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Über die Arc-catFISH-Methode als neues Werkzeug zur Charakterisierung der Geschmacksverarbeitung im Hirnstamm der Maus / The arc catFISH method as a new tool to characterize taste processing in the mouse hind brainTöle, Jonas Claudius January 2013 (has links)
Intensive Forschung hat in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten zu einer sehr detaillierten Charakterisierung des Geschmackssystems der Säugetiere geführt. Dennoch sind mit den bislang eingesetzten Methoden wichtige Fragestellungen unbeantwortet geblieben. Eine dieser Fragen gilt der Unterscheidung von Bitterstoffen. Die Zahl der Substanzen, die für den Menschen bitter schmecken und in Tieren angeborenes Aversionsverhalten auslösen, geht in die Tausende. Diese Substanzen sind sowohl von der chemischen Struktur als auch von ihrer Wirkung auf den Organismus sehr verschieden. Während viele Bitterstoffe potente Gifte darstellen, sind andere in den Mengen, die mit der Nahrung aufgenommen werden, harmlos oder haben sogar positive Effekte auf den Körper. Zwischen diesen Gruppen unterscheiden zu können, wäre für ein Tier von Vorteil. Ein solcher Mechanismus ist jedoch bei Säugetieren nicht bekannt.
Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Untersuchung der Verarbeitung von Geschmacksinformation in der ersten Station der Geschmacksbahn im Mausgehirn, dem Nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS), mit besonderem Augenmerk auf der Frage nach der Diskriminierung verschiedener Bitterstoffe. Zu diesem Zweck wurde eine neue Untersuchungsmethode für das Geschmackssystem etabliert, die die Nachteile bereits verfügbarer Methoden umgeht und ihre Vorteile kombiniert. Die Arc-catFISH-Methode (cellular compartment analysis of temporal activity by fluorescent in situ hybridization), die die Charakterisierung der Antwort großer Neuronengruppen auf zwei Stimuli erlaubt, wurde zur Untersuchung geschmacksverarbeitender Zellen im NTS angewandt.
Im Zuge dieses Projekts wurde erstmals eine stimulusinduzierte Arc-Expression im NTS gezeigt. Die ersten Ergebnisse offenbarten, dass die Arc-Expression im NTS spezifisch nach Stimulation mit Bitterstoffen auftritt und sich die Arc exprimierenden Neurone vornehmlich im gustatorischen Teil des NTS befinden. Dies weist darauf hin, dass Arc-Expression ein Marker für bitterverarbeitende gustatorische Neurone im NTS ist. Nach zweimaliger Stimulation mit Bittersubstanzen konnten überlappende, aber verschiedene Populationen von Neuronen beobachtet werden, die unterschiedlich auf die drei verwendeten Bittersubstanzen Cycloheximid, Chininhydrochlorid und Cucurbitacin I reagierten. Diese Neurone sind vermutlich an der Steuerung von Abwehrreflexen beteiligt und könnten so die Grundlage für divergentes Verhalten gegenüber verschiedenen Bitterstoffen bilden. / Intense research in the past decades has led to a detailed understanding of the mammalian taste system. Some important issues, however, have remained unanswered with the established methods that have been applied so far. One of these questions is whether different bitter substances can be distinguished. There are thousands of compounds which taste bitter to humans and elicit innate aversive behavior in animals. Moreover, these bitter substances are very heterogeneous regarding their structure as well as their effect on the organism. While many bitter tastants are potent poisons, others are harmless or even have beneficial effects in the amounts that are typically ingested. The ability to discriminate between those groups of bitter tastants could be an evolutionary advantage. Such a mechanism, however, is not known for mammals.
The aim of this thesis was to study the processing of taste information in the first station of gustatory processing in the mouse brain, the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS). Of particular interest was the question concerning discrimination of bitter tastants. To this end a new method was established for the taste system combining the advantages of methods used before while circumventing their disadvantages. The Arc catFISH method (cellular compartment analysis of temporal activity by fluorescent in situ hybridization), which allows the characterization of responses of large neuron populations to two stimuli, was used to analyze taste-processing cells in the NTS.
