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Mechanics of the diffeomorphism fieldHeitritter, Kenneth I.J. 01 May 2019 (has links)
Coadjoint orbits of Lie algebras come naturally imbued with a symplectic two-form allowing for the construction of dynamical actions. Consideration of the coadjoint orbit action for the Kac-Moody algebra leads to the Wess-Zumino-Witten model with a gauge-field coupling. Likewise, the same type of coadjoint orbit construction for the Virasoro algebra gives Polyakov’s 2D quantum gravity action with a coupling to a coadjoint element, D, interpreted as a component of a field named the diffeomorphism field. Gauge fields are commonly given dynamics through the Yang-Mills action and, since the diffeomorphism field appears analogously through the coadjoint orbit construction, it is interesting to pursue a dynamical action for D.
This thesis reviews the motivation for the diffeomorphism field as a dynamical field and presents results on its dynamics obtained through projective connections. Through the use of the projective connection of Thomas and Whitehead, it will be shown that the diffeomorphism field naturally gains dynamics. Results on the analysis of this dynamical theory in two-dimensional Minkowski background will be presented.
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Black-hole/near-horizon-CFT duality and 4 dimensional classical spacetimesRodriguez, Leo L. 01 July 2011 (has links)
In this thesis we accomplish two goals: We construct a two dimensional conformal field theory (CFT), in the form of a Liouville theory, in the near horizon limit for three and four dimensions black holes. The near horizon CFT assumes the two dimensional black hole solutions that were first introduced by Christensen and Fulling (1977 Phys. Rev. D 15 2088-104) and later expanded to a greater class of black holes via Robinson and Wilczek (2005 Phys. Rev. Lett. 95 011303). The two dimensions black holes admit a $Diff(S^1)$ or Witt subalgebra, which upon quantization in the horizon limit becomes Virasoro with calculable central charge. These charges and lowest Virasoro eigen-modes reproduce the correct Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of the four and three dimensions black holes via the Cardy formula (Bl"ote et al 1986 Phys. Rev. Lett. 56 742; Cardy 1986 Nucl. Phys. B 270 186). Furthermore, the two dimensions CFT's energy momentum tensor is anomalous, i.e. its trace is nonzero. However, In the horizon limit the energy momentum tensor becomes holomorphic equaling the Hawking flux of the four and three dimensions black holes. This encoding of both entropy and temperature provides a uniformity in the calculation of black hole thermodynamics and statistical quantities for the non local effective action approach.
We also show that the near horizon regime of a Kerr-Newman-$AdS$ ($KNAdS$) black hole, given by its two dimensional analogue a la Robinson and Wilczek, is asymptotically $AdS_2$ and dual to a one dimensional quantum conformal field theory (CFT). The $s$-wave contribution of the resulting CFT's energy-momentum-tensor together with the asymptotic symmetries, generate a centrally extended Virasoro algebra, whose central charge reproduces the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy via Cardy's Formula. Our derived central charge also agrees with the near extremal Kerr/CFT Correspondence in the appropriate limits. We also compute the Hawking temperature of the $KNAdS$ black hole by coupling its Robinson and Wilczek two dimensional analogue (RW2DA) to conformal matter.
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Riemannian Geometry of Quantum Groups and Finite Groups withShahn Majid, Andreas.Cap@esi.ac.at 21 June 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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On the JLO Character and Loop Quantum GravityLai, Chung Lun Alan 31 August 2011 (has links)
In type II noncommutative geometry, the geometry on a C∗-algebra A is given by an unbounded Breuer–Fredholm module (ρ,N,D) over A. Here ρ:A→N is a ∗-homomorphism from A to the semi-finite von Neumann algebra N⊂B(H), and D is an unbounded Breuer–Fredholm operator affiliated with N that satisfies certain axioms.
Each Breuer–Fredholm module assigns an index to a given element in the K-theory of A. The Breuer–Fredholm index provides a real-valued pairing between the K-homology and the K-theory of A.
When N=B(H), a construction of Jaffe-Lesniewski-Osterwalder associates to the module (ρ,N,D) a cocycle in the entire cyclic cohomology group of A for D is theta-summable. The JLO character and the K-theory character intertwine the K-theoretical pairing with the pairing of entire cyclic theory.
