained using an eight-roller<br />mill compared to a conventional one. The difference is statistically significant<br />regardless the passage. By decreasing the roll gap in the process with the<br />eight-roller mill, compared to the roll gap in the conventional process, it is<br />possible to decrease the difference, obtain a similar or even exceed the flour<br />release in the conventional system. Increasing the size of the screen aperture<br />for sifting flour, while percent open area of the screen also needs to be<br />observed, results in significant increase of flour yield (in some cases<br />exceeding the flour yield in the conventional system). Adjustments of the roll<br />gap and sieving conditions in the process with the eight-roller mill are not<br />followed by deterioration of flour quality. At the same roll gaps and same<br />sieving conditions, energy requirements for grinding are higher in the process<br />with the eight-roller mill compared to a conventional system. With the<br />increase of the flour release in process using the eight-roller mill, these energy<br />requirements can be significantly reduced. The possibility of achieving similar<br />milling results to those obtained in the conventional system, while the<br />investment costs and overall energy requirements are significantly lower,<br />justifies the use of the eight-roller mill in the reduction system of the wheat<br />flour milling process.</p>
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Modifikacije Njutnovog postupka za rešavanje nelinearnih singularnih problema / Modification of the Newton method for nonlinear singular problemsBuhmiler Sandra 18 December 2013 (has links)
<p>U doktorskoj diseratciji posmatrani su singularni nelinearni problemi. U prvom poglavlju predstavljene su oznake i osnovne definicije i teoreme koje se koriste u disertaciji. U drugom poglavlju prikazani su poznati postupci i njihovo ponašanje u slučajevima da je rešenje regularno ili singularno. Takođe su pokazane poznate modifikacije ovih postupaka kako bi se poboljšala konvergencija. Posebno su predstavljena četiri kvazi-Njutnova metoda i predložene njihove modifikacije u slučaju singularnosti rešenja. U trećem poglavlju predstavljeni su teorijski okvir pri definisanju graničnih sistema i neki poznati algoritmi za njihovo rešavanje i definisan je novi algoritam koji je podjednako efikasan ali jeftiniji za rad jer ne uključuje izračunavanje izvoda. Takođe, predložena je kombinacija definisanog algortitma sa metodom negativnog gradijenta, kao i algoritam koji predstavlja primenu poznatog algoritma na definisani granični sistem. U četvrtom poglavlju predstavljeni su numerički rezultati dobijeni primenom definisanih algoritama na relevantne primere i potvrđeni su teorijski dobijeni rezultati.</p> / <p>In this doctoral thesis nonlinear singular problems were observed. The first chapter presents basic definitions and theorems that are used in the thesis. The second chapter presents several methods that are commonly used and their behavior if the solution is regular or singular. Also, some known modifications to these methods are presented in order to improve convergence. In addition four quasi-Newton methods and their modifications in the case the singularity of the solution. The third chapter consists of the theoretical foundation for defining the bordered system, some known algorithms for solving them and new algorithm is defined to accelerate convergence to a singular solution. New algorithm is efficient but cheaper for the use since there is no derivative evaluations in it. It is presented synthesis of new algorithm with negative gradient method and using one of well known method on the bordered system as well. The fourth chapter presents the numerical results obtained by the defined algorithms on the relevant examples and theoretical results are confirmed.</p>
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Analiza problema višeplodnih trudnoća nastalih vantelesnom oplodnjom / Problem analysis of multiple pregnancies conceived by in vitro fertilizationIlić Đorđe 18 February 2015 (has links)
