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Reservation income and the decision to borrow : an empirical analysis of interlinked informal credit contracts in the Peruvian AmazonKjüllerstrüm, Mónica Isabel Bento De Braga January 2002 (has links)
This thesis examines factors that determine household reliance on interlinked informal credit contracts for fish in the Peruvian Amazon, and the degree to which implicit interest rates in these contracts are explained by transaction costs, administrative costs and lender risk. / A probit model was used to determine household likelihood to borrow, using survey data collected in the region. This likelihood is found to depend on access to alternative activities to generate income, household resilience to income volatility, and demographics: age, education and mobility. / High implicit interest rates (112%) are not explained by the average costs (67%) incurred by local lenders. Market access and household demand elasticity seem to be the main factors determining the degree to which forest peasants are exploited. Local lenders are found to receive credit at rates below the cost to non-resident lenders who use the credit relationship to secure a supply of fish.
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Reservation income and the decision to borrow : an empirical analysis of interlinked informal credit contracts in the Peruvian AmazonKjüllerstrüm, Mónica Isabel Bento De Braga January 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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Environmental controls on methane comsumption and carbon dioxide production in upland boreal forest soils, Thompson, ManitobaSavage, Kathleen, 1967- January 1995 (has links)
No description available.
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"God has locked the sky" : exploring traditional farming systems in Tigray, EthiopiaDerakhshani, Nava 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Tigray region in northern Ethiopia is a historic centre of agricultural production and home to many subsistence farmers that still use traditional farming systems and practise rain-fed agriculture. The region has been affected adversely by famines and periodic droughts for centuries and is vulnerable to climate change. Farmers are producing on small plots of often degraded land and through their own actions have depleted the natural resources they rely on, in particular soil, water and trees.
This study sought to explore the environmental degradation of Tigray through both a literature review of its agricultural socio-political history and a lived experience in the village of Abraha We Atsebaha among farmers of the region. It uses a variety of methodologies and methods, including a literature review, grounded theory, narrative inquiry and ethnography, to expand on the factors that have contributed to the current degradation, the implications for traditional farming and the potential for land regeneration.
The first journal article seeks to explore how Ethiopians have shaped their natural environment. In particular, it focuses on deforestation, soil degradation, the role of changing governance and land-ownership patterns, and the effects of climate change. The article demonstrates that traditional farming systems do not operate in isolation from their socio-political and environmental context.
The second journal article provides an in-depth narrative inquiry conducted in Abraha We Atsebaha over a three-month period in 2014. This village is known for its indigenous farming knowledge, commitment to regeneration and innovation in conservation practices. Interviews were conducted with selected farmers and local leaders and informal discussions were carried out with government extension representatives using the ethno-ecological cosmos-corpus-praxis guidelines to enable an integrated exploration of the nature of traditional farming, the causative factors of environmental deterioration and the resultant communal response. In addition to written interview notes, observations and field notes were recorded daily. Photographs are used to give a real sense of the community and their work. It emerged during this process that underlying belief systems were exceptionally important in a context of traditional conservation. Both articles discuss the development work undertaken by government in the rural farming sector and the successes and challenges faced. They also show that elements of traditional farming, sustainability measures and environmental care were suspended in favour of short-term survival as a consequence of social, political and population stressors. This study provides learning points, gained from insights gleaned from the literature review and the lived experience, for improving development interventions in this region. This study did not explicitly explore the role of religion in conservation or the potential long-term effects of current government policies and initiatives. However, it contributes to the small pool of literature on the region focused on traditional farming systems by providing a comprehensive overview of the drivers of degradation (historical and current) and offers a unique, “soft” experiential narration of a village in northern Ethiopia that allows insight into farmer experiences, pressures and adaptation efforts. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Tigray-streek in die noorde van Ethiopië is ’n historiese sentrum van landbouproduksie en die tuiste van menige bestaansboer wat nog op tradisionele boerderystelsels en reënbesproeiing staatmaak. Die streek het eeue lank onder hongersnood en periodieke droogtes gebuk gegaan en is kwesbaar vir klimaatsverandering. Boere bewerk klein stukke, dikwels afgetakelde, grond en het deur hul eie optrede die natuurlike hulpbronne waarop hulle staatmaak – veral die grond, water en bome – uitgeput.
Hierdie studie was daarop toegespits om ’n beter begrip te vorm van die omgewingsaftakeling in Tigray. Vir hierdie doel is ’n literatuurstudie van die sosiopolitieke landbougeskiedenis van die gebied onderneem, en is die lewe in die dorp Abraha We Atsebaha tussen boere van die streek ervaar. Die navorsing het van ’n verskeidenheid metodologieë en metodes, waaronder ’n literatuuroorsig, gegronde teorie, narratiewe ondersoek en etnografie, gebruik gemaak om lig te werp op die faktore wat tot die huidige aftakeling bygedra het, die implikasies vir tradisionele boerdery, en die potensiaal vir grondvernuwing.
