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Haemolymph sugar homeostasis and the control of the proventriculus in the honeybee (Apis mellifera carnica L.) / Hämolymphzuckerhomeostase und die Kontrolle des Proventrikels in der Honigbiene (Apis mellifera carnica L.)Blatt, Jasmina January 2001 (has links) (PDF)
The proventriculus regulates the food passage from crop to midgut. As the haemolymph provides a constantly updated indication of an insect’s nutritional state, it is assumed that the factor controlling the proventri-culus activity is to be found in the haemolymph. The purpose of this doctoral thesis was to investigate how output (metabolic rate), input (food quality and food quantity) and internal state variables (haemolymph osmolarity and haemolymph sugar titer) affect each other and which of these factors controls the activity of the proventriculus in the honeybee. Therefore free-flying foragers were trained to collect con-trolled amounts of different sugar solutions. Immediately after feeding, metabolic rates were measured over different periods of time, then crop-emptying rates and haemolymph sugar titers were measured for the same individual bees. Under all investigated conditions, both the sugar transport rates through the proventriculus and the haemolyph sugar titers depended mainly on the metabolism. For bees collecting controlled amounts of 15 per cent, 30 per cent or 50 per cent sucrose solution haemolymph trehalose, glucose and fructose titers were constant for metabolic rates from 0 to 4.5 mlCO2/h. At higher metabolic rates, trehalose concentration decreased while that of glucose and fructose increased with the exception of bees fed 15 per cent sucrose solution. As the supply of sugar from the crop via the proventriculus was sufficient to support even the highest metabolic rates, the observed pattern must result from an upper limit in the capacity of the fat body to synthesise trehalose. The maximal rate of conversion of glucose to trehalose in the fat body was therefore calculated to average 92.4 µg glucose/min. However, for bees fed 15 per cent sucrose solution both the rate of conversion of glucose to trehalose and the rate of sugar transport from the crop to the midgut were limited, causing an overall decrease in total haemolymph sugar titers for metabolic rates higher than 5 mlCO2/h. Haemolymph sucrose titers were generally low but increased with increasing metabolic rates, even though sucrose was not always detected in bees with high metabolic rates. Though foragers were able to adjust their sugar transport rates precisely to their metabolic rates, a fixed surplus of sugars was transported through the proventriculus under specific feed-ing conditions. This fixed amount of sugars increased with increasing concentration and in-creasing quantity of fed sugar solution, but decreased with progressing time after feeding. This fixed amount of sugars was independent of the metabolic rates of the bees and of the molarity and viscosity of the fed sugar solution. As long as the bees did not exhaust their crop content, the haemolymph sugar titers were unaffected by the sugar surplus, by the time after feeding, by the concentration and by the viscosity of fed sugar solution. When bees were fed pure glucose (or fructose) solutions, un-usually little fructose (or glucose) was found in the haemolymph, leading to lower total haemolymph sugar titers, while the trehalose titer remained unaffected. In order to investigate the mechanisms underlying the regulation of the honeybee proven-triculus, foraging bees were injected either with metabolisable (glucose, fructose, trehalose), or non-metabolisable sugars (sorbose). Bees reacted to injections of metabolisable sugars with reduced crop-emptying rates, but injection of non-metabolisable sugars had no influence on crop emptying. Therefore it is concluded that the proventriculus regulation is controlled by the concentration of metabolisable compounds in the haemolymph, and not by the haemo-lymph osmolarity. A period of 10min was enough to observe reduced crop emptying rates after injections. It is suggested that glucose and fructose