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Povaha a rozsah principu non-refoulement / The nature and scope of the non-refoulement principleCenklová, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
in English This thesis deals with the key principle of international refugee law which is the principle of non-refoulement. Thanks to this principle, entitled persons are protected from being returned to their country of origin where they would be in danger on the grounds listed in particular documents. The aim of my thesis is to define and analyze the nature, scope and content of this principle in particular international and regional documents and their subsequent comparison. The thesis itself is composed of seven main chapters. Chapter one contains a brief definition of the documents where the principle of non-refoulement is enshrined. Chapter two deals with the scope of the principle. The personal and territorial scope is examined in this chapter. In the third chapter, I focus on the nature of the principle in particular documents, the presence and interpretation of exceptions to the principle. I analyze primarily the Convention Relating to the Status of refugees in this chapter, since this Convention is the one containing exceptions to the principle. In the fourth chapter, I focus on the detailed analysis of the nature, scope and content of the principle in the particular documents. I examine which parts of the principle are identical or similar in those documents and which of them differ....
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Právo na projevy osobní povahy / The right to manifestation of a personal natureČanda, Kamil January 2010 (has links)
Resumé: The right to manifestation of a personal nature The thesis discusses a relatively broad topic - the right to manifestation of a personal nature. The work is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is an introduction to the thesis and introduces the reader to the work, how it is arranged and which areas of the legal system it deals with. The second chapter deals with the right to verbal acts of a personal nature. The issue is quite large, it covers written acts such as diary entry or letter as well as sound recordings such as recording on a CD. The first subchapter examines the subject of that right. The objects of the right are personal papers and sound recordings. The second subchapter is quite broad and incorporates the content of the law. There are included things like permission to use, licenses and other legal reasons exclusive of ineligibility for interference and also conditions of use of personal documents and audio recordings. The third subchapter describes the historical development of the mentioned law. It is a concise subchapter, but for those interested in legal history, it can be very attractive. In the next subchapter - the fourth one, there is described the application of the law in real life. Here, you can learn how the law is applied in judicial practice in different...
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Výrazové prostředky intensifikace v současné španělštině. / Analysis of the means of expression of the intensification in SpanishJIRÁKOVÁ, Hana January 2016 (has links)
The object of present thesis is an introduction to the issues of comparative analysis of Czech and Spanish expression instruments which are modifying the verbal action in sense of its intensity. The aim of this paper is to determine the theoretical knowledge and the differences between Czech and Spanish grammars based on the rate of verbal action. Then, on the basis of that knowledge, is accomplished an analysis of real translations made by the InterCorp corpus. Finally there is an evaluation of obtained data and a comparison with the theoretical knowledge.
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Ochrana doménových jmen / Protection of domain namesKlíma, Karel January 2015 (has links)
Protection of domain names The aim of this work is to place domain names in the legal system, to try their legal classification, explore ways they can be compromised, and to analyze the possibilities of their protection. Particular attention is paid to the international management of domain names and legal grounds of the issue. Given that the topic of protection of domain names is relatively little explored, particular primary sources of relevant information will be subject to review, ie international standards and laws, as well as technical articles and case law. Resources will be handled mainly by descriptive and analytical research method, sometimes complemented by a historical method. The first part defines the basic concepts largely of a technical nature relating to the internet and domain names whose knowledge is essential to understand the issue and its legal assessment. The second part defines the term and the concept of domains and domain names and their permissible forms, and also presents a typology of Top Level Domains. The third part deals with international and national management of domains and domain names. It presents the most important authorities in the field of domain names, key institutions and organizations, the circumstances of their foundation, and international and national...
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Emisní povolenka jako cenný papír a investiční nástroj / European Union Allowance as a Security and Financial InstrumentTůma, Jan January 2009 (has links)
European Union Emission Trading System has been in operation since 2005 and to this point the legal nature of European Union Allowances is still controversial. Moreover, this question is complicated by fact, that a member state can not handle this problem, because it is acquis communautaire to solve it. The aim of this study is to explore the legal nature of allowance in Czech legal system, in merito, whether it is a security and/or a financial instrument. In conclusion, allowance is neither of those and its legal nature is still unclear, but also it does not really matter by now. Nevertheless, for the future smooth functioning of the EU ETS it is necessary that European Commission pursues this subject.