Die eerste tydskrifartikel verken hoe Ethiopiërs hul natuurlike omgewing gevorm het. Dit konsentreer veral op ontbossing, grondaftakeling, die rol van veranderende staatsbestuurs- en grondbesitpatrone, en die uitwerking van klimaatsverandering. Die artikel toon dat tradisionele boerderystelsels nie afsonderlik van hul sosiopolitieke en omgewingskonteks funksioneer nie.
Die tweede tydskrifartikel beskryf ’n narratiewe diepte-ondersoek wat oor ’n drie maande lange tydperk in 2014 in Abraha We Atsebaha onderneem is. Hierdie dorp is bekend vir sy inheemse landboukennis, toewyding aan vernuwing, en innoverende bewaringspraktyke. Onderhoude is met ’n uitgesoekte groep boere en plaaslike leiers gevoer, en voorligtingsbeamptes van die staat is by informele gesprekke betrek. Die etno-ekologiese cosmos-corpus-praxis-riglyne is gebruik om ’n geïntegreerde studie te onderneem van die aard van tradisionele boerdery, die oorsaaklike faktore van omgewingsaftakeling, en die gevolglike gemeenskapsreaksie. Benewens skriftelike aantekeninge gedurende die onderhoude, is waarnemings en veldnotas ook daagliks opgeteken. Foto’s word gebruik om die gemeenskap en hul werk getrou uit te beeld. Gedurende hierdie proses het aan die lig gekom dat onderliggende oortuigingstelsels besonder belangrik is in ’n tradisionele bewaringskonteks. Albei artikels bespreek die ontwikkelingswerk wat die regering in die landelike boerderysektor onderneem, sowel as die suksesse en uitdagings daarvan. Dit toon ook dat elemente van tradisionele boerdery, volhoubaarheidsmaatreëls en omgewingsorg as gevolg van maatskaplike, politieke en bevolkingsfaktore laat vaar is ten gunste van korttermynoorlewing. Die insigte wat uit die literatuuroorsig sowel as die lewenservaring in die bestudeerde gemeenskap spruit, bied lesse vir die verbetering van ontwikkelingsintervensies in die streek. Die studie het nie uitdruklik die rol van godsdiens in bewaring of die potensiële langtermynuitwerking van huidige staatsbeleide en -inisiatiewe ondersoek nie. Tog dra dit by tot die klein hoeveelheid beskikbare literatuur oor tradisionele boerderystelsels in die streek deur ’n omvattende oorsig te bied van die (historiese en huidige) snellers van aftakeling, en vertel dit ’n unieke, ‘sagte’ ervaringsverhaal oor ’n dorp in die noorde van Ethiopië om sodoende insig in landbou-ervarings, -druk en -aanpassingspogings te bied.
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Protected areas and socio-environmental justice : the case for participatory protected area managementFurze, Brian James, 1957- January 2002 (has links)
Abstract not available
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Overcoming marginality on the margins: mapping, logging, and coca in the Amazon borderlandsSalisbury, David Seward 28 August 2008 (has links)
The ecologically and culturally rich Amazonian border zones are increasingly targeted for development and the exploitation of natural resources, even as these zones often double as existing or proposed sites for the conservation of biodiversity and protection of indigenous lands. Governmental and Non-Governmental Organizations alike project their goals from central offices onto borderland landscapes assumed to be empty of local people but full of valuable resources, biodiversity or development potential. Simultaneously, loggers, miners, drug traffickers, and others operate illegally or quasi-legally within these border zones and, in the absence of a strong governmental presence, cultivate the borderland's reputation as a violent hinterland. Within this complex borderland reality, the local people (indigenous and non-indigenous), largely invisible to authorities, struggle to survive with subsistence strategies while either negotiating with illegal interlopers to supplement their income or resisting them for their very survival. The resulting landscape is a tangle of overlapping and competing concessions, conservation units, and indigenous territories whose contestation and resulting confusion advances the agenda of illegal extractivists and drug traffickers. This study highlights the continued importance of fieldwork in geography. Here, field-based research provides insight into the poorly understood borderlands of Peru and Brazil. Research used a combination of participatory methods, Geographic Information Systems, ethnography, document research, and remote sensing to analyze mapping, logging, and coca cultivation within four borderland watersheds. These data were combined with regional data on coca eradication, resource concessions, conservation units, and indigenous territories from both Brazil and Peru. Field-based results demonstrate these borderlands to be highly contested and poorly mapped with an exploitative and poorly managed timber industry and a dynamic front of coca cultivation contributing to social disruption and environmental degradation. More fieldwork is needed to generate the geographic information necessary for sustainable development and conservation planning and to help local people defend their territory from illegal operators and the imposition of state resource concessions. Ecological Economic Zoning is recommended as a participatory policy framework to improve geographic information and long term planning. / text
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Variability in industrial hydrocarbon emissions and its impact on ozone formation in Houston, TexasNam, Junsang, 1975- 28 August 2008 (has links)
Ambient observations have indicated that ozone formation in the Houston area is frequently faster and more efficient, with respect to NOx consumed, than other urban areas in the country. It is believed that these unique characteristics of ozone formation in the Houston area are associated with the plumes of reactive hydrocarbons, emanating from the industrial Houston Ship Channel area. Thus, accurate quantification of industrial emissions, particularly of reactive hydrocarbons, is critical to effectively address the rapid ozone formation and the consequent high levels of ozone in the area. Industrial emissions of hydrocarbons have significant temporal variability as evidenced by various measurements, but they have been assumed to be continuous at constant levels for air quality regulation and photochemical modeling studies. This thesis examines the effect of emission variability from industrial sources on ozone formation in the HoustonGalveston area. Both discrete emission events and variability in continuous emissions are examined; new air quality modeling tools have been developed to perform these analyses. Also, this thesis evaluates the impact of emission variability on the effectiveness of emission control strategies in the Houston-Galveston area. Overall, the results indicate that industrial emission variability plays a substantial role in ozone formation and that controlling emission variability can be effective in ozone reduction. These results suggest that a quantitative treatment of emission variability should be included in the development of air quality plans for regions with extensive industrial activity, such as Houston.