have an effect on the proventriculus activity only via their transformation to trehalose. However, when the bees were already in-jected 5min after feeding, no response was detectable. In addition it was investigated whether the overregulation is the result of feed-forward regulation for the imminent take-off and flight. In a first experiment, we investigated whether the bees release an extra amount of sugar solution very shortly before leaving for the hive. In a second experiment, it was tested whether the distance covered by the bees might have an influence on the surplus amount released prior to the take-off. In a third experiment, it was investigated if walking bees fail to release this extra amount of sugars, as they do not have to fly. Though we were not able to demonstrate that the overregulation is the result of feed-forward regulation for the imminent take-off and flight, it is conceivable that this phenome-non is a fixed reaction in foragers that can not be modulated. To investigate whether regulated haemolymph sugar titers are also observed in honeybee foragers returning from natural food sources, their crop contents and haemolymph sugar titers were investigated. While the quantity of the collected nectar was without influence on the haemolymph sugar titers, foragers showed increasing haemolymph sugar titers of glucose, fructose and sucrose with increasing sugar concentration of the carried nectar. In contrast no relationship between crop nectar concentrations and haemolymph trehalose titers was observed. We are sure that the regulation of food passage from crop to midgut is controlled by the trehalose titer. However, under some conditions the balance between consumption and income is not numerically exact. This imprecision depends on the factors which have an impact on the foraging energetics of the bees but are independent of those without influence on the foraging energetics. Therefore we would assume that the proventriculus activity is modulated by the motivational state of the bees. / Der Proventrikel reguliert den Nahrungstransport vom Kropf zum Mitteldarm. Da die Hämolymphe einen stets aktuellen Einblick in den Ernährungszustand eines Insekts gewährt, kann man annehmen, dass der die Proventrikelaktivität regulierende Faktor in der Hämolymphe zu finden ist. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Doktorarbeit war es, die gegenseitige Beeinflussung von Aufnahme (Futterqualität und –quantität), Verbrauch (Stoffwechselrate) und „internal state“ Variablen (Hämolymphosmolarität und –zuckerspiegel) zu untersuchen und herauszufinden, welcher dieser Faktoren die Aktivität des Proventrikels bei der Honigbiene kontrolliert. Zu diesem Zweck wurden frei fliegende Sammlerinnen trainiert, kontrollierte Mengen verschiedener Zuckerlösungen zu sammeln. Direkt nach dem Füttern wurden die Stoffwechsel-raten über bestimmte Zeiten gemessen, danach wurden Kropfentleerungsraten und Hämo-lymphzuckerspiegel der jeweiligen Bienen gemessen. Unter allen untersuchten Bedingungen waren sowohl die Zuckertransportraten durch den Proventrikel als auch die Hämolymphzuckerspiegel hauptsächlich von der Stoffwechselrate abhängig. Bei Bienen, die kontrollierte Mengen von 15-, 30- oder 50-prozentigen Saccharoselösungen gesammelt hatten, waren die Hämolymph-trehalose, -glucose und –fructosespiegel für Stoffwechselraten von 0 – 4,5 mlCO2/h konstant. Bei höheren Stoffwechselraten sank die Trehalosekonzentra-tion, während die von Glucose und Fructose stieg; eine Ausnahme stellten Bienen dar, denen 15-prozentige Saccharoselösung gefüttert worden war. Da die Zuckerversorgung aus dem Kropf über den Proventrikel ausreichte, um auch die höchsten Stoffwechselraten zu ermöglichen, müssen die beobachteten Verläufe von einer Limitierung des Fettkörpers hinsichtlich der Trehalosesynthese herrühren. Die maximale Umwandlungs-rate von Glucose zu Trehalose im Fettkörper wurde daher auf 92,4 µg Glucose/ Minute berechnet. Allerdings war sowohl die Umwandlungsrate von Glucose zu Trehalose als auch die Zuckertransportrate vom Kropf in den Mitteldarm bei Bienen limitiert, die 15-prozentige Saccharoselösungen gefüttert