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Financování základních školMertová, Kamila January 2006 (has links)
Práce hodnotí systém financování základních škol v městské části Praha 10. V úvodní části je seznámení s legislativní úpravou ve školství. Vymezují se zde vztahy škol a systému státní správy a samosprávy. Dále je zde naznačena metoda financování.
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Das jüdische Zentralmuseum der SS in Prag : Gegnerforschung und Völkermord im Nationalsozialismus /Potthast, Jan Björn. January 2002 (has links)
Texte abrégé et remanié de: Diss.--Philosophische Fakultät--München--Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität, 2001. Titre de soutenance : Forschung, Vernichtung und die Endlösung der Erinnerung : der Prager Jüdische Zentralmuseum ... / Bibliogr. p. 472-498. Index.
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Osobnosti klavírního oddělení HAMU od založení školy dodnes / PERSONALITIES OF THE PIANO DEPARTMENT AT THE ACADEMY OF PERFORMING ARTS IN PRAGUE SINCE THE FOUNDING OF THE SCHOOL UNTIL TODAYDonovalová, Adéla January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with personalities of the Keybord Department at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague in the second half of the 20th century. This work focuses on making united and systematic summary of professors at the Academy in the first decades of working at the Piano Department. Author of this paper is trying to have a complex attitude to these personalities. They were not only great teachers but also active interpreters, composers, authors of didactic works and they made revisions of the piano compositions. All the articles are in chronological order that depends on the beginning of teacher´s academic working. Chapters are also divided into three basic parts that connect people of the same generation. Part that deals with the brief history of the Academy should help readers to get the wider context. This chapter includes historical and political information that are more than important for the total meaning of the thesis. Some of these happenings had an important influence on all the spheres of life. The purpose of the thesis is to show the situation in the community of pianists in Prague after the Second World War in a well-arranged way. The work is supposed to be an integrated overview for an informed reader and should give information about lives, performances and legacy of the greatest pianists of the Academy of Performing Arts in the post-war period.
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Svět podle LARPu / The World according to the LarpKoubová, Karolína January 2014 (has links)
In my diploma thesis I deal with the phenomenon of chamber LARP and through it I get to the reflection of my studies at the Department of Authorial Creativity and Pedagogy [KATaP]. My first approach to the writing assumed that the live action role playing (LARP) is based on similar assumptions and motivations as the basic disciplines of the department. The more detailed I looked at this game, I had to modify the original hypothesis of similarity. Process that I describe in my thesis has finally reverse trend. I do not describe LARP with regard to the experience of KATaP, but the LARP experience leads me to the reflection and exploration of the five-year study. Gradually, (Inter) acting With the Inner Partner, authorship and game become the subject of my research. I also think of the possibility of an authentic experience and try to answer the question of for what is the truth in own creation and access to myself. It is largely a subjective view and an offer of my personal experiences and experience from University and from the practice of LARP.
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Taneční profese - její podoba a socioekonomický status na příkladu baletu ND v Praze do roku 1945 / A Dance Profession – Its Form and Socio-economic StatusBulínová, Karolína January 2017 (has links)
My dissertation seeks to outline the social and economic status of members of the ballet troupe of the National Theatre in Prague after 1945. a defining aspect of this period was the effort on the part of the ballet ensemble to achieve recognition for ballet as an autonomous genre of theatre in its own right, and to achieve a status independent from the Opera, of which the troupe was part until 1958. The inferior status of ballet in terms of the theater hierarchy was reflected by the remuneration of the dancers themselves; their wages were always lower than those of the staff of the Opera or Drama troupes. i have tried to document the evolution and changes in the social and economical status of ballet artists as employees of state repertory theaters, depending on the context of each period and also by presenting them on two concrete trajectories and the experiences of individual artists. The financial conditions are documented by contracts, and the general situation further attested by additional personal documents, particularly correspondence. Frequent requests for a raise in wages or the paying of an advance, pleading and often no less than abjectly humiliating letters are ample evidence that the economic situation of dancers as professionals often stretched the limits of a basic living wage.
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Herec a sebereflexe. / An Actor's Self-reflectionBöhm, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
The main goal of this thesis is to critically observe own evolution as an actor and define moments that caused this evolution or aided it in some way. The thesis also describes the process of how individual plays were created, especially how they helped an actor grow. As a result, the thesis sets a future direction of things and foreshadows possible development.
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Alternativa na KALD. / Alternative at Department of Alternative and Puppet TheatreVydarený, Petr January 2013 (has links)
This thesis about Alternative at Department of alternative and puppet theatre is reflecting my personal experience during my studies at the Academy of performing arts. For this purpose I chose several important moments, mainly performences in the Disk theater. The text is devided into chapters where each one is an independent consideration.
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Orchestr Národního divadla / The Orchestra of National theatreVovsová, Helena January 2012 (has links)
This masters thesis focuses on the National Theatre in Prague from its reopening in 1883 to now, season 2011/2012. It deals with his orchesra and important musical personalities of its members and conductors, and highlights the important points in this period.
In conclusion, the contribution of this paper expalins to the reader.
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Analýza nezaměstnanosti vybrané skupiny absolventů / Analysis of Unemployment selected group of graduatesBieliková, Nikol January 2016 (has links)
The thesis is focused on description and evaluation unemployment of a selected group of graduate. There were chosen graduates of Czech university of Life Sciences Prague (Faculty of Economics and Management) and University of Economics, Prague (Faculty of Economics). The first part describes theoretical basis of the problem with the definition of basic concepts of unemployment, e.g. labour market, employment, unemployment, graduate, etc. One part of this chapter is dedicated to the description of chosen universities. The practical part is devoted to the progression of unemployment, which is analyzed on the basis of the available data and the data from the survey. The last part is focused on the results, possible recommendations for improving the employability of graduates on the labor market and discussion.
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Marketingové aktivity Židovského města v Praze / Marketing activities in the Jewish Quarter in PragueVintrová, Michaela January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is divided into two parts. In the first (theoretical) part I deal with the theoretical basis of the following practical part, a marketing of services, marketing and communication mix. In the practical part I apply it to the specific example of The Jewish Quarter in Prague, which is made up of two organizations -- The Jewish Community of Prague and The Jewish Museum in Prague. The aim of this thesis is to describe current marketing activities of The Jewish Quarter in Prague and evaluate their quality and efficiency. Based on these findings and the findings of the marketing research, I determine recommendations to the new marketing activities in the future.
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