In the course of this project a stimulus-induced Arc expression in the NTS was shown for the first time. The results demonstrated that Arc expression in the NTS appears specifically after stimulation with bitter tastants and that the Arc expressing neurons are located primarily in the gustatory part of the NTS. This indicates that Arc expression is a marker for bitter-processing gustatory neurons in the NTS. Upon stimulating twice with bitter compounds, distinct, yet overlapping neuron populations were identified, that reacted differently to the three bitter substances cycloheximide, quinine hydrochloride, and cucurbitacin I. Presumably these neurons are involved in the regulation of aversive reflexes and could form a basis for divergent behavior towards different bitter substances.
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Autorregulando e autodeterminando: duas formas de alunos de pós-graduação aprenderem a aprender contabilidade / Self-regulation and self-determined strategies - two ways graduate students learn to learn accountingRaimundo Nonato Lima Filho 01 April 2016 (has links)
O uso assertivo e eficiente das estratégias de aprendizagem depende, muitas vezes, da compreensão e consideração de aspectos psicológicos e motivacionais. O adequado emprego de estratégias de aprendizagem se reflete no desempenho acadêmico, no domínio de construtos e modelos e no amadurecimento crítico e científico. A presente tese defende que há uma relação entre as estratégias de aprendizagem autorregulada e as estratégias de aprendizagem autodeterminada predominantes em alunos de mestrado e doutorado em Contabilidade. O estudo se justifica, porquanto, porque além de inaugurar uma linha de pesquisa ainda inédita no contexto da Contabilidade Humana, seus resultados destacam um original entendimento da relação da aprendizagem com a regulação e a motivação pessoal. Tem como objetivo principal apresentar diagnóstico, dimensões e correlações das estratégias de aprendizagem autorregulada e aprendizagem autodeterminada de alunos de programas de pós-graduação stricto sensu em Contabilidade no Brasil. Participaram do survey 516 respondentes, sendo 383 mestrandos e 133 doutorandos. Foram aplicados dois instrumentos psicométricos: Self-Regulated Learning Strategies (SRLS) e Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ). O modelo operacional de pesquisa delineou a formulação de oito hipóteses, sendo que a primeira delas sustenta a defesa da tese, enquanto as demais defendem a influência das variáveis idade, gênero, tipo de curso, estágio no curso, tipo de instituição de graduação, nota do curso atribuída pela Capes e graus de instrução dos pais nos níveis de Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) e Self-Determination Theory (SDT). A partir da análise multivariada dos dados, os resultados corroboraram a tese e a influência do gênero no nível de SRL. A metaconclusão desta tese ratifica os estudos referenciados, confirmando que a aprendizagem pode ser dominada e controlada pelo indivíduo, ao se adotar estratégias individuais de regulação e motivação. Uma importante contribuição desta pesquisa consiste em oferecer conclusões empíricas que podem ajudar docentes, discentes, pesquisadores, instituições de ensino e programas de pós-graduação a compreender mais sistematicamente os aspectos da aprendizagem autorregulada e da aprendizagem autodeterminada que caracterizam o aluno de Contabilidade. Limitações importantes deste estudo podem ser vistas como oportunidades para pesquisas futuras: a amostra envolve um público específico, a pesquisa survey pode apresentar vieses de método comum e a baixa participação de alunos de mestrado profissional. Estudos futuros poderão adotar outras estratégias metodológicas e/ou envolver amostras mais diversificadas ou em maior lastro temporal / Assertive and efficient use of learning strategies often depends of the understanding and consideration of psychological and motivational aspects. Appropriate use of learning strategies is reflected in the academic performance, in the appropriation of constructs and models and in the critical and scientific maturity. This dissertation argues that there is a relationship between predominating self-regulated learning strategies and self-determined learning strategies in accounting master\'s and doctorate students. The study can be justified in view of, apart from inaugurating a research line within the context of Human Accounting, their results highlight a unique understanding of the relationship of learning with regulation and personal motivation. Its main goal is to present a diagnosis, the dimensions and the correlations of self-regulated learning and self-determined learning strategies of graduate Accounting students in Brazil. Five hundred and sixteen respondents participated in the survey, comprising 383 