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Uppkopplade Sensorer / Connected SensorsKarlsson, Daniel, Eriksson, Jesper January 2018 (has links)
Internet of Things blir allt mer vanligt i hemmet. På senare år har utbudet av uppkopplade enheter som hjälper till att automatisera delar av hemmet ökat. Uppkopplade sensorer är en del av detta och de erbjuder övervakning av till exempel temperatur, luftfuktighet, rörelse och ljus. Genom att presentera mätvärden från sensorer via ett grafiskt gränssnitt har man möjligheten att agera — manuellt eller automatiskt — på dessa värden för att till exempel justera temperatur i god tid. Målet med detta arbete är att utveckla en IoT-produkt som ett sensornätverk för övervakning av mätvärden från sensorer på enkortsdatorn Raspberry Pi. Syftet är att skapa ett skalbart system med en modulär design. Två Raspberry Pi användes för att utveckla ett IoT-system där en enhet läser in mätvärden från sensorer och en annan enhet exponerar ett REST API som möjliggör kommunikation via HTTP-protokollet för att skicka och ta in mätvärden. Mätvärden lagras i en databas och de senaste mätvärdena presenteras i ett grafiskt användargränssnitt. Resultatet är ett sensornätverk med en modulär design som kan användas för att övervaka senast uppmäta värden av temperatur och luftfuktighet i omgivningen. Dessa värden presenteras i ett grafiskt gränssnitt. / Internet of Things is becoming more common in the home. In recent years, the availability of connected devices that help automate parts of the home has increased. Connected sensors are part of this and they offer monitoring of, for example, temperature, humidity, motion and light. By presenting measurment values from sensors via a graphical interface, you have the option to act — manually or automatically – on these values, to for example, adjust the temperature in good time. The aim of this report is to develop an IoT product as a sensor network to collect data from sensors connected to the single board computer Raspberry Pi. The purpose is to create a scalable system with a modular design. Two Raspberry Pi were used to develop an IoT system where a device collects measu- rement values from sensors and another device which exposes a REST API that enables communication through the HTTP-protocol to send and recieve data. Measurment values are stored in a database and the latest measurement values are presented in a grahpical user interface. The result is a sensor network with a modular design that can be used to collect humi- dity and temperature values in the enviroment. These values are presented in a graphical user interface.
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Utilização de um aparelho de eletroencefalografia na domóticaCreste, Guilherme de Almeida Silva January 2017 (has links)
Orientador: Jose Luiz Rybarczyk-Filho / Resumo: Este trabalho visa melhorar a qualidade de vida de pessoas que tenham algum tipo de dificuldade física ou motora, com foco nas tarefas comuns de um ambiente residencial. Para tanto, foi desenvolvido um sistema que apresenta uma interface web capaz de interpretar os comandos capturados por um neuroheadset e efetuar a comunicação entre alguns dispositivos que estejam ao redor do usuário do sistema. O processamento do sinal é feito por um computador e um Raspberry Pi é utilizado para interagir com os dispositivos. Para o controle do sistema, o neuroheadset possui um giroscópio que é utilizado para capturar os movimentos da cabeça do usuário do sistema. Esses movimentos são traduzidos em coordenadas na tela do computador, utilizando os eixos X e Y como referência. Dessa forma, o usuário consegue movimentar o mouse do computador com os movimentos da cabeça. Para acionar o clique, na interface web o usuário tem três opções: via temporizador (3 segundos), via clique sendo acionado pelo duplo piscar dos olhos por 2 vezes consecutivas e, finalmente, pela atividade cerebral simulando um clique também. Vale salientar que o usuário pode interagir com o sistema operacional normalmente, ou seja, ele pode clicar em qualquer opção que aceite ser clicada do sistema operacional. Isso expande as capacidades do sistema para uma quantidade maior de aplicações, sendo possível por exemplo: navegar na internet, escrever via teclado virtual, dentre outras possibilidades. Para validar a capacidade de ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This work aims to improve the quality of life of people who have some kind of difficulty physical or motor skills, focusing on the common tasks of a residential environment. For that, it was developed a system that presents a web interface capable of interpreting the commands captured by a neuroheadset and communicate between some jam around the system user. The processing of the signal is done by a computer and a Raspberry Pi is used to interact with the devices. For system control, the neuroheadset has a gyroscope that is used to capture the movements of the head the system user. These movements are translated into coordinates on the computer screen. using the X and Y axes as reference. In this way, the user can move the computer mouse with the movements of the head. To activate the click, in the interface The user has three options: via timer (3 seconds), via double blink of the eye for 2 consecutive times and, finally, for simu- clicking. It is worth noting that the user can interact with the operating system usually, that is, it can click on any option that accepts to be clicked from the operating system rational. This expands the capabilities of the system to a greater number of applications, It is possible, for example, to surf the internet, to write via the virtual keyboard, opportunities. In order to validate the user’s interaction and control capacity with the system, developed a series of tests that aim to measure the performance of users in the 3 large areas of re... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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Robust kommunikation med Raspberry PiKällén, Patrik, Metsi, Simon January 2015 (has links)
Softhouse har utvecklat prototyper för att hämta data från och styra produkter ute i industrin medhjälp av Raspberry Pi. Tidigare har anställda på företag åkt ut i fält och hämtat data för handvilket är väldigt ineffektivt och dyrt för företagen. För att använda Raspberry Pi i liknandeprojekt och för att stärka de nuvarande systemen så behövs ett kommunikationsprotokoll för attsäkert överföra data till en central server. En viktig del är att insamlad data på Raspberry Pi intefår gå förlorad av oväntade anledningar, till exempel strömavbrott. Kapaciteten av Raspberry Piskulle även undersökas för att veta om den klarar av att köra i flera år.Som grund användes TLS1.2 med AES kryptering över en TCP-uppkoppling för att stärkasäkerheten. För att stoppa data från att gå förlorad vid oväntade händelser så läses en bit in i tagetfrån hårddisken på Raspberry Pi och inget tas bort förrän servern svarat att det tagits emot ‘ok’. För att se om Raspberry Pi skulle kunna köras ute i fält gjorde vi en del olika tester på till exempel hårddisk och temperatur. / Softhouse has developed prototypes in order to collect data from products and control them withthe Raspberry Pi. Companies have previously sent employees to manually collect data in thefields which is very inefficient and expensive for the companies. In order to use the Raspberry Piin other projects and strengthen their current systems, a communications protocol is needed tosafely transmit data to a central server. One important aspect is that collected data on theRaspberry Pi cannot be lost for unexpected reasons such as a power outage. The capacity of theRaspberry Pi needed to be reviewed in order to know if it would run for several years.As the basis we used TLS1.2 with AES encryption over a TCP-connection to strengthen thesafety. Parts of data are read from the Raspberry Pi, transmitted to the server and removed onceit gets a ‘ok’ from the server. This stops data from getting lost during unexpected events.Tests were run on the Raspberry Pi to see if it could run out in the field. For example the harddrive and temperature of the Raspberry Pi was tested.
