Spelling suggestions: "subject:"rekombinante"" "subject:"rekombinant""
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Centra rekombinace v semiizolačním CdTe / Centra rekombinace v semiizolačním CdTeZázvorka, Jakub January 2012 (has links)
Title: Recombination centers in semiinsulating CdTe Author: Jakub Zázvorka Department / Institute: Institute of Physics of Charles University Supervisor of the master thesis: prof. Ing. Jan Franc, DrSc., Institute of Physics of Charles University Abstract: The properties of CdTe for application as a radiation detector are influenced through the presence of deep levels in the bang gap. These energy levels complicate the charge collection and the detector efficiency. Contactless resistivity mapping (COREMA) represents a good option for material characterization without the necessity of metal contacts application. The time-dependent charge measurement was investigated on an adjusted apparatus in FMF Freiburg. Theoretical model of charge transport based on band bending on the sample surface was proposed and a non-exponential behavior was calculated. Using this, the resulted parameter tendencies and their connection with deep level trap or recombination center were explained. A correlation was observed between resistivity, photoconductivity and a near midgap level photoluminescence. Parameter profiles were explained using the theory of Fermi level shift relative to the near midgap level. Three deep levels were observed on samples grown at the Charles University in Prague. Their photoluminescence supports the...
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Studium rekombinace iontů s elektrony při teplotách nižších než 300 K / Electron-Ion Recombination at Temperatures below 300KKotrík, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
Title: Recombination study of ions with electrons at temperatures below 300 K Author: Tomáš Kotrík Department: Department of Surface and Plasma Science Supervisor of the doctoral thesis: Prof. RNDr. Juraj Glosík, DrSc. Department of Surface and Plasma Science Abstract: Presented is the study of recombination of ions with electrons performed at low temperatures using the Flowing afterglow with Langmuir probe experimental technique. Studied was the dissociative recombination of H and D ions at temperatures 77 - 300 K. Apart from a two-body also a three-body recombination channel assisted by neutral He atoms was identified and studied. The obtained temperature dependence of the two-body recombination rate coefficient is in a good agreement with findings of other experimental and theoretical works. The dissociative recombination of HCO and DCO ions with electrons was studied in the temperature range 150 - 300 K. The observed temperature dependence of measured recombination rate coefficient for HCO and DCO ions (~T -1.3 and ~T -1.1 , respectively) is in agreement with the majority of previous experimental works and evokes that indirect mechanism governs the recombination process. The electron- assisted collisional-radiative recombination of Ar ions was for the first time studied at temperatures 50 - 300 K. The...
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Rekombinace iontů s elektrony v nízkoteplotním plazmatu / Electron Ion Recombination in Low Temperature PlasmaDohnal, Petr January 2013 (has links)
The presented work focuses on study of electron - positive ion recombination in low temperature plasma. The principal method used were Flowing afterglow with Langmuir probe and Stationary afterglow with Cavity Ring-Down Spectrometer. For the first time electron and neutral assisted collisional radiative recombination of Ar+ ions was studied in temperature range of 50 - 200 K. Resulting ternary recombination rate coefficients are in good agreement with theoretical predictions. Recombination of H3 + and D3 + ions with electrons was studied in the temperature range of 50 - 300 K and binary and ternary recombination rate coefficients were obtained. The effect of nuclear spin on recombination of H3 + ions with electrons was studied in the temperature range of 80 - 200 K and state selective recombination rate coefficients were obtained for ortho- and para-H3 + . Results show that at 80 K para-H3 + recombines with electrons substantially faster than ortho-H3 + .
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Studium rekombinace molekulárních iontů s elektrony za nízkých teplot / Recombination of molecular ions with electrons at low temperaturesKálosi, Ábel January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this work is the experimental study of recombination of molecular ions with electrons at low temperatures (< 300 K). The work gives an overview of the diagnostic methods, modelling of chemical kinetics, and experimental ap- paratuses Cryo-FALP II and SA-CRDS used in the undertaken measurements. Two processes were studied in the course of this work: state-selective binary disso- ciative recombination of H+ 3 ions in para-H+ 3 and ortho-H+ 3 states, and H2-assisted ternary recombination of H+ 3 . The main result of the state-selective dissociative recombination study is that the rate of recombination in the para-H+ 3 state is at least three times higher than in the ortho-H+ 3 state at 60 K. The study of H2- assisted recombination gave a better understanding of ternary processes of H+ 3 ions and removed further discrepancies between results of afterglow experiments.