<p>Uvod: Višeplodne trudnoće se javljaju u 1,5% svih trudnoća nakon spontane koncepcije, dok nakon postupaka vantelesne oplodnje ovaj postotak u Evropi iznosi preko 20% uz velike varijacije među zemljama. U našoj sredini, stopa višeplodnih trudnoća nakon postupaka vantelesne oplodnje iznosi daleko iznad 30%. Pojava hipertenzivnog sindroma u trudnoći, gestacijskog dijabetesa, operativnog završavanja trudnoće, prevremenog porođaja, male porođajne telesne mase, neuroloških sekvela kod rođene dece i gotovo svih drugih komplikacija po majku i plod, kao i celokupno opterećenje zdravstvenog sistema višestruko su veći kod višeplodnih u odnosu na jednoplodne trudnoće i udeo navednih komplikacija raste sa brojem plodova. Sa druge strane deca iz postupaka vantelesne oplodnje čine i do 4,5% sve živorođene dece u pojedinim zemljama, što uz činjenicu da infertilitet pogađa 16-18% parova u našoj sredini daje ovoj pojavi posebnu dimenziju i činije i društvenim problemom. Perinatalni ishodi trudnoća iz postupaka vantelesne oplodnje su u velikoj meri kompromitovani visokom stopom multiplih trudnoća, koje se danas smatraju komplikacijom, a ne uspehom postupaka vantelesne oplodnje. Jednoplodne trudnoće iz postupaka vantelesne oplodnje u većim studijama pokazuju diskretno slabije perinatalne ishode u odnosu na one spontano začete, dok kod višeplodnih trudnoća ova korelacija nije jasno izražena i dokumentovana, uz prisutnu dilemu da li je višeplodnost sama po sebi ili način koncepcije glavni problem u zapaženoj pojavi. Cilj rada: Uporediti perinatalne ishode višeplodnih trudnoća nastalih postupcima vantelesne oplodnje i spontano začetih kao i perinatalne ishode jednoplodnih i višeplodnih trudnoća iz postupaka vantelesne oplodnje. Pored navdenog cilj rada je i ukazati sveobuhvatnost navedenog problema i na moguća rešenja za smanjenje njihove učestalosti. Materijal i metode: Kombinacijom retrospektivne opservacione studije i prospektivne longitudinalne kohortne studije u periodu analizom perinatalnih ishoda pacijentkinja porođenih na Klinici za ginekologiju i akušerstvo Kliničkog centra Vojvodine u periodu od od 01.01.2008. do 31.12.2010. godine, studija je analizirala i poredila perinatalne ishode kod 174 spontano začete višeplodne trudnoće, 163 višeplodne trudnoće nastale postupkom vantelesne oplodnje, kao i 155 jednoplodnih trudnoća začete postupkom vantelesne oplodnje. Analizirani parametric bili su telesna masa novorođenčeta, dostignuta gestacijska starost, vrednosti Apgar skora, učestalost hipertenzivnog sindroma kod majke i brojni drugi parametri perinatalnog ishoda. Uzeti od strane obučenih kliničara i unošeni u posebno dizajniranu bazu podataka, rezultati su statistički analizirani u program JMP ver 9.0 (SAS publisher) uz korišćenje ANOVA analize za testiranje statističke značajnosti između srednjih vrednosti kontinuiranih varijabli, dok je statistička značajnost razlike učestalosti kategorijskih varijabli je određivana Pearsonovim χ2 testom. Rezultati: Jednoplodne ART trudnoće uz prosečnu starost od 33,5 godine, prosečnu gestacijsku starost na porođaju od 38,26 gn, udeo prevremenih porođaja od 12,9%, prosečnu telesnu masu od 3258 g, AS u prvom minutu od 8,35 i u petom minutu od 9,2, stopu carskog reza od 65,81%, udeo GDM-a od 7,1%, anemije od 41,94% i preeklampsije od 4,52%, ima sve relevantne parametre perinatalnog ishoda statistički značajno (p<0.0001) superiornije od kako ART tako i non ART blizanačkih trudnoća. ART blizanačke trudnoće pokazale su prosečnu starost majke od 32,9 godina, prosečnu gestacijsku starost na porođaju od 35,6 gn, udeo prevremenih porođaja od 58,27%, prosečnu telesnu masu od 2374 g, AS u prvom minutu od 7,45 i u petom minutu od 8,65, stopu carskog reza od 83,7%, udeo GDM-a od 15,11%, anemije od 78,42% i preeklampsije od 12,23%, dok su non ART blizanačke trudnoće pokazale prosečnu starost majke od 28,8 godina, prosečnu gestacijsku starost na porođaju od 36,08 gn, udeo prevremenih porođaja od 49,71%, prosečnu telesnu masu od 2433 g, AS u prvom minutu od 7,75 i u petom minutu od 8,75, stopu carskog reza od 58,33%, udeo GDM-a od 7,02%, anemije od 67,84% i preeklampsije od 11,11%. Pored godina majke i udela carskog reza koji su bili viši u ART