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Samband mellan berggrund och vegetation : Grönstensområden och skyddad naturKarlsson, Anna January 2018 (has links)
Mafic bedrock being beneficial to vegetation is a relationship that is being mentioned in different kinds of nature related litterature. This relationship is however not always explained and other factors may be as important as, or even more influential than, the bedrock content. In this study the relationship between mafic rock and protected areas of nature is being examined, based on the following questions. - How does geology, with respect to bedrock content and weathering, create benign conditions for vegetation? - To what extent is the environment on mafic bedrock, or in its proximity, often judged as worth protecting? The theoretical basis for the study is soil formation regarding parent material, based on Jenny´s formula, and weathering according to the Goldich dissolution series. The method used is a comparison between maps showing bedrock and maps showing areas with protected nature. The protected areas are considered as connected to the mafic bedrock if they are within the mafic area, or up to 2 km from the mafic area in the direction of the ice movement during the last ice age (Weichsel) in Sweden. The mainland of the municipality of Oskarshamn, on the southeast coast of Sweden, is used for a case study. The bedrock in this area is mainly felsic, with some minor areas being mafic. The result shows a higher degree of protected nature, for the types “naturreservat” and ”Natura 2000”, on mafic bedrock, or in the vicinity of the mafic area, than for felsic bedrock. The result for Oskarshamn is compared to mafic bedrock areas around Åseda and Fagerhult and to the limestone area around Vintrosa. For all of these three cases there are areas of protected environment, within or in the vicinity of the studied bedrock areas. Although there seems to be a relationship between mafic bedrock and protected nature, other factors need to be considered as well. The influence of topography, access to water, local climate and e.g. the particle size of the soil, may contribute considerably to the content and distribution of the vegetation at a specific place.
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Primena koncepta održivog razvoja u specijalnim rezervatima prirode Vojvodine / Achieving sustainable development in special nature reserves in VojvodinaStojanović Vladimir 25 June 2004 (has links)
<p>Specijalni rezervati prirode "Gornje Podunavlje", "Karađorđevo", "Koviljsko - petrovaradinski rit", "Obedska bara", i "Stari Begej - Carska bara" predstavljaju upečatljive primere vlažnih staništa Vojvodine. Raznovrsni prirodni resursi predodredili su ove prostore za privredni razvoj u okviru šumarstva, ribarstva, lovstva, ali i turizma. Sve to proizvodi snažan pritisak na zaštićene ekosisteme. Intenzivni uticaji na ove prostore realizovani su i u prošlosti, pre proglašenja zaštite. Zbog svega, ovo je pravi momenat da se počne razmišljati o njihovom održivom korišćenju, kako bi i buduće generacije mogle, u istoj ili većoj meri, da koriste resurse specijalnih rezervata prirode. Održivi razvoj bi mogao bitno da pomogne proces zaštite prirode koja je od suštinskog značaja za ova vlažna staništa.</p> / <p>Special nature reserves "Gornje Podunavlje, "Karadjordjevo", "Koviljsko - petrovaradinski rit", "Obedska bara", and "Stari Begej - Carska bara" present outstanding examples of wetlands in Vojvodina. Diverse natural resources have earmarked these areas for economic development within forestry, fishing, hunting and tourism. All of these activities have protection of nature has been declared. Because of all this, it is the right moment to start thinking about using special nature reserves sustainably, so as to let future generations use their rosources to a greater extent. Sustainable development could significantly help the process of the protection of nature, which is of essential importance for these wetlands.</p>
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