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The role of solute elements on grain refinement of Al alloys with Al-Ti-B inoculationsZhou, Li January 2015 (has links)
Al alloys have been extensively used for producing structural and functional products. It is well known that a grain-refined as cast microstructure generally facilitates high quality finished products in the downstream processing stages. Chemical inoculation by Al-Ti-B grain refiners was widely used in the industry to refine Al alloys. However, the corresponding grain refining mechanism is still under dispute. In this study, the influence of solute elements on the grain refining of Al alloys in the presence of potent TiB2 inoculants was investigated in order to understand the grain refining mechanism of Al alloys by Al-Ti-B grain refiners. Firstly, an effective Al-Ti-B grain refiner, which contains potent TiB2 particles and negligible impurities (particularly Ti), was obtained by a settling experiment. The effectiveness of the grain refiner was verified by its inoculation in commercial purity Al (CP-Al) due to the significantly refined microstructure. Based on its compositional analysis, the grain refiner was found to contain little free Ti (only 600ppm) and other impurities (100ppm Fe, < 100ppm Si), and this refiner was referred to as Al-1.54TiB2. Secondly, with fixed addition of the Al-1.54TiB2 grain refiner, the effect of individual solute elements including Ti, Si, Fe, Sn, Zn, Cu, Mg, Mn, Cr and Zr, and the combined effects of Fe-Si, Fe-Cu and Fe-Ti on the grain structures of high purity Al (HP-Al) were investigated. It was found that, there is no direct correlation between the growth restriction parameter Q and the grain size when a fixed addition of Al-1.54TiB2 is present. The effects of solute elements on the grain structures of a final casting should consider both solidification kinetics and thermodynamic conditions. A theoretical columnar-equiaxed transition (CET) prediction model based on the analysis of a newly-established growth restriction coefficient β, which has considerations on both the thermodynamic and kinetic conditions, is presented for grain structure prediction. Finally, a poisoning (i.e., grain size coarsening) mechanism by Zr or Si addition in Al alloys containing TiB2 particles was studied. It was found that, for Al-Zr samples, a Zr-rich atomic mono-layer exists at the TiB2/Al interface to replace the originally present Al3Ti atomic monolayer. This was suggested to be the reason for Zr poisoning. For Al-Si samples, the Al3Ti atomic monolayer, which originally existed at the TiB2/Al interface, was found to have apparently disappeared, and this was likely to be the reason for Si poisoning.
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Um ensaio em teoria dos jogos / An essay on game theoryPimentel, Edgard Almeida 16 August 2010 (has links)
Esta dissertação aborda a teoria dos jogos diferenciais em sua estreita relação com a teoria das equações de Hamilton-Jacobi (HJ). Inicialmente, uma revisão da noção de solução em teoria dos jogos é empreendida. Discutem-se nesta ocasião as idéias de equilíbrio de Nash e alguns de seus refinamentos. Em seguida, tem lugar uma introdução à teoria dos jogos diferenciais, onde noções de solução como a função de valor de Isaacs e de Friedman são discutidas. É nesta altura do trabalho que fica evidente a conexão entre este conceito de solução e a teoria das equações de Hamilton-Jacobi. Por ocasião desta conexão, é explorada a noção de solução clássica e é exposta uma demonstração do fato de que se um jogo diferencial possuir uma função de valor pelo menos continuamente diferenciável, esta será uma solução da equação de Hamilton-Jacobi associada ao jogo. Este resultado faz uso do princípio da programação dinâmica, devido a Bellman, e cuja demonstração está presente no texto. No entanto, quando a função de valor do jogo é apenas contínua, então embora esta não seja uma solução clássica da equação HJ associada a jogo, vemos que ela será uma solução viscosa, ou solução no sentido da viscosidade - e a esta altura são discutidos os elementos e propriedades desta classe de soluções, um teorema de existência e unicidade e alguns exemplos. Por fim, retomamos o estudo dos jogos diferenciais à luz das soluções viscosas da equação de Hamilton-Jacobi e, assim, expomos uma demonstração de existência da função de valor e do princípio da programação dinâmica a partir das noções da viscosidade / This dissertation aims to address the topic of Differential Game Theory in its connection with the Hamilton-Jacobi (HJ) equations framework. Firstly we introduce the idea of solution for a game, through the discussion of Nash equilibria and its refinements. Secondly, the solution concept is then translated to the context of Differential Games and the idea of value function is introduced in its Isaacs\'s as well as Friedman\'s version. As the value function is discussed, its relationship with the Hamilton-Jacobi equations theory becomes self-evident. Due to such relation, we investigate the HJ equation from two distinct points of view. First of all, we discuss a statement according to which if a differential game has a continuously differentiable value function, then such function is a classical solution of the HJ equation associated to the game. This result strongly relies on Bellman\'s Dynamic Programming Principle - and this is the reason why we devote an entire chapter to this theme. Furthermore, HJ is still at our sight from the PDE point of view. Our motivation is simple: under some lack of regularity - a value function which is continuous, but not continuously differentiable - a game may still have a value function represented as a solution of the associated HJ equation. In this case such a solution will be called a solution in the viscosity sense. We then discuss the properties of viscosity solutions as well as provide an existence and uniqueness theorem. Finally we turn our attention back to the theory of games and - through the notion of viscosity - establish the existence and uniqueness of value functions for a differential game within viscosity solution theory.