master\'s and 133 doctoral students. Two psychometric instruments were applied: the Self-Regulated Learning Strategies (SRLS) and the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ). The operating model research outlined the formulation of eight hypotheses, being that the first of them supports the thesis, while the others investigate the influence in the levels of Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) and Self-Determination Theory (SDT) of age, gender, type of course, stage in the course, type of undergraduate institution (public or private), grade attributed by Capes to the course and parental formal education degrees. From the multivariate data analysis,the results support the thesis and that gender has influence in the SRL level. The metaconclusion of this thesis confirms the referenced studies, estating that learning can be dominated and controlled by individuals through the adoption of individual strategies of regulation and motivation. An important contribution of this study is to offer empirical conclusions that might help teachers, students themselves, researchers, educational institutions and graduate programs to understand more systematically the aspects of self-regulated learning and self-determined learning that characterize the Accounting graduate students. The major limitations of the present study can be seen as opportunities for future researches: the sample involves a particular audience, research can provide common methods bias and the low participation of professional master\'s degree students in the sample. Future studies can take further methodological strategies and/or involve more diversified samples or consider longitudinal approaches
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Apprentissage par projet tel que mis de l’avant dans une école publique alternative au Québec : autorégulation de tâches et de ressources lors d’apprentissage dans cette activité complexe d’un élève bénéficiant d’un plan d’interventionProvencher, Catherine 03 1900 (has links)
Certaines difficultés entourant la planification, l’organisation des informations ainsi que la gestion des ressources humaines ou matérielles seraient fréquemment observées chez les élèves qui ont de faibles résultats scolaires (Anderson et al., 2008). Toutefois, l’enseignement et la mise en pratique de stratégies cognitives et de stratégies d’autorégulation permettraient aux élèves de développer des habiletés leur permettant de mieux réussir à l’école (Anderson et al., 2008; Malmberg et al., 2013).
Dans les écoles alternatives québécoises, la pédagogie par projet est vécue par tous les élèves (RÉPAQ, 2019). Le projet est une occasion privilégiée pour l’enseignant de mettre en place des moyens personnalisés pour que les élèves développent des stratégies afin de surmonter leurs difficultés. Sachant que certains élèves peuvent avoir de la difficulté à déployer des stratégies qui leur permettent d’autoréguler leur apprentissage, (Butler et Cartier, 2018; Cartier et Butler, 2016) la question qui guide la présente recherche est la suivante : Comment un élève ayant des difficultés entourant l’organisation et la gestion des ressources autorégule-t-il son apprentissage dans un projet tel que mis de l’avant dans une école publique alternative au Québec ?
Pour notre étude de cas de type qualitatif, nous avons suivi une élève de neuf ans pendant qu’elle travaillait à un projet d’écriture dans une école alternative au Québec. Nous avons réalisé trois entretiens avec cette élève et avons aussi rencontré son enseignante et l’orthopédagogue qui mettent en place des moyens d’intervention et d’enseignement de l’écriture qui permettent à leur élève de progresser dans son projet. Afin de compléter notre analyse, nous avons consulté les documents de travail de l’élève et nous avons aussi analysé l’autoévaluation de son projet.
Les résultats qui découlent de cette étude nous permettent de décrire comment l’élève arrive à atteindre ses objectifs pour son projet d’écriture en recevant du support et en utilisant des moyens mis en place pour elle en plus des outils qui sont à sa disposition. Nous expliquons comment l’élève qui a des difficultés à autoréguler des tâches et des ressources travaille pour surmonter les défis qu’elle rencontre pendant son projet d’écriture afin de satisfaire aux attentes de son enseignante qui souhaite la faire progresser dans sa compétence à écrire. / Difficulties in planning, organizing information, and managing human and material resources are frequently observed in students with low academic achievement (Anderson, Munk, Young, Conley, & Caldarella, 2008). Teaching and practicing cognitive and self-regulation strategies would enable students to develop skills that would allow them to do better in school (Anderson et al., 2008; Malmberg, Järvenoja, & Järvelä, 2013a).
