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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


EANES ROBERTO DE LIMA 17 January 2022 (has links)
[pt] Esta pesquisa mostra uma visão, de forma clara e linear, do perfil do presbítero católico na atualidade, sua real Identidade Presbiteral a partir das luzes lançadas pelo Concílio Vaticano II, em especial sob a análise do Decreto Presbyterorum Ordinis. O desenvolvimento e o claro panorama deste tema começam a tomar forma a partir do momento em que se entende o ministério presbiteral como um esvaziar-se daquilo que realmente o mundo oferece e nada acrescenta, para se deixar preencher, se construir com os verdadeiros valores que estão de acordo com o Múnus Sacerdotal do próprio Cristo. Isto, com os diversos documentos e obras posteriores, que discutem o assunto, ajuda a entender o tema. O Concílio trouxe luzes, mas não resolve a problemática que na atualidade é vista de diversas formas pela análise da conduta, da forma como os presbíteros conduzem suas vidas. Os problemas cotidianos são gerados, em especial, pelo não entendimento daquilo que, na realidade, é a verdadeira Caridade Pastoral. Os problemas gerados com esta falta de compreensão estão na ordem do Ativismo Presbiteral, bem como aqueles que envolvem os Conselhos Evangélicos (Obediência, Castidade e a Pobreza). Com isto gera afastamento, isolamento pessoal, desrespeito pelos superiores hierárquicos; problemas na ordem da sexualidade que, mal trabalhada e orientada, não ajuda na maturidade presbiteral; e, por fim, o apego às coisas materiais de forma exagerada e egoísta e muitas vezes avarenta, indo no sentido contrário ao que propõe o próprio Cristo. Mas, mesmo diante dessas dificuldades e problemas, a Caridade Pastoral se torna fruto de uma formação aberta, consciente, permanente do presbítero, podendo se realizar a qualquer tempo e de forma permanente. O testemunho se dá na construção de um caráter presbiteral, fruto de uma vivência evangélica real, da comunhão e aceitação. Assim o presbítero se constrói de forma íntegra, munido de uma fidelidade que será colocada em prática, com responsabilidade na vida pastoral, junto à Igreja, Povo de Deus. Cuidando de si, cuida das coisas de Deus, da Igreja e da criação como um todo, onde o homem presbítero se revela, se doa, se coloca a serviço com amor, no amor e por amor ao próprio Deus. / [en] This research shows a clear and linear view of the profile of the Catholic priest today, his real Priestly Identity from the light cast by the Second Vatican Council, especially under the analysis of the Decree Presbyterorum Ordinis.The development and clear panorama of this theme begins to take shape from the moment that priestly ministry is understood as an emptying of what the world really offers and nothing adds, to let itself be filled and built with the true values that meet the Priestly Munus of Christ himself. This, with the various documents and later works that discuss the subject, helps us to understand the subject. The Council brought light; however, it did not solve the problem that is currently seen in different ways by analyzing the behavior and the way in which priests conduct their lives. Daily problems are generated, in particular, by not understanding what true Pastoral Charity really is. The problems generated by the lack of understanding are in the order of Priestly Activism, as well as those involving the Evangelical Counsels (Obedience, Chastity, and Poverty). Consequently, it generates distance, self isolation, disrespect for hierarchical superiors; problems in the order of sexuality that, poorly worked and guided, do not help in priestly maturity; and, finally, the attachment to material things in an exaggerated and selfish way and often greedy going in the opposite direction to what Christ himself proposes. But, even in the face of these difficulties and problems, Pastoral Charity becomes the result of an open, conscious and ongoing formation of the priest and this can be done at any time and permanently. The testimony takes place in the construction of a priestly character result of a real evangelical experience, communion, and acceptance. Thus, the priest develops himself in an integral way and is provided with a fidelity that will be put into practice with responsibility, in his pastoral life together with the Church, People of God. Taking care of himself, he takes care of the things of God, the Church and creation as a whole, where the priestly man reveals himself, gives himself and puts himself at service with love, in love, and for the love of God himself.