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Calculs du symbole de kronecker dans le tore / Computations of the Kronecker symbol in the torusDupont, Franck 04 December 2017 (has links)
Soit k un corps algébriquement clos de caractéristique 0 et F une suite de n polynômes en intersection complète sur k[X1,...,Xn]. Le Bezoutien de F fournit une forme dualisante sur k[X]/<F> appelée symbole de Kronecker, qui est un analogue algébrique du résidu. L'objet de ce travail est de construire et calculer le symbole de Kronecker dans le tore (C*)n relativement à une famille f de n polynômes de Laurent en n variables. La famille f possède un nombre fini de zéros et est régulière pour ses polytopes de Newton. La représentation du résidu global dans le tore à l'aide d'un résidu torique, donnée par Cattani et Dickenstein, suggère d'interpréter le symbole de Kronecker dans le tore dans la variété torique projective définie par le polytope P, somme de Minkowski des polytopes de Newton de f.Lorsque P est premier, Roy et Szpirglas ont défini le symbole de Kronecker dans le tore à partir des symboles de Kronecker définis sur les ouverts affines de la variété torique Xp relativement à une famille de n + 1 polynômes homogènes sans zéros communs dans la variété Xp. Nous montrons ici que le cas « P non premier » est réductible au cas précédent en explicitant les morphismes d'éclatement qui traduisent le raffinement de l’éventail de Xp en un éventail simplicial. / Let k be an algebraically closed field with char(k) = 0 and let be polynomials F1,..., Fn such that k[X1,...,Xn]/<F1,..., Fn> is a complete intersection k-algebra. The Bezoutian of F1,..., Fn gives a dualizing form acting on k[X1,...,Xn]/<F1,..., Fn> called Kronecker symbol. It is an algebraic analogue of residue. The aim of this work is to build and calculate the Kronecker symbol in the torus (C*)n for a system f of Laurent polynomials with a a finite set of zeroes and regular for its Newton polytopes. In the same way as Cattani and Dickenstein have done for the global residue in the torus, we consider the projective variety given by the Minkowski sum P of the Newton polytopes of f in order to build the Kronecker symbol in the torus.When P is prime, Roy and Szpirglas have defined the Kronecker symbol in the torus from Kronecker symbols on affine subsets of Xp for a system of n+1 homogeneous polynomials with no common zeroes in XP . We prove that the case "P no prime" can be reduced to the previous case by using simplicial refinements of the fan of Xp and making explicit the associated toric morphisms on the total coordinate spaces.
