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Zhodnocení kanců působících na inseminační staniciKamanová, Vendula January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the thesis was to evaluate boars on the insemination center in terms of quantitative and qualitative indicators of sperm depending on age and season. Evaluation was based on sampling data from the years 2011 to 2015. Based on the results we can say that the age of boars and season of the year has an influence on production and quality of semen. With increasing age is increase in volume of semen and content of pathological sperm and this growth stops after the age of 3 years. Since the beginning of boars in artificial insemination to 3 years of age is decreasing sperm motility and to 4 years of age there is also a decrease in sperm concentration. Significant fluctuations in motility of sperm depending on the season have been found in boars older than 2 years, and a decline in the summer months. Furthermore, it was shown that in all age groups occurred in the summer to increase the percentage of sperm pathology. In boars up to 1 year of age, there was a continuous increase in sperm concentration from winter to autumn. In boars older than 1 year was observed decrease in the concentration of sperm in the summer, whereas in autumn and winter, the concentration was increased. The greatest value of semen volume were at all ages recorded in the fall. The most significant decline in volume of semen has been found in boars under 1 year of age in the summer and boars aged over one year in the spring season.
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Finanční analýza Řízení letového provozu, s. p.Kortusová, Daniela January 2006 (has links)
Začátek diplomové práce charakterizuje historii podniku, členství v organizacích, strategické cíle podniku, územní a organizační strukturu, péči o zaměstnance, Leteckou školu a IATCC Praha-Jeneč (Národní ingegrované středisko řízení letového provozu). Stěžejní část práce je věnována finanční analýze (metoda absolutní a relativní, poměrová analýza a bonitní model) včetně jejího zhodnocení. Závěr diplomové práce se týká specifik tvorby a rozdělení zisku v roce 2004.
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Produkce spermatu kanců v závislosti na sezóně rokuLipenský, Jan January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Irská ústava z roku 1937. Cesta od Irského svobodného státu k Irsku / The Irish Constitution of 1937. From the Irish Free State to IrelandMakaj, Michal January 2014 (has links)
The present work deals with the creation of a second Irish Constitution in the history of Irish independence. Replacement of the previous Constitution was motivated by its connection with the controversial Anglo-Irish Treaty 1921. This thesis focuses on the situation in the 20's and 30's of the 20th century, the Irish Free State, when there were internal unrest caused by emergence and recognition of the Constitution 1922 from which the Irish republican on the contrary wanted to break away. Their efforts lasted until the new Constitution in 1937. The work also includes a chapter devoted to the events that preceded the periods, which is primarily devoted. These events were Irish War of Independence and subsequent Civil War. The main part describes the internal situation in the Irish Free State in terms of social, economic and political issues, because all intermingled with each other and lead to the onset political forces that have targeted the country led to the new legislation. An integral part of this work is the preparation and procedure whereby which the Constitution was created. They are also included positive and negative opinions of important personalities of the time. Proposals constitution and amendments laws that gradual way contributed to the final concept of the Constitution 1937 are...
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Analýza role občanských iniciativ v lokálním rozvoji na území Středočeského kraje / Analysis of the Role of Social Activities in Local Development of Central Bohemia RegionKuncová, Tereza January 2009 (has links)
The thesis deals with a separate analysis of the local development and the state of social activities. Closer examination focuses on the method of financing and support of local development and civil society initiatives in the Central Bohemian Region. In the Czech Republic are these initiatives defined best by the competition "Village of the Year" since 1995. The aim of this work is to assess the impact of civic initiatives in the local development and quality of life in selected communities. The results of the competition in the field of communities' social life are represented by both the current state and the information from directed interviews and surveys. These interviews were conducted with the representatives of the communities awarded for a community life. Contribution of the thesis will be to provide partial conclusions and recommendations concerning the potential development of rural communities with regard to the existence of civil initiatives, primarily in the Central Bohemian Region. Some general or cross-sectional findings can be applied to other regions in the Czech Republic.
