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Improvement of Software Quality by Test Coverage and Risk Oriented ApproachEssien, Happiness Udo 06 November 2023 (has links)
Software Quality is a key priority in any company involves with software development. Quality which can be describe as a distinguish feature of a software, has a high competitive advantage for most business organisations, especially during this turbulent time with the world battling pandemic. Software has grown and diversifies to ease our day to day life, therefore, the role of quality assurance activities has increase and become extremely important and complex. However, successful software which meets customer’s requirement and expectation depends on the quality of the software. In order to maintain the quality of their applications, several development industries have revised their quality procedure. DevOps and agile development have greatly improved the success rate of software projects with the introduction of test coverage measures.
The purpose of this thesis is to implement existing test coverage metrics which are used for improving and measuring the quality of software in order to help reduce excess time consumption, overshooting of budget and maintain scope within requirement. The software quality metrics selected for this study is the ISO 9000 and the core focus area to implement this quality metrics is on unit test, integration test and acceptance test. For this requirement, a design workflow using a flowchart to get a clear description of the work process will be created, configuration of DevOps environment for the pipelines which combines continuous integration and continuous development (CI/CD) to test and build our code constantly and consistently with SonarCloud. Finally, configuration of TestProject for creating automated test script and automated acceptance test execution with automatic generation of test report as well as evaluating the quality of the software product based on the test execution and coverage result. The documentation for this implementation will contain all the steps necessary to configure the test coverage metrics. The metrics will be used to create unit tests, integration tests, and acceptance tests for web applications that run on a variety of browsers and versions, including Chrome Version 103.0.1264.37, Edge Version 103.0.5060.114, and Firefox Version 103.0.
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Modelling the rejection probability of a quality test consisting of multiple measurementsTamminen, S. (Satu) 02 September 2014 (has links)
Quality control is an essential part of manufacturing, and the different properties of the products can be tested with standardized methods. If the decision of qualification is based on only one test specimen representing a batch of products, the testing procedure is quite straightforward. However, when the measured property has a high variability within the product, as usual, several test specimens are needed for the quality verification.
When a quality property is predicted, the response value of the model that most effectively finds the critical observations should naturally be selected. In this thesis, it has been shown that LIB-transformation (Larger Is Better) is a suitable method for multiple test samples, because it effectively recognizes especially the situations where one of the measurements is very low.
The main contribution of this thesis is to show how to model quality of phenomena that consist of several measurement samples for each observation. The process contains several steps, beginning from the selection of the model type. Prediction of the exceedance probability provides more information for the decision making than that of the mean. Especially with the selected application, where the quality property has no optimal value, but the interest is in adequately high value, this approach is more natural.
With industrial applications, the assumption of constant variance should be analysed critically. In this thesis, it is shown that exceedance probability modelling can benefit from the use of an additional variance model together with a mean model in prediction. The distribution shape modelling improves the model further, when the response variable may not be Gaussian. As the proposed methods are fundamentally different, the model selection criteria have to be chosen with caution. Different methods for model selection were considered and commented, and EPS (Exceedance Probability Score) was chosen, because it is most suitable for probability predictors.
This thesis demonstrates that especially a process with high diversity in its production and more challenging distribution shape gains from the deviation modelling, and the results can be improved further with the distribution shape modelling. / Tiivistelmä
Laadunvalvonnalla on keskeinen rooli teollisessa tuotannossa. Valmistettavan tuotteen erilaisia ominaisuuksia mitataan standardin mukaisilla testausmenetelmillä. Testi on yksinkertainen, jos tuotteen laatu varmistetaan vain yhdellä testikappaleella. Kun testattava ominaisuus voi saada hyvin vaihtelevia tuloksia samastakin tuotteesta, tarvitaan useita testikappaleita laadun varmistamiseen.
Tuotteen laatuominaisuuksia ennustettaessa valitaan malliin vastemuuttuja, joka tehokkaimmin tunnistaa laadun kannalta kriittiset havainnot. Tässä väitöskirjassa osoitetaan, että LIB-transformaatio (Large Is Better) tunnistaa tehokkaasti erityisesti tilanteet, joissa yksi mittauksista on hyvin matala.
Tämän väitöskirja vastaa kysymykseen, kuinka mallintaa laatua, kun tutkittavasta tuotteesta tarvitaan useita testinäytteitä. Mallinnusprosessi koostuu useista vaiheista alkaen mallityypin valinnasta. Alitusriskin mallinnuksen avulla saadaan enemmän informaatiota päätöksenteon tueksi perinteisen odotusarvomallinnuksen sijaan, etenkin jos laatutekijältä vaaditaan vain riittävän hyvää tasoa optimiarvon sijaan.
Teollisissa sovelluksissa ei voida useinkaan olettaa, että vasteen hajonta olisi vakio läpi prosessin. Tässä väitöskirjassa osoitetaan että alitusriskin ennustamistarkkuus paranee, kun odotusarvon lisäksi mallinnetaan myös hajontaa. Jakaumamuodon mallilla voidaan parantaa ennustetarkkuutta silloin, kun vastemuuttuja ei noudata Gaussin jakaumaa. Koska ehdotetut mallit ovat perustaltaan erilaisia, täytyy myös mallin valintakriteeri valita huolella. Työssä osoitetaan, että EPS (Exceedance Probability Score) toimii parhaiten käytetyillä todennäköisyyttä ennustavilla malleilla.
Tässä väitöskirjassa osoitetaan, että erityisesti silloin kun tuotantoprosessi on monimuotoinen ja laatumuuttujan jakaumamuoto on haastava, mallinnuttaminen hyötyy hajontamallin käytöstä, ja tuloksia voidaan parantaa jakaumamuodon mallilla.
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Stavebně technologický projekt rekonstrukce budovy magistrátu Brno střed / Construction technological project of reconstruction building of municipality Brno centreRentková, Katarína January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation is focuses on the design of remedial adjustments and replacement of the existing pavement for a new one on the New Town Hall in Brno. On this building I have worked on the technological regulation for the reconstruction of the internal courtyard and remediation work which I have completed by the inspection and test plans. I have created a timetable and mechanisms for used machines. Specialization of my thesis is to BOZP and risk plan for the whole building.
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Polyfunkční dům Brno Gajdošova, stavebně technologická příprava stavby / Multifunctional building Brno, Gajdošova street, Civil technical projectKopecký, Ladislav January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the building-technology construction preparation of the Multifunctional House Brno Gajdošova. The paper contains the technical report concerning this building; coordination of building situation; time and financial plan of the construction; study of the main technological stages; equipment project; design of major building machinery and mechanisms; schedule of the main construction building; technological regulations for making of the monolithic panel and the green flat roof; inspection and test plans in accordance with these regulations. Furthermore, two technologies referring to the execution of the monolithic roof panel are compared including the comparison of the test plan as well as the budget for the main building. The specialisation is in the field of construction of buildings with special focus on the layouts and the rust of the main building.
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