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Charakterisierung und Applikation self-assembly-fähiger Moleküle auf oxidischen OberflächenBusch, Gernot 23 April 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Moderne Methoden der Oberflächenbehandlung können Oberflächen mit besonderen Eigenschaften versehen. Diese Eigenschaften werden zunehmend durch ultradünne Schichten mit Schichtdicken von einigen Nanometern erzeugt, da mit minimalem Materialaufwand definierte Resultate erreichbar sind. Die meisten Metalle überziehen sich mit einer Oxidschicht, deren Eigenschaften von den herrschenden Umgebungsbedingungen bestimmt werden. Diese Oxidschicht bildet die Oberfläche des Festkörpers, und weist andere Eigenschaften auf als der Festkörper selbst. Darüber hinaus beeinflussen die Rauhigkeit sowie eventuell vorliegende Legierungsbestandteile die Oberflächenbeschaffenheit. Besonders geeignet zum Erzeugen ultradünner oder monomolekularer Schichten ist der Prozess der Selbstorganisation, bei dem man sich zu Nutze macht, dass oberflächenaktive Moleküle mit sich selbst und einem Substrat in Wechselwirkung treten können. Zum Verständnis der ablaufenden Vorgänge ist die Kenntnis der Prozesskinetik sowie die Charakterisierung der Substratoberfläche vor und nach der Adsorption erforderlich. Die Größenverhältnisse zwischen den adsorbierten Molekülen und der Rauheit der Oberfläche erschweren die Charakterisierung der vorliegenden Ordnung und Orientierung der erzeugten dünnen Schichten. In dieser Arbeit sind Untersuchung des Schichtbildungsverhaltens und die Charakterisierung der erzeugten Schichten aus Phosphon- und Phosphorsäurederivaten in Abhängigkeit verschiedener Eigenschaften der Substratoberflächen vorgenommen worden. Dabei kamen oberflächensensitive Methoden wie AFM, REM, SPR und XPS zum Einsatz. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich die untersuchten Moleküle wie erwartet auf den Oberflächen orientieren und dabei einen Bedeckungsgrad von etwa 60% erreichen. Der Einfluss von unterschiedlichen Vorbehandlungsmethoden konnte ebenso charakterisiert werden.
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Study of the phase behavior of poly(n-alkyl methacrylate-b-methyl methacrylate) diblock copolymers and its influence on the wettability of polymer surfacesKeska, Renata 27 January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis detailed investigations of the phase behavior of poly(n-alkyl methacrylate-b-methyl methacrylate) diblock copolymers and its influence on the wettability of the polymer surfaces were carried out. For this investigation two polymethacrylic systems differing only in the alkyl rest of one block: poly(pentyl methacrylate-b-methyl methacrylate) and poly(propyl methacrylate-b-methyl methacrylate) have been chosen in order to prove how this substituent affects the phase behavior of whole system. The PnAlkMA-b-PMMA diblock copolymers in a wide range of molar masses, and with varied block length ratios were synthesized by living anionic polymerization. The syntheses were carried out in tetrahydrofuran (THF), at –78 °C, by using sec-buthyllithium as initiator, in the presence of lithium chloride (LiCl). Under these conditions highly syndiotactic products, rr ~ 0.82, with very narrow molar mass distribution, Mw/Mn ~ 1.1, were obtained. The phase behavior of PnAlkMA-b-PMMA diblock copolymers in bulk was investigated by means of DSC and SAXS measurements. The DSC analysis revealed that the PPMA-b-PMMA with weight fractions of PPMA, fPPMA, from 0.28 up to 0.86 showed two separate Tg’s, indicative of a phase separated system. However, by comparing the Tg’s of the diblock copolymers with the Tg’s of the corresponding homopolymers we found that in a few cases, mostly for samples with the high molar masses, they were slightly shifted. This finding pointed out the existence of two mixed phases, and hence partial miscibility between the both blocks was assumed. The SAXS patterns reflected for most diblock copolymers lamellae morphologies even in the case of very asymmetric composition, for instance with volume fraction of PPMA, 0.86 It was assumed that this behavior is caused by the chemical similarity of both blocks as well as by the differences in their molar volumes. The SAXS findings were further confirmed by the AFM measurements on the cutted “bulk” samples. From the solubility concept of Van Krevelen we obtained that the