Spelling suggestions: "subject:"relict"" "subject:"conflicts""
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Šlechta na Ústecku ve světle raně novověkých heraldických a epigrafických památek / The Nobility in the Usti Region in the Context of Early Modern Heraldic and Epigraphic RelictsŠrejber, Adam January 2015 (has links)
The Nobility in the Usti Region in the Context of Early Modern Heraldic and Epigraphic Relicts The Ústí region is one of regions which were affected by a loss of historical memory after the Second World War. It was caused by the elimination of a large part of the cultural heritage to a considerable extent. The Royal Town "Ústí nad Labem" was a common and traditional centre of the region at the beginning of the Early Modern period. It had an influence on the development of the whole region on a number of aspects. The absence of a larger noble dominion with a major administrative centre gave a space to minor noble properties, and to a construction of humbler religious buildings. Churches and their movables are often only relics of the formerly spectacular noble representation in the region. A doctor thesis concentrates on the documentation and interpretation of heraldic and epigraphic relics through which people from five noble families presented themselves in the Ústí region. Bearers of sign and inscription elements have been put into the wide, especially art historical context of a cultural heritage fund of North-West Bohemia. The thesis extends knowledge of the use of arms and inscriptions in seven religious buildings which came into existence on the initiative of the nobility of a foreign origin,...
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Avaliação fitogeográfica dos relictos xerófitos em afloramentos rochosos no campestre do divino, Santa Maria/RS / Phytogeographic evaluation of xerophyte relicts in rocky outcrops in campestre do divino, Santa Maria/RSPontes, Rodrigo Corrêa 17 January 2017 (has links)
The present study aims to identify and evaluate the areas of ecological refuges with xerophytic species, present in the locality of Campestre do Divino, Santo Antão district, Santa Maria municipality, central region of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil, through an environmental analysis of botanical, climatic, geological and geomorphological aspects. The research was developed through field data collection. Atmospheric variables were obtained through reading instruments. Geomorphological observations were performed together with the survey of the xerophytic species considered relictual, relating their presence with the climate, geomorphology and geology of the study area. It was also sought to analyze the anthropic impacts when it was identified. With the data collected in the field, the areas of these xerophytic refuges were georeferenced and later thematic maps were elaborated for a better understanding of the geographic distribution. Based on the Pleistocene Refugia Theory and with data obtained in the field, an environmental analysis was carried out where it was possible to verify that the presence of these xerophytic elements present an intrinsic pedological relation, guaranteeing that the study area always contained an open phytophysiognomy. These islands of endemism are represented by relictual species belonging to the families Bromeliaceae, Cactaceae and Orchidaceae, bioindicators of paleoclimatic events of intense aridity established in the Quaternary. Sheltered in rocky outcrops and litholic neosols, these endemic and endangered floristic elements, have maintained their survival processes, lingering in our landscape in adverse climatic conditions. / O presente estudo busca identificar e avaliar as áreas de refúgios ecológicos com espécies xerófitas, presentes na localidade de Campestre do Divino, distrito de Santo Antão, Município de Santa Maria, região central do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, sul do Brasil, através de uma análise ambiental dos aspectos botânicos, climáticos, geológicos e geomorfológicos. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida por meio de coletas de dados a campo. Variáveis atmosféricas foram obtidas através de instrumentos de leitura. Observações geomorfológicas foram realizadas conjuntamente com o levantamento das espécies xerófitas consideradas relictuais, relacionando a sua presença com o clima geomorfologia e geologia da área de estudo. Também se buscou analisar os impactos antrópicos quando este foi identificado. Com os dados coletados a campo, as áreas desses refúgios xerófitos foram georreferenciadas e posteriormente foram elaborados mapas temáticos para um melhor entendimento da distribuição geográfica. Embasado pela Teoria dos Refúgios Pleistocênicos e com dados obtidos em campo, realizou-se uma análise ambiental onde pôde-se constatar que a presença desses elementos xerófitos apresentam uma relação intrínseca pedológica, garantindo que a área de estudo sempre conteve uma fitofisionomia aberta. Essas ilhas de endemismo são representadas por espécies relictuais pertencentes às famílias Bromeliaceae, Cactaceae e Orchidaceae, bioindicadoras de eventos paleoclimáticos de intensa aridez firmados no Quaternário. Refugiados em afloramentos rochosos e neossolos litólicos, esses elementos florísticos endêmicos e ameaçados de extinção, mantiveram seus processos de sobrevivência, perdurando em nossa paisagem em condições climáticas adversas.
