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High fidelity micromechanics-based statistical analysis of composite material propertiesMustafa, Ghulam 08 April 2016 (has links)
Composite materials are being widely used in light weight structural applications due to their high specific stiffness and strength properties. However, predicting their mechanical behaviour accurately is a difficult task because of the complicated nature of these heterogeneous materials. This behaviour is not easily modeled with most of existing macro mechanics based models. Designers compensate for the model unknowns in failure predictions by generating overly conservative designs with relatively simple ply stacking sequences, thereby mitigating many of the benefits promised by composites.
The research presented in this dissertation was undertaken with the primary goal of providing efficient methodologies for use in the design of composite structures considering inherent material variability and model shortcomings. A micromechanics based methodology is proposed to simulate stiffness, strength, and fatigue behaviour of composites. The computational micromechanics framework is based on the properties of the constituents of composite materials: the fiber, matrix and fiber/matrix interface. This model helps the designer to understand in-depth the failure modes in these materials and design efficient structures utilizing arbitrary layups with a reduced requirement for supporting experimental testing. The only limiting factor in using a micromechanics model is the challenge in obtaining the constituent properties. The overall novelty of this dissertation is to calibrate these constituent properties by integrating the micromechanics approach with a Bayesian statistical model.
The early research explored the probabilistic aspects of the constituent properties to calculate the stiffness characteristics of a unidirectional lamina. Then these stochastic stiffness properties were considered as an input to analyze the wing box of a wind turbine blade. Results of this study gave a gateway to map constituent uncertainties to the top-level structure. Next, a stochastic first ply failure load method was developed based on micromechanics and Bayesian inference. Finally, probabilistic SN curves of composite materials were calculated after fatigue model parameter calibration using Bayesian inference.
Throughout this research, extensive experimental data sets from literature have been used to calibrate and evaluate the proposed models. The micromechanics based probabilistic framework formulated here is quite general, and applied on the specific application of a wind turbine blade. The procedure may be easily generalized to deal with other structural applications such as storage tanks, pressure vessels, civil structural cladding, unmanned air vehicles, automotive bodies, etc. which can be explored in future work. / Graduate / 0548 / enginer315@gmail.com
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Realistic Package Opening Simulations : An Experimental Mechanics and Physics Based ApproachAndreasson, Eskil January 2015 (has links)
A finite element modeling strategy targeting package opening simulations is the final goal with this work. The developed simulation model will be used to proactively predict the opening compatibility early in the development process of a new opening device and/or a new packaging material. To be able to create such a model, the focus is to develop a combined and integrated physical/virtual test procedure for mechanical characterization and calibration of thin packaging materials. Furthermore, the governing mechanical properties of the materials involved in the opening performance needs to be identified and quantified with experiments. Different experimental techniques complemented with video recording equipment were refined and utilized during the course of work. An automatic or semi-automatic material model parameter identification process involving video capturing of the deformation process and inverse modeling is proposed for the different packaging material layers. Both an accurate continuum model and a damage material model, used in the simulation model, were translated and extracted from the experimental test results. The results presented show that it is possible to select constitutive material models in conjunction with continuum material damage models, adequately predicting the mechanical behavior of intended failure in thin laminated packaging materials. A thorough material mechanics understanding of individual material layers evolution of microstructure and the micro mechanisms involved in the deformation process is essential for appropriate selection of numerical material models. Finally, with a slight modification of already available techniques and functionalities in the commercial finite element software AbaqusTM it was possible to build the suitable simulation model. To build a realistic simulation model an accurate description of the geometrical features is important. Therefore, advancements within the experimental visualization techniques utilizing a combination of video recording, photoelasticity and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) of the micro structure have enabled extraction of geometries and additional information from ordinary standard experimental tests. Finally, a comparison of the experimental opening and the virtual opening, showed a good correlation with the developed finite element modeling technique. The advantage with the developed modeling approach is that it is possible to modify the material composition of the laminate. Individual material layers can be altered and the mechanical properties, thickness or geometrical shape can be changed. Furthermore, the model is flexible and a new opening device i.e. geometry and load case can easily be adopted in the simulation model. Therefore, this type of simulation model is a useful tool and can be used for decision support early in the concept selection of development projects.
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Analysis of a Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Impact Attenuator for a Formula SAE Vehicle Using Finite Element AnalysisRappolt, John T 01 June 2015 (has links)
The Hashin failure criteria and damage evolution model for laminated fiber reinforced polymers are explored. A series of tensile coupon finite element analyses are run to characterize the variables in the physical model as well as modeling techniques for using an explicit dynamic solver for a quasi-static problem. An attempt to validate the model on an axial tube crush is presented. It was found that fiber buckling was not occurring at the impactor-tube interface. Results and speculation as to why the failure initiation is incorrect are discussed. Lessons learned from the tube crush are applied successfully to the quasi-static Formula SAE nosecone crush test. The model is validated by experimental data and the impact metrics between the test and model are within 5%. Future work and possible optimization techniques are discussed.
