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Quantitative Analyses of Candida Albicans Biofilm FormationLi, Xiaogang 04 1900 (has links)
Strains of pathogens are typically described as virulent or non-virulent. However, in the majority of pathogens, strains often vary continuously and quantitatively in their virulence and pathogencity. Biofilm formation is one of the recently recognized virulence factors in many human pathogens and little is known about the variation and evolution of biofilms among natural strains. In this study, I examined quantitative variation of biofilms among natural strains of the human pathogenic yeast Candida albicans. A total of 115 natural strains of C. albicans from three sources (vaginal, oral and environmental) were quantified by two mebods: (i) the XTT tetrazolium reduction assay, and (ii) optical density following staining by crystal violet dye. Mature biofilm was confirmed by observation using confocal laser scanning microscopy. My analyses indicated that strains from each of the three scurces varied widely in biofilm formation abilities and that biofilm formation ability was positively correlated to cell surface hydrophobicity (CSH). For each strain, multilocus genotypes were determined by PCR-RFLP, my comparative genotype and biofilm analyses denonstrated that natural clones and clonal lineages of C. albicans exhibited extensive quantitative variation for biofilm formation. I also examined potential interactions among strains within C. albicans and between different Candida species. My preliminary results suggest significant variation and complex patterns of strains or species interaction during Candida biofilm development. / Thesis / Master of Science (MS)
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Řízení podniku v podmínkách rizika / Business management in conditions of riskHRBKOVÁ, Zuzana January 2015 (has links)
This master thesis is focused on risk management in company, specifically on risk management in a building company. There are concisely defined risks which can endanger the company. These risks are further analyzed in detail. Qualitative and quantitative analyses were used for that analyses, they were based on questionnaires in company and an analysis of costs and revenues. Measures are proposed for risks which significantly endanger the company. They could prevent and relieve the risks and their negative effect to company. Among the critical risks belongs serious failure of machinery and equipment, lack of expertise of the staff and the mismatch between company objectives and objectives of individual employees, while economic risks are assessed positively. For risk management is crucial that the company aware of the risks and they should be included their management in the strategic management of the company.
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Obsah a struktura sexuálních fantazií mužů a žen / The Content and Structure of Sexual Fantasies of Men and WomenBoudová, Kamila January 2018 (has links)
Several researches have studied sexual fantasies (SF), and many studies have described the gender differences in frequency, content and incidence. However, most of these studies work in a quantitative way of analysis. The data are obtained from questionnaires containing reductive statements that can be interpreted differently by respondents. The results are sometimes very different across studies. In the present work we have therefore decided to use qualitative and quantitative method of analysis to study the content of SF of men and women and to describe the gender differences. For our research, we obtained data describing the most popular SFs (using a questionnaire with closed-end and open-end questions and also from a freely written favourite SF in the form of a film script by respondents) from a total of 407 women and 159. The sample was based on quotas created according to the data of the Czech Statistical Office (2011). The quotas selected an age-representative sample of 100 women and 100 men whose fantasies were analysed. In terms of qualitative analyses, we have described the following interesting categories regarding female SF: sexual activity occurring in SF; the importance of a submissive role for women; high preference in group activities. In male SF, a large variability of explicit...
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The space-time distribution of Palearctic Culicoides spp. vectors of Bluetongue disease in Europe / Distribution spatio-temporelle du genre Culicoides, vecteur de la fièvre catarrhale ovineRigot, Thibaud 24 October 2011 (has links)
Abstract :Bluetongue (BT) is a vector-borne infectious disease primarily transmitted to even- toed ungulates by the bite of several Culicoides species. The global distribution of BT can be attributed to the ubiquity of its vectors and its rapid spread, likely to the enhancement of human activities (intensification of animal production, trans- port, changing habitat). During the last decades, BT established in Southern Europe and more recently emerged in Northern Europe, causing the death of millions of domestic ruminants. On the same time, a Belgian research project has been set up to develop remote-sensing tools to study the EPidemiology and Space-TIme dynamicS of infectious diseases (EPISTIS). In that general framework, this thesis aimed to study the space-time distribution of the main Culicoides vectors occurring in Italy and Belgium, at two different scales. Firstly, we aimed to clarify the role of several eco-climatic factors on the regional-scale distribution of C. imicola in time, based on weekly samplings achieved throughout Italy from 2001 to 2006 and to develop an easy-to-use and reproducible tool, which could be widely validated on the basis of former vector sampling and freely accessible remote-sensing data. Secondly, we aimed to investigate how Culicoides species were distributed in the fine-scale habitat encountered throughout the agro-ecological landscapes of Belgium, while recent studies have suggested that the landscapes configuration could explain the spatial distribution of BT. In the first part, we showed that an autoregressive model where the observed monthly growth rate is predicted by monthly temperature, allowed predicting >70% of the seasonal variability in C. imicola trap catches. The