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Untersuchungen an Hochdruckrelikten im zentralen Menderes Massiv, W TürkeiWarkus, Friederike C. January 2001 (has links)
Das Menderes Massiv im Westen der Türkei stellt eine große Kulmination metamorpher Gesteine dar. Das Untersuchungsgebiet ist im Zentralen Menderes Massiv (Ödemis Submassiv) gelegen, das von den beiden aktiven Gräben, dem Gediz Graben im Norden und dem Büyük Menderes Graben im Süden begrenzt wird. <br />
Die Untersuchungen der Eklogit Relikte im zentralen Menderes Massiv haben ergeben, dass sich im Menderes Massiv Hochdruckrelikte in unterschiedlichen tektonischen Positionen befinden. Zum einen existieren Eklogit-Blöcke in der obersten Einheit (Selcuk Einheit) des zentralen Menderes Massivs und zum anderen Hochdruck-Relikte in der strukturell mittleren Birgi - Tire Decke. Die Granate der quarzfreien Eklogit-Blöcke weisen große Ähnlichkeiten mit denen der HP/LT Gesteine von Sifnos und Syros auf. Die Entwicklung der Eklogit-Blöcke in der Olistostrom-Einheit lässt sich jedoch nicht mit den Eklogit Relikten in der strukturell mittleren Birgi Tire Decke vergleichen. <br />
Für die Eklogit-Relikte in der Birgi Tire Decke wurde eine polymetamorphe Entwicklung mithilfe petrologischer Untersuchungen und chemischen und Pb-Pb Datierungen herausgearbeitet. Die Eklogit Relikte gehören zu einem metamorphen Teilpfad, der durch eine Amphibolitfazies 1 - Hochdruck - Amphibolitfazies 2/Granulitfazies charakterisiert ist. Der Endpunkt dieses Teilpfades ist mit Temperaturen zwischen 700 und 750 °C und Drücken von 1.2 - 1.4 GPa belegt. Für diese Bedingungen konnte ein minimales Alter von 520 Ma durch chemische Datierungen an Monaziten einer Augengneisprobe und Pb-Pb Datierungen an Zirkonen einer Augengneis- und Metagabbroprobe bestimmt werden. Dieser amphibolit/granulitfazieller Endpunkt wird mit den Granitintrusionen des zentralen und südlichen Menderes Massiv korreliert, die in einem Zeitraum zwischen 520 Ma bis 550 Ma stattfanden. <br />
Sowohl die Amphibolitfazies 1 als auch das Hochdruckereignis werden der Panafrikanischen Orogenese zugeordnet. Für die Hochdruckbedingungen wurden maximale Temperaturen zwischen 680°C und 720°C und bei einem Druck von 2.2 GPa bestimmt. In den untersuchten Metasedimenten konnte eine prograde metamorphe Entwicklung abgeleitet werden, die amphibolitfazielle Bedingungen von 660°C bei 0.6 GPa erreichte. Das Metamorphosealter dieser Metasedimente konnte mit < 100 Ma mittels chemischer Mikrosondendatierung bestimmt werden. Die in den Metasedimenten herausgearbeiteten Druck- und Temperaturbedingungen wurden ebenfalls in den metabasischen Gesteinen bestimmt. Diese Ergebnisse werden als Krustenstapelung der metabasischen Gesteine, Augengneise und Metasedimente interpretiert, die mit der alpinen Orogenese im Zusammenhang stehen. <br />
Durch die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit lässt sich die Birgi-Tire Decke im zentralen Menderes Massiv genauer charakterisieren. Sie besteht aus Metasedimenten, pelitischen Gneisen, Augengneisen und metabasichen Gesteinen. Die Gneise (pelitische und Augengneise) und die metabasischen Gesteine stellen panafrikanische Relikte dar, die einen amphibolit- eklogit- amphibolit/granulitfaziellen Metamorphosepfad gespeichert haben. Die amphibolit- bis granulitfazielle Metamorphose hängt mit den Granitintrusionen zusammen und fand in einem Zeitraum zwischen 520 - 550 Ma statt. Große Teile der Metasedimente der Birgi