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Analysis of stitched T-joints under tension, bending, and combined tensile-flexureShah, Aditya 13 August 2024 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of the proposed research is to evaluate the mechanical response of stitched T-joints under tension, bending, and combined tensile-flexure loading. The use of fiber-reinforced polymer matrix composites has increased in primary load-bearing structures due to their many attributes, such as their high strength and stiffness-to-weight ratio, and tailorability. Composite T-joints are often used in aerospace, marine, and wind turbine structures to provide load connectivity between orthogonal components, such as stiffeners to skins. However, one of the main drawbacks of polymer matrix composites is their low interlaminar strength, which can lead to delamination when subjected to out-of-plane loads. Techniques such as braiding, knitting, stitching, tufting, and z-pinning have been used to reinforce T-joints in the through-thickness direction. Most research has been focused on the tensile or bending behavior of T-joints, although these joints are often subjected to a combination of tensile and bending loads in service. A few experimental and analytical studies have been conducted on the mechanical response under combined tensile-flexure loading conditions, but no studies have been conducted on stitched T-joints. In this study, mechanical tests of 3D stitched and unstitched T-joints under tension, bending, and combined tensile-flexure were conducted, and the ultimate load, displacement, and absorbed energy were obtained. The average displacement at total failure under tension, bending, and combined tensile-flexure loading conditions for the stitched specimens were found to be 34%, 51%, and 24% greater, respectively, when compared to their unstitched counterparts. Similarly, the average absorbed energy for stitched specimens is 58%, 82%, and 51% greater under tension, bending, and combined tensile-flexure loading conditions. The failure surfaces of stitched and unstitched T-joints were analyzed using an optical microscope, and areas of interest, such as resin-rich regions, stitches, and different damage types, were identified. Furthermore, the skin-flange interface fracture surface of the combined loading T-joint specimens were analyzed using a scanning electron microscope. Significant differences in the fracture surface indicated varying degrees of mixed-mode loading conditions within a specimen for all specimen types. A numerical analysis of a stitched double cantilever beam specimen was conducted to evaluate smeared cohesive laws to represent stitched regions. Overall, stitching results in improved damage tolerance in T-joints subjected to various loading conditions.
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Design and Characterization of Composite and Metal Adhesive JointsKaiser, Isaiah 08 August 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Modeling Repair of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites Employing a Stress-Based Constitutive Theory and Strain Energy-Based Progressive Damage and Failure TheoryDoudican, Bradley M. 20 September 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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A Regularized Extended Finite Element Method for Modeling the Coupled Cracking and Delamination of Composite MaterialsSwindeman, Michael James January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Μελέτη διάδοσης τασικών κυμάτων σε πολύστρωτες διατάξεις ινωδών συνθέτων υλικών. Αποτίμηση δομικής ακεραιότητας κατασκευαστικών στοιχείωνΑντωνίου, Αλέξανδρος 12 April 2010 (has links)
Κίνητρο της παρούσας διατριβής αποτέλεσε η αποτίμηση της δομικής ακεραιότητας κελυφοειδών κατασκευών από σύνθετα υλικά που παρουσιάζουν ανοχή στη βλάβη, με τη χρήση ακουστικών τεχνικών μη καταστροφικού ελέγχου. Στόχος ήταν η πειραματική και θεωρητική μελέτη επίδρασης της αστοχίας, που αναπτύσσεται σε μια πολύστρωτη μετά από φόρτιση, σε μετρήσιμα χαρακτηριστικά της κυματικής διάδοσης. Χωρίζεται σε δύο τμήματα, στη μοντελοποίηση της βλάβης και στη μελέτη επίδρασης αυτής στην κυματική διάδοση.
Η έρευνα εστιάστηκε σε μορφές αστοχίας που συναντώνται σε πολύστρωτες υπό επίπεδη εντατική κατάσταση και συσσωρεύεται κατά το πάχος τους στη διάρκεια φόρτισης. Για την προσομοίωση της δημιουργήθηκαν διαφορετικά μηχανικά μοντέλα. Έμφαση δόθηκε στην προσέγγιση της συμπεριφοράς του υλικού υπό μονότονη στατική φόρτιση. Γι’ αυτό αναπτύχθηκε ένα φαινομενολογικό πρότυπο προοδευτικής αστοχίας για gl/ep πολύστρωτες.
