Spelling suggestions: "subject:"problématique"" "subject:"problématiques""
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Využití metod lineárního programování při řešení dopravních úlohKourková, Eva January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Využití metod operačního výzkumu při řízení distribuce v potravinářském podnikuKadlčková, Barbora January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Operační výzkum - nástroj snižování nákladů na distribuci v dopravní firměKalášová, Libuše January 2014 (has links)
Kalasová, L. Operation Research -- the tool to reduce the distribution costs of the transport company, Diploma work, Brno: Mendel University in Brno, 2013. The master theses is focused on finding of the appropriate method solution to the composition routes and thereby on reducing of the distribution costs of the firm supplying the veterinary medications and aids. The work is divided into a literature review and its own work. The literature review provides the theoretical basis for the main work. It includes the issues of the logistics, the use of appropriate methods of the operation research and the description of the modular optimization program STORM. In the own work the activities of the company and the problem meant for a solution are described. The options are designed to troubleshoot and the optimization is carried out using the chosen method. In the conclusion, the final costs are calculated and compared with the existing situation.
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Využitie simulačných modelov pri podpore manažérskeho rozhodovania / The Use of Simulation Models to Support Managerial Decision-MakingSeres, Csaba January 2014 (has links)
The main goal of this thesis is the elaboration of the most important simulation techniques and their verification of their applications in solving specific managerial decision-making problems. In the beginning the reader is acquainted with the theory, which includes overview and description of certain kinds of simulation models, focus on how to use them, the benefits of different types of models and also the example of using the model in practice. The practical part is focused on a specific type of managerial decision problems. Specific problem is chosen and described. Then the structure and the properties, that model has to meet are described. Based on the desired structure and properties, the simulation model is built. Subsequently, the correctness of model operation is verified. Outputs from the model will be evaluated and a solution of the problem will be proposed. The advantages, disadvantages, pitfalls of creating the model and benefits for the manager will be pointed out.
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Modifikace rozvozního problému / Vehicle Routing Problem and its modificationsPajonk, Tomáš January 2007 (has links)
Cílem této práce je zpřehlednit vstup k rozvozním problémů, jak z pohledu teoretického, tak pohledu praktického. Zpočátku jsou rozepsány aplikace těchto modelů, jejich klasifikace. V další části jsou podrobněji formulovány nejčastější modifikace objevující se v literatuře. V poslední části jsou shrnuty zkušenosti s programováním a implementací konkrétní metaheuristiky, která je schopna řešit velkou část výše popsaných modelů.
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National health insurance scheme with emphasis on GhanaAhmed, Farouq Raj January 2018 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to examine the role of the NHIS in providing basic healthcare and its accessibility especially in rural Ghana. The NHIS was first introduced in 2003 to eliminate the cash for services system of health provided services. The implementation of the scheme increased access and use of basic healthcare services. Most healthcare institutions are poised with challenges in management, delivery and utilization of healthcare services. This study aims to access the effect of the NHIS on healthcare delivery in Ghana.
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Multivariační kryptografie / Multivariate cryptographyJančaříková, Irena January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with multivariate cryptography. It includes specifically a description of the MQ problem and the proof of it's NP-completness. In the part of the MQ problem there is a description of a general pattern for the creation of the public part of asymetric cryptosystems based on the MQ problem. It this part the thesis describes the QMLE problem, which is important for the figure of the cryptosystem private key based on the MQ problem. Further, the thesis includes a description of the influence of the structure display, which appears in the QMLE problem, on time solution complexity of QMLE problem. The influence of time complexity has been detected by means of experimental measurement with programed algorithm. At the end of the thesis there is specified description of selected multivariety cryptosystems based on the MQ problem. Selected cryptosystems are provided with detailed description of encryption and decryption by means of selected cryptosystems and time estimations of these operations. The thesis includes estimations of memory requirements on saving of private and public key of the selected cryptosystems. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Speciální algoritmy některých úloh operačního výzkumuKlaschková, Alena January 2006 (has links)
Práce sumarizuje a dává do souvislostí vybrané úlohy operačního výzkumu, pro něž byly vyvinuty speciální optimalizační algoritmy či heuristiky kromě obecných algoritmů řešících problémy lineárního programování nebo diskrétního programování, s důrazem na praktické možnosti řešení těchto problémů danými algoritmy. Zabývá se běžnými úlohami lineárního programování s omezenými proměnnými, úlohami teorie grafů (toky, cesta grafem, kostra grafu), úlohou batohu, dopravním problémem, přiřazovacím problémem a úlohou obchodního cestujícího a srovnává speciální algoritmy s obecnými.
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Existence a kvalitativní vlastnosti řešení některých systémů mechaniky tekutin / Existence and Qualitative Properties of Solutions to Certain Systems of Fluid MechanicsMácha, Václav January 2012 (has links)
anglicky In the presented work, we study the existence and uniqueness of solutions to the generalized Stokes problem. We, further, focus on the higher differentiability and the Hölder continuity of solutions to the generalized Stokes and generalized Navier-Stokes system. We reach the full regularity in an arbitrary dimension for a linear case, while in a nonlinear case we work only in dimensions d = 2, 3. In dimension d = 2 we are able to proof the full regularity of solution, in dimension d = 3 we obtain only a partial regularity. All main results are introduced in the first section. 1
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Optimalizace distribuční sítě společnosti DAMIRA DRINKS, s.r.oSchaffer, Marek January 2015 (has links)
Schaffer, M. Distribution network optimization of DAMIRA DRINKS, Ltd. company. Diploma thesis. Brno: Mendel University in Brno, 2015. This diploma thesis deals with distribution network optimization of chosen company with application of operation research methods. Theoretical part is focused on logistics, operational research, linear programming, travelling salesman problem and programming language JavaScript. The aim of this thesis is to project optimal solution of distribution network using Mayer's method and software STORM. In the conclusion is made final costs comparison of the optimal and the existing solution.
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