Spelling suggestions: "subject:"rulebook"" "subject:"guidebooks""
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[pt] Ao mergulhar na área dos estudos lúdicos, é possível notar que os jogos
muitas vezes são estudados como ferramentas educativas ou fenômenos
sócio-antropológicos. Até o momento, pouco foi discutido sobre os processo de
aprendizado de jogos – e muito menos sobre os manuais de regras de jogos, que
são constantemente negligenciados inclusive nos projetos e produção de jogos.
Por este motivo, a presente dissertação tem como objetivo iniciar um diálogo
sobre manuais de jogos, culminando na proposta de critérios de ordenação para as
informações contidas nestes documentos, tendo como referência o ponto de vista
da Ergonomia Informacional. Considerando a escassez de produção de
bibliografia específica sobre o assunto, a fundamentação teórica foi construída a
partir da revisão bibliográfica de literatura referente às áreas de estudo da
Ergonomia Informacional, Estudos Lúdicos, Psicologia Cognitiva, Linguística e
Educação – apresentados nos capítulos 2 a 4. Esses conteúdos foram, então,
organizados no contexto da Hierarquia Informacional de Manuais de Jogos
Analógicos, tendo como o foco o processo de aprendizado de regras em situações
de primeiro uso. A fim de avaliar a aplicabilidade prática dos levantamentos
realizados, foi conduzida uma rodada de entrevistas com game designers que
possuem experiência com a redação de manuais de jogos – seja para jogos de
autoria própria ou de terceiros. A partir das respostas das entrevistas, aliadas ao
referencial teórico, foi então definida uma lista de diretrizes de ordenação das
regras de manuais de jogos analógicos, além de critérios de utilização de imagens
complementares ao texto. Por fim, estas diretrizes foram postas à prova por meio
de um experimento de playtest , no qual usuários foram convidados a jogar dois
jogos: No Thanks! e SET. Cada grupo de usuários – composto por grupos de
3 a 4 participantes – interagiu com um jogo com seu manual original e o outro
com um manual revisado a partir das diretrizes definidas pela presente pesquisa.
A fim de avaliar o desempenho de cada grupo, foram definidas as seguintes
variáveis a serem analisadas: tempo de leitura do manual; tempo de jogo;
quantidade de erros cometidos; quantidade de interrupções no jogo para revisar as
regras; tempo total de interrupção do jogo para revisar as regras. Além disso, foi
considerada a opinião de cada participante em relação à redação do texto, a fim de
identificar se os pontos de atenção identificados em cada manual se tornaram
aparentes durante a experiência de primeiro uso dos manuais e jogos em questão.
Foi feita uma análise da aplicação do experimento, identificando os impactos que
as alterações do manual proporcionaram no desempenho dos participantes. Como
resultado, e devido às limitações de contato físico e presencial decorrentes da
situação de pandemia e quarentena, em função Covid-19, o resultado final desta
dissertação é a proposta revisada do experimento, a ser aplicado em momento
mais propício à pesquisas presenciais. / [en] By dwelling on the area of Playful Studies, it becomes hugely noticeable
that games are often regarded as educational tools of socio-anthropological
phenomena. So far, very little has been discussed about the board game learning
process, and even less about their rulebooks, which tend to be sidelined even
during the development and production of tabletop games. For this reason, this
dissertation aims to start a conversation about tabletop games rulebooks,
culminating in a proposition of new criteria that can be used to better organize the information contained in rulebooks of tabletop games. Those criteria were determined from the standpoint of Informational Ergonomics and Human Factors. Considering the shortage of bibliography regarding this specific matter, the theoretical foundation has been built upon the literature review of works in the fields of Informational Ergonomics, Playful Studies, Cognitive Psychology, Linguistics and Education – presented in chapters 2 through 4. The relevant concepts and ideas found on these works were then adapted to the context of the Informational Hierarchy of Tabletop Games Rulebooks, specifically during the
first time when players were interacting with the games and their rulebooks. In
order to evaluate how useful those findings were in practice, a round of interviews was conducted with game designers who have previous experience with writing rulebooks – either for their games or as a consultant. Their answers, along with
the theoretical foundation previously mentioned, served as the foundation to
propose a list of guidelines, that aim to help organize the information contained in
tabletop rulebooks and the usage of complementary images to better explain the
game s rules. Those guidelines were then put to the test by means of an
experiment, in which participants were invited to take part in a playtest of two
well-known games: No Thanks! and SET. Each group of players interacted
with the two games: the first, containing its original rulebook; the second,
containing a revised version, based on the previously mentioned criteria or
organization. To evaluate the group s performance, five variables were analyzed:
Time elapsed while reading the rulebook; time elapsed during the game; the
quantity of mistakes made; the quantity of pauses in order to revise the game s
rules; and time elapsed while revising the game s rules. On top of that, the
participants opinions and impressions were taken into consideration, in order to
identify whether the points of concern previously mentioned became apparent to
them as well, as a result of their interactions with the games and their rulebooks.