In Quebec alternative schools, project-based pedagogy is experienced by all students (RÉPAQ, 2019). The project is a privileged opportunity for the teacher to implement personalized means for students to develop strategies to overcome their difficulties. Knowing that some students may have difficulty deploying strategies that allow them to self-regulate their learning, (Butler & Cartier, 2018; Cartier & Butler, 2016) the question that guides this research is: How does a student with difficulties surrounding the organization and management of resources self-regulate his or her learning in a project as implemented in an alternative public school in Quebec?
For our qualitative case study, we followed a nine-year-old student as she worked on a writing project in an alternative school in Quebec. We conducted three interviews with this student and also met with her teacher and the specialized teacher who are implementing writing interventions and instruction that enable their student to progress on her project. In order to complete our analysis, we also consulted the student's work documents and analyzed the self-evaluation of his project.
The results of this study allow us to describe how the student achieves her goals for her writing project by receiving support and using the resources set up for her. We explain how the student who has difficulty self-regulating tasks and resources works to overcome the challenges she encounters during her writing project in order to meet the expectations of her teacher who wants to improve her writing skills.
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En retorisk utmaning i läkemedelshyllan : En studie om designbyråers visuella retoriska ramar och vägar vid formgivning av receptfria läkemedelsförpackningar / A rhetorical challenge in the drug shelfMagnusson, Hanna, Mierzejewska, Joanna January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was based on visual rhetoric theory to examine how design agencies experience the design of over-the-counter drug packaging, what challenges they face, and with which rhetorical appeals they convince consumers, while they relate to the non-art-related conditions, the Swedish Medical Products Agency’s regulations (SMPA). The objective was based on previous research that has begun a discourse on the phenomenon and that designers previously has expressed a lack of dialogue in the graphic expression of over-the-counter drug packaging with the SMPA. To investigate the phenomenon semi-structured interviews was conducted with six professions of five different design agencies whose area of expertise was health and pharmaceutical communication. The results showed that the designers' biggest challenges was to find the balance between the visually attractive as well as the patient safe and reliable graphic expression. The results also showed a challenge in the absence of direct communication with the SMPA in the design process. Such communications had facilitated the process as a dialogue for the graphic expression and its effect on a patient safe packaging, had been possible. The elements in the design process that the respondents considered most essential to persuade the consumers were colors and illustrations. These elements could be widely applied without violating the rules.
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What Do You Mean, "Practice"? Theorizing the Writing-Music ConnectionCompton, Callie Elise 01 April 2016 (has links)
Researchers in the field of composition studies have frequently made allusions to musicians when they’ve discussed the role of practice in gaining skill. In doing so, however, they’ve risked making speculative rather than testable claims and separating composition studies from recent insights on practice from other disciplines such as education and music psychology. These fields, I argue, offer testable frameworks with which composition instructors and scholars can teach and study writing practice. Such frameworks are necessary because composition researchers need to supplement qualitative studies of writers and writing with quantitative data to generate replicable tests of teaching methods that may benefit practicing writers.
This thesis draws on prior research in composition studies to illustrate the context of its central argument. It then breaks down some of the key assertions about practice that support this context before introducing frameworks from other disciplines that will allow composition researchers to replicate studies of effective writing practice instruction in the first-year college writing classroom. These frameworks or models of practice instruction include self-regulated strategy development and practice sessions conceived as stages of error and mistake management. Supplementing these models are descriptions of a few key activities built on these frameworks for students to practice writing in and outside the classroom.
