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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interfacial properties of calcium montmorillonite in aqueous solutions : Density functional theory and classical molecular dynamics studies on the electric double layer

Yang, Guomin January 2017 (has links)
The swelling properties of Bentonite are highly affected by clay content and the clay-water interactions that arise from the ion distribution in the diffuse double layer formed near the charged montmorillonite (or smectite) surfaces. Existing continuum models describing the electric double layers, such as classical Poisson-Boltzmann and DLVO theory, ignore the ion-ion correlations, which are especially important for multivalent ions at high surface charge and ionic strength. To better understand the clay-water interactions, atomistic models were developed using both density functional theory of fluids (DFT) as well as classical molecular dynamics (MD) methods. In order to increase our understanding of water-saturated, swelling smectite clays, a DFT, technique was initially developed that allowed more accurate predictions of important thermodynamic properties of the diffuse double layers. This DFT approach was then extended to handle systems with mixtures of different sizes and charges. The extended DFT model was verified against experiments and Monte-Carlo simulations. One practical application was to predict the ion exchange equilibria in Bentonite clays, which have wide practical usage in different areas. Nevertheless, in the DFT work it was realized that DFT demands that the particles, ions in this case, which are described as hard spheres, realistically cannot be described as such at low water loadings, when ion specific hydration forces govern the electric double layer properties. To study how the deformation of the hydration shells of Ca2+ influences the properties of compacted smectite clays, MD simulations using the CLAYFF forcefield were employed in order to account for the deformation of the hydration shells. Comparisons of DFT and MD modeling then allowed to demonstrate under which conditions DFT modeling becomes increasingly inaccurate and when it still can give accurate results. / Under senare år har mycket forskning ägnats åt att förstå egenskaperna hos svällande leror som används för att skydda mot läckage av föroreningar från kontaminerade områden och från framtida slutförvar av radionuklider. Den fria svällningen förorsakas av de starka osmotiska krafter som uppstår när vatten tränger in mellan de tunna elektriskt negativt laddade lermineralskikten och löser de laddningskompenserande jonerna i det diffusa dubbelskiktet. I flera arbeten användandes av sk. kontinuum-teori har vattenmolekylens form, specifika orientering och bindning till katjonerna i de nanometerstora utrymmen mellan lerpartiklarna ej beaktats samt ej heller hur de hydratiserade jonerna orienteras på de atomärt ojämna ytorna. Detta möjliggörs dock genom modellering av de enskilda atomernas och jonernas interaktioner med molekyldynamik simuleringar, MD. I detta arbete har programmet Gromacs använts tillsammans med kraftfältet CLAYFF för att studera dessa fenomen i montmorillonitleror med natrium- och kalciumjoner. Simuleringarna visar att natrium bildar transienta innersfärkomplex vilka orienterar sig i bi-triangulära fördjupningar på ytan, ungefär 3.8 Å från mitt-planet mellan lerytorna. Denna orientering observeras ända upp till att avståndet mellan ytorna ökat till större än motsvarande fem lager vattenmolekyler mellan lerpartiklarnas ytor. Detta sker inte med kalcium, oberoende av avståndet mellan ytorna. Natriumjoner koordineras med fyra vattenmolekyler och en syreatom på leran vid ett lager vatten mellan ytorna och med fem till sex vattenmolekyler, ortogonalt orienterade med ökande mängd vatten mellan ytorna, och med en hydratiserad jon-radie av 3.1 Å. Kalcium koordinerar till sju vattenmolekyler vid ett vattenlager mellan ytorna, men ökar till åtta ortogonalt orienterade vattenmolekyler med en jonradie på 3.3 Å vid större avstånd. Generellt visas att när avståndet mellan lerytorna är mindre än ca 10 Å, deformeras de annars symmetriskt hydratiserade jonerna. En jämförelse mellan MD simuleringar och med klassisk täthetsfunktionalteori, DFT, visar att den senare inte kan beskriva hur yttersfärkomplexen samverkar med laddningarna bundna närmast ytan, dvs i Stern-lagret. / <p>QC 20170403</p>

