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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hromadné propouštění / Mass dismissal

Spejchal, Petr January 2014 (has links)
title: Collective redundancies key words: labour law collective redundancies consultation This study focus on collective redundancies. In the first part is analysed legal regulation in Czechoslovakia in 30ies of the 20 century. Then it was considered as an easy and cheap solution for current issue of high unemployment and economic crisis with small impact on state budget. The analysis of legal regulation is based on archive sources and standard law interpretation methods. The legislation process is also discussed. Strong positon of the state is characteristic of first republic regulation. The public authority could even ban collective redundancy. In the second part the analysis is aimed at the development of European law regulation of collective redundancies. The context of its genesis is explained. The legislative process of all three Directives is described in detail. The study highlights the purpose of the law regulation. Afterwards the analysis focuses on interpretation of Directive 98/59/EC based on Court of Justice of the European Union case law. The basic definition of collective redundancy, all legal persons, and consultation procedure is examined gradually. The position of public authority within the consultation procedure is addressed. Finally critical review is made of all Directive...

Outplacement / Outplacement program in the company Faurecia Lecotex a.s.

Hanzlík, Jan January 2009 (has links)
The thesis is focused on introduction outplacement as one of the helpful instrument for company reducing its staff and characteristic important benefits for consumers. This knowledge was used as background for estimation and analysis of the outplacement program by the help of the empirical research and compared with a similar outplacement program in other company. The Questionnaire survey as part of my thesis was completed by former employees. Based on the results of the research and analysis I made the recommendations, whose aim is to be instructed other outplacement projects.

