Spelling suggestions: "subject:"rusko"" "subject:"russe""
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Kalmyci a Rusko / Kalmyks and RussiaLachman, Karel January 2015 (has links)
The presented paper is supposed to be an overviewing study covering the historical development of social formations built up on Kalmyk ethnic background and its relations with Russian state. Taking into consideration, that both Russian state and the Kalmyk ethnic group have undergone significant modifications during its historical development, the paper mainly recourses to diachronic analysis of the topic. Simultaneously with the diachronic approach is also applied the synchronic one, primarily with respect to the strategies of legitimization justifying the participation of the Kalmyk Republic in the Russian Federation. From the methodological viewpoint, the paper is based on short-time stay in Kalmykia, interviews with Kalmyks residing in Prague and Russian bibliography.
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Transformační procesy v Ruské federaci a jejich vliv na podnikatelské prostředí - nové možnosti pro české exportéry / Tranformation of Russian Federation and its impact on corporate environment - new oportunities for Czech exporters.Samsonyan, Hakob January 2004 (has links)
The Russian market represents big opportunities for Czech exporters in the near and distant future. Czech companies have gained a lot of comparative advantages in the past periode: language simillarities, trade connections, cooperation of producing companies, good knowledge of local regional specifities etc. There are large scale of opportunities in traditional and new industry, glass and wooden industry, petrol and gas companies. It is necessary to know specific conditions and risks of the Russian market. To be competitive it requests not only to export but to account with capital participation. Objectives and Hypothesis of the dissertation: Basic goals: Analysis of the business climate in Russia as the result of the transformation process from centrally directed to market system and democracy. Evaluation of changes in the competitive position of Czech exporters and investors on Russian market. There are various measures and tools of the improvement of the competitiveness of Czech exports on the Russian market. As the member of the EU the Czech republic participates on all trade agreements valid in the trade relations between EU and Russia, first of all it is Partnership and Cooperation Agreement inclusive MFN regime (the Most Favoured Nation Clause). Czech exporters have a lot of strong points in the return to Russian market. There are also certain weaknesses, a lot of opportunities but also threatens. The Czech institutions which provide effective and complex credit and insurance support for Czech exporters are: Czech Export Bank and Export Guarantee and Insurance Company.
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Současná zahraniční politika vlády velké koalice Spolkové republiky NěmeckoKotyzová, Hana January 2007 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá současnou zahraniční politikou vlády velké koalice Spolkové republiky Německo. Stručně charakterizuje vývoj německé zahraniční politiky od sjednocení Německa. Pojednává o postavení Německa v Evropě se zaměřením na hlavní cíle německého předsednictví v Evropské unii. Dále se věnuje německo-ruským a německo-polským vztahům. Poslední kapitola popisuje vývoj transatlantických vztahů včetně charakterisktiky jejich současného stavu.
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Význam mobilního telefonu v životě mladých Rusů / Importance of a mobile telephone in a life of young RussiansFaiklová, Iva January 2007 (has links)
Mobilní komunikace se stala nezbytnou součástí života a pro mnohé se stal mobilní telefon součástí životního stylu. Pro mobilní operátory je to zase velmi lukrativní obchod. Ruský trh je specifický nejen svojí obrovskou rozlohou, ale také možnostmi, které v případě úspěšně zvládnutého vstupu představuje. Trh s 142,8 mil. obyvatel je zároveň i pomyslnou vstupní bránou na trhy mobilních operátorů v celém SNS, a to je opravdu neodolatelná výzva. Chtějí-li případní zájemci z řad zahraničních společností, ale i ti, kteří jsou na ruském trhu již mnoho let, nabídnout správné služby, které zákazníci opravdu uvítají, musí je dobře znát. A aby své potenciální i stávající klienty mohli mobilní operátoři pochopit, musí vědět, co jejich klienti chtějí. Právě analýza těchto potřeb, zvyků, požadavků a očekávání klientů mobilních operátorů je cílem této diplomové práce.
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Ruské menšiny v Lotyšsku a Estonsku a pobaltsky nacionalizmus / Russian minorities in Latvia and Estonia and the Baltic nationalismDzurák, Ivan January 2009 (has links)
The thesis focuses on inter-ethnic relations in Latvia and Estonia. The aim of this paper is to analyze the position of members of Russian speaking minorities in social and political landscapes of the two Baltic countries. First chapter is devoted to the settlement evolution of Russian speaking population in Latvia and Estonia. Second part of the thesis provides a comparison of current Latvian and Estonian legal regulations related to citizenship, state language and protection of the rights of members of ethnic minorities. Last chapter analyzes the conditions of origin and spread of nationalism in Latvia and Estonia and the activity of nationalist subjects in the Latvian and Estonian political systems.