Počátky hierarchického uspořádání v rané církvi / Beginnings of Hierarchical Order in the Early Church

PŘIBYL, Stanislav January 2016 (has links)
The issue of ecclesiastical ministries, services and offices has always attracted attention of theological scholars and church ministers. The early Christian Church shows a great variability of its organizational models. The suitable starting point for their explanation is the charismatic phenomena in the earliest Church. In the Epistle to the Ephesians, prophets stand alongside the apostles as those who form the fundaments of Church teaching. According to Luke's Acts, the imposition of hands accompanies the mediation of the Spirit during the process of being entrusted with various services in the Church. There are numerous specifications of charismata in St Paul's letters; at the same time, some of these gifts can transform into permanent offices, like those of leadership or teaching. Early Christians especially revered martyrdom, particularly that of their pastors. Itinerant prophets also enjoyed high esteem. Their pronouncements in ecstatic moments were considered inspired by the Holy Spirit. Nevertheless, itinerant missionaries potentially also presented a grave danger of heresies that could spread among the faithful. However, the constitutive role in the Church belonged undoubtedly to the apostles, the only ministry established by the Lord himself. According to Luke's writings, the concept of apostles is reduced only to the Twelve. Nevertheless, Paul in his letters appeals to his personal apostolate. Besides that, a clearer concept of apostolate in the early Church there can be found also, namely that of the missionaries. In the Jewish Christian milieu, the early Church followed in the exercise of the presbyter's ministry, known from the synagogue life. In the Pastoral Epistles, presbyters operate together with deacons and bishops as leaders of the various Churches. In the epistles of Ignatius of Antiochia, dated to the beginning of the second Christian century, the three grades of Church hierarchy, i.e. the deacons, the presbyters and the sole bishop, are mentioned as already existing. This type of monarchic episcopacy soon became the prevalent leadership model of Church organization, known throughout its history.

L'Image dans le Beatus de Lorvão: figuration, composition et visualité dans les enluminures du Commentaire de l'Apocalypse attribué au scriptorium du monastère de São Mamede de Lorvão-1189

Silva Rocha, Jorge Manuel Gomes da 05 May 2008 (has links)
L’Apocalypse de Lorvão appartient au cycle des commentaires illustrés de la vision de Jean aujourd’hui connus sous le nom de «Beatus». Ces œuvres d’exégèse, enluminées surtout dans le nord de la péninsule Ibérique pendant l’occupation musulmane, constituent un ensemble pictural à l’identité artistique indéniable. Cependant, le manuscrit copié et illustré dans le scriptorium du monastère de São Mamede de Lorvão en 1189 diverge à plusieurs reprises des options iconographiques des autres codex et les solutions picturales et stylistiques de l’oeuvre portugaise se détachent significativement de celles des Beatus de la même époque comme par exemple ceux de Manchester, Cardeña ou Navarre. L’oeuvre se différencie aussi du travail produit dans les scriptoria portugais les plus réputés de Santa Cruz de Coimbra et Santa Maria de Alcobaça et amène à nous interroger sur le contexte de création de l’œuvre et sur la visualité qui a été à l’origine de ces images peintes. A partir de l’analyse du travail de figuration du moine artiste on constate que la nature conceptuelle du texte interprétatif s’est superposée à la dramatisation des visions de Jean et qu’elle a conditionné l’attitude créative. C’est donc dans le rapport conceptuel et spirituel entre le travail pictural et le texte exégétique que les images du manuscrit de Lorvão trouvent, en grande partie, leur singularité. La proximité entre l’image et l’exégèse semble aussi avoir été transmise aux enluminures de Lorvão par l’archétype utilisé, dépositaire probable d’une orientation plus conceptuelle et minimale qui serait une caractéristique des enluminures des premiers Beatus. Cela peut aussi avoir une répercussion importante dans la reconfiguration du stemma pictural des Beatus. / Doctorat en Histoire, art et archéologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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