Towards RDF normalization / Vers une normalisation RDF

Ticona Herrera, Regina Paola 06 July 2016 (has links)
Depuis ces dernières décennies, des millions d'internautes produisent et échangent des données sur le Web. Ces informations peuvent être structurées, semi-structurées et/ou non-structurées, tels que les blogs, les commentaires, les pages Web, les contenus multimédias, etc. Afin de faciliter la publication ainsi que l'échange de données, le World Wide Web Consortium (ou W3C) a défini en 1999 le standard RDF. Ce standard est un modèle qui permet notamment de structurer une information sous la forme d'un réseau de données dans lequel il est possible d'y attacher des descriptions sémantiques. Ce modèle permet donc d'améliorer l'interopérabilité entre différentes applications exploitant des données diverses et variées présentes sur le Web.Actuellement, une grande quantité de descriptions RDF est disponible en ligne, notamment grâce à des projets de recherche qui traitent du Web de données liées, comme par exemple DBpedia et LinkedGeoData. De plus, de nombreux fournisseurs de données ont adopté les technologies issues de cette communauté du Web de données en partageant, connectant, enrichissant et publiant leurs informations à l'aide du standard RDF, comme les gouvernements (France, Canada, Grande-Bretagne, etc.), les universités (par exemple Open University) ainsi que les entreprises (BBC, CNN, etc.). Il en résulte que de nombreux acteurs actuels (particuliers ou organisations) produisent des quantités gigantesques de descriptions RDF qui sont échangées selon différents formats (RDF/XML, Turtle, N-Triple, etc.). Néanmoins, ces descriptions RDF sont souvent verbeuses et peuvent également contenir de la redondance d'information. Ceci peut concerner à la fois leur structure ou bien leur sérialisation (ou le format) qui en plus souffre de multiples variations d'écritures possibles au sein d'un même format. Tous ces problèmes induisent des pertes de performance pour le stockage, le traitement ou encore le chargement de ce type de descriptions. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons de nettoyer les descriptions RDF en éliminant les données redondantes ou inutiles. Ce processus est nommé « normalisation » de descriptions RDF et il est une étape essentielle pour de nombreuses applications, telles que la similarité entre descriptions, l'alignement, l'intégration, le traitement des versions, la classification, l'échantillonnage, etc. Pour ce faire, nous proposons une approche intitulée R2NR qui à partir de différentes descriptions relatives à une même information produise une et une seule description normalisée qui est optimisée en fonction de multiples paramètres liés à une application cible. Notre approche est illustrée en décrivant plusieurs cas d'étude (simple pour la compréhension mais aussi plus réaliste pour montrer le passage à l'échelle) nécessitant l'étape de normalisation. La contribution de cette thèse peut être synthétisée selon les points suivants :i. Produire une description RDF normalisée (en sortie) qui préserve les informations d'une description source (en entrée),ii. Éliminer les redondances et optimiser l'encodage d'une description normalisée,iii. Engendrer une description RDF optimisée en fonction d'une application cible (chargement rapide, stockage optimisée...),iv. Définir de manière complète et formelle le processus de normalisation à l'aide de fonctions, d'opérateurs, de règles et de propriétés bien fondées, etc.v. Fournir un prototype RDF2NormRDF (avec deux versions : en ligne et hors ligne) permettant de tester et de valider l'efficacité de notre approche.Afin de valider notre proposition, le prototype RDF2NormRDF a été utilisé avec une batterie de tests. Nos résultats expérimentaux ont montré des mesures très encourageantes par rapport aux approches existantes, notamment vis-à-vis du temps de chargement ou bien du stockage d'une description normalisée, tout en préservant le maximum d'informations. / Over the past three decades, millions of people have been producing and sharing information on the Web, this information can be structured, semi-structured, and/or non-structured such as blogs, comments, Web pages, and multimedia data, etc., which require a formal description to help their publication and/or exchange on the Web. To help address this problem, the Word Wide Web Consortium (or W3C) introduced in 1999 the RDF standard as a data model designed to standardize the definition and use of metadata, in order to better describe and handle data semantics, thus improving interoperability, and scalability, and promoting the deployment of new Web applications. Currently, billions of RDF descriptions are available on the Web through the Linked Open Data cloud projects (e.g., DBpedia and LinkedGeoData). Also, several data providers have adopted the principles and practices of the Linked Data to share, connect, enrich and publish their information using the RDF standard, e.g., Governments (e.g., Canada Government), universities (e.g., Open University) and companies (e.g., BBC and CNN). As a result, both individuals and organizations are increasingly producing huge collections of RDF descriptions and exchanging them through different serialization formats (e.g., RDF/XML, Turtle, N-Triple, etc.). However, many available RDF descriptions (i.e., graphs and serializations) are noisy in terms of structure, syntax, and semantics, and thus may present problems when exploiting them (e.g., more storage, processing time, and loading time). In this study, we propose to clean RDF descriptions of redundancies and unused information, which we consider to be an essential and required stepping stone toward performing advanced RDF processing as well as the development of RDF databases and related applications (e.g., similarity computation, mapping, alignment, integration, versioning, clustering, and classification, etc.). For that purpose, we have defined a framework entitled R2NR which normalizes different RDF descriptions pertaining to the same information into one normalized representation, which can then be tuned both at the graph level and at the serialization level, depending on the target application and user requirements. We illustrate this approach by introducing use cases (real and synthetics) that need to be normalized.The contributions of the thesis can be summarized as follows:i. Producing a normalized (output) RDF representation that preserves all the information in the source (input) RDF descriptions,ii. Eliminating redundancies and disparities in the normalized RDF descriptions, both at the logical (graph) and physical (serialization) levels,iii. Computing a RDF serialization output adapted w.r.t. the target application requirements (faster loading, better storage, etc.),iv. Providing a mathematical formalization of the normalization process with dedicated normalization functions, operators, and rules with provable properties, andv. Providing a prototype tool called RDF2NormRDF (desktop and online versions) in order to test and to evaluate the approach's efficiency.In order to validate our framework, the prototype RDF2NormRDF has been tested through extensive experimentations. Experimental results are satisfactory show significant improvements over existing approaches, namely regarding loading time and file size, while preserving all the information from the original description.

