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Trendy ve vývoji rozhlasu jako komunikačního médiaMedek, Tomáš January 2006 (has links)
Práce charakterizuje podstatné trendy, které se na rozhlasovém trhu v poslední letech vyvinuly. Postihuje jejich význam jednak pro možnosti marketingové komunikace, jednak pro možnosti daného média coby specifického produktu. Důraz klade na trendy ve vývoji rozhlasové reklamy, trendy v digitálním vysílání a pozici rozhlasu v mediálním mixu. Práce se zabývá klesající poslechovostí rozhlasu, fragmentací trhu, možnostmi digitálního vysílání nebo narůstajícím vlivem satelitního rozhlasu v USA. Zvláštní kapitoly jsou věnovány internetovému vysílání a podcastingu. Většina získaných dat pochází z amerických lokálních rozhlasových trhů.
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Specifika práce rozhlasového sportovního redaktora/komentátora / Specifications of work of radio sport redactor/commentatorPacner, Jakub January 2020 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zaměřuje na popis specifik práce rozhlasového sportovního redaktora/komentátora. teoretické části popisuje historii vzniku samotného Československého rozhlasu a rozhlasové sportovní reportáže, která je spojená se jménem vůbec prvního československého rozhlasového sportovního reportéra Josefa Laufera. Druhá část je zaměřená na terminologické vymezení pojmů rozhlasový sportovní redaktor, reportér a komentátor. Dále na základě rozhovorů tohoto oboru nabízí náhled do zákulisí této práce včetně jejích charakteristik a specifik od samotného přijetí do sportovní Redakce Českého rozhlasu, předpokladů pro její vykonávání až po práci v terénu a redakci. Závěrečná část analyzuje rozhlasovou reportáž komentátora Aleše Procházky z finálového zápasu hokejového turnaje na zimních olympijských hrách v 1998 mezi Českem a Ruskem.
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Hobojová skupina Symfonického orchestru Českého rozhlasu. / Oboe section of Prague Radio Symphony OrchestraPavlíček, Lukáš January 2015 (has links)
Thesis about oboe section of the Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra introducing first prosopographical summary of oboists from 1926 to 2014, who were employed in the orchestra or were in long term assistance. A biographical inventory of oboists and their solo recording catalogues are fundamental prerequisites for deeper reasearch for developement of interpretative forms. The first three chapters describe resources, sources and historical and contemporary forms of radio orchestra. Chapter four illustrates circumstances of the formation of Prague Chamber Orchestra. The last chapter consists of resumes of individual oboists, including their detailed education and artistic career. Indispensable components of this thesis are charts of recordings for Czech Radio. The author analyzes the biographical inventory of oboists in radio orchestra and considers the role of the oboe section and it's position in interpretation of solo compositions. The apendix includes sources and other materials, photos and documents from the radio archives.
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Vzdělávání a výchova v rozhlasovém vysíláníSvobodová, Dagmar, January 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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Dramaturg, hudba a software, tři aktéři programování hudby v rádiu / Music director, music and software three agents of programing music in radioMayerová, Veronika January 2010 (has links)
This work deals with the interaction of human and non-human actors in the creative process. Its basic point is the notion of a socio-technological order, which works with equal access to human and non-human actors in social processes. The work is inspired by concepts from the selected studies, science and technology (Science and Technology Studies). Research follows the interaction of human and non-human entities using the example of programming music on the radio, namely the Czech Radio station for young listeners, Radio Wave. Field research was based on monitoring the interaction of three key players in the process of programming: music, selector software (used for programming most music radio stations worldwide) and the music director. The observation of mutual cooperation, induced effects, pressures, manipulation and the transformation of actors provides a comprehensive look at the creative process in which the software is not just a passive tool in the hands of its active user and music is not just obedient material in the hands of the reigning human creator, the music director. The goal is to help challenge anthropocentric discrimination of technologies and their activities in contemporary society. Although the research showed that, at Radio Wave, although the use of software is limited by a greater...