interaction parameter of PPMA-b-PMMA is rather low, 0.065, compared to the other well-known diblock copolymers. The calculated spinodals are characterized by a high asymmetry. The investigation of the phase behavior of PPMA-b-PMMA in thin films showed that the morphology as well as the topography of the thin films were strongly affected by the film thickness, when the films were prepared from a non-selective solvent (THF) onto silicon wafers. Well-recognizable nanostructures with long-range order were mainly found in thin films of diblock copolymers with high molar masses, above 100,000 g/mol, and with a high amount of PPMA. The lateral domain spacing obtained for these films from AFM corresponded well with that found in bulk. The study of the influence of the thermal as well as vapor annealing on the morphology and topography of the thin films provided additional information about the phase behavior of PPMA-b-PMMA diblock copolymers in thin films. Finally, the wettability of the investigated PPMA-b-PMMA surfaces was established by means of contact angle measurements. The measured contact angles were in most cases even on nicely nanostructured surfaces very similar to the contact angle of PPMA, indicating preferential segregation of PPMA to the film surface. Additional XPS measurements also showed an enrichment of the PPMA at the surface, independent of the morphology observed by AFM, and thereby confirmed the ADSA finding. In the next part of this work, investigations of the phase behavior of PPrMA-b-PMMA diblock copolymers were presented. In the contrary to the previous system the PPrMA-b-PMMA showed mostly a single Tg, which was further found to be depend on the weight fraction of PPrMA, fPPrMA. The SAXS data revealed that the PPrMA-b-PMMA diblock copolymers were phase separated in bulk, however the obtained scattering patterns exhibited mostly broad, not-well discernible higher-order peaks. Nevertheless, it was possible to identify the formed morphologies and depending on the volume fraction of PPrMA, hexagonally packed cylinders and lamellae were detected. The PPrMA-b-PMMA is characterized by a significantly lower value of the interaction parameter, 0.022, than the PPMA-b-PMMA system. This difference clearly reflects the weakening of the interactions between the components with decrease of the length of the alkyl side chain. The thin films of PPrMA-b-PMMA diblock copolymers appeared mostly smooth and featureless, independent of the film thickness. From the contact angle and XPS measurements we obtained, that unlike the PPMA-b-PMMA, both components were always present on the top of the surface. / In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Untersuchungen zum Entmischungsverhalten von Poly(n-alkylmethacrylat-b-methylmethacrylat) Diblockcopolymeren und deren Einfluss auf die Benetzbarkeit der Polymeroberflächen dargestellt. Diese Untersuchungen wurden anhand der Poly(pentylmethacrylat-b-methylmethacrylat) und Poly(propylmethacrylat-b-methylmethacrylat) durchgeführt. Die Diblockcopolymere in einem weiten Molmassenbereich, mit enger Molmassenverteilung, abgestuften Zusammensetzung wurden erfolgreich mittels anionischer Polymerization synthetisiert. Die Synthese erfolgte in THF bei (-78 °C) in Gegenwart von Lithiumchlorid. Als Initiator wurde sec. Butyllithium genutzt. Das Phasenverhalten der Diblockcopolymere im Festkörper wurde mittels DSC und SAXS untersucht. Für die meiste PPMA-b-PMMA Diblockcopolymere wurden mittels DSC zwei getrennte Tg gefunden, die aber im Vergleich zu den Tg von den entsprechenden Homopolymeren leicht verschoben waren. Es wurde also eine partielle Mischbarkeit der Blöcke festgestellt. Mittels SAXS-Untersuchungen wurde für die Mehrzahl der Diblckcopolymere in einem weiten Zusammensetzungsbereich bis zum 0.86 Volumenanteil von PPMA, eine lamellare Anordnung beobachten. Diese Befunde wurden nachfolgend mit AFM–Untersuchungen an dünnen Polymerfolien bestätigt. Das mit der Mean-Filed-Methode berechnete Phasendiagramm zeigte eine Asymmetrie, die durch die Unterschiede in den molaren Volumina des Blöckes verursacht war. Es wurde aber eine gute Übereinstimmung mit der experimentell erhaltenen Daten gefunden. Der berechnete für das System Wechselwirkungsparameter beträgt 0,065. Die AFM-Untersuchungen zum Entmischungsverhalten in dünnen Filmen haben gezeigt, dass die Topographie als auch Morphologie des Films war von der Filmdicke