bekamen. Insgesamt führte das zu einem Absinken des Gesamt-Hämolymphzuckerspiegels bei Stoffwechselraten, die über 5 mlCO2/h lagen. Auch wenn die Sammlerinnen in der Lage waren ihre Zuckertransportrate genau an ihre Stoffwechselrate anzupassen, wurde unter bestimmten Bedingungen ein festgelegter Überschuss an Zuckern durch den Proventrikel transportiert. Dieser Überschuss an Zuckern vergrößerte sich mit zunehmender Konzentration und zunehmender Menge der gefütterten Zuck-erlösung, verkleinerte sich aber mit fortschreitender Zeit nach dem Füttern. Er war unab-hängig vom Stoffwechsel der Bienen und der Molarität und Viskosität der gefütterten Zuckerlösung. So lange die Bienen ihren Kropfinhalt nicht aufgebraucht hatten, waren die Hämolymphzuckerspiegel von dem Überschuss an transportiertem Zucker, von der Zeitspanne zwischen Füttern und Hämolymphentnahme sowie der Konzentration der gefütterten Lösung und deren Viskosität unbeeinflusst. Wenn die Bienen allerdings reine Glucose- (oder Fruc-tose-)lösungen gefüttert bekamen, wurde wesentlich weniger Fructose (oder Glucose) in der Hämolymphe gemessen, was zu niedrigeren Gesamt-Hämolymphzuckerspiegeln führte, während der Trehalosespiegel unbeeinflusst blieb. Um den Mechanismus zu untersuchen, der der Proventrikelregulierung unterliegt, wurden Sammlerinnen mit entweder verdaubaren (Glucose, Fructose oder Trehalose) oder unver-daubaren Zuckern (Sorbose) injiziert. Die Bienen reagierten auf die Injektionen der ver-daubaren Zucker mit einer Reduzierung der Kropfentleerungsrate, wohingegen die Injizierung nicht verdaubarer Zucker keinen Einfluss auf die Kropfentleerung hatte. Daraus wird geschlossen, dass die Proventrikelregulation von der Konzentration der verdaubaren Kompo-nenten in der Hämolymphe kontrolliert wird und nicht von der Hämolymph-osmolarität. Eine Zeitspanne von 10min reichte aus, um nach der Injektion reduzierte Kropfentleerungsraten zu beobachten. Es wird angenommen, dass Glucose und Fructose nur über die Umwandlung zu Trehalose einen Einfluss auf die Proventrikelaktivität haben. Wenn allerdings die Injektionen bereits 5min nach der Futteraufnahme stattfanden, wirkte sich das nicht auf die Kropfentleerungsrate aus. Weiterhin wurde untersucht, ob die Überregulation das Ergebnis einer „Vorschussregula-tion“ für den anstehenden Abflug und Flug ist. In einem ersten Experiment wurde untersucht, ob die Bienen diesen Überschuss erst direkt vor dem Abflug durch den Proventrikel lassen. In einem zweiten Experiment wurde untersucht, ob die Entfernung zwischen Stock und Futter-quelle einen Einfluss auf die Menge des transportierten Zuckerüberschusses hat. In einem dritten Experiment wurde untersucht ob laufende Bienen auch einen Überschuss an Zuckern durch den Proventrikel leiten, obwohl sie nicht fliegen müssen. Auch wenn wir nicht nach-weisen konnten, dass die Überregulation das Ergebnis einer Vorschussregulation für den anstehenden Abflug und Flug ist, ist es dennoch denkbar, dass dieses Phänomen eine festge-legte Reaktion der Sammlerinnen ist, die nicht moduliert werden kann. Um zu untersuchen, ob man auch bei Sammlerinnen, die von natürlichen Futterquellen kommen, regulierte Hämolymphzuckerspiegel findet, wurden deren Kropfinhalte und Hämolymphzuckerspiegel bestimmt. Während die Menge des gesammelten Nektars keinen Einfluss auf die Hämolymphzuckerspiegel hatte, hatten Sammlerinnen höhere Glucose-, Fructose- und Saccharosehämolymphzucker-spiegel, wenn der Nektar im Kropf höher konzentriert war. Im Gegensatz dazu wurde keine Beziehung zwischen Nektarkonzentration und Trehalosespiegel gefunden. Wir sind sicher, dass die Regulation des Futtertransports vom Kropf zum Mitteldarm über den Trehalosespiegel kontrolliert wird. Trotzdem ist die Bilanz zwischen Zuckertransportrate und Stoffwechsel nicht unter allen Bedingungen exakt ausgeglichen. Diese „Ungenauigkeit“ ist von denjenigen Faktoren abhängig, die einen Einfluss auf die Sammelenergetik der Sammlerinnen haben, aber unabhängig von den Faktoren, die keinen Einfluss auf die Sam-melenergetik haben. Daher nehmen wir an, dass die Proventrikelaktivität über die Motivation der Bienen moduliert werden kann.
