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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ecological benefits of 'environmental flows' in the Eastern Mt. Lofty Ranges.

Deegan, Brian Martin January 2007 (has links)
This thesis examined the impact of anthropogenic alterations in four riverine catchments of the Eastern Mt. Lofty Ranges, South Australia, to identify if creek restoration via environmental flows is a viable management option and if so, to determine; 1) Whether an aquatic/riparian viable seed bank was present and if so what was its composition 2) The ecological condition of selected riverine reaches. This in combination with the seed bank study would identify those creeks that would most benefit from the imposition of environmental flows 3) The response of key species to the water regimes likely to result from the imposition of environmental flows 4) The influence of nutrient enrichment under a fluctuating water level and to use this information to formulate best practice policy for environmental flows 5) Whether aquatic plants promoted by environmental flows were a significant fraction of the diet for higher trophic levels represented by Trichopterans and Amphipods. The seed banks were of comparable density (ranging from 4,000 to 110,000 seeds m-2) and species richness (ranging from 13 to 20 aquatic / riparian species) to the seed banks of other Australian rivers and wetlands, but this varied significantly among riverine sections and across catchments. Out of a total of 81 species recorded, 51 were classified as terrestrial (63% of all species recorded). What is of greater concern was the number of exotic (both aquatic and terrestrial) species recorded: 43% of the species recorded in the Angas, 47% of the species in the Finniss, 39% of the species in Tookayerta creek and 43% of the species recorded in Currency creek were exotic, which are significantly higher in comparison to other Australian studies. There were 24 to 28 aquatic/riparian species recorded in the extant vegetation of each catchment that were not recorded in their seed banks. Likewise, a number of species (3 to 7) were recorded in each catchments seed bank that were not recorded in the extant vegetation of those catchments. A species of particular interest is Crassula sieberana, which is on the State endangered plant species list. Indices for assessing the ecological condition, health or integrity of a river or riparian habitat were employed to investigate the relationship between the river/riparian habitat and the land and water management practices associated with those habitats. Of the four catchments surveyed, each catchment identified a unique set of site parameters (subindex indicators) that were strongly correlated with its ecological condition. Indicator species analyses revealed pasture grasses to be a significant indicator of reaches in very poor condition (p = 0.0010) along the Finniss and Baumea juncea of those reaches in good condition (p = 0.0230). Along the Angas, Cotula coronopifolia was an indicator of those reaches in average condition (p = 0.0240) and along Currency creek, Cladium procerum was an indicator of those reaches in good condition (p = 0.0190). However, when all 115 surveyed reaches were analysed together, those reaches of average to excellent ecological condition were all strongly correlated (R2 = 0.50) with the subindex indicators: bank stability, % riparian cover, grazing, fenced, aquatic wood, and width of the riparian vegetation. This would indicate that these subindex indicators are the main site parameters determining the ecological condition of a riverine reach and hence its restoration potential. Those catchments or sub-catchments containing a high proportion of reaches classified to be in poor to very poor condition had significantly reduced seed banks. The influence of water level fluctuations (±15 cm, ±30 cm and ±45 cm) on the growth of four species of emergent macrophytes (Cyperus vaginatus, Phragmites australis, Typha domingensis and Triglochin procerum) were species dependent. These species naturally inhabits different zones across the elevation gradient. C. vaginatus, which has a high elevation preference, was strongly inhibited by increasing water depth and fluctuations in water levels. In contrast, species with an intermediate elevation preference, such as Phragmites australis and Typha domingensis, were more tolerant to both depth and water level fluctuations. However, the