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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Památková péče na území Prahy v období protektorátu Čechy a Morava / Historic Preservation in Prague during the Protectorate Period Bohemia and Moravia

Vobořilová Kadlecová, Žaneta January 2019 (has links)
Until publication of this book, the issue of conservation of heritage sites in Prague between 1939 and 1945, which is so fundamental for our cultural history, has not been addressed with the attention it deserves. In the thirties and forties of the twentieth century, the discipline of heritage conservation in periods of war evolved significantly, and lay down the foundations of modern approach to cultural heritage site protection. Even before the Second World War, in the Great War, a number of European countries experienced serious damage to their valuable collections. For this reason, in the period between the wars, first theoretical attempts to establish new approach and methods of protection of cultural heritage vulnerable to damage in war appeared, as documented in studies by several significant public figures, e. g. by Carl Justi. The deteriorating political situation in Europe in the thirties inspired reflection upon this issue, considering means of modern war, technological progress in weaponry, as well as destructive capacity of the arms, threatening European cultural heritage. Four years before the Second World War started, discussion on how to effectively protect heritage from war-imposed damage had been initiated in Germany by prof. Otto Kümmel. In that time, Kümmel did not have...

Stereotypy zobrazování protektorátní doby v současné filmové tvorbě / Stereotypes of interpretation of the Protectorate in contemporary film production

Stiburková, Anna January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis Stereotypes of representation of the Protectorate period in Contemporary Film Creation focuses on the examination of stereotypical depictions of fictional worlds determined by a historical model in film production thematically situated in the period of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. The subject of the research is mainly gender stereotypes of fictional characters and stereotyping of the fictional environment on the example of costumes, masks, period props, musical accompaniment and other elements of narration. The theoretical framework of the work is based primarily on the findings presented in the Introduction to the Semantics of Fictional Worlds by Bohumil Fořt and by Narrative Ways in Czech Literature by Lubomír Doležel. The knowledge of stereotyping theory is drawn from Nick Lacey's Image and Representation: Key Concepts in Media Studies and Pierre Sorlin's Europian Cinemas, Europian Societies 1939-1990. To obtain the necessary information about filmmaking, the publications of Radomír D. Kokeš, The Analysis of Film and David Bordwell and Kristin Thompson, The Art of Film: An Introduction to the Study of Form and Style, were used. The research sample on which this tendency is presented is the Czech war drama Operation Silver A, which depicts the everyday reality of...

Principy a cíle německé propagandy v protektorátu Čechy a Morava / Principles and goals of the German propaganda in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia

Straka, Vojtěch January 2016 (has links)
The goal of this paper will be to show in three single case studies the basic characteristics of nazi propaganda on the teritory of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. Firstly, picturing of the enemy, both outside enemy (coverage of the war, bombing of civilians) and enemy within (primary jewish question). Because picture of the enemy was the key to the nazi propaganda itself. Than I continue with the study of the longterm, ideological efforts and goals nazi propaganda had in the protectorate. Here, the main target was czech youth and reinterpretation of the czech history itself. In the last case study i'm observing short term efforts nazis had. These efforts were driven primarily by the necesity of war production and need to use full potential of the strong czech industry. All these cases are then summarized and my goal it to show their effectivity on their respective fields of influence. (industrial production, creation of combat troops, voluntary membership in the collaboration organizations, etc.)

Československá kinematografie v německých filmových periodikách v letech 1933-1945 / Perception of Czechoslovakian cinematography by German film periodicals between 1933-1945

Bělohlávková, Alice January 2010 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Perception of Czechoslovakian cinematography by German film periodicals between 1933 - 1945" deals with the Czech film industry as it was received by German specialized press with an emphasis on the recognition of changes, that took place after the formation of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. The period is divided into two stages. The first, 1933 to March 15, 1939 and the second, March 16, 1939 to May 1945, when the end of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia was proclaimed. Historical events determined the path of Czech cinematography and later protectoral cinematography (Slovak cinematography was not developed at the time). These events are specified in the thesis as well as the Czech film industry in terms of local and foreign production, distribution, film - makers and organizations. A lot of news from Czech lands was published in the German press due to close connections between Czech and German cinematography which was only further interconnected after the formation of the Protectorate. The analytical portion comprises a historical comparison of texts from daily Der Film - Kurier, weekly Der Film and monthly Der deutsche Film. The articles are divided according to their topics and compared with each other in concurrent periods. The character and impletion was changed by...

Proměna obrazu Sovětského svazu v protektorátním denním tisku na příkladu srovnání dobových mediálních obsahů z přelomu srpna a září 1939 a přelomu června a července 1941 / How changed the image of the Soviet Union in the protectorate daily press-comparison of the contemporary media contents in august-september 1939 and june-juli 1941

Veselá, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Change of the Soviet Union image in the protectorate press based on comparison of the media content from the turn of August/September 1939 and June/July 1941" deals with the manner in which the protectorate newspapers informed about the Ribbentop-Molotov Pact and later about the German invasion of the Soviet Union. The examples of these events and their reflection in the Protectorate press demonstrate how flexibly the protectorate propaganda responded to the current political line. For the purposes of the thesis, there have been selected three newspapers: Polední list, Večerní České Slovo and Venkov. These periodicals were examined in two time-bound periods, from 23rd August till 27th September 1939 and from 16th June till 14th July 1941. The methodology used is a historical comparative analysis, which discusses the transformation of Protectorate propaganda attitudes in the dependence on the historical context, and semiotic analysis, which deals with period media discourse and reveals ideology sustained on the level of sign systems.