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Estudo radiográfico retrospectivo das alterações do proventrículo em psitacídeos / Retrospective radiographic study of proventricular abnormalities among psittacinesPraes, Patricia Lima 07 October 2013 (has links)
Este estudo retrospectivo revisa os achados radiográficos em exames simples e contrastados de 38 aves psittaciformes com alterações no proventrículo. Os dados foram obtidos do Serviço de Diagnóstico por imagem do departamento de cirurgia junto ao Hospital Veterinário da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia da Universidade de São Paulo, durante o período de janeiro de 2004 a abril de 2012. A distribuição das alterações, assim como as suas respectivas espécies e idades, foram estudadas. O sexo das aves não foi considerado neste estudo. A espécie Amazona aestiva (papagaio-verdadeiro) alcançou a porcentagem mais elevada (44,8%) entre as diversas ordens, seguidos pelos Nymphicus hollandicus (Calopsita) (28,9%). Neste período de oito anos, os sintomas mais comuns observados na anamnese foram a \"apatia/prostração\" e \"anorexia/prostração\" (52,63% cada). Entre as suspeitas clínicas mais frequentes, a doença da dilatação do proventrículo (PDD) foi a mais citada (26,32%). O achado radiográfico mais frequentemente observado foi a \"dilatação do proventrículo por conteúdo de radiodensidade gás e líquido\" (34,21%). A medição do proventrículo foi um dado descrito em 34,84% dos laudos. Dentre as aves estudadas com alterações radiográficas em proventrículo, o exame radiográfico contrastado por sulfato de bário foi solicitado em 26,32% dos casos, onde o achado radiográfico mais comum foi a \"retenção do meio de contraste ou evolução lenta do mesmo\". Dentre os casos com suspeita clínica de PDD, os únicos nos quais foi possível obter confirmação foram aqueles em que foi solicitado o exame contrastado. Algumas aves também exibiram alterações radiográficas inespecíficas. A dilatação de proventrículo em si não é patognomônica para PDD, visto que esta pode vir de forma atípica e que há diversas outras doenças que causam alterações semelhantes. / This retrospective study examines radiographic findings of plain and contrastenhanced examinations of 38 psittacine birds presenting proventricular abnormalities. The data were obtained by the Image Diagnostic Service of the Veterinary Hospital of the School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science of the University of São Paulo between January 2004 and April 2012. The distribution of the abnormalities, as well as the birds species and ages, were also investigated. The birds sex was not taken into account. The highest percentage among the different orders (44.8%) was observed among specimens of Amazona aestiva (Blue-fronted Parrot), followed by Nymphicus hollandicus (Cockatiel) (28.9%). In the eight-year period of the study, the most common symptoms were \"apathy/weakness\" and \"anorexia/weakness\" (52.63% each.) Proventricular Dilatation Disease (PDD) was the most frequent clinical suspicion (26.32%.) The most commonly observed radiographic abnormality was a \"Proventricular dilatation caused by content of gas and water radiodensity\" (34.21%.) The measurements of the proventriculus were described in 34.84% of all reports. Among the birds studied with radiographic alterations in proventriculus, radiographic examination contrasted by barium sulfate was required in 26.32% of cases. The most common findings were \"retention or slow transit of the contrast agent\". The only cases with a clinical suspicion of PDD for which it was possible to obtain a confirmation were those for which a contrast-enhanced examination was ordered. Some birds also presented radiographic abnormalities of uncertain diagnosis. A proventricular dilatation in itself is not pathognomonic of PDD inasmuch as said disease may present in an atypical manner and several other diseases may cause similar abnormalities.