biomass and relative growth rate (RGR) of T. domingensis and P. australis were depressed when grown under the combination of deep elevation and a highly fluctuating water level (±45 cm). Between the static and ±45 cm amplitude treatments, growth of T. domingensis was inhibited by 52%. The growth of P. australis appeared to be enhanced by fluctuating water levels and only showed a severe drop-off in growth in the deep elevation, ±45 cm amplitude treatment. In C. vaginatus the RGR was dependent of the average emergent surface area (and the implied rate of carbon acquisition)(p<0.0001; r2=0.7196; F=87.276; n=36; RGR (mg g-1 day-1) = -5.096 + 4.313 × ln (Average emergent surface area (cm2)), but this was not the case in P. australis and T. domingensis (p>0.05) even when the photosynthetic canopy was partially inundated by rising water levels. Yet these two species demonstrated different growth rates when grown under different water regime amplitudes and at different elevations. Growth of T. procerum did not respond to either amplitude or elevation, but its RGR remained negative. This suggests that another factor(s) was limiting the growth of P. australis, T. domingensis and possibly T. procerum, a factor that varies with water level. Cyperus gymnocaulos had significantly increased plant performance (p <.0001) with increased nutrient loading rates but this effect was significantly reduced under a fluctuating water regime (p =0.0007). Remarkably, under a fluctuating regime, P. australis had a significant reduction in performance with increased nutrient loading rates (p =0.0013), whereas T. domingensis performance was significantly limited (p =0.034) even with increased nutrient loading rates. T. procerum too had increased plant performance with increased nutrient loading rates but this effect was reduced under a fluctuating regime. The morphological response by T. procerum demonstrates that it is mainly limited by the nutrient loading rates and not the water regime. However, it was significantly limited/reduced by its increased turnover rates caused by a stochastic fluctuating water regime. Illustrating that in fact the effects of nutrient enrichment on T. procerum were independent of water regime but bearing in mind that water regime is the primary factor determining the productivity of this species. For those species with higher elevation preferences, e.g. C. gymnocaulos, or low elevation preference, e.g. T. procerum, the effects of nutrient loading are independent of water regime, whereas those species with an intermediate elevation preference, e.g. P. australis and T. domingensis the effects of nutrient loading are largely dependent on the water regime. Amphipoda and Trichoptera selectively fed on succulent semi-emergent macrophytes across sites of average to excellent ecological condition (31-64% to 65-97% of diet), depending on availability. These semi-emergent macrophytes contained the lowest C:N ratio (≈10:1), closest to that of their consumers (≈5:1) and therefore the highest nutritional content. In degraded riverine reaches, there were limited food resources available, hence course particulate organic matter (CPOM) formed the main dietary components of Amphipoda (20-53% of diet) even though it had the highest C:N ratio (≈40:1). At site VP. 1, filamentous algae was the main dietary component of Trichoptera (48-64% of diet) due to its availability and its low C:N ratio (≈14:1) in comparison to the other primary sources available. The imbalanced consumer-resource nutrient ratios in these degraded riverine reaches are likely to impose constraints on the growth and reproduction of their aquatic shredder communities with probable knock-on effects at higher trophic levels. The installation of environmental flows to restore and promote aquatic/riparian plant communities, which in turn would benefit higher trophic organisms, is a viable and realistic management option along selected reaches. Those selected reaches contain a significant aquatic/riparian seed bank and with sufficient physical habitat remaining to promote their germination and establishment. However, the imposition of environmental flows as a control measure to prevent the colonisation and dominance of particular species (T. domingensis and P. australis) was deemed to be redundant as a management technique given the limited water resources available. / Thesis (Ph.D.) -- School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 2007