Η δομή του στηρίχθηκε σε τέσσερις πυλώνες. Πρώτον στην πειραματική διαδικασία χαρακτηρισμού μηχανικών ιδιοτήτων της μονοαξονικής στρώσης, ως το βασικό δομικό υλικό μιας πολύστρωτης. Ο ενδελεχής χαρακτηρισμός του υλικού σπάνια συναντάται σε τέτοια έκταση. Δεύτερον από τις δοκιμές προέκυψαν οι καταστατικές εξισώσεις της στρώσης. Η προσέγγιση της ανισότροπης μη – γραμμικότητας του υλικού έγινε με βηματική, γραμμική ανά βήμα, τασική ανάλυση στο επίπεδο της στρώσης χρησιμοποιώντας εφαπτομενική ελαστικότητα. Ο τρίτος πυλώνας αφορά στον προσδιορισμό έναρξης αστοχίας. Υιοθετήθηκαν κριτήρια ευρείας αποδοχής στο σχεδιασμό με σύνθετα υλικά, όπως π.χ. του Puck, των Shokrieh και Lessard κ.α., προτείνοντας και έναν νέο συνδυασμό τους. Τέλος, στρατηγικές υποβάθμισης των μηχανικών ιδιοτήτων της στρώσης προσομοίωσαν το αποτέλεσμα της συσσώρευσης αστοχίας μετά την έναρξή της.
Το πρότυπο προοδευτικής αστοχίας ενσωματώθηκε σε στοιχείο κελύφους εμπορικού κώδικα πεπερασμένων στοιχείων. Ακολούθησε αξιολόγηση του, συγκρίνοντας τα αριθμητικά αποτελέσματα με πλειάδα μονοαξονικών και πρωτότυπων διαξονικών πειραμάτων. Η διαδικασία αυτή οδήγησε αφενός στην σημαντική για τον σχεδιασμό παρατήρηση εξάρτησης του μέτρου διάτμησης από το υπάρχον επίπεδο εντατικό πεδίο και αφετέρου στην εξέλιξη του προτύπου ώστε παρά τον περιορισμό των καταστατικών εξισώσεων που το διέπουν να μπορεί να προσομοιώσει τη διαστρωματική αποκόλληση.
Έχοντας αναπτύξει τα εργαλεία περιγραφής της βλάβης, η διατριβή ολοκληρώνεται με τη μελέτη δομικής ακεραιότητας, χρησιμοποιώντας τη μη – καταστροφική τεχνική των ακουστό - υπέρηχων. Παρουσιάζεται το πειραματικό και θεωρητικό υπόβαθρο της διάδοσης τασικών κυμάτων σε κελύφη. Πρότυπα πολύστρωτων που υπέστησαν αριθμητική βλάβη υποβλήθηκαν σε αριθμητικές μη – καταστροφικές δοκιμές, καταλήγοντας σε συμπεράσματα όπως π.χ. τη μείωση της φασικής ταχύτητας με τη συσσώρευση βλάβης. / The motivation for the present research was the integrity estimation of shell – like structures made of damage tolerant composite materials, using acoustic non destructive testing techniques. An experimental and theoretical study was held aiming to investigate the influence of the damage, accumulated in a loaded laminate, in measurable wave propagation characteristics. The thesis is separated in two major parts. One described with detail the damage simulation model and the other the damage effects on the wave propagation and the wave mechanics.
The study was focused on damage modes developed in composite laminates under in – plane complex stress fields due to several loading conditions and various mechanical models were developed for simulation purposes. Emphasis was given in the description of the material performance under monotonic static loading. Thus, a phenomenological progressive damage model for gl/ep multiaxial laminates was developed.
This was structured based on four pillars. Primarily, as the laminate basic building block, the unidirectional layer was mechanically characterized. Such an extended experimental procedure can hardly be found. Secondly, the test results defined the ply constitutive equation laws. The highly anisotropic material non – linearity was approximated with piece – wise linear incremental layer by layer stress analysis using tangential elasticity. The third pillar regarded the damage initiation conditions. Thus, well defined criteria widely accepted in composite design were implemented i.e. Puck, Shokrieh and Lessard, etc. Finally post failure strategies were deployed, simulating material mechanical properties degradation emerging during damage accumulation.
The progressive damage model was incorporated in a shell element of a commercial finite element code. An extended validation procedure took place comparing numerical results with several uniaxial and innovative biaxial test data. During this procedure the G12 shear modulus dependence on the developed plane stress field was thoroughly studied, resulting in recommendations for the designer and the selection of the appropriate modulus value. Additionally, the material model was further enhanced, taking into account incompatible failures with its constitutive equations e.g. delamination.
Having developed several tools that described damage existence or accumulation, this dissertation was finished with the structural integrity study, using the acousto – ultrasonics non destructive testing technique. The experimental and theoretical background for stress wave propagation in waveguides was presented. Numerically damaged material models were additionally inspected with numerical non – destructive tests, resulting in specific conclusions for damage effect on measurable wave propagation characteristics, e.g. phase velocity reduction with damage growth.
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