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Estudo radiográfico retrospectivo das alterações do proventrículo em psitacídeos / Retrospective radiographic study of proventricular abnormalities among psittacinesPatricia Lima Praes 07 October 2013 (has links)
Este estudo retrospectivo revisa os achados radiográficos em exames simples e contrastados de 38 aves psittaciformes com alterações no proventrículo. Os dados foram obtidos do Serviço de Diagnóstico por imagem do departamento de cirurgia junto ao Hospital Veterinário da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia da Universidade de São Paulo, durante o período de janeiro de 2004 a abril de 2012. A distribuição das alterações, assim como as suas respectivas espécies e idades, foram estudadas. O sexo das aves não foi considerado neste estudo. A espécie Amazona aestiva (papagaio-verdadeiro) alcançou a porcentagem mais elevada (44,8%) entre as diversas ordens, seguidos pelos Nymphicus hollandicus (Calopsita) (28,9%). Neste período de oito anos, os sintomas mais comuns observados na anamnese foram a \"apatia/prostração\" e \"anorexia/prostração\" (52,63% cada). Entre as suspeitas clínicas mais frequentes, a doença da dilatação do proventrículo (PDD) foi a mais citada (26,32%). O achado radiográfico mais frequentemente observado foi a \"dilatação do proventrículo por conteúdo de radiodensidade gás e líquido\" (34,21%). A medição do proventrículo foi um dado descrito em 34,84% dos laudos. Dentre as aves estudadas com alterações radiográficas em proventrículo, o exame radiográfico contrastado por sulfato de bário foi solicitado em 26,32% dos casos, onde o achado radiográfico mais comum foi a \"retenção do meio de contraste ou evolução lenta do mesmo\". Dentre os casos com suspeita clínica de PDD, os únicos nos quais foi possível obter confirmação foram aqueles em que foi solicitado o exame contrastado. Algumas aves também exibiram alterações radiográficas inespecíficas. A dilatação de proventrículo em si não é patognomônica para PDD, visto que esta pode vir de forma atípica e que há diversas outras doenças que causam alterações semelhantes. / This retrospective study examines radiographic findings of plain and contrastenhanced examinations of 38 psittacine birds presenting proventricular abnormalities. The data were obtained by the Image Diagnostic Service of the Veterinary Hospital of the School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science of the University of São Paulo between January 2004 and April 2012. The distribution of the abnormalities, as well as the birds species and ages, were also investigated. The birds sex was not taken into account. The highest percentage among the different orders (44.8%) was observed among specimens of Amazona aestiva (Blue-fronted Parrot), followed by Nymphicus hollandicus (Cockatiel) (28.9%). In the eight-year period of the study, the most common symptoms were \"apathy/weakness\" and \"anorexia/weakness\" (52.63% each.) Proventricular Dilatation Disease (PDD) was the most frequent clinical suspicion (26.32%.) The most commonly observed radiographic abnormality was a \"Proventricular dilatation caused by content of gas and water radiodensity\" (34.21%.) The measurements of the proventriculus were described in 34.84% of all reports. Among the birds studied with radiographic alterations in proventriculus, radiographic examination contrasted by barium sulfate was required in 26.32% of cases. The most common findings were \"retention or slow transit of the contrast agent\". The only cases with a clinical suspicion of PDD for which it was possible to obtain a confirmation were those for which a contrast-enhanced examination was ordered. Some birds also presented radiographic abnormalities of uncertain diagnosis. A proventricular dilatation in itself is not pathognomonic of PDD inasmuch as said disease may present in an atypical manner and several other diseases may cause similar abnormalities.
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On the role of the proventricle region in reproduction and regeneration in Typosyllis antoni (Annelida: Syllidae)Weidhase, Michael, Beckers, Patrick, Bleidorn, Christoph, Aguado, M. Teresa 14 December 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Background: Syllids are a species rich annelid family possessing remarkable regenerative ability, which is not only the response after traumatic injury, but also a key step during the life cycle of several syllid taxa. In these animals the posterior part of the body becomes an epitoke and is later detached as a distinct unit named stolon. Such a
sexual reproductive mode is named schizogamy or stolonization. The prostomium and the proventricle, a modified foregut structure, have been proposed to have a control function during this process, though the concrete mechanisms behind it have never been elucidated. Results: By using different experimental set-ups, histology and immunohistochemistry combined with subsequent cLSM analyzes, we investigate and document the regeneration and stolonization in specimens of Typosyllis antoni that were amputated at different levels throughout the antero-posterior body axis. The removal of the anterior end including the proventricle implies an incomplete anterior regeneration as well as severe deviations from the usual reproductive pattern, i.e. accelerated stolonization, masculinization and the occurrence of aberrant stolons. The detailed anatomy of aberrant
stolons is described. A histological study of the proventricle revealed no signs of glandular or secretory structures. The ventricle and the caeca are composed of glandular tissue but they are not involved in the reproductive and regenerative processes. Conclusions: As in other investigated syllids, the proventricle region has a significant role during stolonization and reproduction processes in Typosyllis antoni. When the proventricle region is absent, anterior and posterior regeneration are considerably deviated from the general patterns. However, proventricle ultrastructure does not show any glandular component, thereby questioning a direct involvement of this organ itself in the control of reproduction and regeneration. Our findings offer a comprehensive starting point for further studies of regeneration and reproductive control in syllids as well as annelids in general.