Response of riparian cottonwoods to experimental flows along the lower Bridge River, British Columbia

Hall, Alexis Anne, University of Lethbridge. Faculty of Arts and Science January 2007 (has links)
The Bridge River drains the east slope of the Coast Mountain Range and is a major tributary of the Fraser River in southwestern British Columbia. The lower Bridge River has been regulated since the installation of Terzaghi Dam in 1948, which left a section of dry riverbed for an interval of 52 years prior to 2000. An out-of-court settlement between BC Hydro and Federal and Provincial Fisheries regulatory agencies resulted in the required experimental discharge of 3 m3/s below Terzaghi Dam in 2000. This study investigated growth of black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa) trees in response to the experimental discharges. Mature trees did not show a significant response in radial trunk growth or branch elongation. In contrast, the juvenile trees displayed an increased growth response, and the successful establishment of saplings provided a dramatic response to the new flow regime. Thus, I conclude that cottonwoods have benefited from the experimental flow regime of the lower Bridge River. / xii, 89 leaves : ill. (some col.) ; 29 cm

Impacts of flow augmentation on river channel processes and riparian vegetation

Bigelow, Sarah Grace, University of Lethbridge. Faculty of Arts and Science January 2006 (has links)
The Little Bow River Project was implemented in 2003 and includes Alberta’s newest dam. The Project involves tripling the diversion of water from the Highwood River to the Little Bow River and subsequently storing the water in the Twin Valley Reservoir. This MSc Thesis provided part of the environmental monitoring for that Project and particularly investigated the impacts of augmented flows on the river channel and riparian vegetation along the upper reach of the Little Bow River. An initial component of the long-term study was to determine the existing associations between fluvial geomorphic characteristics and riparian plant communities. Poplar (Populus balsamifera L.), willow (Salix bebbiana Sargent and S. exigua Nutt.) and wolf-willow (Elaeagnus commutata Bernh.) communities were located along the upper section of the river, where the channel had a steeper gradient and was narrower and more sinuous. Cattail (Typha latifolia L.) and grass (grasses and sedges) communities were generally located along the lower section of the river that was shallower in gradient, wider and straighter. Plant community distribution also reflected impacts from cattle grazing. Initial channel and vegetation responses in the first two years following the increase in flow augmentation were slight and included bank slumping, sediment scour and inundation of flooded zones. The initial responses are consistent with the primary prediction of channel widening and this will probably be associated with some changes in the adjacent riparian plant communities. / xiv, 139 leaves : ill. (some col.) ; 29 cm.

The restoration of an alien-invaded riparian zone in grassy fynbos, South Africa

Fourie, Saskia January 2013 (has links)
The most recent surveys in South Africa estimate that invasions are still increasing, despite substantial clearing efforts. Riparian systems in South Africa are particularly vulnerable to invasion by woody IAPs. This thesis addresses the restoration of alien‐invaded riparian systems, by investigating the factors that facilitate or constrain spontaneous recovery and influence the trajectories of succession. These factors include invasion history and management history, especially the use of fire. A seedling emergence approach was used to test the presence of a viable pre‐fire seedbank, and the effect of fire on the seed bank. The efficacy of some active restoration interventions was also tested, with the aim to return invasion‐resistant, indigenous vegetation with a structure and function representative of uninvaded sites. The findings of this study indicated the presence of a viable and persistent riparian soil seed bank, even after 30 years of intermtittent invasion as well as two fire cycles under invasion. It shows that the management practice of fell‐and‐burn resulted in high soil temperatures, and that this reduced the indigenous soil seed bank density, especially in the upper soil layer. Clear germination sequences and patterns of emergence over time for different species were observed during this study, with many species exhibiting delayed emergence relative to the timing of the fire event. It is proposed that manipulation of the season of fire could be used to selectively optimise the order of arrival and therefore superior recruitment of some species over others in the Eastern Cape fynbos, and thus alter the trajectories of recovery of vegetation towards a more desired state. Active restoration in the form of indigenous seed and plant additions resulted in a significantly higher indigenous cover after seven months, compared to a control (passive restoration) or restoring with grass. Indigenous cover and composition was also strongly influenced by lateral zonation, and some key guilds and species were missing or present in much lower densities compared to reference sites. Grass restoration significantly suppressed the regeneration of A. longifolia, as well as the regeneration of indigenous species. Biotic resistance can thus be achieved through restoration, and it could be a powerful tool in the management of IAPs, although the deliberate introduction of grass after clearing in fynbos also reduces biodiversity and could have unforeseen consequences to riparian function.

Effects of treatment on Lantana camara (L.) and the restoration potential of riparian seed banks in cleared areas of the Victoria Falls World Heritage Site, Livingstone, Zambia