blizanačkim trudnoćama (<0.0001), kao i blago veće pojavi poremećaja količine plodove vode (p=0,033), gotovo svi ostali pokazatelji toka i ishoda trudnoće bili su komparabilni u navedenim grupama. Diskusija i zaključak: Studija je pokazala da su tok i ishod višeplodnih trudnoća nastalih spontano i postupcima vantelesne oplodnje ekvivalentni u gotovo svim pokazateljima uz sličnu prosečnu telesnu masu i gestacijsku starost novorođenčadi, kao i da su svi navedeni parametri ovih višeplodnih trudnoća bez obzira na način koncepcije upadljivo i podjednako lošiji u poređenju sa jednoplodnim trudnoćama iz postupka vantelesne oplodnje. Izuzimajući višeplodnost kao factor rizika deca iz postupaka vantelesne oplodnje su generalno zdrava. Sama višeplodnost, a ne način koncepcije predstavljaju problem, koje se sa pravom smatra najvećom komplikacijom vantelesne oplodnje. Dodatna analiza iskustava drugih zdravstvenih sistema ukazuje da jedino široka i sveobuhvatna implementacija strategije vraćanja samo jednog embriona (Single embryo transfer – SET) može da dovede do smanjivanje stope multiplih trudnoća nakon postupaka vantelesne oplodnje, i sledstvenih komplikacija, a bez ugrožavanja samog uspeha vantelesne oplodnje. Iskustva drugih zdravstvenih sistema ukazuju da je uspešna implementacija SET-a jedino moguća uz angažovanje celog društva, zajedno sa brojnim legislativnim merama iz domena nadzora, kontrole i finansiranja postupaka vantelesne oplodnje. Obim i način finansiranja postupaka vantelesne oplodnje od strane države (uz više besplatnih pokušaja za infertilne parove) uz obaveznu upotrebu SET-a, i sistema krioprezervacije na osnovu primera iz prakse predstavlja ključ u borbi za smanjenje problema višeplodnih trudnoća nakon postupaka vantelesne oplodnje.</p> / <p>Introduction: Multiple pregnancies occur in 1.5% of all pregnancies after spontaneous conception and in more than 20 % of all pregnancies concieved after assisted reproductive technologies in Europe, with large variations between countries. In our setting, the rate of multiple pregnancies after the ART is well above 30%. The occurrence of hypertensive syndrome in pregnancy, gestational diabetes, operative delivery, premature birth, low birth weight, neurological and developmental impairment in children, and almost all the other complications for the mother and fetus, as well as the entire burden of the health system are several times higher in multiple pregnancies compared with singleton pregnancies. Incidence of forementioned complications rises with number of fetuses. On the other hand, children from in vitro fertilization procedures make up 4.5% of all live births in some countries, which together with the fact that infertility affects aproximately 16-18% of couples in our country gives an extra dimension to this phenomenon and makes it not just medical but wider social problem. Perinatal outcomes of pregnancies after assisted reproductive technologies (ART) are greatly compromised by the high rate of multiple pregnancies, which are now considered to be a complication rather than success of ART procedures. ART Singleton pregnancies have, in larger studies, show discretely lower perinatal outcomes compared with those conceived spontaneously, while for the multiple pregnancies, this correlation is not clearly expressed and documented. There remains dilemma whether multiplicity itself or the way of conception (ART vs. non ART) constitutes a major problem in the observed differences regarding perinatal outcome of ART pregnancies. Objective: To compare the perinatal outcomes of multiple pregnancies conceived by In vitro fertilization (IVF) and spontaneously and perinatal outcomes of IVF conceived singleton and multiple pregnancies. Additional aim of this thesis is to point out the complexity of this problem and offer possible solutions. Materials and Methods: Design of a study was a combination of retrospective and prospective observational longitudinal cohort study. Analysis included pregnancies which had delivery at the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Clinical Center of Vojvodina in the period from 1.01.2008. to 31.12.2010. The study analyzed