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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Middleware service for connedcting different IoT Data Management Systems : Smart Room

Scepanovic, Srdjan January 2023 (has links)
Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the most thriving areas in software engineering in the recentyears. IoT is present in everyday activities as well as in various industries. IoT Data ManagementSystems (IoT DMSs) are one of the most important part of IoT as they process and control data insmart environments. This thesis work is focused on researching various IoT DMSs to gain moreknowledge and get familiar with this topic. The main goal is to develop a software that acts as amiddleware and supports multiple IoT DMSs and find out which techniques are suitable for finishingthis task successfully. The literature review was conducted and multiple IoT DMSs were researchedand their strength and weaknesses were identified. In addition to that, a software was developedin a form of web application with the capabilities to connect multiple IoT DMSs. This softwaresupports communication and data processing between four different IoT DMSs. Smart room lablocated on M¨alardalens University was used and connected to this software in combination with allthe devices and sensors that are connected in the Smart Room lab. The knowledge this researchprovides is useful to developers and users to use smart environment more efficiently. This area ofsoftware engineering (Internet of Things) has no limits and there are a lot of things that can bedone to improve it and make the full use of it.

Evaluating template-based automatic program repair in industry / Utvärdering av mallbaserad automatisk programreparation inom industrin

Applelid, Gunnar January 2021 (has links)
Automatic Program Repair (APR) is a field that has gained much attention in recent years. The idea of automatically fixing bugs could save time and money for companies. Template Based Automatic Program Repair is an area within APR that uses fix templates for generating patches and a test suite for evaluating them. However, there exists many various tools and datasets, and the concept has not widely been evaluated at companies or tried in production. Critique of current research is that the bug datasets are gathered from only a few projects, are sparsely updated and are not representative of real-world projects. This thesis evaluates, TBar, Template based automatic program repair tool for Java on a large open-source bug dataset Bears and a small company dataset. Further, TBar is modified to kBar to be used for experiments. The results show that kBar presents Plausible patches to 35% (19/54) of the selected bugs and 13% (7/54) of them is Correct. Finally, a prototype were implemented at Saab, waiting for the developers to submit the first real-world bug to fix. / Automatisk programreparation (APR) är ett område som har fått mycket uppmärksamhet under senare år. Att reparera buggar automatiskt kan spara både tid och pengar för företag. Mallbaserad automatisk programreparation är ett område inom APR som använder färdiga mallar för att laga buggar och tester för att utvärdera dem. Men det finns många olika verktyg och dataset och konceptet har inte blivit storskaligt utvärderat på företag eller testat i produktion. Kritik av nuvarande forskning är att dataset med buggar är insamlade från ett fåtal projekt, sällan uppdaterade och inte representerar verkliga projekt. Det här arbetet utvärderar, TBar, ett mallbaserat automatiskt programreparationsverktyg för Java på ett stort open-source bug dataset Bears och ett litet dataset från företaget. Vidare modifieras TBar till kBar för att användas i experiment. Resultaten visar att kBar presenterar möjliga lagningar till 35% (19/54) av de utvalda buggarna och 13% (7/54) av dem är korrekta. Slutligen implementerades en prototyp hos Saab, som är redo för att utvecklarna ska skicka in den första buggen att reparera.

Scaling the Simulation Core of Modifiable Virtual Environments with Serverless Computing / Skalning av simuleringskärnan för modifierbara virtuella miljöer.