Nang'alelwa, Michael Mubitelela January 2010 (has links)
The exotic plant Lantana camara L. has invaded the riparian areas of the Victoria Falls World Heritage Site in Livingstone, southern Zambia, threatening native plant communities which support populations of species of special concern. I trialled the mechanical control method of manual uprooting and 3 different herbicides applied through paint brushing of an imazapyr concentrate at 250g. l¯¹, spraying on cut stumps with metsulfron methyl at 600g.l¯¹, and foliar spraying on re-emergent lantana foliage with glyphosate at a dosage of 166g. l¯¹ in July 2008 in 20 100m2 treatment plots, 5 invaded control plots and 5 uninvaded controls. Follow-up treatments for re-sprouting lantana stumps and emerging seedlings were undertaken in June 2009. I measured effectiveness of the methods using adult lantana mortality in June 2009 and lantana seedling density in the different treatment plots during the follow-up exercise. The cost of the various methods and human labour applied were compared across the four treatments at initial clear and at follow-up. All treatments recorded a high adult lantana mortality rate, though there were no significant differences in lantana adult mortality amongst the treatments. Overall, uprooting had the highest adult mortality, followed by imazapyr, metsulfron and lastly glyphosate. Germination of lantana seedlings after clearing was high for all treatments but with no significant differences occurring between the treatments. Both adult lantana mortality and seedling density were however significantly different from the control. With labour included, chemical costs were far higher relative to uprooting, though uprooting costs were the highest when it came to the follow-up because of the emerging seedlings and some resprouting stumps. The effects of mechanical and chemical treatments on vegetation composition in the cleared areas were also assessed in order to detect any non-target and medium term effects of treatments. Contrary to expectation, none of the chemicals showed any significant effects on vegetation composition in the short and medium-term and no significant differences were found in plant species richness, diversity and seedling density between invaded and uninvaded plots at baseline, in October 2008 and in September 2009. In order to determine potential for unaided vegetation recovery in the riparian areas of the study site after lantana clearing, I conducted an investigation of soil seed banks and seed rain using 60 seed bank samples measuring 1800m³ collected from 30 invaded and uninvaded plots. Using the seedling emergence method, 1, 991 seedlings belonging to 66 species representing 27 families germinated from the seed bank. Sedges (Cyperaceae family) were the most abundant taxa in the seed banks from invaded areas, followed by Ageratum conyzoides, lantana, Triumfetta annua and Achyranthes aspera which also occurred in the uninvaded soil seed banks. The seed banks from uninvaded plots were dominated by the grass Oplismenus hirtellus. Overall, species richness, diversity and seedling density from seed banks in invaded areas did not differ significantly from seed bank in uninvaded areas and there was a low similarity in species composition when above ground vegetation was compared to seed banks from invaded and uninvaded areas. It would appear if natural regeneration occured from the current seed bank in disturbed areas, future vegetation would largely comprise of short lived, early successional species in the short term as the seed bank is dominated by non-native herbaceous weedy species. From the seed traps investigating seed rain, a total of 27 species numbering 623 individual seeds were found in the thirty 1m² seedtraps distributed in invaded and uninvaded areas at the five sites, over an intermittent period of three months. Lantana had the highest monthly arrival rate in the seed traps followed by Phoenix reclinata and Ricinus communis. The number of species with invasive potential found in the seed traps located in invaded areas was more than that found in seed traps under native vegetation cover by far. Considerable forest remnants still occur around the invaded sites, and these could serve as an important source for long-term natural re-establishment of native vegetation if seed availability by animals and wind dispersal continues, while the re-invasion of lantana is prevented by ongoing follow-ups and futher clearing of lantana invaded areas. It is concluded that while uprooting and other treatments are effective in the control of lantana, its successful control in the Victoria Falls World Heritage Site will require extensive clearing to keep it from reinvading infested areas after clearing as shown by the seed rain data. The high seedling density of lantana in the seed banks and in the cleared areas shows the need for ongoing follow-up in order to deplete soil stored seed banks. There is need for longer term research to establish what the exact follow-up requirements are in order to contain lantana re-infestation and create favourable micro-sites for native species to establish. It is predicted that ongoing lantana control in the cleared plots will most likely initiate long-term community recovery.

Tertiary wastewater treatment using riparian wetlands: A curriculum guide for high school students

Norwood, Robert Lee 01 January 1997 (has links)
No description available.

Assessing the impacts of riparian land use on gully development and sediment load : a case study of Nzhelele River Valley, Limpopo Province, South Africa

Mavhuru, Blessing January 915 (has links)
MENVSC / Department of Geography and Geo-Information Sciences / Human activities on land degradation have triggered several environmental problems especially in rural areas that are under developed. The main aim of this study is to analyse the contribution of different land uses to gully development and sediment load on the Nzhelele River Valley in the Limpopo Province. Data was collected using different methods such as observation, field data techniques and experiments. Satellite digital images, topographic maps, aerial photographs and the sediment load static model also assisted in determining how land use affects gully development and sediment load. For data analysis, the researcher used the following methods: Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficient and statistical correlation methods. The results of the research illustrates that high land use activities create negative changes especially in areas that are highly fragile and vulnerable. Distinct impact on land use change was observed within settlement area (9.6 %) within a period of 5 years. High correlation between soil organic matter and soil moisture (R=0.96) was observed. Furthermore a significant variation (p ≤ 0.6) between the soil organic matter and soil moisture was also observed. A very significant variation (p ≤ 0.003) was observed in bulk density and extreme significant variations (p ≤ 0.0001) were observed in organic matter and soil particle size. The sand mining and agricultural activities has contributed significantly to the amount of sediment load in the Nzhelele River. A high significant amount of total suspended sediment (55.3 %) and bed load (53.8 %) was observed within the agricultural area. The connection which associates the development of gullies to various land use activities determines the amount of sediment load. These results are consistent with other previous research and suggest that land use activities is likely to exacerbate the development of gullies and sediment load in the Nzhelele River Valley