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Elementární procesy p̌ri nízkých teplotách - reakce iont ̊u H3+ a N2H+ v dohasínajícím plazmatu / Elementary Processes at Low Temperatures - Reactions of H3+ and N2H+ in Afterglow PlasmasKálosi, Ábel January 2019 (has links)
Electron-ion recombination and ion-neutral interactions play a piv- otal role in the chemical evolution of molecules in the Interstellar Medium (ISM). Physical conditions under which these processes un- dergo in the ISM include a wide range of temperatures and particle number densities. This work contributes to the experimental study of named low temperature phenomena in the range of 30 K to 300 K focusing on the reactions of hydrogen-containing light molecules. The employed experimental techniques are based on a combination of a Stationary Afterglow (SA) instrument with a Continuous Wave Cavity Ring-down Spectrometer (cw-CRDS). The main contributions of this work can be split into three topics. (1) The proton and deuteron con- taining isotopic system of H3 + ions. The isotopic fractionation process in collisions with hydrogen and deuterium gas was investigated in low temperature discharges, nominal ion temperatures of 80 K to 140 K, to deduce relative ion densities in the experiments. These are necessary for afterglow studies of isotopic effects in electron-ion recombination of the studied ions. (2) Vibrational spectroscopy of N2H+ ions focusing on first overtone (2ν1 band) transitions and ion thermometry, the first step towards studies of electron-ion recombination. (3) The role of para/ortho spin...
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Charakterizace antirekombinázové aktivity lidské FBH1 helikázy / Characterization of Antirecombinase Activity of Human FBH1 HelicaseŠimandlová, Jitka January 2012 (has links)
Homologous recombination (HR) is an essential mechanism for accurate repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). However, HR must be tightly controlled because excessive or unwanted HR events can lead to genome instability, which is a prerequisite for premature aging and cancer development. A critical step of HR is the loading of RAD51 molecules onto single-stranded DNA regions generated in the vicinity of the DSB, leading to the formation of a nucleoprotein filament. Several DNA helicases have been involved in the regulation of the HR process. One of these is human FBH1 (F-box DNA helicase 1) that is a member of SF1 superfamily of helicases. As a unique DNA helicase, FBH1 additionally possesses a conserved F-box motif that allows it to assemble into an SCF complex, an E3 ubiquitin ligase that targets proteins for degradation. FBH1 has been implicated in the restriction of nucleoprotein filament stability. However, the exact mechanism of how FBH1 controls the RAD51 action is still not certain. In this work, we revealed that FBH1 actively disassembles RAD51 nucleoprotein filament. We also show that FBH1 interacts with RAD51 and RPA physically in vitro. Based on these data, we propose a potential mechanism of FBH1 antirecombinase function.
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Měření doby života nosičů proudu ve strukturách křemíkových solárních článků / Lifetime measurement of current carriers in silicon solar cells structuresMacháček, Martin January 2009 (has links)
This thesis deals with a lifetime measurement of current carriers in silicon solar cell structures. In the first chapter there is a description of several recombination models and their participation at a final effective lifetime value. By using these recombination models in a computer simulation it is possible to receive approximate evaluation of some important silicon solar cell structure parameters. The PC1D simulation program was used for this thesis. For the lifetime measurement of real test-wafers two methods were used: QSSPC (quasi-steady-state photoconductance) and MW-PCD (microwave photoconductance decay). There is a detail description of these methods, used measurements machines and differences between both of them in the chapter four. The main objective of the thesis is mentioned in the last chapter, which is mainly focused on a chemical passivation of silicon wafers and deals with a problem of post-passivation wafer cleaning. There are three passivation techniques mentioned: the iodine in ethanol solution, the iodine and polymer in ethanol solution and the quinhydron in methanol solution. In two cases a results, that are adequate to return the tested wafers in the manufacture process, were achieved.