Afterwards, the experiment results were analyzed, in order to identify the extent
of the impact that the new criteria had on the player s performance. Due to the
pandemic and quarantine – caused by Covid-19 –, this dissertation s final result is a revised proposal for the experiment – to be applied whenever the conditions once again favour the development of experimental and in-person research.
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Modelovanje i implementacija sistema za podršku vrednovanju publikovanih naučno-istraživačkih rezultata / Modeling and implementation of system for evaluation of published research outputsNikolić Siniša 26 April 2016 (has links)
<p>Cilj – Prvi cilj istraživanja je kreiranje modela podataka i implementacija informacionog sistema zasnovanog na modelu za potrebe vrednovanja publikovanih naučno-istraživačkih rezultata. Model bi bio primenjen u CRIS UNS informacionom sistemu, kao podrška sistemu vrednovanja.<br />Drugi cilj istraživanja je utvrđivanje u kojoj meri i na koji način se može automatizovati proces evaluacije koji se zasniva na različitim pravilima i pravilnicima.<br />Metodologija – Kako bi se definisalo proširenje CERIF modela neophodno je bilo identifikovati različite aspekte podataka koji su prisutni u evaluaciji naučno-istraživačkih publikacija. Stoga, zarad potreba istraživanja, odabrana su i analizirana su dokumenta koja predstavljaju različite nacionalne pravilnike, okvire i smernice za evaluaciju.<br />Za modelovanje specifikacije arhitekture sistema za vrednovanje korišćeni su CASE alati koji su bazirani na objektno-orijentisanoj metodologiji (UML 2.0). Za implementaciju proširenja CERIF modela u CRIS UNS sistemu korišćena je Java platforma i tehnologije koji olakšavaju kreiranje veb aplikacija kao što su AJAX, RichFaces, JSF itd. Pored navedene opšte metodologije za razvoj softverskih sistema korišćeni su primeri dobre prakse u razvoju informacionih sistema. To se pre svega odnosi na principe korišćene u razvoju institucionalnih repozitorijuma, bibliotečkih informacionih sistema, informacionih sistema naučno-istraživačke delatnosti, CRIS sistema, sistema koji omogućuju evaluaciju podataka itd.<br />Ekspertski sistem koji bi podržao automatizaciju procesa evaluacije po različitim pravilnicima odabran je na osnovu analize postojećih rešenja za sisteme bazirane na pravilima i pregleda naučne literature.<br />Rezultati – Analizom nacionalnih pravilnika i smernica dobijen je skup podataka na osnovu kojeg je moguće evaluirati publikovane rezultate po odabranim pravilnicima.<br />Razvijen je model podataka kojim se predstavljaju svi podaci koji učestvuju u procesu evaluacije i koji je kompatibilan sa CERIF modelom podataka.<br />Predloženi model je moguće implementirati u CERIF kompatibilnim CRIS sistemima, što je potvrđeno implementacijom informacionog sistema za vrednovanje publikovanih naučno-istraživačkih rezultata u okviru CRIS UNS.<br />Ekspertski sistem baziran na pravilima može biti iskorišćen za potrebe automatizacije procesa evaluacije, što je potvrđeno predstavom i implementacijom SRB pravilnika u Jess sistemu baziranom na pravilima.<br />Praktična primena –Zaključci proizašli iz analize pravilnika (npr. poređenje sistema i definisanje metapodataka za vrednovanje) se mogu primeniti pri definisanju modela podataka za CERIF sisteme i za sisteme koji nisu CERIF orijentisani.<br />Sistem za podršku vrednovanju publikovanih naučno-istraživačkih rezultata je implementiran kao deo CRIS UNS sistema koji se koristi na Univerzitetu u Novom Sadu čime je obezbeđeno vrednovanje publikovanih naučno-istraživačkih rezultata za različite potrebe (npr. promocije u naučna i istraživačka zvanja, dodele nagrada i materijalnih sredstava, finansiranje projekata, itd.), po različitim pravilnicima i komisijama.<br />Vrednost – Dati su metapodaci na osnovu kojih se vrši vrednovanje publikovanih rezultat istraživanja po raznim nacionalnim pravilnicima i smernicama. Dat je model podataka i proširenje CERIF modela podataka kojim se podržava vrednovanje rezultata istraživanja u CRIS sistemima. Posebna prednost pomenutih modela je nezavisnost istih od implementacije sistema za vrednovanje rezultata istraživanja. Primena predloženog proširenje CERIF modela u CRIS sistemima praktično je pokazana u CRIS sistemu Univerziteta u Novom Sadu. Sistem za vrednovanje koji se bazira na proširenju CERIF modela pruža i potencijalnu interoperabilnost sa sistemima koji CERIF model podržavaju. Implementacijom informacionog sistema za vrednovanje, vrednovanje naučnih publikacija je postalo olakšano i transparentnije. Potvrda koncepata da se ekspertski sistemi bazirani na pravilima mogu koristiti za automatizaciju vrednovanja, otvara totalno novi okvir za implementaciju informacionih sistema za podršku vrednovanja postignutih rezultata istraživanja.