Students need more than instruction in crafting better writing products to become more effective revisers and more expert writers. They also need explicit instruction that teaches them how to engage effectively in repeated, structured practice that imparts the tools they learn to solve writing problems with staying power and flexibility. This instruction is about more than handy tips or exercises; it’s about changing students’ and teachers’ assumptions about writing’s purpose outside the classroom.
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Doubly-fed induction generator based wind power plant modelsFaria, Keith Joseph 06 August 2010 (has links)
This thesis describes the generic modeling of a Doubly-Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) based wind turbine. The model can also represent a wind plant with a group of similar wind turbines lumped together. The model is represented as a controlled current source which injects the current needed by the grid to supply the demanded real and reactive power. The DFIG theory is explained in detail as is the rationale for representing it by a regulated current source. The complete model is then developed in the time-domain and phasor domain by the interconnection of various sub-systems, the functions of which have been described in detail. The performance of the model is then tested for steady-state and dynamic operation. The model developed can be used for bulk power system studies and transient stability analysis of the transmission system. This thesis uses as its basis a report written for NREL [1]. / text
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Are undergraduates' perceptions of choice and structure within a course related to sense of autonomy, academic emotions, and self-regulated learning strategies?Kim, Hyunjin, 1971- 06 October 2010 (has links)
This study investigated how students’ perceptions of course choice and structure are related directly or indirectly to their sense of autonomy, academic emotions, and use of self-regulated learning strategies with the hypothesis of significant relationship of these two areas of instructional practice to those outcome variables. In this study, a total of 601 undergraduate students were asked to respond to surveys on perceived choice, perceived structure, perceived autonomy, academic emotions, and self-regulated learning strategies as well as basic course characteristic information measure with regard to a specific course in which they were enrolled.
Structural Equation Modeling suggested both students’ perceived choice and perceived structure in the classroom had small but positive relationships to their perceived autonomy. Regarding the relationships between these two teaching strategies and academic emotions, the level of students’ perceived choice was directly associated only with higher feeling of enjoyment, but indirectly related to all four academic emotions with mediation of the level of perceived autonomy in the direction that one would predict (i.e, higher enjoyment and pride, lower anger and anxiety). On the other hand, perceived structure predicted those four academic emotions not only directly but also indirectly via sense of autonomy in predicted direction. Regarding their relationships with self-regulated learning strategies, neither perceived choice nor perceived structure directly predicted use of self-regulated learning strategies. However, their relationships were supported through the mediation of academic emotions, sense of autonomy, or both.
This research helps to provide a clearer picture of autonomy supportive teaching. In particular, this study might help to understand how provisions of choice and structure, which are controversial instructional methods about autonomy supportive teaching, influence the entire process of learning including academic emotions and self-regulation of learning as well as sense of autonomy. / text
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Behaviour in a Canadian Multi-payer, Multi-provider Health Care Market: The Case of the Physiotherapy Market in OntarioHolyoke, Paul 24 September 2009 (has links)
This is a study of several contentious issues in Canadian health policy involving the interaction of public and private payers and for-profit (FP) and not-for-profit (NFP) providers; the influence of health professionals on market structure; and the role of foreign investment. A case study was used, the Ontario physiotherapy market in 2003-2005, with its complex mix of payers and providers and foreign investment opportunities.
Key market features were: fragmented but substantial payer influence, effective though uncoordinated cost control across payers, constrained labour supply, and fragmented patient referral sources. These features increased the complexity of providers’ interactions with patients and payers, reducing standardization and therefore favouring local, professional-owned small business FP providers (FP/s) for ambulatory care. NFP Hospitals’ market share declined.
The findings generally confirmed expected behavioural differences between FP and NFP providers but expected differences between investor-owned FP providers (FP/c) and FP/s providers were not generally found. FP/s dominated the market, and FP/c providers appeared to mimic FP/s market behaviours, competing in local sub-markets.
With no single or dominant payer, cost control difficulties were expected, but all 11 payer categories (public and private) used various cost control mechanisms, resulting in significant collective but uncoordinated influence. Generally, no payer alone supported a provider’s operations.
