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An Assessment of Morro Bay Residents' Attitudes Toward and Knowledge About Tourism: Setting a Foundation for Sustainable Tourism DevelopmentStockton, Tyson Matthew David 01 September 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore Morro Bay residents’ attitudes toward tourism and knowledge about tourism in the three major tourism impact categories (economic, socio-cultural, and environmental). A mail-back questionnaire was hand-delivered during the winter of 2011 to 720 Morro Bay residents. In general, Morro Bay residents had slightly positive attitudes toward tourism in their community. The mean attitude score was 3.27 on a 5-point Likert type scale. The subjects had a relatively low level of tourism knowledge. The mean total indirect tourism knowledge score was 2.98 on a 5-point Likert-type scale. Residents’ total direct tourism knowledge score was 0.33 on a scale of zero to one. A multiple regression model was used to test for an association between residents’ knowledge about tourism, community attachment, socio-demographic variables, and residents’ attitudes toward tourism. The only variables that were associated with residents’ attitude toward tourism were: length of residency, interest in learning more about tourism, level of education, household income, subjective tourism knowledge, economic tourism knowledge, and environmental tourism knowledge. The two most significant variables were economic tourism knowledge and environmental tourism knowledge. Future research should test the effectiveness of different methods to increase residents’ tourism knowledge.
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The use of survey methodology to determine residents' environmental attitudes towards a modern high-rise public housing complexDu Toit, Jacques Louis, Bekker, S. B. January 2000 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This is an applied methodological thesis about the attitudes of residents towards a modern high rise public housing complex. A definition and analysis of the theme show that this housing type is characterised by a distinctive design and style known as modernist. Therefore, modern and postmodern theory is used to formulate a general existential hypothesis as to residents attitudes towards this housing type. A cross-sectional survey research design was used to research the thesis. Data was collected by means of questionnaires and analysed in the form of a perceived environmental quality index. It was found that residents show a negative overall attitude towards the housing complex. However, there are also some indications of positive attitudes towards the complex, and significant differences were found between the attitudes of particular groups. The thesis is concluded with the suggestion that this housing type can be regarded as an option for certain groups in the context of South Africa’s current housing situation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie is `n toegepaste metodologiese tesis oor inwoners se houdings teenoor `n moderne toringblok openbare behuisingskompleks. `n Definisie en analise van die tema wys dat hierdie behuisingstipe, deur `n uitstaande ontwerp en styl wat as modernisties bekend staan, gekenmerk word. Moderne en postmoderne teorie word gebruik om `n algemene eksistensiële hipotese betreffende inwoners se houdings teenoor dié behuisingstipe te formuleer. `n Kruis-seksionele opname navorsingsontwerp is gebruik om die tesis te ondersoek. Data is deur middel van vraelyste ingesamel en in die formaat van `n waargenome- omgewing- kwaliteitsindeks geanaliseer. Dit word bevind dat inwoners in geheel `n negatiewe houding teenoor die kompleks huldig. Tog is daar ook bewyse van positiewe houdings en beduidende verskille tussen die houdings van sekere groepe. Die tesis volstaan met die gevolgtrekking dat hierdie behuisingstipe oorweeg kan word vir sekere groepe in die konteks van die huidige Suid Afrikaanse behuisingsituasie.
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Tourism has impacts on smaller destinations too : A questionnaire study to determine any tourism effects on smaller destinations and its residents.Carlström, Felicia, Gustavsson, Johanna January 2021 (has links)
Tourism is something that today is very common for most parts of the world. Tourism effects is a phenomenon that focuses on the effects of tourism which can affect destinations and residents in different ways. The most common are social, cultural, environmental and economic impacts. The purpose of this bachelor thesis has been to explore if there are any tourism effects and if so, what are they and in what ways can they affect a small rural area as a destination and the effect on the residents. For this purpose we have used an area called Glasriket in Sweden as an example. This study has used both qualitative and quantitative data with a deductive approach. After conducting our research, we then composed a questionnaire. The questionnaire was shared on our personal Facebook pages and also sent out through email to businesses, organizations and municipalities in Glasriket. In total, the empirical data was collected from 74 respondents. The results of the study showed that tourism is often perceived as positive. The positive effects of tourism outweigh the negative. It is clear that tourism has impacts on destinations in rural areas and not only on major cities or coastal areas. One conclusion is that yes, there are effects caused by tourism in Glasriket. There are several environmental, social, cultural and economic impacts in this area. It can also be concluded that tourism affects people and destinations in different ways and the ways the effects are perceived by residents might vary depending on factors such as cultural background, economic status and personal opinions.