</p> / <p>Aim – The first aim of the research was creation of data model and implementation of information system based on the proposed model for the purpose of evaluation of published research outputs. The model is applied in CRIS information system to support the system for evaluation.<br />The second objective was determination of the manner and extent in which the evaluation process that is based on different rules and different rulebooks could be automated.<br />Methodology - In order to define the extension of the CERIF model, it was necessary to identify the various aspects of data which is relevant in evaluation of scientific research publications. Therefore, documents representing different national regulations, frameworks and guidelines for evaluations were selected and analyzed.<br />For the modeling of the system architecture, CASE tools were used, which are based on object-oriented methodology (UML 2.0). To implement the extension of the CERIF model within the CRIS UNS system, JAVA platform and technologies that facilitate creation of web applications such as AXAJ and RichFaces were used. In addition to this general methodology for development of software systems, best practice examples from the information systems development are also used. This primary refers to the principles used in development of institutional repositories, library information systems, information systems of the scientific-research domain, CRIS systems, systems that enable evaluation of data, etc.<br />The expert system that supports automation of the evaluation process by different rulebooks was selected based on analysis of the existing solutions for rule based systems and examination of scientific literature.<br />Results - By analysis of the national rulebooks and guidelines, a pool of data was gathered, which served as a basis for evaluation of published results by any analyzed rulebook.<br />A data model was developed, by which all data involved in the evaluation process can be represented. The proposed model is CERIF compatible.<br />The proposed model can be implemented in CERIF compatible CRIS systems, which was confirmed by the implementation of an information system for evaluation of published scientific research results in CRIS UNS.<br />An expert system based on rules can be used for the needs of automation of the evaluation process, which was confirmed by the presentation and implementation of the Serbian Rulebook by Jess.<br />Practical application - The conclusions raised from the analysis of rulebooks (e.g. Comparison of systems and defining metadata for evaluation) can be applied in defining the data model for CERIF systems and for systems that are not CERIF oriented.<br />The system for support of evaluation of published scientific research results was implemented as part of the CRIS UNS system used at the University of Novi Sad, thus providing evaluation of published scientific research results for different purposes (e.g. promotion in scientific and research titles, assignment of awards and material resources, financing of projects, etc.), according to different rulebooks and commissions.<br />Value – Metadata is provided on which basis the evaluation of published research results by various national rulebooks and guidelines is conducted. A data model and an expansion of the CERIF data model that supports the evaluation of the research results within CRIS systems are given. A special advantage of these models is their independence of the implementation of the system for evaluation of research results. The application of the proposed extension of the CERIF model into CRIS systems practically is demonstrated in the CRIS system of the University of Novi Sad. The system that implements an expansion of the CERIF model provides a potential interoperability with systems that support CERIF model. After the implementation of the information system for evaluation, the evaluation of scientific publications becomes easier and more transparent. A confirmation of the concept that the expert systems based on rules can be used in automation of the evaluation process opens a whole new framework for implementation of information systems for evaluation.</p>
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