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Zásady soukromého práva / Principles of the Private LawDvorská, Petra January 2020 (has links)
This thesis; apart from an introduction of the concept of legal principles, their importance and settlement of their conflicts; deals with an analysis of legal provisions relating to the legal principles and policies in the first, general section, Chapter I of the Civil Code, as these are the primary provisions with relevance to the entire private law. It further evaluates state of the current legislation and its positive and negative aspects. It focuses in detail on the principle of fairness, as it is a principle aiming for an important improvement of legal relations. It also deals with the key interrelated principles of the civil law - the principle of the freedom of choice, and the principle of equality and protection of the weaker party; their importance is also followed in chapters devoted to the selected special legal regulations of the private law (family law, labour law, and commercial law). Chapter 4 of this thesis deals with analysis of importance and role of good morals in the civil law. An independent section focuses on the term of public order in the civil law providing explanation of their common function. It also provides detailed analysis of legal construction of definition of nature of legal rules, seen not just as a theoretical legal problem, but also a practical one, as it is the...
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Právní povaha nástrojů územního plánování / The legal nature of instrumnets of land use planingNováček, Jakub January 2020 (has links)
The legal nature of spatial planning instruments Abstract This thesis analyzes the legal nature of spatial planning instruments in the context of the sustainable land development, both in the general level as a structured system of spatial planning instruments and in the specific level of individual types of spatial planning instruments. The thesis provides a comprehensive picture of the system of spatial planning instruments, their interconnectedness and connections that are applied in this system. The thesis also analyzes the various spatial planning insturments, whose legal nature is defined by the purpose and conditions of their use, by the process of their formation and by the subject of their regulation. The emphasis in this work is mainly put on their legal form and the resulting aspects of the individual spatial planning instruments. Thesis also analyzes theoretical and legal basis of spatial planning, which is based primarily on the requirements of sustainable land development, from the concept of which the main goals of spatial planning are formed. Thesis define the concept of spatial planning and its individual levels. Thesis also defines the subjects that participate in the spatial planning processes and the interests that these subjects represent in the spatial planning and what procedural...
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Ochrana doménových jmen / Protection of Domain NamesValentová, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
Protection of Domain Names (master's degree thesis) The purpose of my thesis is to analyse a legal interpretation of the domain name. The thesis analyzes the theoretical base of this term, authorities competent to constitute rules on the market of domain names and to decide how to judge corelated disputes, attention is also drawn to the conflict of protected names and domain names. The important question to be answered is the eventual social significance of a juridical framework of domain name. The question of domain names (and also other institutes connected with internet) is a widely discussed and disputed topic. The last three decades the rules and the execution of them were constantly developing and underwent major changes. Therefore it's very interesting to watch this progress and to compare the many different points of view on the whole issue. Those were the main reasons for my research. The thesis consists of seven chapters. Chapter One, Two and Three are introductory, they define the term 'domain name', its function and structure. They also express and explain the basic terminology attached to domain names. Chapter Four analyzes the place of the domain name in Czech law system. This chapter is divided into two parts. Part One is focussing on the previous private law codex. The Second Part...
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Ochrana doménových jmen / Legal protection of domain namesMatušek, Radek January 2015 (has links)
Legal protection of domain names The main purpose of this thesis is to provide complex information about the topic of domain names. In the last fifteen years, domain names have become a very valuable estate, that can generate millions of dollars. The value of domain names have been a cause of various exploitations, namely speculative domain registrations of attractive domain names. These registrations are infringing third person rights, mostly trademark rights. The issue at hand with domain names seems to be the registration process. The first come, first serve principle that is associated with domain name registration can be a cause of various legal infringements. The thesis is divided into eight chapters. The first three chapters are an introduction into the world of domain names, providing necessary information about what domain names are, what is their definition and how they are categorised. The subject of the fourth chapter are the main organisations that have the most influence on domain names, where historical context and a summary of their functions are provided. The next chapter describes the legal nature of domain names, whether a domain name can be viewed as a property right or a contract right. Further the chapter analyzes relations between domain names and other legal institutions,...
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Totalitarismus jako cesta k šoa / Totalitarianism as a way to shoahVodičková, Tereza January 2013 (has links)
Introduction: The aim of this paper is to discuss the phenomenon of the Shoah from most angles and sides to avoid simplification and generalization. The result is the creation of activities for pupils outlining the Holocaust, the Shoah. I want to combine eyewitness testimony uměleckoliterárním rendition of the theme of the Shoah. For greater expertise as a starting point of my work I choose: I. general characteristics of totalitarianism or the system that gave rise to the Shoah, II. insight into historical context, as my activity is usable in more subjects: literature, civics and history is necessary for me this season prepared and factually. III. The art of literature related to the topic of the Shoah affected by the "wine", I will try to demonstrate the immanence of the destruction of human society, which is also what should be heard even at the end of my activities. IV. The final activity will be articulated eyewitness testimony and artistic text (which process the same historical events) will be outlined their educational use in the subjects: civics, history and literature. Target activity will be interdisciplinary, as it is mainly designed for the needs of secondary schools, for the interconnection of multiple information sources and their mutual confrontation, which leads to less distortion of...
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