Spelling suggestions: "subject:"rad"" "subject:"rada""
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Unapređenje metodologije procene bezbednosti i zdravlja na radu za slučaj snežnih lavina izazvanih zemljotresom / Improving the methodology for assessing occupational safety and health in the case ofearthquake-induced snow avalanchesBajić Senka 22 March 2019 (has links)
<p>Snežne lavine izazvane zemljotresima su fenomen koji se još uvek istražuje, iako je prisutan u skoro svim planinskim regionima širom sveta. U okviru ove doktorske disertacije razvijena je i unapređena metoda procene bezbednosti i zdravlja na radu za slučaj snežnih lavina izazvanih zemljotresom. Osnovni cilj unapređene metode je smanjenje rizika na najmanji mogući nivo, odnosno prihvatanje najmanjeg mogućeg rezidualnog rizika, čije dalje smanjenje ili uklanjanje ne bi bilo isplativo. Unapređena metoda uzima u obzir niz faktora (duboku geologiju, sastav stena, visinu snežnog pokrivača, rasprostranjenost kritičnih nagiba, itd.) koji mogu da utiču na pojavu snežnih lavina uzrokovanih zemljotresom. Za verifikaciju metode uzet je skijaški centar Kopaonik, koji nije dovoljno istražen, iako je jedan od najvećih centara u jugoistočnom delu Evrope.</p> / <p>Snow avalanches caused by earthquakes are a subject of many researches, even<br />though this phenomenon is present in mountain regions around the world. In this<br />doctoral dissertation, an improved method of assessing occupational health and safety<br />in cases of earthquake-induced snow avalanches has also been developed. The main<br />goal of the improved method is to reduce the risk to the smallest possible level, i.e. to<br />accept the least possible residual risk, the further reduction or removal of which would<br />not be profitable. This method takes into account a number of factors (deep geology,<br />rock composition, snow cover height, critical inclination distribution, etc.) that can affect<br />the occurrence of the earthquake-induced snow avalanches. For the verification of the<br />method, the ski center Kopaonik was analyzed, which has not been sufficiently<br />explored, although it is one of the largest ski centers in south-eastern part of Europe.</p>
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Interaktivni sistem zasnovan na Internet tehnologijama za psihometrijsku dijagnostiku / Interactive system based on Internet technology for psychometric diagnosticsIlić Velibor 22 September 2009 (has links)
<p>U radu se razmatra model sistema baziranog na Internet tehnologijama za psihometrijsku dijagnostiku.<br />Sistem je baziran na kombinaciji sistema za upravljanje sadržajem (Content Management Systems, CMS) i sistema za podršku grupnom radu (Computer Supported Cooperative Work, CSCW), omogućava dijagnostiku kognitivnih sposobnosti putem multimedijalnih testova, kontrolu nad tokom testiranja, skladištenje i analizu podataka o korisnicima i rezultata testova, kao i platformu za kolaborativni naučno istraživački rad.</p> / <p>In this thesis is analyzed model of system based on Internet technologies for psychometrics diagnostics.<br />System is based on combinations Content Management Systems, (CMS) and Computer Supported Cooperative Work, (CSCW). System enables: diagnostics cognitive capabilities using multimedial tests, control on process of diagnostics, recording data in databases, data analysis. System represent environment for collaborative scientific work.</p>
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Simulace CMOS VLSI obvodů / CMOS VLSI Circuits SimulationŠťastná, Hilda January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with processes of electrical circuits calculations in the last years' worldwide standards like Dymola, MATLAB, Maple or SPICE applications. Circuits calculations are linked with methods for solving linear differential equations, used in this work also by verification of functionality of designed models for CMOS inverter, CMOS NAND, CMOS NOR. Numerical integration method in combination with Taylor series is a suitable method also for parallel calculations of CMOS VLSI circuits. CMOS circuits simulation was implemented with this method in applications in MATLAB language, solving circuits, represented by differential equations. Functionality of the applications was verified by some real examples. Significant acceleration of calculations using Taylor series compared to other methods is an important factor in choosing methods used in circuit simulations.