If (ρ,N,F) is a finitely summable bounded Breuer–Fredholm module, Benameur-Fack defined a cocycle generalizing the Connes's cocycle for bounded Fredholm modules. On the other hand, given a finitely-summable unbounded Breuer–Fredholm module, there is a canonically associated bounded Breuer–Fredholm module. The first main result of this thesis extends the JLO theory to Breuer–Fredholm modules (possibly N does not equal B(H)) in the graded case, and proves that the JLO cocycle and Connes cocycle define the same class in the entire cyclic cohomology of A. This extends a result of Connes-Moscovici for Fredholm modules.
An example of an unbounded Breuer–Fredholm module is given by the noncommutative space of G-connections due to Aastrup-Grimstrup-Nest. In their original work, the authors limit their construction to the case that the group G=U(1) or G=SU(2). Another main result of the thesis extends AGN’s construction to any connected compact Lie group G; and generalizes by considering connections defined on sequences of graphs, using limits of spectral triples. Our construction makes it possible to equip the module (ρ,N,D) with a Z_2-grading.
The last part of this thesis studies the JLO character of the Breuer–Fredholm module of AGN. The definition of this Breuer–Fredholm module depends on a divergent sequence. A concrete condition on possible perturbations of the sequence ensuring that the resulting JLO class remains invariant is established. The condition implies a certain functoriality of AGN’s construction.
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On the JLO Character and Loop Quantum GravityLai, Chung Lun Alan 31 August 2011 (has links)
In type II noncommutative geometry, the geometry on a C∗-algebra A is given by an unbounded Breuer–Fredholm module (ρ,N,D) over A. Here ρ:A→N is a ∗-homomorphism from A to the semi-finite von Neumann algebra N⊂B(H), and D is an unbounded Breuer–Fredholm operator affiliated with N that satisfies certain axioms.
Each Breuer–Fredholm module assigns an index to a given element in the K-theory of A. The Breuer–Fredholm index provides a real-valued pairing between the K-homology and the K-theory of A.
When N=B(H), a construction of Jaffe-Lesniewski-Osterwalder associates to the module (ρ,N,D) a cocycle in the entire cyclic cohomology group of A for D is theta-summable. The JLO character and the K-theory character intertwine the K-theoretical pairing with the pairing of entire cyclic theory.
If (ρ,N,F) is a finitely summable bounded Breuer–Fredholm module, Benameur-Fack defined a cocycle generalizing the Connes's cocycle for bounded Fredholm modules. On the other hand, given a finitely-summable unbounded Breuer–Fredholm module, there is a canonically associated bounded Breuer–Fredholm module. The first main result of this thesis extends the JLO theory to Breuer–Fredholm modules (possibly N does not equal B(H)) in the graded case, and proves that the JLO cocycle and Connes cocycle define the same class in the entire cyclic cohomology of A. This extends a result of Connes-Moscovici for Fredholm modules.
An example of an unbounded Breuer–Fredholm module is given by the noncommutative space of G-connections due to Aastrup-Grimstrup-Nest. In their original work, the authors limit their construction to the case that the group G=U(1) or G=SU(2). Another main result of the thesis extends AGN’s construction to any connected compact Lie group G; and generalizes by considering connections defined on sequences of graphs, using limits of spectral triples. Our construction makes it possible to equip the module (ρ,N,D) with a Z_2-grading.
The last part of this thesis studies the JLO character of the Breuer–Fredholm module of AGN. The definition of this Breuer–Fredholm module depends on a divergent sequence. A concrete condition on possible perturbations of the sequence ensuring that the resulting JLO class remains invariant is established. The condition implies a certain functoriality of AGN’s construction.