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Utveckling av prototyp för uppmätning av blodflöde med DopplersensorerJohansson, Tomas January 2016 (has links)
The current most common methods for measuring a blood vessels flow with Doppler technique requires a cable between the patient and measuring instrument. In today’s technology and the progress made in microelectronics have made it possible to manufacture ultrasonic transmitters and receivers, control electronics and antennas small enough for them to be integrated in a probe attached to the blood vessel. In order to read the flow of blood used NFC to securely send the information wireless to a smartphone or a tablet. This ensures that the cable between the patient and the measuring instrument would not be needed and the patient possibility to move would increase. So this thesis was to continue on a prototype using a Raspberry Pi and other medical equipment to approach toward the ultimate objective. So with help of filtering and amplification the target was to reduce noise and amplify the signal so that the correct data was send to the recipient’s smartphone or tablet. / De nuvarande vanligaste metoderna för att mäta upp ett blodkärls blodflöde med Doppler-teknik kräver en kabel mellan patient och mätinstrument. I dagens teknik och de framsteg som har gjorts inom mikroelektroniken har gjort det möjligt att tillverka ultraljudssändare och mottagare, styrelektronik och antenner i tillräckligt liten storlek för att de ska kunna integreras i en prob som fästs vid blodkärlet. För att kunna läsa av blodflödet används NFC för att säkert kunna skicka över information trådlöst till en smartphone eller en surfplatta. Detta medför att kabeln mellan patienten och mätinstrumentet inte skulle behövas och patientens möjlighet att röra sig skulle öka. Så det här examensarbetet gick ut på att fortsätta på en prototyp med hjälp av en Raspberry Pi och annan medicinsk utrustning för att närma sig det slutgiltiga målet. Så med hjälp av filtrering och förstärkning är målet att minska störningar och förstärka signalen så att rätt data skickas till mottagarens smartphone eller surfplatta.
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Mini Printer for Nail ArtQuan, Annie Phuong 20 May 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Využití systému Raspberry PI pro řízení. / Control system with Raspbery PIZgrebňák, Michal January 2018 (has links)
The goal of this diploma thesis is to verify the practical applicability of the Raspberry Pi platform in control applications. The work consists of choosing a suitable operating system and implementing a discrete PID algorithm. An important part of the work was the Linux OS modification and compilation. Measurement has demonstrated the usability of the platform in control applications. The result of this work is a discreet PID controller implemented as a Linux kernel module. The solution also includes a web interface as a human-machine interface.
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Monitor napájecí sítě / Power Line MonitorStrašek, Petr January 2018 (has links)
This thesis solves the development of Power Line Monitor. The thesis also describes the specific implementation of hardware, software and results.
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Vzdálená kontrola 3D tiskárny / Remote control of 3D printerKajzr, Miroslav January 2018 (has links)
The essence of this work is to summarize the knowledge about 3D printing, especially with FDM technologies. Create an overview of used FDM printing materials, identify their advantages and disadvantages, technical parameters and usability. Another purpose of the thesis is to examine the print quality and its problems and specify types of surface finishes for selected materials. The content also includes remote control and monitoring of the 3D print process using the Raspberry Pi microcomputer and the print server named Octoprint.
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Systém pro automatické řízení a monitorování centrálního vytápění / System for Automated Monitoring and Control of Central HeatingŠoc, Matěj January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with design and implementation of wireless system for automated control and monitoring of central heating. Some of the existing solutions and their characteristics are briefly introduced at first. The attention in this thesis is subsequently given to the analysis of wireless technologies and power supply methods suitable for home automation. With regard to ascertained findings, the design and subsequent implementation of system modules using Raspberry Pi, the ARM Cortex-M0+ microcontroller and the ZigBee communication modules were performed. The firmware for created modules was designed and implemented. The designed system can be controlled and monitored using a mobile application for the Android platform, whose design is also described in this thesis.
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Sledování pohybu očí pomocí platformy Raspberry Pi / Eye movement tracking using the Raspberry Pi platformHunkařová, Nikol January 2020 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with eye movement tracking using the Raspberry Pi platform. The theoretical part describes eye anatomy, eye detection and eyetracking. A system in Python programming language was designed in the practical part. This algorithm is able to perform the eye tracking function using the Raspberry Pi platform and the RPi Camera module. The OpenCV library is used for loading and preprocessing images from the camera. A method that detects and evaluates the direction of view after a calibration is available. The accuracy of the program is tested on three vector methods and two target methods for four screen resolutions.
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