Ron Arteaga, Javier January 2021 (has links)
Modifiable Virtual Environments (MVEs) are widely popular, especially in the video game industry. An example application of MVEs is the game Minecraft, which has a player count reaching into the hundreds of millions. But despite the huge number of users, MVE applications have significant limitations regarding scalability. MVEs are generally deployed in client-server architectures, where servers can support, at a maximum, a few hundreds of clients simultaneously. This scalability issue severely hinders interaction between users and communities. Previous work in MVE scalability has been focused on scaling out servers using approaches that focus on user actions, or moving away from client-server architectures, specifically in the form of peer-to-peer or hybrid architectures. Yet, distribution through serverless computing has only recently been proposed, and no attempt at designing or gathering experimental data has been presented. Therefore, this thesis proposes a model for distributing the simulation process of MVEs and a prototype implementing said model over a serverless computing platform, with the main objective of increasing their scalability. The distribution model is specific to MVEs and exploits its design properties. We also present a system design to take advantage of said model, which consists of two additions to a traditional MVC client-server architecture: a client-side module, and a cloud module. Experimental results show that the proposed distribution model, applied in a serverless computing setting, is a viable approach for scaling MVE simulations. Furthermore, regarding performance and scalability, results show a meaningful increase in the volume of users and simulated constructs that the system can correctly handle. / Modifierbara virtuella miljöer (MVE) är mycket populära, särskilt i videospelsindustrin. En exempelapplikation av MVE är spelet Minecraft, som har ett antal spelare uppemot hundratals miljoner. Men trots det stora antalet användare, MVE applikationer har betydande begränsningar när det gäller skalbarhet. MVE används vanligtvis i klient-server arkitekturer, där servrar maximalt kan stödja några hundratals klienter samtidigt. Detta skalbarhetsproblem hindrar allvarligt interaktionen mellan användare och communityn. Tidigare arbete inom MVE-skalbarhet har fokuserat på att skala ut servrar med hjälp av tillvägagångssätt som fokuserar på användaråtgärder, eller att flytta ifrån klient-server arkitekturer, specifikt i formen av peer-to-peer eller hybridarkitekturer. Ändå har distribution genom serverlös datoranvändning bara nyligen föreslagits, och inget försök med design eller insamling av experimentella data har presenterats. Därför föreslår detta arbete en modell för distribution av simuleringsprocessen av MVE och en prototyp som implementerar modellen över en serverlös datorplattform, med huvudsyftet att öka deras skalbarhet. Distributionsmodellen är specifik för MVE och utnyttjar dess designegenskaper. Vi presenterar också en systemdesign för att dra nytta av modellen, som består av två tillägg till en traditionell MVC-klientserverarkitektur: en modul på klientsidan och en molnmodul. Experimentella resultat visar att den föreslagna distributionsmodellen, som tillämpas med serverlös datoranvändning, är ett hållbart tillvägagångssätt för att skala MVE simuleringar. När det gäller prestanda och skalbarhet visar resultaten dessutom en meningsfull ökning av användarvolym och simulerade konstruktioner som systemet kan hantera korrekt.

Enhancing User Requirement Intake Using Natural Language Processing

Rentala, Rohit Kalyan January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Marknadsplattform för träningsanläggningar / Digital marketplace for training facilities

Andarzig, Kiana, Müller Rasmussen, Ilja, Raattamaa, Niklas, Dahlsberg, Victor, Eshak, Jonatan, Fröberg, Elise, Särnhammar, Emanuel January 2022 (has links)
Denna rapport beskriver ett projekt som gjordes i kursen TDDD96 - Kandidatprojekt i programvaruutveckling vid Linköpings universitet under våren 2022. Projektets mål var att utveckla en marknadsplattform åt företaget Zoezi där deras kunder hade möjligheten attvisa upp sina tjänster. Resultatet av projektet är en framände skriven i TypeScript somutvecklades med hjälp av ramverket React, samt en bakände skriven i Python som utvecklades med hjälp av ramverket Flask. Rapporten redovisar även hur gruppen arbetademed utvecklingsmetoden Scrum samt andra metoder som användes under utvecklingenav produkten. Vidare så presenterar rapporten de erfarenheter som gruppmedlemmarnahar erhållit under arbetets gång.De slutsatser som gruppen kommit fram till är att det är viktigt att sätta upp tydligabegränsningar och att ha rak kommunikation med beställaren för att skapa värde för kunden; gruppen har erhållit många erfarenheter under projektets gång, framförallt om hurman arbetar i grupp; en systemanatomi kan vara till stöd för en grupp, framförallt i börjanav ett projekt; agila arbetssätt har både positiva och negativa effekter på grupparbeten.Dessutom innehåller rapporten sju individuella delar som skrivits av gruppmedlemmarna och som behandlar ämnen relaterade till projektet.