beeinflusst. Die Polymerfilme wurden mittels dipcoating der Si-Wafer präpariert. Dazu wurden Polymerlösungen in THF verwendet. Reguläre Nanostrukturen, deren Abstände mit dem im Festkörper gefundenen sehr gut übereinstimmten, wurden bei den Proben mit höherem Anteil von PPMA erhalten. Es wurden auch der Einfluss der Temperatur und der Dampfbehandlung auf die Morphologie und Topographie des Films untersucht. Die Benetzbarkeit der untersuchte PPMA-b-PMMA Filme wurde mit der Kontaktwinkelmessungen (ADSA) bestimmt. Als Messflüssigkeit wurde Milipore Wasser genutzt. Für die Mehrzahl der Diblockcopolymere wurden Kontaktwinkel im Bereich um 95° ermitteln, unabhängig von der Zusammensetzung der Diblockcopolymere und der vorhandenen Nanostruktur. Dies entspricht dem Kontaktwinkel von PPMA Homopolymer. Die Benetzbarkeit der PPMA-b-PMMA Filme wurde also durch die Oberflächensegregation des Niedrigenergieblocks (PPMA) bestimmt. Dies wurde danach durch zusätzliche XPS Messungen bestätigt. Im Vergleich zu PPMA-b-PMMA, die nachfolgend untersuchte PPrMA-b-PMMA Diblockcopolymere wiesen eine höhere Tendenz zur Mischbarkeit auf. Anhand der DSC–Untersuchungen wurde hier vorübergehend eine Misch-Tg gefunden. Nur bei der Probe mit symmetrischer Zusammensetzung wurden zwei getrennte Tg beobachtet. Die Streukurven von diesem System waren sehr schwach ausgeprägt. Dadurch die Indizierung der vorhandenen Morphologien war nicht eindeutlich. Der berechnete Wechselwirkungsparameter beträgt 0,022. Bei den AFM-Untersuchungen zum Entmischungsverhalten in dünnen PPrMA-b-PMMA Filmen wurden entweder keine oder sehr schwach geordnete Nanostruktur gefunden. Im Gegensatz zu dem vorherigen System, die Benetzbarkeit der PPrMA-b-PMMA Filme war durch die Zusammensetzung der Diblockcopolymere bedingt.
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Suzuki and Kumada Surface Initiated Polycondensations: Novel Engineering Route to Conjugated Polymer SystemsBoyko, Kseniya 18 May 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In the field of electronic organic materials, conjugated polymers (CPs) have attracted much attention in recent years. It has been well-established that
performances of thin-film devices based on π-conjugated polymers, such as light-emitting diodes, field-effect transistors and photovoltaic cells, are strongly dependent on the organisation of the polymer molecules and their interactions with other constituents in multicomponent devices. The use of CPs in integrated circuits, solar cells, light-emitting diodes or sensors often requires their covalent fixation and patterning on various surfaces. CPs can be grafted to functionalized surfaces by (electro)chemical cross-linking; however, it is difficult to control a structural order within the cross-linked films. The attachment of CP chains to substrates by their end-points to form polymer brushes would be an interesting alternative, and could possibly be crucial for many devices requiring charge injection and charge transport processes.
The main aim of this work, which was the synthesis of covalently grafted conjugated polymer brushes on solid substrates using a "grafting from" approach, was successfully performed.
During the course of this work, the process of surface-initiated polycondensation was investigated. The newly developed method to selectively graft conjugated polymers from different substrates such as Si-wafers, quartz slides or modificated nanoparticles allowed us to produce different architectures which were earlier possible to prepare only non-conductive polymers. Exposure of the substrate with an activated surface layer into the monomer solution produced polymer brushes in a very economical way. Since only monomer was consumed for grafting from the surface.
The grafting process was extensively investigated by different methods, and the thickness of the obtained poly(fluorene) films was elucidated by Null-ellipsometry and confirmed by the AFM scratch-test. Preliminary characteristics of the device, based on PS(Br)-core poly(octylfluorene)-shell nanoparticles, showed satisfactory results (such as turn-on voltage and electroluminescence in a blue region). They could be improved by replacement of the insulating PS(Br)-core of nanoparticles with other substances (semiconductive, etc.). There is still plenty of room for further
development and improvement of the synthesis of poly(fluorene)-based polymer brushes.