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Podnikání v Rusku: právní a obchodně kulturní podmínky / Business in Russia: legal and business culture environmentAndrusova, Marina January 2010 (has links)
The thesis discusses the fundamental differences between the legal systems of Russia and Czech Republic, the legal forms of business and process of establishing companies in Russia. The work also deals with the characteristics of the legal consciousness of Russians and Russian mentality traits that affect business communications. There are discussed not only the basic cultural dimensions but also the latest trends in the development of Russian business culture. The key to a successful business in Russia is willingness to solve problems, not only through formal (e.g. law enforcement), but also informal way - through personal relationships. In comparison with the Czech character the Russian one is distinguished by greater openness and emotionality, including readiness to open conflict, and greater interpenetration of personal and professional relationships. Establishment of a company in Russia is much simpler and cheaper than in Czech Republic.
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Snahy o formování občanské společnosti v Ruském impériu na přelomu 18. a 19. století. / Efforts for the formation of the civil society in the Russian Empire at the turn of the 18. and 19. century.Hrebiková, Anežka January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is the analysis of russian educated society - the intelligentsia without difference in the origin - in the period when gained its own identity, delimited its ideological grounds and imperatives and had fragmentary tendentions to create the civil society. By institutionals and individuals examples from noble- and raznochintsy intelligentsia is analyzed at the first private and then public socializing. It is related to describe of the creation of beginnigs of the public space and related public opinion. The thesis is therefore concerned with particulars social platforms, in which russian intelligentsia was engaged at that time, especially masonic lodges, salons and clubs. The result of thesis should be the analysis of the development of the educated russian society in the time before Decembrists uprising, the analysis of intellectual potential of this society, its mental emancipation and its diverse activities. The thesis draw from unpublished archival sources, editions and from the latest specialized literature. Methodologicaly, the thesis is based on concepts of social, cultural and intellectual history on background of biographical method and with marginal use of concepts of history of mentalities and gender history. Key words The Russian Empire, intelligentsia, civil...
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Živnostenské podnikáníProtsenko, Yanina January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Dopad ukrajinské krize na německou ekonomiku a německo-ruské vztahy / Influence of ukrainian crisis on german economy and german russian relationsSkalická, Veronika January 2017 (has links)
The subject of my thesis is the impact of the Ukrainian crisis on German Russian relations and the German economy. Experts say that the deterioration of trade relations between the European Union and Russia caused by the Ukrainian crisis will also affect the economies of individual European countries. The deterioration in trade relations were caused by sanctions imposed in response to the crisis in Ukraine. The degree of impact of the Ukrainian crisis on a given country is directly proportional to the countrys interconnection with the Russia. Before the Ukrainian crisis began, Germany was Russias most active trading partner from the European Union. Germany also plays a significant role in the Ukrainian crisis, as a negotiator between the European Union and Russia. The influence of the Ukrainian crisis on the German economy is defined by the development of Germanys economic relations with Russia an important trading partner to Germany. Two economic indicators were used to assess the relationship: German-Russian commodity trading and German foreign direct investment in the Russian market. The development of trade between Germany and Russia was also analyzed within the individual economic sectors targeted by the sanctions. The impact of the Ukrainian crisis on the German economy was further assessed by the development of Germanys trade relati-ons with Ukraine and Belarus. The results of the analysis of economic indicators, which are in line with the information provided in expert sources, confirmed the negative impact of the Ukrainian crisis on German-Russian relations and the German economy. The negative impacts of the Ukrainian crisis on the German economy manifest in the form of financial losses caused by the decline in German exports to Russia and the poor economic situation of German investors in the Russian market. Due to the sanctions, some long-term projects between Germany and Russia were canceled, German companies operating in the Russian market experienced declining revenues, and these companies were forced to lay off workers.
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Řečové charakteristiky Haškova Švejka v ruských překladech se zaměřením na rovinu humoru a satiry / Speech characteristics of Hašek's Švejk in Russian translations with a special focus on humour and satireKriger, Iuliia January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with speech characteristics of Hašek Švejk and translations of the novel into Russian, focusing on humor and satire. The aim of the thesis is to analyze, compare and critically evaluate Russian translations of Jaroslav Hašek's novel The Good Soldier Švejk, and especially the canonized translation of Pyotr Bogatyryov with a Czech original novel focusing on humor and satire. In addition to the translation of Bogatyryov, the thesis will also focus on the translations of Mikhail Skachkov and the latest translation of V. Lavrova and A. Fyodorov. The theoretical part is dedicated to the biographies of translators, Hašek's author style and speech characteristics of the main character of the novel. In the practical part, the thesis focuses on the analysis of translations of the excerpts containing humoristic elements. Based on the results of the analysis, in the conclusion part of the thesis we described translation tendencies of individual translators. Key words Jaroslav Hašek, Švejk, speech characteristics, humor, satire, Pyotr Bogatyryov, Mikhail Skachkov, translatological analysis, V. Lavrova, A. Fyodorov
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