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Um ensaio em teoria dos jogos / An essay on game theoryEdgard Almeida Pimentel 16 August 2010 (has links)
Esta dissertação aborda a teoria dos jogos diferenciais em sua estreita relação com a teoria das equações de Hamilton-Jacobi (HJ). Inicialmente, uma revisão da noção de solução em teoria dos jogos é empreendida. Discutem-se nesta ocasião as idéias de equilíbrio de Nash e alguns de seus refinamentos. Em seguida, tem lugar uma introdução à teoria dos jogos diferenciais, onde noções de solução como a função de valor de Isaacs e de Friedman são discutidas. É nesta altura do trabalho que fica evidente a conexão entre este conceito de solução e a teoria das equações de Hamilton-Jacobi. Por ocasião desta conexão, é explorada a noção de solução clássica e é exposta uma demonstração do fato de que se um jogo diferencial possuir uma função de valor pelo menos continuamente diferenciável, esta será uma solução da equação de Hamilton-Jacobi associada ao jogo. Este resultado faz uso do princípio da programação dinâmica, devido a Bellman, e cuja demonstração está presente no texto. No entanto, quando a função de valor do jogo é apenas contínua, então embora esta não seja uma solução clássica da equação HJ associada a jogo, vemos que ela será uma solução viscosa, ou solução no sentido da viscosidade - e a esta altura são discutidos os elementos e propriedades desta classe de soluções, um teorema de existência e unicidade e alguns exemplos. Por fim, retomamos o estudo dos jogos diferenciais à luz das soluções viscosas da equação de Hamilton-Jacobi e, assim, expomos uma demonstração de existência da função de valor e do princípio da programação dinâmica a partir das noções da viscosidade / This dissertation aims to address the topic of Differential Game Theory in its connection with the Hamilton-Jacobi (HJ) equations framework. Firstly we introduce the idea of solution for a game, through the discussion of Nash equilibria and its refinements. Secondly, the solution concept is then translated to the context of Differential Games and the idea of value function is introduced in its Isaacs\'s as well as Friedman\'s version. As the value function is discussed, its relationship with the Hamilton-Jacobi equations theory becomes self-evident. Due to such relation, we investigate the HJ equation from two distinct points of view. First of all, we discuss a statement according to which if a differential game has a continuously differentiable value function, then such function is a classical solution of the HJ equation associated to the game. This result strongly relies on Bellman\'s Dynamic Programming Principle - and this is the reason why we devote an entire chapter to this theme. Furthermore, HJ is still at our sight from the PDE point of view. Our motivation is simple: under some lack of regularity - a value function which is continuous, but not continuously differentiable - a game may still have a value function represented as a solution of the associated HJ equation. In this case such a solution will be called a solution in the viscosity sense. We then discuss the properties of viscosity solutions as well as provide an existence and uniqueness theorem. Finally we turn our attention back to the theory of games and - through the notion of viscosity - establish the existence and uniqueness of value functions for a differential game within viscosity solution theory.
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Some New Contributions in the Theory of Hardy Type InequalitiesYimer, Markos Fisseha January 2023 (has links)
In this thesis we derive various generalizations and refinements of some classical inequalities in different function spaces. We consider some of the most important inequalities namely the Hardy, Pólya-Knopp, Jensen, Minkowski and Beckenbach-Dresher inequalities. The main focus is put on the Hardy and their limit Pólya-Knopp inequalities. Indeed, we derive such inequalities even in a general Banach functionsetting. The thesis consists of three papers (A, B and C) and an introduction, which put these papers into a more general frame. This introduction has also independent interest since it shortly describe the dramatic more than 100 years of development of Hardy-type inequalities. It contains both well-known and very new ideas and results. In paper A we prove and discuss some new Hardy-type inequalities in Banach function space settings. In particular, such a result is proved and applied for a new general Hardy operator, which is introduced in this paper (this operator generalizes the usualHardy kernel operator). These results generalize and unify several classical Hardy-type inequalities. In paper B we prove some new refined Hardy-type inequalities again in Banach function space settings. The used (super quadraticity) technique is also illustrated by making refinements of some generalized forms of the Jensen, Minkowski and Beckenbach-Dresher inequalities. These results both generalize and unify several results of this type. In paper C for the case 0<p≤q<∞ we prove some new Pólya-Knopp inequalities in two and higher dimensions with good two-sided estimates of the sharp constants. By using this result and complementary ideas it is also proved a new multidimensional weighted Pólya-Knopp inequality with sharp constant. / In this thesis we derive various generalizations and refinements of some classical inequalities in different function spaces. We consider some of the most important inequalities namely the Hardy, Pólya-Knopp, Jensen, Minkowski and Beckenbach-Dresher inequalities. The main focus is put on the Hardy and their limit, Pólya-Knopp inequalities. Indeed, we derive such inequalities even in a general Banach function setting. We prove and discuss some new Hardy-type inequalities in Banach function space settings. In particular, such a result is proved and applied for a new general Hardy operator. These results generalize and unify several classical Hardy-type inequalities. Next, we prove some new refined Hardy-type inequalities again in Banach function space settings. We used superquadraticity technique to prove refinements of some classical inequalities. Finally, for the case 0<p≤q<∞, we prove some new Pólya-Knopp inequalities in two and higher dimensions with good two-sided estimates of the sharp constants. By using this result and complementary ideas it is also proved a new multidimensional weighted Pólya-Knopp inequality with sharp constant.
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