The polymer structures developed in this work can be utilized as an active layer in lab-on-chip devices. Alkyl groups in the 9th position of the poly(fluorene) monomer unit can be replaced by tailored receptors to detect specific species including small molecules, metal ions and biomolecules due to enhanced sensitivity through sensory signal amplification. Post-polymerization modifications may lead to highly water-swellable conjugated polyelectrolyte brushes. Also, polymerization of initially optically active fluorene-monomers may be the crucial step to the generation of a light source devices with a large degree of circularly polarized electroluminescence. This is of great interest for utilization as backlight for liquid crystalline displays. We believe that the utilization of covalently surface-immobilized conjugated polymers may have a great impact on the development of present-day technological processes.
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Theoretical description of water splitting on TiO2 and combined Mo2C-graphene based materialsRodríguez Hernández, Fermín 22 August 2017 (has links) (PDF)
The electrocatalytic water decomposition has been investigated in this thesis by means of its two half standard reactions: the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) and the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). These reactions occur in different locations in a typical electrochemical cell: the anode and the cathode, respectively. Motivated by the lack of understanding about the reaction mechanisms occurring at the anodes and cathodes, we have proposed first: novel representations of typical TiO2 surfaces, based on small cluster systems, which can be used for a quick and more detailed assessment of the OER activities at modified TiO2 surfaces, and secondly we investigated the HER in two sets of model surfaces which represent recently synthesized materials, based on Mo2C and graphene with promising activities toward the HER. We have employed Density Functional Theory (DFT) based methods within both localized and extended basis sets, as implemented in GAMESS and VASP packages, respectively, to examine the structural, electronic and vibrational properties of the proposed models.
We propose new reaction mechanisms for the OER on a number of molecular representations of TiO2 electrodes. For each reaction pathway, the free energy profile is computed, at different biases, from the DFT energies, the entropic and the zero-point energy contributions. The mechanisms explored in this thesis are found to be energetically more feasible than alternative reaction pathways considered in previous theoretical works based on molecular representations of the TiO2 surfaces. The representation of the surface of specific, commonly occurring, titanium dioxide crystals (e.g., rutile and anatase) within the small cluster approximation is able to reproduce qualitatively the rutile (110) outperforming of the anatase (001) surface.
We subsequently investigate the influence of doping TiO2 surfaces with transition metals (TMs) on the performance of TiO2 -based electrodes for the water splitting electrochemical reaction. Two cluster models of the TM-doped active sites which resemble both the TiO2 anatase (001) and rutile (110) surfaces, respectively, are considered for the evaluation of the water decomposition reaction when a Ti is replaced by a TM atom. A set of TMs spanning from Vanadium to Nickel is considered. The late TMs explored here: Fe, Co and Ni are found to reproduce the observed experimental trends for the overpotentials in TiO2-doped electrodes. In the case of Cr and Mn, the present study predicts an enhancement of the OER activity for the anatase-like clusters while a reduction of this activity is found for the rutile-like ones. The vanadium-doped structures do not show relevant influence in the OER activity compared to pure TiO2-based cluster models.
The last part of this work is devoted to the theoretical study of the HER on recently found materials based on the synergistic combination of molybdenum carbide and graphene layers. We propose two major structural models to describe the HER mechanism within the framework of DFT: Mo2C-based clusters adsorbed on carbon nanosheets and the Mo2C (001) surface covered by pure and nitrogen-doped graphene layers. The former system evaluates the influence of Mo2C nanoparticles adsorbed on carbon nanosheets towards the HER. The second one is employed to gain insight about the high HER activity observed in molybdenum carbide anchored on nitrogen-doped porous carbon nanosheets (Mo2C@2D-NPC), recently synthesized. The H-adsorption free energy has been used as a principal descriptor to asses the HER activity at the proposed model active sites. It resembles the value for the best state of the art catalyst for the HER (i.e., platinum at carbon substrate Pt@C) in some of the proposed structural models. Furthermore, a pH-correction is added within a simplified model, to the H-adsorption free energy barrier in every proposed structure. The pH dependence of the H-adsorption free energy barriers allows the assessment of the HER at acidic and alkaline conditions simultaneously. An overall agreement with experimental results is found and further predictions, promoting the development of better HER catalysts, have been done.
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