Spelling suggestions: "subject:"pyle"" "subject:"pyy""
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Štúdium peľu, opeľovacích a oplodňovacích pomerov vybraných genotypov marhúľOboňová, Jarmila January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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Abundance včelstev v krajině a úživnost katastru / Abundance of honeybeeBrandejsová, Jana January 2016 (has links)
Determining place thesis Abundance of bee colonies in the country and the carrying capacity of the land register. Establishing a Connection in Úvaly near Prague with three beekeepers. For these three beekeepers were required to determine reserves of pollen with three visits in the period of May, June and July. Each measurement was carried out always at the three strongest hives. Proven reserves of pollen was performed using photographs of each honeycomb in the hive. After calculating reserves of pollen, to assess the value of honey to the surrounding plants. The conclusion was to determine whether a load for the site Úvaly near Prague is present or not enough bees and suggest possible solutions.
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Vybraní opylovači našich luk a jejich didaktické využití / Selected Meadow Pollinators and Their Didactical UseHuňková, Helena January 2018 (has links)
This Master thesis is focused on selected pollinators of our meadows and their didactic integration into education. The thesis is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical. In theoretical part, there are defined two orders (Hymenoptera and Diptera), process of pollination, plants pollination strategies and pollen grain. Practical part is focused on research of dipterans (particularly on hoverflies) of which purpose was to find out which plants are most pollinated. Subsequent section deals with analysis of secondary school Biology textbooks in terms of representation of selected pollinators. Next section contains plan of practical exercise, which deals with whether honey contains pollen grains. In final section of practical part, a worksheet is presented, which verifies pupil's knowledge about pollinators. KEYWORDS Hymenoptera, Diptera, hoverfly research, pollinators, pollen, textbook analysis
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Pyly vybraných alergenních rostlin a jejich didaktické využití ve výuce biologie na gymnáziích / Pollens of Selected Alergenic Plants and Their Didactic Use in Teaching Biology at High SchoolsPýchová, Adéla January 2019 (has links)
7 Abstract The thesis is focused on the pollen of selected allergenic plants. Thesis is structured into two parts., pollination and fertilization , development of the pollen grain , its structure and chemical composition. The end of the theoretical part, dedicated to allergies, is divided into subsections dealing with First, teoretical part describes the flower and its morphology, discusses the pollen grain, stamen anatomical structure immunity and allergies, naming and registration of allergens and cross- pollen allergy . The practical part contains an analysis of curriculum for students of secondary schools. An integral part of the work is a survey of teachers in secondary schools, in which method of questioning was used. The aim of this questioning was to determine the presence of solved issue in terms of representation of pollen and pollen allergens in textbooks for secondary schools , as well as the inclusion of this issue in the official curriculum, under the National Programme for the Development of Education in the Czech Republic. Based on the results of a questionnaire survey of secondary school teachers, teaching materials have been developed in the form of two worksheets for teaching botany and guidance on laboratory exercises in plant biology.
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Včelařsky významné pylodárné rostliny letního a podzimního aspektu na území Zbudovských Blat (okolí obce Hlavatce) / Important plants in terms of pollen for bee-keeping in the summer and autumn aspect in the "Zbudovska Blata" regionFIŠROVÁ, Nikola January 2018 (has links)
The work deals with pollen analysis which was focused on botanical origin of pollen loads where the samples were taken in the area of Zbudkovské morasses in the surroundings of village Hlatavce, district of České Budějovice. The goal of this work was to evaluate individual plant species in the food of honey bee and its flight range from the beehive, supposed to be cca 2km. The samples were taken in 2017, summer and autmn period with a facility called pollen traps. The analysis was based on the classification of pollen loads according to individual colors. The structure of the pollen grain was analysed under a microscope (exina and apertures) and indentified according to database. Microscopic formulation was prepared by deluting pollen loads in glycerin and water. The work was supplementid by photos. Totally there were found 24 kinds of pollen grains in the specific period, the greatest part of pollen loads consisted of 38,22% trifolium types.