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Sensitivity analysis of a carbon simulation model and its application in a montane forest environmentXu, Shiyong, University of Lethbridge. Faculty of Arts and Science January 2006 (has links)
Accurate estimation of Net Primary Productivity (NPP), which is a key
component of the terrestrial carbon cycle, is very important in studies of global climate.
Ecosystem models have been used for NPP estimates. Determining how much each
source of uncertainty contributes to modeled NPP is veiy important before ecosystem
models can be used with confidence over larger areas and time periods. This research has
systematically evaluated the boreal ecosystem productivity simulator (BEPS) carbon
model in mountainous terrain, Kananaskis, Alberta. After parameterization of the model,
sensitivity analysis was conducted as a controlled series of experiments involving
sensitivity simulations with BEPS by changing a model input value in separate model
runs. The results showed that NPP was sensitive to most model inputs measured in the
study area, but that the most important input variables for BEPS were LAI and forest
species. In addition, the NPP uncertainty resulting from topographic influence was
approximately 3.5 %, which is equivalent to 140 kg C ha"1 yr"1. This suggested that
topographic correction for the model inputs was also important for accurate NPP
Using the topographically corrected data, the carbon dynamics were simulated, and average annual NPP production by forests in Kananaskis was estimated at 4.01 T ha"1
in 2003. / xix, 117 leaves : col. ill. ; 29 cm.
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Home gardens, cultivated plant diversity, and exchange of planting material in the Pacaya-Samiria National Reserve area, northeastern Peruvian AmazonLerch, Natalie Corinna. January 1999 (has links)
Traditional peoples are often described as "stewards of agricultural diversity", yet little research has been conducted on the determinants of agrodiversity. This thesis focuses on agrodiversity and how peasant farmers build and maintain cultivated plant diversity in home gardens found in three distinct traditional communities along the Maranon river in the Peruvian Amazon---an upland mixed agricultural village, a lowland agricultural village, and a lowland fishing village. Data were gathered through household surveys (n = 192) and in-depth interviews (n = 112). Substantial variation in cultivated plant diversity was found among and within villages. Residents with the highest home garden agrodiversity tend to be among the wealthier households, and are more likely to have both established their own garden, and tended it for longer periods. Complex planting material exchange networks underlie the establishment and maintenance of home garden agrodiversity. The results underscore the importance of studying local variations in agricultural diversity, and exchange networks that bring agricultural planting stock to peasant farmers.
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Who manages home garden agrobiodiversity? : patterns of species distribution, planting material flow and knowledge transmission along the Corrientes River of the Peruvian AmazonPerrault-Archambault, Mathilde January 2005 (has links)
Agrobiodiversity constitutes an essential resource for traditional rural populations. Home gardens are "hotspots" of agrobiodiversity and important loci of in situ conservation efforts. This study seeks to understand the factors affecting gardeners' choices and to assess the accessibility of planting material in rural communities of the Peruvian Amazon. Household surveys and garden inventories conducted in 15 villages of the Corrientes river (n = 300), and case studies in three of these villages (n = 89), allowed to describe the local and regional patterns of garden agrobiodiversity and the structure of planting material exchange networks. Analyses reveal a strong link between species diversity and both household cultural and socioeconomic characteristics, and village ethnicity and size. Planting material flows primarily through matrilineal bonds, from advice-givers to advice-seekers, from old to young and from rich to poor. Farmers with exceptional species diversity, propensity to give and/or expertise are identified and their role in the conservation of cultivated plants is assessed. Expertise is not found to be as closely related to high species diversity as expected, but knowledge and planting stock dissemination go hand-in-hand.
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