Literární venkov v protektorátní kinematografii / Literary country in protectorate cinematography

Svěcená, Dobroslava January 2013 (has links)
(in English): This paper deals with the beginnings of nationally-emancipatory and patriotic expressions, which became part of the Czech rural prose during the nineteenth century and which are reflected as nation-defending tendencies in protectorate cinematography by a medium of film adaptation in the twentieth century. The paper intends to interconnect both of these historical periods. Due to the political and social reasons there was increased amount of revivalist ideals of the national rural life in the classic Czech rural prose as well as in the films. The ideals came from national historical traditions and from the cult of the nature and countryside, in which the topos of a "little cottage" ("idyllic place") played the major role. These elements became part of the self-image of the Czech people during the rise of the modern Czech nation (i.e. from the beginning of the nineteenth century till the World War I) and were intensified in the era of national menace during the protectorate. Last part of the paper, which uses the example of the writer Božena Němcová and her novel Babička, shows the concrete expressions of these ideals, that became part of her cult during the decades.

Ideologie v diskurzu protektorátního denního tisku / Ideology in the protectorate daily press discourse

Veselská, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis Ideology in the protectorate daily press discourse deals with the influence of ideology in the discourse of then legally published dailies České slovo, Lidové noviny and Venkov. The theoretical part refers firstly to the historical background of the state formation Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia and its political and social status within the Greater German Reich. After having depicted the demonstrations of 28th October 1939 and the events of 17th November 1939 the media character in the protectorate era is introduced, a special emphasis is put on the press. After that the concept of discourse is clarified as well as its origin, meaning and current interpretation. Besides the critical discourse analysis, its origins, aims and three major approaches are described. The last chapter of the theoretical part is devoted to the discourse-historical approach which was developed by Ruth Wodak and her colleagues from the Vienna School. The ideal procedure of this approach is outlined and the discursive strategies of nomination, predication and argumentation are explained. With their aid an analysis of four newspaper articles is carried out in the practical part of the thesis. After having summarised the textual analysis the influence of ideology around the events of 17th November 1939 is compared...

Periodický tisk na Rokycansku v letech 1945-1956 / Periodical press in region of Rokycany in years 1945-1956

Kotorová, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the history of periodicals in the region Rokycany during the years 1945- 1956. It shows the evolution of journalism and it maps regional periodicals. There is also described the social climate with emphasizes on the social, political and cultural transformations of region Rokycany, which should illustrate the situation and bring deeper understanding of the context. The first part deals with the geographical and historical context of that region at the time of the First and Second Republic, the Protectorate and the post-war development until the mid-50s. The second chapter deals with a recap of periodicals until 1945, there are briefly described preserved periodicals. The main part maps the periodicals in region Rokycany during the years 1945-1956. At first the chapter focuses on an early post- war period, 1945-1948, when the social and political sphere began to awaken back to life again, and so did the journalism. During this period, many periodicals were dissolved, but on the other hand a lot of old periodicals were re-established and some new were founded. There are also reflected communist efforts to control the media, particularly through the regulatory moves. This chapter also pays attention to the period 1948-1956, when it focuses on how the political events of 1948 and...

Konec 2. světové války na Mirovicku / End of the Second World War in Mirovicko

Sádlová, Martina January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with everyday life of the people at Mirovicko during years 1938 - 1945 with aim to a cover end of the Second World War. It is divided in three main parts. The beginning section describes work methodology and choice of sources. The following section covers period of the protectorate at Mirovicko. In these chapters there are described chronologically the chosen changes and new things in different spheres of the human lives that affected residents of Mirovicko in an each war years. The thesis regards the culture, political, resistance, federal and school life. The last part is dedicated to end of Second World War at Mirovicko. Also there are described all war events during the May revolutionary days in Mirovice. The end of this chapter mentions some of the war years consequences and outlines development of the situation after 13. May 1945 in Mirovice. Keywords: Mirovice- Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia- Occupation politics - Second World War- May 1945

Historie terezínských transportů Dl a Dm do Osvětimi / History of the transports Dl and Dm from Teresienstadt to Auschwitz

Strmisková, Sabina January 2011 (has links)
The theme of this thesis is the history of two transports, transports Dl and Dm dispatched september 6 1943 from ghetto Terezín to Auschwitz. It is possible to find a lot of information in many publications, but this thesis introduces this subject throught testimonies of eyewitnesses. Starting with the family background, continuing with deportation to Theresienstadt from where the transports were dispatched. Concerning the transport to Auschwitz, I elaborated its characteristics looking at the age and sex of the transported inmates. Due to the witness's testimonies, I tried to concentrate on the history of two day's journey to the biggest extermination camp during the second world war. And the eyewitness's testimonies are illustrating all the welcoming ceremony, the desinfection, tattoo and dormitory allocation. In my thesis, I would like to describe the Terezin inmates' biannual stay in family camp B IIb, tragical death of 3 792 of them at night of 8 to 9 March 1944, seeking to recreate the Dr. Mengele's list of medical personnel and twins. Finally, I would like to emphasise the fate of 41 survivors of those transports.

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