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Pyly vybraných alergenních rostlin a jejich didaktické využití ve výuce biologie na gymnáziích / Pollens of Selected Alergenic Plants and their Didactic Use in Teaching Biology at High SchoolsPýchová, Adéla January 2020 (has links)
In my thesis I deal with the pollen of allergenic plants, the origin and proces of allergy to plant pollen and the inclusion of these topics in the teaching of plant biology in high schools. In the theoretical part I focus on topic of pollen allergy. First, I generally describe allergy and its origin, causes of allergic diseases, environmental factors and the development of allergic disease. I also briefly address the naming and registration of allergens and I also mention the so-called cross-allergy. Great emphasis is placed on pollen allergy, which is devoted to a larger unit, divided into individual subchapters dealing with the physiological function of the nose, followed by an allergic reaction of type I, an allergic reaction that occurs on the nasal mucosa. Furthermore, subchapters mentioning the classification of allergic rhinitis, diagnosis and pharmacotherapy, including additions to the drug groups used in the treatment of pollen allergy. Another larger unit is devoted to the structure of the plant's blossom as a source of allergen, which includes the anatomy of the blossom parts and a description of the pollen grain. The anatomical description of the blossom is followed by a practical part, first created by a tabular overview with selected allergenic plants. Each plant causing the allergy...
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Structural insights into ABA perception and signalling: structure of ABA receptor PYR1Santiago Cuéllar, Julia 21 November 2011 (has links)
La sequía y la salinidad representan estreses ambientales que afectan de forma crítica el crecimiento de las plantas y limitan enormemente su potencial agrícola. La fitohormona ácido abcísico (ABA) juega un papel fundamental en la coordinación de la respuesta y adaptación de las plantas a este tipo de estreses, así como en la regulación del crecimiento y desarrollo vegetal. Elementos intermediarios de la ruta de señalización ya habían sido caracterizados, pero aún se desconocía el mecanismo de percepción y transducción de señal de la hormona. Este trabajo de tesis ha contribuido a la caracterización de una nueva familia de receptores intracelulares de la hormona ABA, formada por 14 miembros y denominada PYR/PYL (de pyrabactin resistance / PYR1-like) /RCAR (de Regulatory Component of Abscisic acid Receptor), y a su caracterización estructural y bioquímica. Estas proteínas son capaces de unir de forma específica la hormona ABA. La unión de la hormona induce en estos receptores un cambio conformacional, que les permite regular la actividad de los reguladores negativos de la ruta: fosfatasas del grupo A como ABI1, ABI2 o HAB1 ( Leung et al., 1994; Meyer et al.,1994; Saez et al., 2004). Para la caracterización de estos receptores se han llevado a cabo abordajes genéticos, bioquímicos, de calorimetría y estudios estructurales. / Santiago Cuéllar, J. (2011). Structural insights into ABA perception and signalling: structure of ABA receptor PYR1 [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/13260
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Regulación de la señalización del ABA mediante mecanismos que controlan vida media y actividad de los receptores PYR/PYLFernández López, Maria Angeles 02 September 2021 (has links)
[ES] El crecimiento de las plantas se ve afectado por el estrés abiótico, sequía, salinidad o altas temperaturas. La transducción de señales de estrés abiótico es fundamental para generar una respuesta fisiológica adecuada, que implica la participación de diferentes hormonas vegetales, siendo el ácido abscísico (ABA) el regulador hormonal crítico en la regulación de la respuesta de la planta a situaciones de estrés por déficit hídrico.
La vía de señalización de ABA y los componentes principales están bien caracterizados molecular y bioquímicamente. Los receptores de ABA "Pyrabactin Resistance 1"(PYR)/"PYR1-LIKE" (PYL)/ "Regulatory Component of ABA Receptor" (RCAR) juegan un papel importante en la regulación cuantitativa de la señalización ABA tanto en semillas como en tejidos vegetativos.
Aunque la función bioquímica de los receptores PYR/PYL/RCARs de ABA, está bien caracterizada, se conoce poco sobre otros aspectos con relevancia biológica, como sus modificaciones postraduccionales o la regulación de su vida media. Uno de los avances recientes en este campo ha sido el descubrimiento de una nueva familia de E3 ligasas llamadas RSL1/RFAs ("RING-finger-ABA-related") que consta de al menos 10 miembros, reguladores clave de la estabilidad de los receptores PYR/PYL/RCAR de ABA en tejidos de raíces y hojas, regulando su degradación en diferentes ubicaciones celulares. Un estudio detallado de esta familia génica reveló que RSL1/RFA se caracterizan estructuralmente por la presencia de tres dominios RING putativos en tándem, denominados "RING1-IN BETWEEN RING-RING2" (RBR), y en consecuencia pertenecen a la familia de E3 ligasas de tipo RBR.