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Drosophila Eye Model to Study Dorso-Ventral (DV) Patterning and Neurodegenerative DisordersGogia, Neha January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Defective proventriculus (Dve), a Novel Role in Dorsal-Ventral Patterning of the Drosophila EyePuli, Oorvashi Roy G. 26 August 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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On the role of the proventricle region in reproduction and regeneration in Typosyllis antoni (Annelida: Syllidae)Weidhase, Michael, Beckers, Patrick, Bleidorn, Christoph, Aguado, M. Teresa 14 December 2016 (has links)
Background: Syllids are a species rich annelid family possessing remarkable regenerative ability, which is not only the response after traumatic injury, but also a key step during the life cycle of several syllid taxa. In these animals the posterior part of the body becomes an epitoke and is later detached as a distinct unit named stolon. Such a
sexual reproductive mode is named schizogamy or stolonization. The prostomium and the proventricle, a modified foregut structure, have been proposed to have a control function during this process, though the concrete mechanisms behind it have never been elucidated. Results: By using different experimental set-ups, histology and immunohistochemistry combined with subsequent cLSM analyzes, we investigate and document the regeneration and stolonization in specimens of Typosyllis antoni that were amputated at different levels throughout the antero-posterior body axis. The removal of the anterior end including the proventricle implies an incomplete anterior regeneration as well as severe deviations from the usual reproductive pattern, i.e. accelerated stolonization, masculinization and the occurrence of aberrant stolons. The detailed anatomy of aberrant
stolons is described. A histological study of the proventricle revealed no signs of glandular or secretory structures. The ventricle and the caeca are composed of glandular tissue but they are not involved in the reproductive and regenerative processes. Conclusions: As in other investigated syllids, the proventricle region has a significant role during stolonization and reproduction processes in Typosyllis antoni. When the proventricle region is absent, anterior and posterior regeneration are considerably deviated from the general patterns. However, proventricle ultrastructure does not show any glandular component, thereby questioning a direct involvement of this organ itself in the control of reproduction and regeneration. Our findings offer a comprehensive starting point for further studies of regeneration and reproductive control in syllids as well as annelids in general.
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Phylogeny, diversity and feeding ecology in the termite subfamily ApicotermitinaeRomero Arias, Johanna 02 October 2020 (has links) (PDF)
Soils represent an essential habitat for a wide diversity of invertebrates. Among these organisms, termites are considered ecosystem engineers for their impact on nutrient cycling and soil functioning, stemming from their wide feeding habits. For instance, soil/litter-feeding termites are one of the groups that incorporate the most organic matter from the soil. Thus, the high abundance and diversity of this group of termites does not only indicate its ecological success, but also its high value for the ecosystem. TheApicotermitinae subfamily (family Termitidae) is a highly diverse group of soil-feeding termites widespread in Afro- and Neotropical regions. However, due to taxonomic difficulties in soldierless groups and poor sampling of species living deep in the soil, it is also one of the most understudied subfamilies. In this thesis, I addressed phylogenetic, anatomical, and ecological aspects of the Apicotermitinae, with the ultimate goal of explaining their high diversity and ecological success. In the first axis, we investigated the phylogenetic relationships of Apicotermitinae species by using de novo mitochondrial genomes. African taxa with soldiers form several basal branches. We confirmed the monophyly of Asian and neotropical lineages, resulting from two independent dispersal events from tropical Africa, and established the relationships of the main lineages in the subfamily. The relationships among and within some genera remain unresolved, probably revealing an explosive radiation. Some genera appear as polyphyletic, showing the need for further taxonomic revision. In the second axis, we described for the first time in detail the anatomical structures of the gizzard. Thepulvillar belt bears a highly diverse, sclerotized and autofluorescent structures. These structures and the ornamentation patterns remain limited to African species since the Neotropical species do not present such specialized structures. Consequently, these ornamentations are proposed as a new complementary taxonomic tool, which can prove useful in the future revisions of genera with phylogenetic incongruences. In the third axis, we characterized the content of crop-gizzard and inferred the isotopic