Vegetation, Environmental Characteristics, and their Relationships: Variation within the Annually Flooded Riparian Zones of the John Day River Basin, Oregon

Hartsfield, Samuel J. 13 February 2009 (has links)
I hypothesized that vegetation and physical environmental characteristics would differ between the upper and lower extents of the annually flooded riparian zone on the John Day River, and that relationships between species and environmental variables would display differences between these two zones. Vegetation, environmental variables, and relationships between them were assessed for the entire annually flooded riparian zone, and for the proposed upper and lower zones. Data were collected from 60 one-square-meter quadrats: 30 in each the upper and lower zones. Sites were randomly selected and located so that flood duration was roughly equal at all sites within each zone. 34 plant species were encountered: 25 in the upper zone, 27 in the lower zone. Wetland obligate and facultative wetland species groups and eight individual species accounted for statistically different percentages ofquadrat cover between zones. ANOSIM analysis identified two statistically distinct vegetation communities between the two zones. Soil texture averaged 75.85% sand and 20.81% fines. Sand ranged between 36.69% and 95.55%. Fines ranged between 2.54% and 58.84%. A horizon depths and fine soil particle concentrations were greater in the upper zone. Coarser soils with more sand and gravel dominated the lower zone. All enviromnental variables studied, except pH, were highly variable throughout the study area. ANOSIM analysis results suggest that the upper and lower zones have distinct, statistically different physical environments from each other. Regression analyses relating species quadrat cover to physical environmental variables were performed for the total, upper, and lower riparian zones. Numerous differences were identified between the upper and lower riparian zones that the riparian scale analyses did not represent accurately. There were ten instances in which the zone scale analyses identified a relationship in either the upper or lower zone, while the corresponding riparian scale analysis failed to identify any relationship. The results of this study indicate that vegetation and the physical environment are statistically different between the upper and lower zones on this river, and that relationships between a given plant species and environmental variable can vary between zones. Future research and management efforts should consider and address the potential for such between-zone variation.

Nitrous oxide emission from riparian buffers in agricultural landscapes of Indiana

Fisher, Katelin Rose 25 February 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Riparian buffers have well documented capacity to remove nitrate (NO3-) from runoff and subsurface flow paths, but information on field-scale N2O emission from these buffers is lacking. This study monitored N2O fluxes at two agricultural riparian buffers in the White River watershed (Indiana) from December 2009 to May 2011 to assess the impact of landscape and hydrogeomorphologic factors on emission. Soil chemical and biochemical properties were measured and environmental variables (soil temperature and moisture) were monitored in an attempt to identify key drivers of N2O emission. The study sites included a mature riparian forest (WR) and a riparian grass buffer (LWD); adjacent corn fields were also monitored for land-use comparison. With the exception of net N mineralization, most soil properties (particle size, bulk density, pH, denitrification potential, organic carbon, C:N) showed little correlation with N2O emission. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) identified season, land-use (riparian buffer vs. crop field), and site geomorphology as major drivers of N2O emission. At both study sites, N2O emission showed strong seasonal variability; the largest emission peaks in the riparian buffers (up to 1,300 % increase) and crop fields (up to 3,500 % increase) occurred in late spring/early summer as a result of flooding, elevated soil moisture and N-fertilization. Nitrous oxide emission was found to be significantly higher in crop fields than in riparian buffers at both LWD (mean: 1.72 and 0.18 mg N2O-N m-2 d-1) and WR (mean: 0.72 and 1.26 mg N2O-N m-2 d-1, respectively). Significant difference (p=0.02) in N2O emission between the riparian buffers was detected, and this effect was attributed to site geomorphology and the greater potential for flooding at the WR site (no flooding occurred at LWD). More than previously expected, the study results demonstrate that N2O emission in riparian buffers is largely driven by landscape geomorphology and land-stream connection (flood potential).

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