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Malířství a fotografie okolo roku 1900 / Painting and photography around 1900Voháňková, Romana January 2012 (has links)
This master thesis focuses on the influences of the new medium of photography on the czech painting around 1900. An important part of such a topic is the role of the photography as a sketch for a painter. Another important question is, how was the impact of the visual form of photography on painting, for instance the use of photographic illusion in painting or the influences of chronophotography and moment photography. An important issue is an essential difference between photography and painting in colour. Photography widely extended the visual experience around 1900, as it enabled to fix the images from the area of science and pseudoscience. The question also is, how these new images influenced the painting. This theses also describes, how painters commented on the new medium and how they perceived the attempt of photography to become a legitime subject of fine art. Key words: painting, photography, fine art around 1900
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Imigrace z Kuby, Venezuely a Brazílie do České republiky od roku 1993 po současnost / Immigration from Cuba, Venezuela, and Brazil to the Czech Republic from the year 1993 to the presentNováková, Zuzana January 2020 (has links)
The topic of this diploma thesis is immigration from Venezuela, Brazil and Cuba to the Czech Republic from the year 1993 to the present. Political events in Venezula in recent years have increased migration to the neighboring states in region. Therefore, we could expect also increase in immigration from Venezuela to the Czech Republic. Even though the increase did really occur, the population of Venezuelans in the Czech Republic is not so large (mainly due to geographical distance and language barrier) in this diploma thesis will also appear immigration from Brazil and Cuba. Brazil was chosen mainly because the population of Brazilians living in the Czech Republic is the largest of all Latin American countries. Another difference between Venezuela and Brazil is the different mother tongue of immigrants. The last nationality represented are Cubans, whose immigration history to the Czech Republic or originally to the Czechoslovakia differs. During the socialist era, many Cubans lived here due to intergovernmental agreements of Czechoslovak Socialist Republic. Which cannot be said about Venezuelans and Brazilians at that time. According to statistics, even in the mid 1990's, only dozens of Venezuelans and Brazilians lived in the Czech Republic. While at this time lived hundreds of Cubans in the Czech...
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Politicko-geografické aspekty transformace Britského impéria na Společenství národů / From British Empire to Commonwealth of Nations: Political and Geographical Aspects of the TransformationBernas, Vlastimil January 2013 (has links)
Diplomová práce Politicko-geografické aspekty transformace Britského impéria na Společenství národů Abstract The masterʼs degree thesis "From British Empire to Commonwealth of Nations: Political and Geographical Aspects of the Transformation" deals with gradual transformation of the British Empire, one of the biggest colonial empires of all time, into Commonwealth of Nations, i. e. into a loose association of the United Kingdom and its former Dominions and colonies. The masterʼs degree thesis aims to profoundly analyze all the substantial aspects of this complicated process, namely in broader (above all in political-geographical, historical and legal) relations. The initial historical chapter describes the origins and the following territorial expansion of the British Empire. The second chapter concentrates on different types of administrative units that existed within the British Empire; a special emphasis is given to Dominions whose creation marked the beginning of the disintegrative tendencies within the Empire. The third part of the thesis examines the key period of the transformation of the British Empire into a looser association of states, which means the events of the first half of the twentieth century, when couple of crucial documents amending the character of the British Empire were adopted. The...
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Definice uprchlíka v mezinárodním právu / Definition of a refugee under international lawBurová, Petra January 2011 (has links)
Refugee definition in international law The definition of the term "refugee" in international law is a very wide issue which can be conceived from many different points of view. One of the best ways how to deal with it is to focus on only one part of the generally most widely accepted definition of a refugee. This is the definition according to the 1951 Geneva Convention relating to the Status of Refugees. According to this document a refugee is a person who "owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality, and is unable to or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country..." This definition is more than fifty years old and still actual. It has been adopted in response to the Second World War and the mass refugee flood. The missing interpretation of the term "persecution", which is the fundamental element of the Geneva Convention refugee definition, is still one of the biggest problems of refugee law. The aim of my thesis is to find out whether the missing definition of the term "persecution" is really such a serious imperfection as it is brought out sometimes. I try to answer this question through researching the...
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Porovnání syntaktických konstrukcí v překladech Bible z roku 1550 a 1992 s přihlédnutím k morfologickým změnám / A Comparison of Syntactic Structures in the Bible Translations from 1550 and 1992 with Regard to Morphological ChangesPavlisová, Jana January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is to study differences and correspondences in the syntactic structures in two Danish translations of the Bible which were made in two fundamentally different times; this means in the first complete translation of the Bible into Danish, the so-called Christian III Bible from the year 1550, and in the contemporary translation of the Bible from the year 1992. The studied corpus is represented by the Gospel of John. The main areas of research are word order in main clauses and subordinate clauses, and use of conujunctions in chosen types of subordinate clauses. The work points out the possible influence of its translation template, the Luther Bible from the the year 1545, on the syntax of the Christian III Bible. Key terms: Christian III Bible, 1992 Bible, conjunctions, word order, syntax, diachrony
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