Cinco miembros de la familia RSL1/RFA, RSL1 y RFA6-RFA9, contienen un dominio TM en el extremo C-terminal, lo que sugiere que RFA6-RFA9 también se localizan en la membrana plasmática. Sin embargo, otros miembros de las E3 ligasas como RFA1-RFA5 carecen del dominio TM C-terminal y su caracterización funcional, así como su ubicación celular, aún no se conocen.
Nosotros mostramos que la E3 ligasa RFA1 se localiza en núcleo y citosol, mientras que RFA4 muestra una localización específica en el núcleo promoviendo la degradación nuclear de los receptores ABA. Por lo tanto, los miembros de la familia RSL1/RFA interactúan con los receptores ABA en la membrana plasmática, el citosol y el núcleo, dirigiéndolos a su degradación a través de la vía endosomal/vacuolar (en el caso de RSL1) o el proteosoma 26S (para RFA1 y RFA4). Proporcionamos información sobre la función fisiológica de estas E3 ligasas de tipo RBR. Realizando tanto mutagénesis como ensayos bioquímicos para identificar la cisteína 361 (Cys361) en RFA4 como la Cys del sitio activo, que es una característica distintiva de las E3 ligasas de tipo RBR.
Demostramos mediante análisis de inmunotransferencia del mutante con pérdida de función de rfa1rfa4 que los niveles endógenos de los receptores de ABA PYR1 y PYL4 aumentan en comparación con las plantas de tipo silvestre. Hemos identificado una enzima E2, "Ubiquitin Conjugating Enzyme 26" (UBC26), como la enzima nuclear canónica E2 que interactúa con la E3 ligasa RFA4 y forma complejos UBC26-RFA4-Receptor, formando agregados nucleares. Generamos alelos ubc26 con pérdida de función que mostraban una mayor sensibilidad a ABA y acumulación de receptores ABA en comparación con el tipo silvestre. En definitiva, hemos revelado un sofisticado sistema de ubiquitinación de receptores ABA en diferentes ubicaciones subcelulares llevado a cabo a través de la familia de E3 ligasas RSL1/RFA de tipo RBR.
Por otro lado, hemos iniciado pruebas bioquímicas para identificar la S-acilación en el dominio TM de RSL1. Generando RSL1C334S, RSL1 C5S y RSL1C6S mediante mutagénesis y RSL1ΔTM que presenta una delección del dominio TM. Los estudios iniciales han demostrado que los residuos de Cys cercanos al dominio TM están S-acilados.
Finalmente, generamos nu / [CA] El creixement de les plantes es pot veure afectat per l'estrès abiòtic, sequera, salinitat o altes temperatures. La transducció de senyals d'estrès abiòtic és fonamental per a generar una resposta fisiològica adequada, que implica la participació de diferents hormones vegetals, sent l'àcid abscísic (ABA) el regulador hormonal crític en la regulació de la resposta de la planta a situacions d'estrès per dèficit hídric.
La ruta de senyalització d'ABA i els components principals de la ruta estan ben caracteritzats molecularment i bioquímica. Els receptors "Pyrabactin Resistance 1"(PYR)/"PYR1-LIKE"(PYL)/"Regulatory Component of ABA Receptor" (RCAR) exerceixen un paper important en la regulació quantitativa en resposta a l'estrès tant en llavors com en planta.
Encara que la funció bioquímica dels receptors PYR/PYL/RCARs d'ABA, està ben caracteritzada en els últims anys, es coneix poc sobre altres aspectes amb rellevància biològica, com les seues modificacions postraduccionals o la regulació de la seua vida mitjana. Un dels avanços recents en aquest camp ha sigut el descobriment d'una nova família d'E3 ligases anomenades RSL1/RFAs ("RING-finger-ABA-related") que consta d'almenys 10 membres, que són reguladors clau de l'estabilitat dels receptors PYR/PYL/RCAR d'ABA en teixits d'arrels i fulles, regulant la seua degradació en diferents ubicacions cel·lulars. Un estudi més detallat d'aquesta família gènica va revelar que RSL1/RFAs es caracteritzen estructuralment per la presència de tres dominis RING putatius en tàndem, denominats "RING1-IN BETWEEN RING-RING2" (RBR), i en conseqüència pertanyen a la família d'E3 ligases de tipus RBR.