LICENZIAMENTI COLLETTIVI E TECNICHE DI CONTROLLO DEL POTERE DATORIALE / Collective redundancies and metodologies of control of the employer's power

GHITTI, CARLA 13 March 2015 (has links)
La tesi affronta il tema delle tecniche di controllo del potere datoriale nelle procedure di riduzione del personale, con l’intento di verificare se la legge n. 92/2012 (c.d. Riforma Fornero) abbia inciso sul controllo individuale-giudiziale e su quello collettivo-sindacale. Nel primo capitolo si illustrano le ragioni per cui la verifica giudiziale sulla giustificazione dei licenziamenti collettivi, già doverosa alla luce della legge n. 223 del 1991, rimanga essenziale nel quadro della riforma Fornero, pur in considerazione dell'impatto provocato dal nuovo regime sanzionatorio sulle concrete modalità di attuazione di questo accertamento. Nel secondo capitolo si dimostra perché, sebbene la legge sembri diretta a valorizzare il ruolo del sindacato nella procedura (attribuendo grande rilievo all'accordo sindacale raggiunto nel corso dell'esame congiunto) in realtà riduca fortemente gli spazi di negoziazione collettiva determinando un complessivo indebolimento del ruolo delle oo.ss. a danno dell’effettività del controllo sindacale. Nel terzo capitolo si analizzano gli aspetti più rilevanti della verifica sindacale e giudiziale sui criteri di scelta, che rappresentano uno degli aspetti più delicati della disciplina dei licenziamenti collettivi per la loro diretta ricaduta sulla posizione dei singoli. In conclusione si afferma che solo la piena realizzazione dei due modelli di tutela (individuale e collettiva), in una visione che considera il controllo giudiziale e quello sindacale complementari e non alternativi, sia in grado di assicurare il livello di protezione dei lavoratori voluto dal legislatore del 1991. / The thesis concerns collective redundancies and focuses on the limits that the law and the collective bargaining put to the employer's powers, with specific regard to employer's discretionary during the redundancy procedure, in order to verify whether the law 92/2012 (known as Fornero Reform), affected the judge's control and the trade union. In the first chapter we can find the reasons investigating if the judgemental control over the substantive fairness of collective dismissals, which was already due following the law n. 223/1991, still remains essential in the Fornero reform. In the second chapter it is clarified why, although the reform seems to enhance the role of the trade union in the procedure, in fact it reduces the possibilities of collective bargaining and, as a consequence it weakens the trade union control. The third and last chapter analyzes the most relevant aspects of the criteria to select employees for redundancy from both sides either either judicial and from the trade union side. In the end it is considered that only though a double vision, judicial and union, it is possible to grant a fair protection to the workers as planned from the legislator of 1991.

Právní a ekonomické aspekty skončení pracovního poměru / Legal and economic aspects of termination

Pelantová, Marie January 2015 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the institute termination of employment from the legal and economic point of view. From a legal perspective, it is mainly about the presentation of the most common ways of termination of employment, including acquainting the reader with a steady legal interpretation. From a microeconomic point of view, the termination of employment relates to the consequences for employers and employees and from a macroeconomic perspective, with consequences for the whole society. This is followed by a practical part which connects the foregoing and the current example of OKD Inc., which employs nearly 10 thousand employees and currently finds itself in serious financial difficulties, the state estimates the costs associated with the mass redundancies at different alternatives. These variants are bankruptcy or reorganization provided financial assistance to the state. At the conclusion of the two calculations are compared and outlines a list of partial measures to mitigate the effects of similar events in the future.

