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Floodplains as dynamic mosaics : sediment and nutrient patches in a large lowland riverine landscapeSouthwell, Mark, n/a January 2008 (has links)
Rivers around the world are under increasing pressure from a variety of human activities.
Effective management of riverine landscapes requires an ecosystem approach and one that
recognises the complex interactions between their physical, chemical and biological
components. Perceptions of pattern and process are central to our understanding of riverine
landscapes. Pattern and process operate over multiple scales to produce heterogeneous
mosaics of landscape patches that change over time. Hierarchical patch dynamics provides a
useful approach to unravel pattern and process at multiple scales in riverine landscapes. This
thesis adopts a hierarchical patch dynamics approach to investigate floodplain sediment and
nutrient dynamics within the Barwon-Darling River in South Eastern Australia.
The flow regime of the Barwon-Darling River is highly variable. As a result, it has a complex
channel cross section featuring inset-floodplain surfaces that occur at multiple elevations
within the channel trough. These surfaces formed the focus of this study. The texture of inset- floodplain
surface sediments displays a patchy spatial distribution and one that did not reflect
lateral or longitudinal gradients within this floodplain landscape. Rather a sediment textural
patch mosaic was identified. Nutrient concentrations associated with the surface sediments of
the inset-floodplains were also shown to vary significantly resulting in a nutrient patch
mosaic. This spatial nutrient mosaic was enhanced by factors including the surface elevation
of the floodplain surface.
Sediment and nutrient exchange between the river channel and inset-floodplain surfaces was
measured during several flows in 2001, 2002 and 2005. Pin and sediment trap data showed
that significant quantities of sediment were exchanged between the river channel and
floodplain surfaces during inundation with both cut and fill processes occurring. Patterns in
sediment exchange appear to be related to local sediment supply and seasonal sediment
exhaustion, rather than the top down geomorphic constraints considered. These material
exchanges resulted in a change to the spatial configuration of the sediment textural patch
mosaic. Distinct new sediment textural patches were created following inundation, while
other patches were lost post inundation and other patches changed sediment textural character
to move into pre-existing patches. Thus a truly dynamic sediment textural mosaic exists
within this floodplain landscape.
Nutrient concentrations associated with floodplain sediments also changed over time. While
nutrient concentrations increased after the December 2001 flow event, they generally
decreased after the March 2002 event, highlighting their dynamic nature over time. The
spatial distribution of nutrient concentrations also varied over time, with a 40 percent change
to the nutrient mosaic as a result of the March 2002 flow event. In addition to the influence of
the changing physical template (sediment texture mosaic), nutrient concentrations were
shown to be influenced by rainfall processes on non flooded surfaces, and also a number of
top-down constraints and bottom-up influences operating over multiple spatial scales.
Overall, the inset-floodplains studied in this thesis acted primarily as sediment and nutrient
sinks, and were a source for dissolved nutrients. Nutrient exchange was associated with the
exchange of sediments in this riverine landscape, over both inter-flow and decadal timescales.
It was demonstrated that water resource development within the catchment reduced the
number, magnitude and duration of flow events down the Barwon-Darling River and as a
result reductions in the exchange of sediment, associated and dissolved nutrients between
inset-floodplains and the main river channel were calculated. The greatest reductions were
with the release of dissolved nutrients (42-25 percent) and the exchange of sediment and
associated nutrients from high level surfaces (43 percent).
Effective conservation and management of riverine ecosystems must occur at the correct
scale. This study identified potential nutrient hotspots at several scales in the Barwon-Darling
floodplain landscape that could be targeted by management. The low predictability of the
location of nutrient hotspots at the inset-floodplain scale over time means that environmental
flows should be targeted at high level surfaces (<25 000 MLD-1) that provide long term
sources of carbon to the river channel. Conserving flows of this magnitude will also reinstate
flow variability, an important facet of the Barwon-Darling River?s hydrology that has been
changed by water resource development. The research presented in this thesis highlights the
importance of not only considering pattern and process at multiple scales, but also the way in
which these processes influence landscape patterns over time, leading to the identification of
the appropriate scales that can best be targeted for the conservation of these systems.
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Riverine landscapes are complex. More than just a single channel, they comprise a
shifting mosaic of hydrogeomorphic patches with varying physical and biological
characteristics. These patches are connected by water during flows of varying magnitude
and frequency, at a range of spatial and temporal scales. Combined, landscape
complexity and hydrological connectivity create biological diversity that in turn
maintains the productivity, ecological function, and resilience of these systems. This
thesis investigates the ecological importance of spatial heterogeneity and temporal
hydrological connectivity in a dryland floodplain river landscape. It focuses on
anabranch channels, and uses major carbon sources in these and adjacent landscape
patches as indicators of ecological pattern and process.