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Higher dimensional Taub-NUT spaces and applicationsStelea, Cristian January 2006 (has links)
In the first part of this thesis we discuss classes of new exact NUT-charged solutions in four dimensions and higher, while in the remainder of the thesis we make a study of their properties and their possible applications. <br /><br /> Specifically, in four dimensions we construct new families of axisymmetric vacuum solutions using a solution-generating technique based on the hidden <em>SL</em>(2,R) symmetry of the effective action. In particular, using the Schwarzschild solution as a seed we obtain the Zipoy-Voorhees generalisation of the Taub-NUT solution and of the Eguchi-Hanson soliton. Using the <em>C</em>-metric as a seed, we obtain and study the accelerating versions of all the above solutions. In higher dimensions we present new classes of NUT-charged spaces, generalizing the previously known even-dimensional solutions to odd and even dimensions, as well as to spaces with multiple NUT-parameters. We also find the most general form of the odd-dimensional Eguchi-Hanson solitons. We use such solutions to investigate the thermodynamic properties of NUT-charged spaces in (A)dS backgrounds. These have been shown to yield counter-examples to some of the conjectures advanced in the still elusive dS/CFT paradigm (such as the maximal mass conjecture and Bousso's entropic N-bound). One important application of NUT-charged spaces is to construct higher dimensional generalizations of Kaluza-Klein magnetic monopoles, generalizing the known 5-dimensional Kaluza-Klein soliton. Another interesting application involves a study of time-dependent higher-dimensional bubbles-of-nothing generated from NUT-charged solutions. We use them to test the AdS/CFT conjecture as well as to generate, by using stringy Hopf-dualities, new interesting time-dependent solutions in string theory. Finally, we construct and study new NUT-charged solutions in higher-dimensional Einstein-Maxwell theories, generalizing the known Reissner-Nordström solutions.
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Entanglement Entropy in Quantum GravityDonnelly, William January 2008 (has links)
We study a proposed statistical explanation for the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of a black hole in which entropy arises quantum-mechanically as a result of entanglement. Arguments for the identification of black hole entropy with entanglement entropy are reviewed in the framework of quantum field theory, emphasizing the role of renormalization and the need for a physical short-distance cutoff.
Our main novel contribution is a calculation of entanglement entropy in loop quantum gravity. The kinematical Hilbert space and spin network states are introduced, and the entanglement entropy of these states is calculated using methods from quantum information theory. The entanglement entropy is compared with the density of states previously computed for isolated horizons in loop quantum gravity, and the two are found to agree up to a topological term.
We investigate a conjecture due to Sorkin that the entanglement entropy must be a monotonically increasing function of time under the assumption of causality. For a system described by a finite-dimensional Hilbert space, the conjecture is found to be trivial, and for a system described by an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space a counterexample is provided.
For quantum states with Euclidean symmetry, the area scaling of the entanglement entropy is shown to be equivalent to the strong additivity condition on the entropy. The strong additivity condition is naturally interpreted in information-theoretic terms as a continuous analog of the Markov property for a classical random variable. We explicitly construct states of a quantum field theory on the one-dimensional real line in which the area law is exactly satisfied.
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Emergent Matter of Quantum GeometryWan, Yidun 01 August 2009 (has links)
This thesis studies matter emergent as topological excitations of
quantum geometry in quantum gravity models. In these models, states
are framed four-valent spin networks embedded in a topological three
manifold, and the local evolution moves are dual Pachner moves.
We first formulate our theory of embedded framed four-valent spin
networks by proposing a new graphic calculus of these networks. With
this graphic calculus, we study the equivalence classes and the
evolution of these networks, and find what we call 3-strand braids,
as topological excitations of embedded four-valent spin networks.
Each 3-strand braid consists of two nodes that share three edges
that may or may not be braided and twisted. The twists happen to be
in units of 1/3. Under certain stability condition, some 3-strand
braids are stable.
Stable braids have rich dynamics encoded in our theory by dual
Pachner moves. Firstly, all stable braids can propagate as induced
by the expansion and contraction of other regions of their host spin
network under evolution. Some braids can also propagate actively, in
the sense that they can exchange places with substructures adjacent
to them in the graph under the local evolution moves. Secondly, two
adjacent braids may have a direct interaction: they merge under the
evolution moves to form a new braid if one of them falls into a
class called actively interacting braids. The reverse of a direct
interaction may happen too, through which a braid decays to another
braid by emitting an actively interacting braid. Thirdly, two
neighboring braids may exchange a virtual actively interacting braid
and become two different braids, in what is called an exchange
interaction. Braid dynamics implies an analogue between actively
interacting braids and bosons.