End-to-End Software License Management

Pozder, Nudzejma January 2022 (has links)
As the software is constantly evolving, licensing choices in complex business environments are becoming more and more sophisticated, since licenses are used to govern software costs, access, and responsibilities. With the right licensing model in place and efficiently utilized licensing flow, organizations are able to ensure that the software is being used according to the licensing agreement which can strongly influence the return on software investment. The main objective of this thesis is to investigate what the process looks like when dealing with licenses that are tailored for a huge and complex software products, focusing on identifying improvement areas and proposing possible solutions in order to improve the license management in general. To achieve defined objective, this research has conducted a case study and qualitative comparison combining both published research and a real business context by performing sixteen interviews in two companies. Some of the main results of the investigation are: (i) license management is affected by the complete software end–to-end flow and such needs to be controlled by providing automated mechanisms for managing licenses through lifecycle changes, starting from the order step, through activation, upgrade, return, etc, (ii) centralized entitlement management (licensing server) should be established with shared and consistent view between all integrated systems to ease the process of tracking of all customer entitlements in one place,(iii) the license key files should not be delivered manually (via email) and in general, manual keys are the bottlenecks in the automated flow, (iv) contracts should be standardized in the first place to avoid manual translations from the customer purchase order into the sales order, (v) blockchain can be considered as a future trend towards software license management in various use cases (vi) usage-based and subscription-based licensing models are becoming more and more popular. The conclusions drawn from this study together with the presented results can help the research community to identify key strategies when exploring license management, but we believe it is also a good starting point to reveal possible directions for future research in this field as well.

Farstat : Trådlös temperaturmätare

Hersi, Mahamed, Yusuf, Mohamed January 2022 (has links)
Det här projektet går ut på att utveckla en produkt som ska underlätta för privatpersoner att ha koll på ett fordons temperatur och luftfuktighet på ett snabbt och enkelt sätt. Den utvecklade produkten ger nya uppdateringar om hur insidan av fordonet förändras. Med hjälp av en molntjänst kan man genom mobil, PC eller Linux få en inblick på klimatet inuti ett fordon. Processen startade med en marknadsanalys för att se om marknaden är i behov av en digitaliserad termometer. Därefter började projektgruppen undersöka hur farligt ett varmt fordon kan vara för djur och människor. Undersökningen visade att dagens fordon inte har kapabilitet att mäta klimatförändringar och lufkfuktighetsförändringar. Produkten utvecklas på ett sådant sätt att den kontinuerligt kan förbättras. Denna process gör att projektgruppen kan arbeta med produktens utveckling samtidigt som behovet av en portabel termometer & luftfuktighetsmätare ligger i framkant. Resultatet av produkten är en funktionell prototyp som kan mäta temperatur och luftfuktighet. Information kring temperatur och luftfuktighet matas in i Raspberry Pi och sedan in på molntjänst hemsidan där informationen enkelt visas på en Mobiltelefon eller PC. Värdena uppdateras var tionde sekund. Prototypen motsvarade projektgruppens förväntningar, men den kunde utvecklats ytterligare ifall den material som behövdes fanns tillgängligt. / This project aims to develop a product that will make it easier for private individuals to keep track of a vehicle's temperature and humidity in a quick and easy way. The developed product provides new updates on how the inside of the vehicle changes. With the help of a cloud service, you can get an insight into the climate inside a vehicle via mobile, PC or Linux. The process started with a market analysis to see if the market is in need of a digitized thermometer. The project team then began to investigate how dangerous a hot vehicle can be for animals and humans. The study showed that today's vehicles do not have the capacity to measure climate change and humidity changes. The product is developed in such a way that it can be continuously improved. This process allows the project team to work with product development while the need for a portable thermometer & humidity meter is at the forefront. The result of the product is a functional prototype that can measure temperature and humidity. Information about temperature and humidity is entered into the Raspberry Pi and then into the cloud service website where the information is easily displayed on a Mobile Phone or PC. The values are updated every five seconds. The prototype met the project group's expectations, but it could have been further developed if the material needed was available.