A conceptual model was proposed, describing the potential effects upon the distribution
and availability of major carbon sources of: a) a spatial mosaic of hydrogeomorphic
patches in the landscape (e.g. anabranches, river channel, and wider floodplain); and b)
four primary temporal phases of hydrological connection during flow pulses
(disconnection, partial connection, complete connection, and draining). This was then
tested by data collected over a three year period from a 16 km reach of the lower
Macintyre River (NSW/QLD Australia). Results were examined at multiple spatial
scales (patch scale � river channel vs. anabranches vs. floodplain; between individual
anabranches; and within anabranches � entry, middle and exit sites).
The data indicate that spatial heterogeneity in the lower Macintyre River landscape
significantly influences ecological pattern. Carbon quantity was greater in anabranch
channels compared to adjacent river channel patches, but not compared to the floodplain;
while carbon quality was greater in anabranch channels compared to both adjacent river
channel and floodplain patches. Stable isotope analysis indicated that carbon sources that
were predominantly found in anabranch channels supported both anabranch and river
organisms during a winter disconnection phase. Other carbon sources found in the main
river channel and the wider floodplain appeared to play a comparatively minimal role in
the food web.
Different phases of hydrological connection between anabranch channels and the main
river channel were associated with differences in the availability of carbon sources. In the
river channel, draining of water from anabranches (the draining phase) was associated
with relatively high concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and low
concentrations of phytoplankton. Conversely, the disconnection phase was associated
with relatively low concentrations of DOC and high concentrations of phytoplankton in
the river channel. In anabranch channels and their waterbodies, the disconnection and
draining phases were associated with high concentrations of both DOC and
phytoplankton. Concentrations of these carbon sources were lowest in anabranches
during the partial and complete connection phases.
Different hydrological connection phases were also associated with changes in trophic
status in the aquatic components of the landscape. On the riverbanks, relatively low rates
of benthic production and respiration during the complete connection phase were
associated with heterotrophy. The remaining phases appeared to be autotrophic. Benthic
production on riverbanks was greatest during the disconnection phase, and respiration
was greatest during the partial connection phase. In the anabranch channels, rates of
production and respiration were similar during the disconnection phase, and were
associated with heterotrophy in the anabranch waterbodies. The remaining phases
appeared to be autotrophic. Respiration was greatest in anabranches during the
disconnection phase, and production was greatest during the draining phase. Both
production and respiration were lowest during complete connection. These differences
and changes varied according to the landscape patch examined.
At a landscape scale, anabranch channels act as both sinks and suppliers of carbon. High
rates of sediment deposition facilitate their role as sinks for sediment-associated carbon
and other particulate, refractory carbon sources. Simultaneously, anabranch channels
supply aquatic carbon sources from their waterbodies, as well as via processes such as
inundation-stimulated release of DOC from surface sediments. Modelled data indicated
that water resource development reduces the frequency and duration of connection
between anabranch channels and the main river channel. This loss of landscape
complexity via loss of connectivity with anabranches has the potential to reduce the total
availability of carbon sources to the ecosystem, as demonstrated by a modelled 13%
reduction in potential dissolved organic carbon release from anabranch sediments.
This thesis has demonstrated the importance of spatial heterogeneity in riverine
landscapes, by documenting its association with variability in the distribution and quality
of primary energy sources for the ecosystem. It has shown that this variability is
augmented by different phases of hydrological connectivity over time. Spatial
heterogeneity and hydrological connectivity interact to increase the diversity and
availability of ecological energy sources across the riverine landscape, at multiple spatial
and temporal scales. This has positive implications for the resilience and sustainability of
the system. Anabranch channels are particularly important facilitators of these effects in
this dryland floodplain river system. Anabranch channels are �intermediate� in terms of
spatial placement, temporal hydrological connection, and availability of carbon sources;
of high value in terms of high-quality carbon sources; and relatively easy to target for
management because of their defined commence-to-flow levels. Further research should
be directed toward evaluating other ecological roles of anabranch channels in dryland
rivers, thereby providing a more complete understanding of the importance of
connectivity between these features and other patches. This knowledge would assist
management of floodplain river landscapes at larger regional scales, including
amelioration of the effects of water resource development.
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