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Znalosti a názory žáků na geneticky modifikované organismy / Knowledge and Opinions of Students on Genetically Modified OrganismsSemencová, Barbora January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on topic of genetically modified organisms and their use in the practical sectors of human life. Theoretical part of the thesis defines general terms GMO, plasmid, genetic engineering, biotechnology. It also records historical milestones relating to the problematic, deals with individual techniques of genetic engineering and briefly states legislative procedures in context of dealing with GMO. It gives examples of transgenic organisms and summarizes advantages and disadvantages of their use.Practical part of the thesis contains educational program called "Genetically modified organisms", which was conceived by the author and includes a draft of a lesson inclusive of teaching materials - powerpoint presentations, worksheets, interactive worksheets, auxiliary text for teacher and written preparation. Research part deals with high school students change of view about using GMOs after completing the educational program. Due to analysis was proven that most of the attitudes and knowledge about GMO was changed after completing the educational program (for example in issues of willingness to consume GM food and animal products, perception of advantages and disadvantages etc.) Data was still unchanged in questions which cannot be affected by the program (control of food packaging or...
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Role DNA reparačních mechanismů v patogenezi myelodysplastického syndromu. / The role of DNA repair mechanisms in the pathogenesis of myelodysplastic syndrome.Válka, Jan January 2019 (has links)
Background: The high incidence of mutations and cytogenetic abnormalities in patients with myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) suggests the involvement of DNA repair mechanism defects in the pathogenesis of this disorder. The first part of this work was focused on monitoring of gene expression of DNA repair genes in MDS patients and on their alterations during disease progression. In the second part, next generation sequencing was used to detect single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and mutations in DNA repair genes and their possible association with MDS development was evaluated. Methods: Expression profiling of 84 DNA repair genes was performed on bone marrow CD34+ cells of patients with MDS. Screening cohort consisted of 28 patients and expression of selected genes was further validated on larger cohort of 122 patients with all subtypes of MDS. Paired samples were used for monitoring of RAD51 and XRCC2 gene expression during disease progression. Immunohistochemical staining for RAD51 recombinase protein was done on samples acquired by trephine-biopsy. Targeted enrichment resequencing of exonic parts of 84 DNA repair genes was performed on the screening cohort of MDS patients. Real-time PCR was used for genotyping of selected SNPs in the population study. Results: RAD51 and XRCC2 genes showed...
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Význam replikačně defektních prasečích endogenních retrovirů při xenotransplantaci / The significance of porcine replication defect endogenous retroviruses in xenotransplantationDaniel, Petr January 2014 (has links)
The shortage of human tissues and organs for allotransplantation can be overcome by xenotransplantation. As a source of organs, the miniature pig is convenient. However, the presence of pathogens transmissible to the recipients, especially porcine endogenous retrovirus (PERV), represents a threat for successfull xenotransplantation. Infectious PERVs contain three classes of envelope glycoprotein. Two classes, PERV-A and PERV-B are polytropic, they can infect human, pig and mink cells in vitro. PERV-C is evolutionary young, ecotropic isolate that can infect pig only. We previously detected a new full-lenght, but replication-defective PERV-A isolate dubbed (MAMBA) with high transcriptional activity in Large-White pig from a Czech breed. To support our results with PERV-MAMBA epigenetic regulation in pig tissues, in vitro DNA methylation essay was accomplished. Methylated or non-methylated reporter plasmids containing provirus 5' LTR were transfected into 293T cells and luciferase activity was measured. In both cases, methylated LTR decreased significantly expression of luciferase. Thus, PERV LTR-driven transcription is sensitive to DNA methylation. We also used PERV-A MAMBA provirus to study recombination between two pig endogenous retroviruses. We prepared 293T and BeWo cell clones harboring PERV-A...
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