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Revitalizacija i sagorevanje otpadnih transformatorskih i motornih ulja u funkciji zaštite životne sredine / Revitalization and combustion of waste transformer and motor oils in the function of environmental protectionĐorđić Dragiša 10 June 2020 (has links)
<p>U doktorskoj disertaciji je realizovano ispitivanje revitalizacije, parametara sagorevanja i emisije otpadnih transformatorskih i motornih ulja, kao i njihovih dizel mešavina. Dobijeni eksperimentalni rezultati ukazuju da se nakon revitalizacionog tretmana značajno poboljšavaju izolaciona svojstva transformatorskog ulja, što je veoma važno za bezbedan rad transformatora, zaštitu životne i radne sredine. Pored toga, rezultati eksperimentalnog ispitivanja procesa sagorevanja ukazuju da se otpadna transformatorska i motorna ulja i njihove mešavine sa dizelom mogu koristiti kao gorivo u generatorima toplote male snage i u raznim granama procesne industrije, te mogu smanjiti probleme u vezi sa zaštitom životne sredine.</p> / <p>The doctoral thesis cover the testing of revitalization, combustion parameters and emissions of waste transformer and motor oils, as well as their diesel mixtures. The experimental results obtained indicate that after the revitalization treatment, the insulating properties of the transformer oil are significantly improved, which is very important for the safe operation of transformer, environmental protection and work environment. In addition, the results of an experimental test of the combustion process indicate that waste transformer and motor oils and their mixtures with diesel can be used as fuel in low power heat generators and in various branches of the process industry, and can reduce environmental issues.</p>
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Кулинарска терминологија Војводине / Kulinarska terminologija Vojvodine / Culinary terminology of VojvodinaMirilov Ružica 27 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Кулинарска лексика уопште, као и<br />кулинарска лексика Војводине није до сада<br />детаљније са лексичко семантичког и<br />творбеног аспекта обрађивана (осим у<br />појединим приказима наших дијелектолога и<br />лексикографа), али је свакако она (не у<br />потпуности) део српских важнијих<br />дијалекатских речника (Од Вукова до<br />Речника српских говора Војводине) и<br />речника општег типа.<br />У истраживачком раду је примењена у нас<br />одомаћена теорија семантичких поља руског<br />етнолингвисте Никите Толстоја. У лексичко<br />семантичкој и творбеној анализи као и у<br />лексикографској обради примењен је<br />дескриптивни, лингвогеографски и<br />компаративни метод.<br />Обрађено је шеснаест семантичких поља:<br />Намирнице, Оброци, Припремање хране,<br />Зимница, Млеко , млечни производи и јела<br />од млека, Супе и чорбе, Јела од теста,<br />Јела од јаја, Јела од меса, Месне<br />прерађевине, Врсте меса и делови, Умаци,<br />Јела од поврћа, Колачи, слаткиши, Пића,<br />Јела приликом разних светковина.<br />Материјал је и лексикографски уобличен, а<br />потом картографисан.</p> / <p>Kulinarska leksika uopšte, kao i<br />kulinarska leksika Vojvodine nije do sada<br />detaljnije sa leksičko semantičkog i<br />tvorbenog aspekta obrađivana (osim u<br />pojedinim prikazima naših dijelektologa i<br />leksikografa), ali je svakako ona (ne u<br />potpunosti) deo srpskih važnijih<br />dijalekatskih rečnika (Od Vukova do<br />Rečnika srpskih govora Vojvodine) i<br />rečnika opšteg tipa.<br />U istraživačkom radu je primenjena u nas<br />odomaćena teorija semantičkih polja ruskog<br />etnolingviste Nikite Tolstoja. U leksičko<br />semantičkoj i tvorbenoj analizi kao i u<br />leksikografskoj obradi primenjen je<br />deskriptivni, lingvogeografski i<br />komparativni metod.<br />Obrađeno je šesnaest semantičkih polja:<br />Namirnice, Obroci, Pripremanje hrane,<br />Zimnica, Mleko , mlečni proizvodi i jela<br />od mleka, Supe i čorbe, Jela od testa,<br />Jela od jaja, Jela od mesa, Mesne<br />prerađevine, Vrste mesa i delovi, Umaci,<br />Jela od povrća, Kolači, slatkiši, Pića,<br />Jela prilikom raznih svetkovina.<br />Materijal je i leksikografski uobličen, a<br />potom kartografisan.</p> / <p>Culinary lexicon as such, as well as the<br />culinary lexicon of Vojvodina Region has so far<br />not been systematically examined in the lexicosemantic<br />and word-formation aspect (except for<br />some reviews of our dialectologists and lexicographers). However, it is (yet not</p><p>completely) a part of some major Serbian<br />dialect dictionaries (from Rječnik, a dictionary<br />by Vuk Stefanović Karadžić to Dictionary of<br />Serbian Vojvodina Speech) as well as the<br />range of general dictionaries.<br />The research implied the semantic field<br />theory developed by Russian ethno-linguist<br />Nikita Tolstoy, which is commonly applied<br />approach in our region. Lexico-semantic and<br />word-formation analysis as well as<br />lexicographic processing were performed<br />applying descriptive and linguo-geographic<br />methods.<br />Sixteen semantic fields were analyzed:<br />Foodstuffs; Meals; Food Preparation; Winter<br />Stores; Milk; Dairy Products and Dishes; Soups<br />and Stocks; Pasta and Savory Dishes; Egg<br />Dishes; Meat Dishes; Meat Products; Meat<br />Types and Cuts; Sauces; Vegetable Dishes;<br />Cakes, Cookies and Sweets; Drinks and<br />Beverages; Festive Foods. The material was<br />lexicographically edited and cartographed.</p>
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