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Квалитет агротуризма Војводине и његов утицај на ставове локалног становништва / Kvalitet agroturizma Vojvodine i njegov uticaj na stavove lokalnog stanovništva / Quality of agritourism in Vojvodina and its impact on residents’ attitudesPetrović Marko 03 November 2014 (has links)
<p>Агротуризам редставља осебни, селективни вид туризма који обједињује скуп активности на сеоским туристичким домаћинствима и у објектима у домаћој радиности. У раду је дат преглед владајуће литературе о агротуризму у AП Војводини (Србији) и иностраним државама и дефинисане су основне карактеристике овог вида туризма. Приказане су туристичко-географске карактеристике истраживаног ростора, описана је студија случаја стања и развоја агротуризма у Војводини и упоређена са осталим деловима Србије и са примерима из иностранства. У методолошком делу приказани су инструменти, процедура и узорак истраживања, а остављене су и хипотезе рада. Кроз резултате и дискусију, хипотезе су потврђене, делимично потврђене или оповргнуте, уз помоћ статистичких прорачуна и других метода провере, док су у закључку рада представљени научни и практични допринос теоријског и теренског истраживања, као и ограничења истраживања. У овом сегменту наведени су и основни проблеми администрације, праксе и теорије о аспектима квалитета агротуризма у Војводини. Такође, изложене су идеје и предлози за будућа истраживања и практични савети који имају за циљ да сугеришу и мотивишу окретање промена које могу довести до побољшања квалитeта агротуристичке понуде у Војводини и читавој Србији.</p> / <p>Agroturizam redstavlja osebni, selektivni vid turizma koji objedinjuje skup aktivnosti na seoskim turističkim domaćinstvima i u objektima u domaćoj radinosti. U radu je dat pregled vladajuće literature o agroturizmu u AP Vojvodini (Srbiji) i inostranim državama i definisane su osnovne karakteristike ovog vida turizma. Prikazane su turističko-geografske karakteristike istraživanog rostora, opisana je studija slučaja stanja i razvoja agroturizma u Vojvodini i upoređena sa ostalim delovima Srbije i sa primerima iz inostranstva. U metodološkom delu prikazani su instrumenti, procedura i uzorak istraživanja, a ostavljene su i hipoteze rada. Kroz rezultate i diskusiju, hipoteze su potvrđene, delimično potvrđene ili opovrgnute, uz pomoć statističkih proračuna i drugih metoda provere, dok su u zaključku rada predstavljeni naučni i praktični doprinos teorijskog i terenskog istraživanja, kao i ograničenja istraživanja. U ovom segmentu navedeni su i osnovni problemi administracije, prakse i teorije o aspektima kvaliteta agroturizma u Vojvodini. Takođe, izložene su ideje i predlozi za buduća istraživanja i praktični saveti koji imaju za cilj da sugerišu i motivišu okretanje promena koje mogu dovesti do poboljšanja kvaliteta agroturističke ponude u Vojvodini i čitavoj Srbiji.</p> / <p>Agritourism is a specific, selective type of tourism that combines a set of activities on farms and in<br />self-service beds (accomodation type) in rural areas. This paper presents a literature review of agritourism in<br />Vojvodina Province (Serbia) and foreign countries and defines the basic characteristics of this type of tourism. A<br />tourist-geographical characteristics of the study area are presented, the case study situation and development of<br />agritourism in Vojvodina are described and comparedwith other parts of Serbia and with examples from abroad. In the<br />methodological part, the tools, procedures, and sample surveys, together with working hypotheses are presented.<br />Throughout the results and discussion, the hypotheses are confirmed, partially confirmed or refuted, using statistical<br />calculations and other methods of testing. On the other hand, in the conclusion of the paper, a scientific and practical<br />contribution to the theory and field studies, as well as the limitations of the research are shown. Inthis segment of<br />paper, the main problems of administration, practices, and theories on quality’ aspects of agritourismin Vojvodina are<br />listed. Together with these, the ideas and suggestions for future research and practical advices aimedto motivate the<br />initiation of changes in the quality of agritourismin Vojvodina Province and in the Republic Serbia are expressed.</p>
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