Tire Decke haben jedoch nur eine alpine metamorphe Entwicklung durchlaufen, wo sie unter amphibolitfazielle Bedingungen Krustentiefen erreichten, bei denen sie mit den panafrikanischen Relikten zusammen gestapelt wurden und eine gemeinsame Exhumierung erfahren haben. / The Menderes Massif in western Turkey is a large culmination of metamorphic rocks. The investigation area is bounded by two active graben systems, the Gediz Graben in the north and the Büyük Menderes Graben in the south. One result of our investigation in the central Menderes Massif is the occurrence of eclogite relicts in different tectonic positions. On one hand eclogite blocks exist in the structurally highest nappe (Selcuk unit) of the central Menderes Massif, and on the other hand the high pressure relicts exist in the structurally middle Birgi-Tire nappe. The garnets of the quartz-free eclogite blocks in a metaolistostrome unit show large similarities with those which indicate the HP/LT rocks of Sifnos and Syros. The occurrence of the eclogite blocks in the metaolistostrome unit can not be correlated with those of the structural middle nappe (Birgi Tire nappe). By petrological investigations, chemical and Pb-Pb age determinations a polymetamorphic history was found for the eclogite relicts in the Birgi Tire nappe. The eclogite relicts belong to a metamorphic P-T path which is characterized by a amphibolite facies 1 - high pressure - amphibolite facies 2/granulite facies. The last one is characterized by temperatures between 700 and 750 °C and by pressure of 1.2 - 1.4 GPa. A minimum age of 520 Ma was deduced by chemical age determination on monazites and Pb-Pb dating on zircons. The age of the amphibolite/granulite facies condition is correlated with the granite intrusions in the central and southern Menderes Massif which occurred in the range of 520 to 550 Ma. The intrusions belong to the Panafrican orogeny. Therefore the P-T path (amphibolite facies 1 - high pressure - amphibolite facies 2/granulite facies) is assigned to the Panafrican orogeny. The maximum temperatures of the high pressure event are between 680 °C and 720 °C. The pressure amounts to 2.2 GPa. A prograde metamorphic evolution under amphibolite facies conditions was derived for the investigated metasediments. The amphibolite facies conditions took place at a temperature of 660°C and at a pressure of 0.6 GPa. The age of the metasediments was determined as < 100 Ma by means of chemical dating. The same metamorphic conditions could be recognized in the metabasic rocks. The interpretation of this result is that crustal stacking occurred under amphibolite facies conditions during the Alpine orogeny. Due to the presented results, the Birgi Tire nappe in the central Menderes Massif can be characterized more exactly. It consists of metasediments, pelitic and augengneisses, and metabasic rocks. Pelitic and augengneisses and the metabasic rocks represent Panafrican relicts, which have stored an amphibolite - eclogite - amphibolite/granulite facies P-T path. The amphibolite to granulite facies metamorphosis is related to the granite intrusions and took place in a period between 520 - 550 Ma. Parts of the metasediments belonging to the Birgi Tire nappe are influenced by only an alpine metamorphic history. They moved to crustal depths at which they were stacked with the Panafrican relicts under amphibolite facies conditions followed by common exhumation.
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