model predicted the seasonality, the altitudinal gradient, and the low populations’ activity taking place during the winter. Incorporating eco-climatic indices such as the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index into the model did not enhance its predictive power. In the second part, we quantified how Culicoides populations are spatially structured in the neighbourhood of farms, and demonstrated the unexpectedly high level of population found in forest. We also showed how four classes of land use could influence the relative abundances of Culicoides species in the agro-ecological landscapes of Belgium. Although in summer, BT vectors were abundant in each of the four classes investigated, their relative abundances varied strongly as a function of sex, species and environmental conditions, and we quantified these variations. Finally, we also presented a new method to quantify the interference between Onderstepoort light traps, and used it to measure their range of attraction for several of the most common BT vectors species in Northern Europe. The model developed on C. imicola in Italy provided enthusiastic perspectives regarding the regional-scale analyses of its distribution in time, although further improvements are nevertheless required in order to assess the broad scale ecology of BT vectors throughout Europe. Mapping the abundances of C. imicola in Sardinia high- lighted an important lack of reliability attributable to the many land use classes that are currently not sampled in the vector surveillance achieved across Europe. Together with the novelties presented in the second part and the recent findings establishing that BT could circulate among wild hosts in both epidemiological systems (i.e. in Southern and Northern Europe), we call for increasing epidemiological and entomo- logical studies at the interface between farms and the surrounding natural habitats. Last, depicting in time the landscape-scale findings for Northern Europe highlighted how dramatic could be the role played by intensive farming practices to maintain BT within the agro-ecological landscapes studied and to facilitate its circulation between them. Quantifying the amplitude of the risk of disease transmission linked to these practices would require a further complex modeling approach accounting simultaneously for the diel activity of hosts, mainly resulting from the farming activities, the diel activities of different vector species and the landscapes configuration found in contrasted agro-ecological systems.<p>Résumé :La fièvre catarrhale ovine (FCO), encore appelée maladie de la langue bleue, est une maladie infectieuse des ruminants transmise par la piqûre d’un vecteur de type moucheron appartenant au genre Culicoides (Diptera :Ceratopogonidae). L’ubiquité de ses vecteurs peut expliquer son succès d’installation à l’échelle globale. Par ailleurs, sa rapide expansion a été grandement facilitée par l’importante activité anthropique (élevage, transport, modification de l’habitat) et peut-être même par les changements climatiques globaux. La FCO a été récemment qualifiée de maladie infectieuse émergente en Europe du fait de (i) son récent établissement dans la région, bien au delà de son aire de répartition traditionnelle, (ii) de sa forte capacité de dispersion affectant chaque jour un nombre plus important d’hôtes et enfin (iii) de sa forte virulence. Après avoir détaillé les caractéristiques majeures des deux principaux foyers de FCO rencontrés en Europe depuis 1998, la présente thèse s’est plus particulièrement intéressée à l’étude de la distribution spatio-temporelle de ses principaux vecteurs dans le sud (partie 1) puis dans le nord (partie 2) de l’Europe, à différentes échelles. Dans la première partie, un modèle discret, spatialement et temporellement explicite, a été développé afin de mesurer l’influence de différents facteurs éco-climatiques sur la distribution de Culicoides imicola, principal vecteur de la FCO dans le Bassin Méditerranéen. Les profils mensuels de distribution rencontrés en Sardaigne durant 6 années consécutives ont ainsi pu être reconstitués, principalement sur base de la température. Une cartographie de l’abondance de C. imicola sur le territoire a permis de mettre à jour le manque d’information sur sa distribution en dehors des exploitations agricoles. Dans la deuxième partie du travail, nous nous sommes penchés sur la distribution spatiale des Culicoides tels qu’on peut les rencontrer au sein de différents paysages agro-écologiques de Belgique. Nous avons ainsi pu décrire la structure adoptée par les populations de Culicoides au voisinage des fermes ainsi que quantifier l’importante population présente dans les forêts avoisinantes. Nous avons par ailleurs montré l’influence de différentes catégories d’utilisation du sol sur l’abondance et la composition en espèces. Enfin, nous avons présenté une méthode permettant de quantifier l’interférence entre des pièges lumineux utilisés dans un même paysage pour échantillonner les populations, et l’avons utilisé afin de mesurer leur rayon d’attractivité sur les espèces vectrices les plus communément rencontrées dans le nord de l’Europe. En guise de conclusion générale et conjointement aux récentes découvertes de cas de FCO au sein de la faune sauvage européenne, nous appelons à réaliser un plus grand nombre d’études éco-épidémiologiques à l’interface entre exploitations agricoles et zones (semi-) naturelles avoisinantes. En outres, les résultats présentés dans la seconde partie ont été mis en relation avec le mode de fonctionnement journalier de nos exploitations agricoles. Nous avons ainsi pu déduire le rôle dramatique joué par les pratiques agricoles intensives dans le maintien du virus de la FCO au sein de nos paysages agro-écologiques, ainsi que dans sa circulation d’un paysage à l’autre. Un cadre de modélisation complexe permettant une analyse simultanée de l’activité nycthémérale des hôtes de la FCO et de ses vecteurs Culicoides en fonction de la configuration des paysages agro-écologiques est néanmoins requis afin de quantifier l’amplitude du risque de transmission de la FCO lié aux pratiques agricoles intensives. / Doctorat en Sciences agronomiques et ingénierie biologique / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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