Outplacement - možnosti, specifika, limity / Outplacement - possibilities, specificities,limits

Dvořáková, Marie January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to describe the process of outplacement and its impact on redundancies. The first chapters are devoted to the dismissal of employees, their consequences and corporate social responsibility. The next part is devoted to defining the concept of outplacement, its history, content, form and process. The last and main part of this thesis deals with the psychological aspects of layoffs and outplacement and their connection with psychological counseling. The empirical part focuses on the contribution of individual outplacement for redundant employees and evaluate its effect on the mental state of these employees during and at the end of outplacement project. Key words Outplacement, redundancies, dismissals consequences, psychological aspects of redundancy and outplacement, corporate social responsibility

Modélisation et commande d'un système innovant pour la propulsion navale / Modeling, optimization by control strategies of an innovative system for naval propulsion

Debbou, Mustapha 03 June 2014 (has links)
Les travaux menés durant cette thèse s'intéressent principalement aux avantages que peut offrir la machine asynchrone à double alimentation (MADA) dans un système de propulsion navale. Ceci est obtenu à travers les degrés de libertés additionnels qu'elle apporte, d'une part, par l'exploitation de la redondance structurelle naturelle, et d'autre part , par les stratégies de contrôle qui lui sont appliquées. La première partie de ce mémoire, présente la modélisation du propulseur innovant. Ce dernier est conçu principalement autour de la MADA comme moteur de propulsion. Il est alimenté par deux onduleurs de tension à Modulation de Largeur d'Impulsion (MLI), et entrainant une hélice à trois pales fixes et symétriques. Plusieurs stratégies de commande ont été introduites pour piloter le système. En effet, des lois de contrôle de type linéaires et non linéaires, associées à des divers modulateurs MLI ont été validées et appliquées à cette structure de propulsion. L'innovation apportée dans le cadre de ces travaux consiste à associer à l'optimisation par conception (machine et convertisseurs d'alimentation), une optimisation par la commande et ce en évaluant l'influence de ces techniques pour deux critères de dimensionnement majeurs, à savoir, les pertes dans les convertisseurs de puissances, et les bruits acoustiques et vibratoires. La propulsion navale, comme tout système embarqué, possède des exigences en matière de qualité de service non seulement en termes de performances mais aussi de fiabilité et de disponibilité. En effet, les systèmes conçus pour ce type d'application doivent assurer et garantir une continuité de service en cas d'apparition de défauts au sein des constituants du système. L'utilisation de la MADA dans les systèmes de propulsion offre une redondance structurelle naturelle et analytique, introduite par la commande, qui permet d'assurer une continuité de service du système en présence d'une défaillance dans la structure. Deux défauts sont ainsi considérés dans cette étude, un défaut de semi-conducteur de puissance dans le convertisseur de puissance et un défaut de capteur vitesse/position. Les stratégies de contrôle proposées, les modèles de propulseur établis ainsi que les reconfigurations adoptées suite aux défauts ont été validées expérimentalement sur les bancs développés au LAPLACE dans le cadre de ces travaux. / This study focuses on the benefits that can be induced by the use of the Double Fed Induction Machine (DFIM) operating in motor mode for marine propulsion systems. It can be achieved by the additional degree of freedom it provides, firstly, by exploiting the natural structural redundancy, and secondly, by the alytical redundancy introduced by applied control strategies. The first part of this thesis presents the modeling of a propeller architected mainly around the DFIM and its load such as a propeller with three fixed and symmetrical blades. Several control strategies have been introduced to control the system, in fact, linear and nonlinear control laws type associated with various modulators have been validated and applied to the propulsion structure. The objective was to evaluate the influence of these techniques for two major design criteria, namely, losses in power converters, and noise and vibration noise. Naval propulsion as any embedded system has requirements for the quality of service not only in performance but also reliability and availability. Indeed, the systems designed for these types of applications must ensure and guarantee continuity of service in response to the failures in system components. The use of MADA in propulsion systems provides a natural structural and analytical redundancies which ensure system service continuity in the presence of a fault in this structure. Two faults are considered in this study, a power semiconductor fault in the power converter and a speed sensor / position failure. Control strategies proposed, the propeller modeling established and reconfigurations adopted following settings have been validated by simulation and experimentally on the real laboratory or industrial benches developed in the context of this study.

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