The dominant labour suppliers, regulated physiotherapists, were scarce and exerted significant pressure, affecting market structure by asserting individual preferences and professional interests. FP/s dominance resulted, supported by the traditional patient referral source, physicians in small practices.
Very little foreign investment was found despite little protection for domestic providers under NAFTA.
In sum, this study showed FP and NFP provider stereotypes are subject to payer pressure: FP/c organizations can adapt by mimicking FP/s, and payers can modify NFPs’ assumed community orientation. Labour shortages and historical referral patterns can make individual professionals and their preferences more influential than their collective profession without diminishing the importance of professional interests. The degree and structure of payer control can make a market unattractive to foreign investors. Finally, this market – neither a planned or standard market – had a service provision pattern more broadly influenced by professionalism and practitioner interests than policies or prices.
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Alla vägar bär till mål : Formativ bedömning i geografiundervisning på mellanstadietHautala, Susanna January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine what kind of formative assessments is used in the Geography education at middle-school in Sweden, and how the use of formative assessment differs between teachers. A further aimis to examine whether any problems canbe observed with formative assessment in Geography education. Following questions will try to be answered: What strategies informative assessment occurs in Geography educationin indoor schooling at Swedish schools? What problems/lacks can be observed based on the strategies used in formative assessment in Geography subject in indooreducation? How does the use of formative assessment differ between three Geography teachers? To answer these questions, nine lessons in Geography education were observed in total; three teachers held three lessons each which were observed. Earlier studies have showed that Geography education held outdoors was more motivational according to students. Earlier studies also concludethat students considered that Geography education held indoors had no purpose, and that students were passive during the lessons. Other studies have showed that lessons where formative assessment was used, increased the students' motivation and desire to learn. This study concludes that all strategies in formative assessment has been used by all three teachers. One conclusion is that when the goals of the lesson wasn't visible for the pupils, it affected the motivation of pupils. Another conclusion is that when the goals of the lesson wasn't visible, there was a connection to pupils not using self-regulated learning.
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Validez estructural de la escala de autorregulación del aprendizaje para estudiantes universitariosChávez Ventura, Gina, Merino Soto, César 12 1900 (has links)
The study’s aim was to obtain evidence of validity of the Learning Self-Regulation Questionnaire (LSRQ) internal structure and to verify metric invariance compared with a previous research study. The participants were 237 university students from the first three academic semesters of a private university in three Peruvian cities (two in the North of Peru, and one in Lima). The analysis was performed by a semi-confirmatory factor analysis, specifying as comparison matrix: a) the configuration derived from a previous study, and b) the free estimation loadings factors. The results indicate that two dimensions represent the instrument structure satisfactorily; but the metric invariance compared to a previous study was not satisfactory. The re-specification of the model, by removing two items with factorial complexity problems and the free estimation of the items, was successful. These results are discussed so as to the interpretation of their scores and the lack of metric invariance. / El objetivo del estudio fue obtener evidencias de validez de la estructura interna del
Cuestionario de Autorregulación del Aprendizaje (Learning Self-Regulation Questionnaire; LSRQ)
y verificar la invarianza métrica comparada con un estudio previo. Los participantes fueron 237
estudiantes universitarios de los tres primeros ciclos académicos de una universidad privada,
procedentes de tres ciudades del Perú (dos del norte y una de Lima). El análisis se realizó
mediante un análisis factorial semiconfirmatorio, especificando como matriz de comparación (a)
la configuración derivada de un estudio previo, y (b) la estimación libre de las cargas factoriales.
Los resultados indican que dos dimensiones representan satisfactoriamente la estructura del
instrumento; pero la invarianza métrica respecto a un estudio previo no fue satisfactoria. La reespecificación
del modelo, mediante la eliminación de dos ítems con problemas de complejidad
factorial y la estimación libre de los ítems, obtuvieron resultados satisfactorios. Se discuten estos
resultados en el marco de la interpretación de sus puntajes y la falta de invarianza métrica.
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