Cinc membres de la família RSL1/RFA, RSL1 i RFA6-RFA9, contenen un domini TM en l'extrem C-terminal, la qual cosa suggereix que RFA6-RFA9 també es localitzen en la membrana plasmàtica. No obstant això, altres membres d'aquesta família d'E3 ligases com RFA1-RFA5 manquen del domini TM C-terminal i la seua caracterització funcional, així com la seua ubicació cel·lular, encara no ha sigut investigada.
Vam mostrar que l'E3 ligasa RFA1 es localitza tant en el nucli com en el citosol, mentre que RFA4 mostra una localització específica en el nucli promovent la degradació nuclear dels receptors ABA. Per tant, els membres de la família RSL1/RFA interactuen amb els receptors ABA en la membrana plasmàtica, el citosol i el nucli, dirigint-los a la seua degradació a través de la vía endosomal/vacuolar (en el cas de RSL1) o el proteosoma 26S (per a RFA1 i RFA4).
Proporcionem informació sobre la funció fisiològica d'aquestes E3 ligases de tipus RBR. Realitzant tant mutagènesis com a assajos bioquímics per a identificar la cisteïna 361 (Cys361) en RFA4 com la Cys del lloc actiu, que és una característica distintiva de les E3 ligases de tipus RBR.
Hem demostrat mitjançant una anàlisi d'immuno-transferència del mutant amb pèrdua de funció de rfa1rfa4 que els nivells endògens dels receptors d'ABA PYR1 i PYL4 augmenten en comparació amb les plantes de tipus silvestre. D'altra banda, hem identificat un enzim E2, "Ubiquitin Conjugating Enzyme 26" (UBC26), com l'enzim nuclear canònic E2 que interactua amb l'E3 ligasa RFA4 i forma complexos UBC26-RFA4-Receptor, formant agregats nuclears. També generem al·lels ubc26 amb pèrdua de funció que mostraven una major sensibilitat a ABA i acumulació de receptors ABA en comparació amb el tipus silvestre. En definitiva, hem revelat un sofisticat sistema d'ubiquitinació de receptors ABA en diferents ubicacions subcel·lulars dut a terme a través de la família d'E3 ligases RSL1/RFA de tipus RBR.
Hem iniciat proves bioquímiques per a identificar la S-acilació en el domini TM de RSL1. Hem generat RSL1C334S, RSL1 C5S i RSL1C6S mitjançant mutagènesis, així com RSL1ΔTM que presenta una delecció del domini TM. Els estudis inicials han demostrat que els residus de Cys pròxims al domini TM estan S-acilados.
Final / [EN] Plant growth is affected by abiotic stress, drought, salinity or high temperature. Signal transduction of abiotic stress is crucial to generate an appropriated physiological response, which involves the participation of different plant hormones, being abscisic acid (ABA) the critical hormonal regulator in regulating the plant's response to situations of stress due to water deficit.
The ABA signaling pathway and the major components of the pathway are well characterized molecularly and biochemically. Pyrabactin Resistance 1 (PYR)/PYR1-LIKE (PYL)/Regulatory Component of ABA Receptor (RCAR) ABA receptors play an important role in quantitative regulation of ABA signaling both in seeds and vegetative tissues.
Although the biochemical function of the PYR/PYL/RCAR ABA receptors has been well established in recent years, little is known about other aspects with biological relevance, such as their post-translational modifications or the regulation of their half-life. One of the recent advances in this field has been the discovery of a new family of E3 ligases called RSL1/RFAs (RING-finger-ABA-related) that consists of at least 10 members, which are key regulators of the stability of PYR/PYL/RCARs in root and leaf tissues, and regulate the degradation of ABA receptors at different cellular locations. Further inspection of the gene family revealed that RSL1/RFAs are structurally characterized by the presence of three putative RING domains in tandem, named as RING1-IN BETWEEN RING (IBR)-RING2, and accordingly they belong to the RBR-type E3 ligase family.