We also invent a novel algebraic formalism for stable braids. With
this new tool, we derive conservation laws from interactions of the
braid excitations of spin networks. We show that actively
interacting braids form a noncommutative algebra under direction
interaction. Each actively interacting braid also behaves like a
morphism on non-actively interacting braids. These findings
reinforce the analogue between actively interacting braids and
Another important discovery is that stable braids admit seven, and
only seven, discrete transformations that uniquely correspond to
analogues of C, P, T, and their products. Along with this
finding, a braid's electric charge appears to be a function of a
conserved quantity, effective twist, of the braids, and thus is
quantized in units of 1/3. In addition, each $CPT$-multiplet of
actively interacting braids has a unique, characteristic
non-negative integer. Braid interactions turn out to be invariant
under C, P, and T.
Finally, we present an effective description, based on Feynman
diagrams, of braid dynamics. This language manifests the analogue
between actively interacting braids and bosons, as the topological
conservation laws permit them to be singly created and destroyed and
as exchanges of these excitations give rise to interactions between
braids that are charged under the topological conservation rules.
Additionally, we find a constraint on probability amplitudes of
braid interactions.
We discuss some subtleties, open issues, future directions, and work
in progress at the end.
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Topological methods in quantum gravityStarodubtsev, Artem January 2005 (has links)
The main technical problem with background independent approaches to quantum gravity is inapplicability of standard quantum field theory methods. New methods are needed which would be adapted to the basic principles of General Relativity. Topological field theory is a model which provides natural tools for background independent quantum gravity. It is exactly soluble and, at the same time, diffeomorphism invariant. Applications of topological field theory to quantum gravity include description of boundary states of quantum General Relativity, formulation of quantum gravity as a constrained topological field theory, and a new perturbation theory which uses topological field theory as a starting point. The later is the central theme of the thesis. Unlike the traditional perturbation theory it does not require splitting metric into a background and fluctuations, it is exactly diffeomorphism invariant order by order, and the coupling constant of this theory is dimensionless. We describe the basic ideas and techniques of this perturbation theory as well as inclusion of matter particles, boundary states, and other necessary tools for studying scattering problem in background independent quantum gravity.
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Higher dimensional Taub-NUT spaces and applicationsStelea, Cristian January 2006 (has links)
In the first part of this thesis we discuss classes of new exact NUT-charged solutions in four dimensions and higher, while in the remainder of the thesis we make a study of their properties and their possible applications. <br /><br /> Specifically, in four dimensions we construct new families of axisymmetric vacuum solutions using a solution-generating technique based on the hidden <em>SL</em>(2,R) symmetry of the effective action. In particular, using the Schwarzschild solution as a seed we obtain the Zipoy-Voorhees generalisation of the Taub-NUT solution and of the Eguchi-Hanson soliton. Using the <em>C</em>-metric as a seed, we obtain and study the accelerating versions of all the above solutions. In higher dimensions we present new classes of NUT-charged spaces, generalizing the previously known even-dimensional solutions to odd and even dimensions, as well as to spaces with multiple NUT-parameters. We also find the most general form of the odd-dimensional Eguchi-Hanson solitons. We use such solutions to investigate the thermodynamic properties of NUT-charged spaces in (A)dS backgrounds. These have been shown to yield counter-examples to some of the conjectures advanced in the still elusive dS/CFT paradigm (such as the maximal mass conjecture and Bousso's entropic N-bound). One important application of NUT-charged spaces is to construct higher dimensional generalizations of Kaluza-Klein magnetic monopoles, generalizing the known 5-dimensional Kaluza-Klein soliton. Another interesting application involves a study of time-dependent higher-dimensional bubbles-of-nothing generated from NUT-charged solutions. We use them to test the AdS/CFT conjecture as well as to generate, by using stringy Hopf-dualities, new interesting time-dependent solutions in string theory. Finally, we construct and study new NUT-charged solutions in higher-dimensional Einstein-Maxwell theories, generalizing the known Reissner-Nordström solutions.
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