Nonlinear Dynamic Modeling, Simulation And Characterization Of The Mesoscale Neuron-electrode Interface

Thakore, Vaibhav 01 January 2012 (has links)
Extracellular neuroelectronic interfacing has important applications in the fields of neural prosthetics, biological computation and whole-cell biosensing for drug screening and toxin detection. While the field of neuroelectronic interfacing holds great promise, the recording of high-fidelity signals from extracellular devices has long suffered from the problem of low signal-to-noise ratios and changes in signal shapes due to the presence of highly dispersive dielectric medium in the neuron-microelectrode cleft. This has made it difficult to correlate the extracellularly recorded signals with the intracellular signals recorded using conventional patch-clamp electrophysiology. For bringing about an improvement in the signalto-noise ratio of the signals recorded on the extracellular microelectrodes and to explore strategies for engineering the neuron-electrode interface there exists a need to model, simulate and characterize the cell-sensor interface to better understand the mechanism of signal transduction across the interface. Efforts to date for modeling the neuron-electrode interface have primarily focused on the use of point or area contact linear equivalent circuit models for a description of the interface with an assumption of passive linearity for the dynamics of the interfacial medium in the cell-electrode cleft. In this dissertation, results are presented from a nonlinear dynamic characterization of the neuroelectronic junction based on Volterra-Wiener modeling which showed that the process of signal transduction at the interface may have nonlinear contributions from the interfacial medium. An optimization based study of linear equivalent circuit models for representing signals recorded at the neuron-electrode interface subsequently iv proved conclusively that the process of signal transduction across the interface is indeed nonlinear. Following this a theoretical framework for the extraction of the complex nonlinear material parameters of the interfacial medium like the dielectric permittivity, conductivity and diffusivity tensors based on dynamic nonlinear Volterra-Wiener modeling was developed. Within this framework, the use of Gaussian bandlimited white noise for nonlinear impedance spectroscopy was shown to offer considerable advantages over the use of sinusoidal inputs for nonlinear harmonic analysis currently employed in impedance characterization of nonlinear electrochemical systems. Signal transduction at the neuron-microelectrode interface is mediated by the interfacial medium confined to a thin cleft with thickness on the scale of 20-110 nm giving rise to Knudsen numbers (ratio of mean free path to characteristic system length) in the range of 0.015 and 0.003 for ionic electrodiffusion. At these Knudsen numbers, the continuum assumptions made in the use of Poisson-Nernst-Planck system of equations for modeling ionic electrodiffusion are not valid. Therefore, a lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) based multiphysics solver suitable for modeling ionic electrodiffusion at the mesoscale neuron-microelectrode interface was developed. Additionally, a molecular speed dependent relaxation time was proposed for use in the lattice Boltzmann equation. Such a relaxation time holds promise for enhancing the numerical stability of lattice Boltzmann algorithms as it helped recover a physically correct description of microscopic phenomena related to particle collisions governed by their local density on the lattice. Next, using this multiphysics solver simulations were carried out for the charge relaxation dynamics of an electrolytic nanocapacitor with the intention of ultimately employing it for a simulation of the capacitive coupling between the neuron and the v planar microelectrode on a microelectrode array (MEA). Simulations of the charge relaxation dynamics for a step potential applied at t = 0 to the capacitor electrodes were carried out for varying conditions of electric double layer (EDL) overlap, solvent viscosity, electrode spacing and ratio of cation to anion diffusivity. For a large EDL overlap, an anomalous plasma-like collective behavior of oscillating ions at a frequency much lower than the plasma frequency of the electrolyte was observed and as such it appears to be purely an effect of nanoscale confinement. Results from these simulations are then discussed in the context of the dynamics of the interfacial medium in the neuron-microelectrode cleft. In conclusion, a synergistic approach to engineering the neuron-microelectrode interface is outlined through a use of the nonlinear dynamic modeling, simulation and characterization tools developed as part of this dissertation research.

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