Five members of the RSL1/RFA family, that is, RSL1 and RFA6-RFA9, contain a TM domain at the C-terminal end of the proteins, which suggests that RFA6-RFA9 are also localized in plasma membrane.
However, other members of this family of E3 ligases such as RFA1-RFA5 lack the C-terminal TM domain and their functional characterization, as well as their cellular location, has not been investigated yet.
In this study we show that the E3 ligase RFA1 is localized both in the nucleus and in the cytosol, while RFA4 shows a specific localization in the nucleus promoting the nuclear degradation of ABA receptors. Therefore, we members of the RSL1/RFA family interact with ABA receptors at the plasma membrane, cytosol and nucleus, targeting them for degradation via the endosomal/vacuolar pathway (in the case of RSL1) or the 26S- proteasome (for RFA1 and RFA4).
We provide information on the physiological function of these RBR-type E3 ligases, which are hardly explored in plants. Additionally, we performed mutagenesis and biochemical assays to identify Cys361 in RFA4 as the active site cysteine, which is a distinctive feature of RBR-type E3 ligases.
We have shown by immunoblot analysis of the rfa1rfa4 loss-of-function mutant that endogenous levels of ABA receptors PYR1 and PYL4 are increased compared to wild-type plants. On the other hand, we have identified an E2 enzyme, Ubiquitin Conjugating Enzyme 26 (UBC26), as the canonical nuclear enzyme E2 that interacts with the E3 ligase RFA4 and forms UBC26-RFA4-Receptor complexes, forming nuclear aggregates. We also generated loss-of function ubc26 alleles that exhibited higher sensitivity to ABA and accumulation of ABA receptors compared to wild type. We have revealed a sophisticated ubiquitination system of ABA receptors in different subcellular locations carried out through the RBR-type RSL1/RFA family of E3 ligases.
We have proceeded with the biochemical and genetic study of the different members of the family. We have started biochemical tests to identify the S-acylation in the TM domain of RSL1. To this end, we have generated RSL1C334S, RSL1 C5S and RSL1C6S by mutagenesis as well as RSL1ΔTM, a deletion of the TM domain. Initial studies have shown that Cys residues close to the TM domain are S-acylated.
Finally, we have also generated new combined mutants: rsl1rfa1, rsl1rfa5, rfa1rfa5 and rsl1rfa1rfa5. / Fernández López, MA. (2021). Regulación de la señalización del ABA mediante mecanismos que controlan vida media y actividad de los receptores PYR/PYL [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/172364
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Role of transcription factors in early male gametophyte development of Arabidopsis.REŇÁK, David January 2011 (has links)
In the presented work the relationship between transcription factors and male gametophyte development was studied. The Ph.D. Thesis covers selection of candidate genes, wide-scale screening of T-DNA mutant lines and detailed analysis of a selected transcription factor on pollen development.
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Funkční charakterizace proteinů rodiny Alba u huseníčku rolního / Functional characterization of Alba-family genes in Arabidopsis thalianaKočová, Helena January 2020 (has links)
(anglicky) Alba-family proteins were identified in Archaea and Eucarya and are classified among the oldest and the most conserved nucleic acid-binding proteins. The binding preferences and roles differ among certain evolution clades. In Crenarchaea they represent chromatin-binding proteins, while their role in RNA metabolism is suggested in Euryarchaea and Eukaryotes. ALBA proteins are well characterized in human, where they play a role in the RNAse P/MRP complex and in unicellular parasites, such as Plasmodium and Trypanosoma, where an involvement in the life cycle regulation is confirmed. In plants, their role is not yet well understood. The aim of this thesis is to increase a knowledge about the Alba-family proteins in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Based on a minimal changes to development and reproduction in single mutants and high sequence similarity, a functional redundancy of the proteins was assumed. For better understanding of the ALBA proteins function, three smaller members of the family were edited by the same metod. The obtained triple mutant showed delay in flowering. ALBA dimer formation was confirmed in many organisms. BiFC method was used to determine Arabidopsis ALBA homodimerization. The data analysis showed potential homodimerization in most of them.
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