An Overview of Recent Product, Process, and People Metrics in Software Quality Assurance

Appiah, Donald January 2024 (has links)
Software Quality Assurance (SQA) is a critical aspect of the software development life cycle, ensuring the delivery of high-quality software products. This systematic literature review provides an overview of product, process and people metrics used in SQA, as well as the relationship between different metrics. Product Metrics focus on evaluating the characteristics and attributes of the software product itself. Pro- cess Metrics centre around the software development and testing processes. People Metrics focuses on evaluating the performance, skills, and collaboration of the indi- viduals involved in the software development team.  This study not only synthesizes existing knowledge on SQA measurements, but also elucidates the complicated interactions between these many metrics, offering a comprehensive understanding of their interaction. Furthermore, it methodically finds and addresses discrepancies in the identification and description of various in- dicators, helping to standardize SQA methods.  The paper also covers a range of technologies used for the quantification of the defined metrics with the goal of measurement accuracy and efficiency. The exami- nation of these tools not only aids in the practical comprehension of metric measure- ment but also the selection of appropriate instruments for certain SQA scenarios.  As software systems grow in complexity and size, the findings of this study are a significant resource for practitioners, researchers, and stakeholders alike, providing a nuanced viewpoint on improving software quality through strong SQA techniques.  Keywords: Product metrics, Process metrics, people metrics, Software quality as- surance, Development cycle Software Quality Assurance (SQA) Metrics Evaluation Product Metrics Process Metrics People Metrics Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).

An Overview of Recent Product, Process, and People Metrics in Software Quality Assurance

Appiah, Donald, Maxim, Makov January 2024 (has links)
Software Quality Assurance (SQA) is a critical aspect of the software development life cycle, ensuring the delivery of high-quality software products. This systematic literature review provides an overview of product, process and people metrics used in SQA, as well as the relationship between different metrics. Product Metrics focus on evaluating the characteristics and attributes of the software product itself. Process Metrics centre around the software development and testing processes. PeopleMetrics focuses on evaluating the performance, skills, and collaboration of the individuals involved in the software development team. This study not only synthesizes existing knowledge on SQA measurements but also elucidates the complicated interactions between these many metrics, offering a comprehensive understanding of their interaction. Furthermore, it methodically finds and addresses discrepancies in the identification and description of various indicators, helping to standardize SQA methods. The paper also covers a range of technologies used for the quantification of the defined metrics with the goal of measurement accuracy and efficiency. The examination of these tools not only aids in the practical comprehension of metric measurement but also in the selection of appropriate instruments for certain SQA scenarios. As software systems grow in complexity and size, the findings of this study are significant resources for practitioners, researchers, and stakeholders alike, providing nuanced viewpoints on improving software quality through strong SQA techniques. Keywords: Product metrics, Process metrics, people metrics, Software quality assurance, Development cycle Software Quality Assurance (SQA) Metrics evaluation metrics Process Metrics People Metrics Software Development Life Cycle(SDLC).

Development of simulation software for stereotactic neurosurgery / Development of dependable simulation software

Lennartsson, August January 2024 (has links)
Today stereotactic neurosurgery is a demanding and time-consuming procedure. To help the surgeons different tools are used. Elekta has developed a frame called the Leksell Vantage Stereotactic System (LVSS). The problem with the frame that Elekta has created is that for some inputs the system is blocking trajectories. Elekta tasked the author with producing a prototype app that evaluates pre-planned trajectories for possible collisions.  The prototype app is written in Rust using the Bevy game engine, the software simulates stereotactic coordinates and angles for evaluating neurosurgery trajectories. Testing reveals accurate X, Y, and Z scale movements, with some collision detection inconsistencies and alignment issues. Hardware requirements emphasize moderate specifications for RAM, CPU, and GPU utilization. The LVSS Simulator prototype app, facilitates coordinate manipulation, collision detection, and visual feedback. While patient-specific planning tools exist, the LVSS Simulator serves as a general application for trajectory planning based on equipment specifications.  The developed software shows strengths and weaknesses, with improvements suggested for collision handling and alignment. The software's reliability metrics are of small size, 794 lines of code (LOC) and moderate complexity because of McCabe's Cyclomatic Complexity (MCC).

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