and compared the perinatal outcomes in 174 spontaneous conceived multiple pregnancies, 163 multiple pregnancies resulting from IVF procedures, and 155 singleton pregnancies conceived by IVF procedure. Analyzed parameters were newborns birth weight, gestational age at delivery, the value of the Apgar score, occurrence of hypertensive syndrome in pregnancy, gestational diabetes, as well as numerous parameters of perinatal outcome. Taken by trained clinicians and were entered into a specially designed database, the results were statistically analyzed in JMP ver 9.0 software (SAS publisher) using ANOVA analysis to test the statistical significance between the mean values of continuous variables, while the statistical significance of the difference in frequency of categorical variables was assessed by Pearsons χ2 test. Results: ART singleton pregnancies had an average mothers age of 33.5 years, the average gestational age at birth of 38.26 gestational weeks (gw), preterm delivery rate of 12.9%, average birth weight 3258 g, Apgar score (AS) in the first minute 8.35, and in the fifth minute 9.2, cesarean section rate 65.81%, Gestational diabetes (GDM) in 7.1% pregnancies, anemia occurred in 41.94% of pregnancies, while preeclampsia was observed in 4.52% of all pregnancies. All relevant parameters of perinatal outcome were significantly (p<0.0001) superior to both ART and non-ART twin pregnancies. ART twin pregnancy showed the average mothers age of 32.9 years, the average gestational age at birth of 35.6 gw, the preterm delivery rate 58.27%, the average body weight newborns 2374 g, AS in the first minute of 7.45, and in the fifth minute of 8.65, the cesarean section rate of 83.7%, GDM in 15.11% of all pregnancies, anemia occurred in 78.42% and preeclampsia in 12.23% of pregnancies, while the non-ART twin pregnancy showed an average mothers age of 28.8 years, the average gestational age at birth of 36.08 gw, the preterm delivery rate of 49.71%, the average body weight of 2433 g, AS in the first minute of 7.75 in the fifth minute 8.75, the caesarian section rate of 58.33%, GDM-a occurred in 7.02%, anemia in 67.84% and preeclampsia in 11.11% of pregnancies. Except for maternal age and the caesarean section rate, which were significantly higher in ART twin pregnancies (p<0.0001), as well as small increase in proportion of amniotic fluid volume disorders (p = 0.033), almost all other parameters of perinatal outcome of were comparable in these groups. Discussion and Conclusion: The study showed that the course and outcome of multiple pregnancies conceived spontaneous and after IVF procedures are equivalent in almost all parameters with similar average body weight and gestational age at birth, and that all these parameters of multiple pregnancies regardless of the conception mode are equally worse compared with singleton pregnancies from IVF procedures. With the exception of multiplicity as a risk factor children from in vitro fertilization procedures are generally healthy. Multiplicity itself and not the mode of conception presented a problem, which is rightly considered the major complication of IVF today. Additional analysis of the experiences of other health system indicates that only a broad and comprehensive implementation of strategy to return only one embryo (SET–single embryo transfer) can lead to a reduction of the rate of multiple pregnancies after IVF procedures, and the accompanying complications, without compromising IVF success. The experience of other health systems indicate that a successful implementation of SET is only possible with the involvement of the whole society, along with a number of legislative measures in the field of monitoring, control and reimbursement of assisted reproduction procedures. The scope and funding of an IVF procedures (with more free attempts for infertile couples, reimbursed by public health) with mandatory use of SET, and good cryopreservation programs are, based on examples in other countries who had successfully dealt with his problem, is the key in reducing the problem of multiple pregnancies after IVF procedures.</p>
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