niche of species. Slight variations in the food content suggested that Apicotermitinae can be considered as a single feeding group, with mineralized soil as a primary source. Variations in the crop-gizzard volume can be related to food-collecting behavior. The neotropical species exhibited the broadest isotopic spaces, indicating flexibility to explore large organic matter humification gradients. The broad overlap of isotopic niches and co-occurrence with other termites suggests that this group could be affected by spatial segregation. Finally, in an evolutionary context, it was inferred that the Neotropical soldierless taxa underwent an explosive radiation during the early-middle Miocene. While the reduction of sclerotized structures in the gizzard is associated with the dispersal towards the Neotropics, the African soldierless species developed a pulvillar armature. All of these results provide an overview of the understanding of Apicotermitinae and open up new perspectives on the evolutionary and functional aspects of associations in favor of diet as an agent of their success. / Les sols représentent un habitat essentiel pour une grande diversité d'invertébrés. Parmi ceux-ci, les termitessont considérés comme des ingénieurs de l'écosystème, pour leur impact sur le cycle des nutriments ainsique sur le fonctionnement du sol. Ce rôle écologique majeur est du fait entre autres de la grande diversitéde leur régime alimentaire. Les termites qui se nourrissent de sol et/ou de litière constituent l'un des groupesqui incorpore le plus de matière organique depuis le sol. Ainsi, l'abondance et la diversité élevées de cegroupe de termites indiquent non seulement leur succès écologique, mais aussi leur forte valeur pour lesécosystèmes. La sous-famille des Apicotermitinae (Termitidae) constitue un groupe de termites humivorestrès abondant et diversifié dans les régions afrotropicale et néotropicale. Cette sous-famille est pourtant peuétudiée, du fait des difficultés taxonomiques rencontrées pour les termites sans soldats, mais aussi desdifficultés d’échantillonnage associées aux espèces propres aux sols plus profonds. Le présent travail dethèse se veut être une étude de la diversité des Apicotermitinae selon trois axes, à savoir phylogénétique,anatomique et écologique, dans le but d'expliquer les tenants et aboutissants de la grande diversité desApicotermitinae, ainsi que les raisons de leur succès écologique.Dans le premier axe de la thèse, nous avons étudié les relations phylogénétiques entres les différentesespèces d’Apicotermitinae à l’aide de génome mitochondriaux assemblé de novo. Les taxa africains avecsoldats forment plusieurs branches basales. Nous avons confirmé la monophylie des lignées asiatique etnéotropicale, qui résultent de deux colonisations indépendantes au départ de l'Afrique, et établi les relationsentre les principales lignées de la sous-famille. Les relations, entre ou au sein, de certains genres sont malrésolues et correspondraient à une explosion radiative. Plusieurs genres apparaissent commepolyphylétiques, montrant le besoin d’une révision taxonomique future.Dans la deuxième partie de la thèse, nous avons décrit pour la première fois en détail les différentesstructures anatomiques du gésier. La ceinture pulvillaire porte des structures très diverses, sclérifiées etauto-fluorescentes. Ces ornementations sont proposées comme un nouvel outil taxonomiquecomplémentaire, qui serait utile pour les révisions requises dans les genres problématiques susmentionnés.Ces structures et les motifs d'ornementation restent toutefois limités aux espèces africaines, les espècesnéotropicales ne présentant pas de structures spécialisées.Concernant le troisième axe de la thèse, nous avons caractérisé le contenu du jabot-gésier et estimé la nicheisotopique de différentes espèces. Les légères variations du contenu suggèrent que les Apicotermitinaepartagent sensiblement le même régime alimentaire, en ingérant une quantité importante de sol minéralisé.Les variations du volume du jabot-gésier peuvent être liées au comportement de collecte des aliments. Lesespèces néotropicales montrent une étendue des niches isotopiques plus large, ce qui indique la possibilitéd'exploiter plusieurs niveaux d’humification de la matière organique. Le large chevauchement des nichesisotopiques et la co-occurrence avec d'autres termites suggèrent que les espèces de ce groupe tendraient àse ségréger spatialement.Enfin, dans un contexte évolutif, il a été estimé que le groupe des espèces néotropicales sans soldats a subiune explosion radiative au début du Miocène moyen. Alors que la réduction des structures fortementsclérifiées dans le gésier est associée à la dispersion vers les Néo-tropiques, les espèces africaines sanssoldats ont développé une armature pulvillaire. L'ensemble de ces résultats donne un aperçu de lacompréhension des Apicotermitinae et ouvre de nouvelles perspectives quant à des aspects évolutifs etfonctionnels des associations en faveur du régime alimentaire en tant qu'agent de leur succès. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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