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Hlasatelky v Československém rozhlase a rozhlas pro ženy ve třicátých letech 20.století / Women in radioand radio for women in thirtiesFabianová, Petra January 2015 (has links)
The master thesis with topic "Female broadcasters in Czechoslovakian radio and radio for women" is describing, based on historical events during thirties in the twentieth century, development of radios broadcasting in Czechoslovakia. In the first chapter the author devotes to technical development, new inventions, international broadcasting and further censorship and radios reorganizations. By signature of Munich's agreement emerged special institution for censorship, which caused problems to some employees of Radiojournal. Important part of this chapter is also introducing Prague's program conception and Brno's studio, which became a big rival to the capital. Second chapter is devoted to the analysis of program called "Radio for women". The most important part of master thesis introduces topics, which were typical for examined period and which were prepared mainly for female listeners. Lectures were connected with cooking, household, upbringing or studies. Woman was understood mainly as expectant mother taking care of babies and household. Life of first female broadcasters of Radiojournal, for example Zdeňka Walló, Marie Magdalena Tomanová, Helena Kronská and others, describes last and third chapter. Besides other things is there explained what does job of broadcaster mean and what kinds of problems this...
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Vývoj rozhlasového zpravodajství po 2. světové válce / Development of the radio broadcast news after the World War II.Ludwicki, Antoni January 2017 (has links)
Antoni Ludwicki Development of the radio broadcast news after the World War II Abstract The aim of this thesis is the analysis of changes in style of radio broadcast news in the second half of the 20th century. The main source for this research is the Archive of Czech radio. Theoretical part of this work contains scientific literature and the determination what a radio broadcast news should be like. This part contains also a description of radio broadcasking in Czechoslovakia before the World War II. A significant part of this work contains transcriptions and analyses of recording of radio news. The analysis begins with records from 1968 as no data was found on the research in the Archive of Czech radio before that date. The research was divided into chapters based on historical events. Last part of the analysis of style is the comparison between theoretical and practical research and conclusions. The purpose of this thesis is the analysis of style in radio broadcast news and changes of this style within chosen decades.
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Specifikace práce rozhlasových moderátorů ve veřejnoprávních stanicích / Specifies of the work of radio presenters in public radio stationsFivebrová, Tereza January 2021 (has links)
moderator's job in selected public stations of Český Rozhlas. It analyzes programmes Ranní interview and Dvacet minut Radiožurnálu on Radiožurnál, Káva o čtvrté on Český dio Wave and Dáme řeč and Host Dopoledního expresu on Český rozhlas Sever. It focuses on the moderator's role
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První vývojová stádia reklamy v tradičních médiích / First developmental stages of advertising in traditional mediaKesl, Jakub January 2011 (has links)
The first developmental stages of advertising in traditional media Jakub Kesl Abstract Diploma thesis "The first developmental stages of advertising in traditional media" deals with the commercial use of media in its first forms and handles the evolution of advertising communication in conjunction with the development of media. Traditional media - print, radio and television in the period starting with emergence of these media until the point of establishment of advertising as their more or less apparent part were selected as a purpose of this study. This thesis tries to answer following questions: How did the advertising in traditional media in the first moments of its existence form and evolve? How did the first developmental stages of media advertising look like? What was the reaction of the audience to new forms of media advertising? How did enter of advertising into the media influence them and their contents or how did the media influence the ads? Attention is paid to forms of impact of advertising to media and their contents and forms of impact of media on advertising, and describes the types and forms of commercial messages in traditional media in its infancy. The work is primarily concerned with the first stages of development of advertising in the countries, where the development of print,...
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Vysílací práva k olympijským hrám / Olympic Broadcast RightsŽižka, Martin January 2014 (has links)
Title: Olympic Broadcast Rights Objectives: The main objective of this thesis is to analyse the revenue derived from the sale of the broadcasting rights to the Olympics by Olympic Movement. In the thesis are analysed the total sum of revenue, selected territory and compared the proportion that belongs to the International Olympic Committee and the Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games. The secondary objective is to adapt and calculation of the conversion mechanism for the transfer of amounts reported in different currencies in different periods. Methods: Data collection is performed a secondary analysis of documents. The basic aggregate consist of the Summer Olympic Game held 1960 - 2012. The observed variables are: total revenue from broadcasting rights, revenue from broadcasting rights from Europe, the revenue from broadcasting rights from the U.S., revenue from broadcasting rights in Canada, revenue from broadcasting rights from Australia, revenue from broadcasting rights from Japan, the revenue from broadcasting rights in others countries, the number of hours produced from OH, the percentage distribution of revenues from broadcasting rights in the Olympic Movement. The transfer to the same currency using the conversion mechanism which is based on the consumer price index , purchasing power...
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